Paige and Hunk

Hay my Voltron lovers. like i promised there would be some Paige and Hunk stores for you in this chapter of this lovely book. so enjoy and i still need votes to continue.

'We my dadis a friend of Shiro Keith brother and I wanted to come here to theUS but my dad said that I had to live with some one and he calledShiro and asked his for the favor he owed him. Then I came her and Istarted to live with Keith and Shiro. The day I got there Keithwasn't happy but he dealt with it. We went to school and Lotor thebully hurt Keith. Then we got to know each other and we went back toschool and I had to stay by his side no matter what because Shirotold me to. And I went to get lunch and girls started to pick on himand well they told me to stay away from him because he was gay andstuff that he would take advantage of me but then I kissed him toshow that I was going to be the one to do that if it did happen. Thenafter they left I took him to the bathroom and confessed to himbecause I had a crush on him since I had met him. And then we startedto date.'

'Cool! Soyou have kissed, have you had sex?' Lance's eye's widened and adeep red blush appeared on his face. Keith took the phone from his.

'Paige Iswear to god if you don't stop and shut the fuck up I'm going over toyour mothers and telling he that your talking like this and I meanit!'

'okay okayno need to get mean. Any ways I have to go back to work. See ya laterlover boy'

'...bye..' Keith ended the phone call and put his phone down.


Wellthat was fun. Back to work I guess. I walk down the hall to the mainroom. I walk in to see a tall guy was a yellow orange head bandholding his hair back. He looked to be around the same age as Keith.He was a big guy with dark tan skin. "Oh there you are Katie I wantto introduce you to our new mechanic . This is Hunk Garett.Hunk this is my daughter Katie Holt." Hunk walks over to me andholds out his hand to me.

"Its nice to met youKatie." he smiled and took his hand.

"Call me Paige. Its niceto met you to Hunk." he's cute! But I can't tell him that. I lookat my brother Matt. He was laughing at me because of the look in myeye's every one thinks we are twins but we just look alike. I walkover to him.

"Well some one has acrush." he whispered in my ear.

"Yes but shut up." hesnorted and looked away going back to his work. "Okay back towork."

NoOne's P.O.V

Oncework was done Paige goes by to here dads office. Once she got thereHunk was there talking to him. "Oh hay Hunk." she said walkinginto the room.

"hayPaige. How are you doing?" he had a sweet smile on his face.

"Good.Do you want to hang out some time?" She asked.

"yeahsure. Whens a good time for you? Maybe later today."

"YeahI'm good with that. Do you want to meet up at my house and we can gofrom there?" she said pulling out here phone.

"Yeah.That sounds good." Hunk got out his phone and they then exchangedphone numbers. Once that was done hunk walked out of the room andleft.

"Soundslike your making new friends. Anyways your going back to school withyour brother in about four and a half months. I want you to make themot of the rest of your time here work hard." Mr. Holt said. Shenods and runs off the Matt's car. They drove him.

"Sohave you gotten his phone number yet?" Matt asked while drivinghome.

Wellyes I have. And we are hanging out later today as well." She had abig smirk on her face.

"Wowthat was fast. And to easy. Do you think he might like you too?"

"Idon't know. But I hope so."


I need VOTES for this book to go on. if i can't get at least 18 votes i'm going to end the book after the flash back of how they met and everything is done. so please vote for the book if you think it should go on.

Okay so that's it see you later. Until Next Time My Dudes!!! BYE BYE!!!

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