No Sleep Yet

okay guys i got another update and i hope you enjoy. there will be a lot of fluff and some smut but i will tell you when i smut begins. so read until then and you can decide if you want to read the smut or not.

Finally we get home and Lance and Shiro help me into thewheel chair. The girl had gotten there first so she was waiting atthe door. We got inside and went our separate ways, well at least ina way. Me and Lance go to my room and Shiro and his girl friend whento the kitchen to cook.

3rd P.O.V

"Hay Allura can you pass me the tomatoes?" Shiroasked. "So how did your day go?"

"Well, it was another boring old day."

"Okay... what do you think the boys are doing.? Theywere acting strange when we were in the car. I hope nothing happenedagain." Shiro sighed. Allura walked over to him and hugged him fromthe behind

"It's going to be okay Shiro. They are just gettingback to school and they spent the whole day together so they probablywere just tired or something."

"Okay." Shiro kept on cooking. In Keith room therewas some awkward silence between the two of them. Keith was in hiswheel chair and Lance on the bed. They hadn't spook yet and neitherof then knew what to say. Then Lance got up and walked up in front ofKeith.

"So... do you want to kiss or something?.." Lancesaid with a blush creeping up to his face. Keith looked at him with astartled look on his face. But then nodded at the tan male. Lanceleaned down and picked but Keith. He walk over to the bed and setKeith down on the bed genitally. Lance went to close the door and walked to the bed and got onto the bed above of Keith. He put hishands on either side of Keith and started to kiss the small pale boy.With Keith not being able to use is legs almost at all it was hard todo much other then put his hands in the tan boys hair.

Lance bit down on Keith small slim lips asking toenter. Keith wanted to tease his new boy friend a little so he didn'topen up to his request. Lance smiled into the kiss and then put ahand up Keith shirt. His chest cold to the touch. Lance's warm handmoving to Keith nipple. As soon as Lace found his nipple Keith moaneda little and opened his mouth enough for Lance to slip in his tongue.The two boys fighting for dominance. Lance won and Keith gave in.they didn't want to have the moment go. It was like time was frozenjust for the two boys. Well that is until they heard a click and sawa flash. The boys stop and look at the two adults standing in frontof the door with their phone's taking pictures of the two boys."S-Shiro!" Keith looks at the man and woman with his facebecoming redder by the second.

"So this is why you two were acting strange in thecar. So how did all of this begin?" Shiro was holding back a laugh.Lance got off of Keith and sat at the edge of the bed. Keith pulledhim self to the back board of the bed and leaned against it.

"Well it all started when lunch started and I went toget our food. When I got back there were girls talking to Keithrudely and then they told me to stay away from him because he was gayand said that he might do something to me. So I asked them what if Iwas bi are gay and I was the one to do those things. So I turnedaround and kissed Keith and the girls ran away. Keith asked what thekiss meant and I took him to the bathroom and kissed him again andsaid that I have a crush on him since I saw him. So now we aretogether. We didn't tell you because we didn't want you to laugh orsomething." Lance was so bluntly truthful that it caught Shiro offguard. The two boys were blushing even more if it was humanlypossible.

"Thank you Lance for telling the truth. And thanksfor helping Keith with those girls. Come on lets get to dinner beforeit gets cold. You guys can go back to what you were doingafterwards." Shiro smiled at the way he had turned the boys wordsfrom before back onto them. Allura and Shiro left the room and Lancekissed Keith once more before putting him into the chair again. Theywent to the kitchen ans sat down. They ate with laughter and talk.Once they were done Shiro and Allura did the dishes letting the boysgo and watch TV in Keith room. Lance and Keith lay in the big bed andheld each other though out the whole movie. After the movie was overKeith was already asleep in Lance's arms. Keith had dark circlesaround his eyes. Lance tried to get up without waking Keith. ButKeith eyes opened and looked back at Lance who was almost off of thebed.

"Lance?" Keith said trying to turn around butinstead fell on the ground hitting the ground with a thud. "Ow."

"Are you okay?" Lance rushed over to Keith to helphim. "Sorry did I wake you?"

"No. I don't think so. And yeah I'm fine." Lancepicked Keith up but lost him balance and Keith landed on the bedunderneath Lance. Keith looked up to him and wanted to say somethingbut the tan boy beat him to his question. Lance leaned down andkissed Keith.

Okay People Here i go and try to do some smut. I'm not that good at doing this so i might not be able to do a lot of it. but ill try

The kiss was full of lust and want. Their tonguesentwined deepening the kiss. Lance picked up Keith and put him in amore comfortable position. Lance still on top of Keith took off Keithshirt and then his own.

"Is it alright if we..." Lance trailed off andlooked at Keith. He wanted him and Keith wanted Lance. Keith noddedand Lance kissed Keith again before rubbing his hand over Keith coldchest warming it up with his touch. "I love you."

"I love you too..." Keith was blushing and pantingafter the long kiss. Lance kissed Keith neck sucking a little andthen moved to his ear and nibbled on it. Keith jumped and put himhands in Lance's hair. Tugging at it a little making the tan malegrown. Lance looked at the raven haired boy's eyes. The blue grayeyes looking at the ocean colored eyes staring at him. "What next?"Keith teased Lance while pulling him by the pants loops. Lanceblushed but so kissed Keith again reaching his hand down to Keithsmall bulge. Making Keith jolt at the touch. Lance slowly kiss Keithand unzipped his pants.

"Is it okay?" Lance asked before moving on. Keithnodded letting out a moan at the attention.

"Let's... just touch... we don't had any...condoms..." Keith finally got the words out. His face was as red asa tomato. Lance nodded and pulled down Keith pants soon following hisown. The two boys were almost naked. They just had their boxers on.

Okay guys i just can't do it I'm horrible at doing the smut parts but i will keep writing you fluff and maybe one day i will do smut


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