Locked part 1

Sorry, but i think you guys are going to hate me after this but trust me it gets better. love you guys hope you are okay with this chapter.

Bythe time every one got home it was getting close to dinner. So Hunkwent to the kitchen to cook something good. Paige went to her room tomess around with rover 2.0. Ever since her other rover brook she wastrying to fix him and she finally managed to get the coding andstructure right. And Shiro went to find both Keith and Lance. He wentto the training room but didn't find then there. So he guessed thatthey would be in their rooms. Shiro walked over to Lance's room anddidn't find him there so he went to Keith room. He knocked but no oneanswered. He entered and saw both Keith and Lance in the bed holdingeach other his eyes widened. He then went over to the boys and had asmall smile on his face. Then something caught his eye. He lookeddown at the floor and picked up the pill bottle from before. "whatthe..." Shiro said with a whispered making sure not to wake the twoboys. All the bottle said was take one and nothing more. He lookedover at Lance and Keith. He then left the room to go look for Paige.Which he found in her room. "Hay Paige can you do me a favor?"she nodded a smile on her face. "Can you please try to find outwhat type of pills these are for me?"

"Yeahsure." she then got up and took the bottle. She then headed out ofher room and Shiro fallowed her to her lab. She then took one of thepills out of the bottle and put in a machine. It scanned the pill andPaige waled over to her computer to see the results. "What the..."Paige didn't finish her sentence and then look at the computer harderwith a confused look.

"Whatswrong Paige?" Shiro looked over her shoulder.

"Shiro,where did you get that pill from?" she asked pushing up herglasses.

"Ifound then on the ground in Keith's room. Why?" He stood straightand looked at her.

"Wellthis pill has... well... it has Galra blood in it." She look atShiro. And Shiro took running to Keith's room and opened the door.Paige was right behind him. Then Shiro walked over to the boys andshook them awake. Lance was the first to get up, Keith still outcooled.

"Oh...hay Shiro. Whats up?" Lance was still half asleep. And Keith didn'tmove an inch. Shiro shook Keith and then saw the spot of purple furon his neck. He jumped back.

"Lanceget away from that thing..." Lance looked confused. He turnedaround and looked at Keith and saw the purple. His eyes widened andlooked at Shiro.

"Shiro,its okay its Keith. He just... I mean his is.." Lance didn't knowhow to explain to Shiro. Keith sat up in his bed and saw thedisgusted look on Shiro. Keith grabbed his neck and felt the farstill there. Shiro grabbed Lance's arm and pulled him away from Keithand Keith backed up in fear to what would come next.

"Paigego get Hunk right now." Shiro said almost about yell. Paige ran tothe kitchen and grabbed Hunk. And they ran back. "Hunk get over herand hold on to Lance." He nodded and grabbed Lance from behind himwith a firm grip.

"WaitShiro what are you going to do! Hunk let me go!" lance tried tobreak free but failed. Shiro walked over to Keith and grabbed hisneck and through him on the ground. Keith it the floor with a thudhitting his head and spin on the cold hard ground. "Shiro stop!"Lance yelled at him. Keith tried to stand up but Shiro kicked himback down. There was tears coming from his eyes. Trying not to yellout. "SHIRO!!!!" Lance yelled out.

"Shutup Lance!" Shiro yelled back. "Paige get you bayard out and rapit around it."


"Justdo it!" she nodded and did as told "Now shock him." and thenKeith was shocked and passed out on the ground.

"Shirowhat are you doing? He's Keith!" Lance yelled.

"Lance!He is a Galra. He is not one of us!" Shiro yelled back at him witha sad look on his face. Shiro grabbed the bad of Keith shirt andstarted to drag him down the halls. Hunk still holding Lance fallowedShiro and the unconscious Keith dragged along. Lance still struggledto get out of the grip but it was useless Hunk was way to strong andbig. The team walked down to the lower part of the ship to find ajail like room. Paige walks over to Keith and unties him from thelong green lighted rope. Shiro then opens the cage and throws Keithin and locks the door and looks at Lance. "I'm sorry Lance but thisis just how this will be until we figure out what to do with it overthere." Shiro pointed hid thumb towards Keith.

"ButShiro, you can't do this he is still our Keith. Hes not a monster andhe fights with us the good guys." Lance was then let go of and hewalked over to Shiro. "You have to let him go!... What if Zarkoncomes and attacks us? Then what will we do? We will be helpless without him. We need him! We all do!" Lance yelled. Paige ran out ofthe room with Hunk following her. She went to her room and Hunk backto the kitchen. "If you are going to lock him up then I'm stayinghere until you let him go." Lance was furious and he meant everywork he said. Then Shiro grabbed his arm and started to pull him outof the room. "Stop it Shiro!"

"NoLance. You don't get it. We can't have him on this team any more. I'mnot going to hurt him but he is going to be sent to a planet far wayfrom earth and from us."

"NO!"they arrived at Lance's room and Shiro throw him in and locked thedoor. "Shiro let me out!" Lance yelled from the other side of thedoor. "SHIRO!" lance dropped to the ground and started to cry."This can't happen not to him... why?" he said in a smallwhisper.

Until next time my dudes!

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