Dream and Help

Ican't see anything around me. And where did that woman go? Then alight flickered in front of Keith. It looked like the a door wasopening and a bright light came. Then Keith looked at was wearing. Itwas a black skin tight suit with purple strips on it. Then Keithremembered where this place was.

Itwas one of the faster homes he had lived in when he was in 5thgrade. He lived with a mean and rude male named Zarkon. He had agirl friend named Haggar. She was nice to him, but sadly Zarkon wasnot. He would beat him for any wrong mistake. He would trow Keithinto the basement and keep him there for days without food or water.Once he forgot about Keith and he was down there for almost a weekwith a water bottle. Thank god that Haggar found him. After livingwith him for about half a year he was put back into the system again.He was not the first to beat Keith to near death.

Keithhad so many scares on his body that it was hard to count every singeone. For some reason every one thought that he didn't care and thathe was a putting bored. Keith was thin ans skinny. Him arms lookedlike they could have snapped in half. At least that was what helooked like when Shiro found him in the streets.

Aman walked into the room and looked at Keith. He had a smile on hisface. Keith tried to find the wall but the he fell into another darkabyss. He landed on to a cold floor. Why am I on the floor? Nowait this isn't a floor its a street. Where am I? Keith lookedaround to see that he was in front of Shiro's house. He was layingthere with scratches and deep cuts. He saw Shiro at the door with anangry look on his face he had a knife in his hand. Keith walked overto him and he let him in. he then grabbed Keith hands and put thembehind his back. He pushed him to the living room and trow him ontothe ground. Keith hit his head. "Shiro what are you doing?"Keith yelled with a throbbing head. Shiro didn't answer. He juststarted to cut a Keith stomach and chest. "AHHHHHH!" Keithyelled with tears in his face.

Dream Over


"KEITH!KEITH!" Keith could hear his name being called. It was Shiro but itwasn't the man in his dreams. Keith eye shot open. Shiro was standingright next to him trying to hold him down and walk him up. Keithcouldn't talk his sore was to sore from yelling. "Thank God thatyou are okay... you had a dream again didn't you?" Keith nodded andtears started to fall down his face. Shiro picked Keith up in hisarms and rocked him back and forth. They were in that position for awhile until they heard a voice ask a question

"Hay...Shiro, what just happened?" the tan boy was standing in the doorway with a feared and worried look on his face. Keith was stillcrying and tried to stop the tears. After about a minute he hadstopped crying but was still shaking form his dream. He was coveredin sweet and dried tears.

"Keithwhy don't you go take a shower and once you are done we can talk andget dinner." Shiro said helping the raven haired boy out of hisbed. Keith almost fell to the ground but Shiro caught him. "Keith..?"Shiro had a vary worried look on his face.

"I'mokay Shiro... I just feel a little dizzy." Keith said pullinghimself up. Well at least was trying.

"HayLance. Can you help Keith into the bath room and set him down somewhere? I'll grab his clothes and a towel." Lance nodded and walkedover to Keith. He put Keith arm around his neck and grabbed hiswaist. They walked to the bathroom and lance sat him down on the topof the toilet. Lance waited there for Shiro.

"ThanksLance..." Keith said in a small voice. Lance look over to Keith andhad a small smile on his face.

"Yeah,any time." Shiro walked in and put the cloths by the sink.

"Lance...I'm going help Keith out here so if you want to unpack or watch TV...umm." Shiro tried to not sound to pushy and embarrassing. Lance gotthe hint and walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.Lance went to his room and started to unpack all of his things. Shirohelped Keith and walked out of the room and into Lance's room."Thanks for not freaking out about Keith... this has happened tohim a lot in the past two years that we have been living together."

"Wait,hold on. Do you mean that you aren't his really brother or what everyou said you were to him?"

"Lance...I adopted him when he was in 7th grade. He was an orphanbefore that. Well mostly. He was in the system for most of his life."Shiro said sitting on Lance's bed.

Okay i finished just in time. see you next time my dudes! by by!

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