~The Rise of Voltron Part 2~
Shiro and Pidge arrive on the planet where the Green Lion was. Pidge was using a device Coran gave them to find the Lion. The two walked for a time through the jungle planet, when they came upon a stream and a canoe with a lion carved into its front.
Suddenly, a giant sloth like creature appeared next to them. The two yelp in shock, and Pidge scrambles onto Shiro's form, clinging to his shoulders.
"It's just a... whatever that thing is." Pidge says unsure. The sloth walks to the canoe, as Pidge climbs off of Shiro, and motion for them to come. "I, uh, I think he wants us to get in his canoe." Pidge says.
"Then I guess we should go." Shiro says and Pidge looks at him funny. "Hey, I've been locked up by aliens for a year. This is nothing." He says and walks over to the canoe, Pidge follows close behind. They climb into the boat and the sloth pushes them off shore and starts paddling down the stream. Strange creatures chirp at them as they pass by.
"I wonder if Hunk and the Princess are having as good as time as us." Pidge says, totally not jinxing them. (AN: Note the sarcasm)
~Alaina of Voltron~
Meanwhile with said people, Pidge jinxed them as they were flying for their life.
"Hang on!" Lana shouts as she engages the thrusters, trying to escape from the Galra chasing them. Hunk was officially panicking at this point. The alien Princess suddenly nose dives into the planet cannons planning to outmaneuver the ships.
"I thought Coran said these planets were peaceful!" Hunk yells. "Does "peaceful" mean something else in Altean?!" He asks, trying his best to hold back his vomit.
"No! It seems the Galra just beat us here. Hang on, it's not gonna be a smooth ride!" Lana answers then warns, and floors it. Hunk groans.
"Oh, man. I probably should have told you earlier, but I have a major case of motion sickness." He warned.
"Wait, earthlings can sick from moving?" Alaina asked surprised.
"Yeah, when I'm in a tight space that is moving around frantically, it makes me... makes me, puke!" He says, feeling like he's about to lose his lunch all over again. The lion growls.
"Don't you dare let him! I will not have him throwing up in my head again!" Blue growls to Lana.
"Okay, okay." She replies. "You're going to have to hold it for now. Stay strong." She says and maneuvers to a specific part of the canon, where a whole lot of galra forces were. Hunk groans and pulls out an item like Pidge has.
"According to the coordinates, we're right on top of the Yellow Lion." He informs. "It's below there, where they're mining for the ore. They don't even know the lion is down there." He adds as the screen zooms in on a certain cave. "Or maybe they just got here and are digging for the lion? What you think Lana?" He asks.
"No time! You need to go down now and get Yellow!" She replies. "I'm gonna have to drop you down there." She informs and prepares for another nose dive.
"What? Me? Down there? No. No, no, no... I can't do it!" Hunk panics.
"I know you can. Don't worry, I'll cover you." She says and nose dives.
"What if the Yellow Lion doesn't work? What if I can't get into the mine? What if I start crying? Oh, too late, I'm already crying!" Hunk rambles with flowing tears.
"Don't cry. You can make it, I believe in you. Now get going!" She says and drops Hunk onto the surface and covers him as he makes his way to the cave.
Hunk rushes into the caves, hoping on the lift that takes the Galra use to go down and hotwires it to work. The lift takes him down, as marking like the ones found on Earth, light up yellow as he descends. When the lift stops, Hunk immediately hops out and goes over to a lion carving, just as he feels the cavern rumbling.
"Okay, I'm in a giant hole. Now what Hunk?" He asks himself. Just then, a bunch of the carvings light up yellow, leading him somewhere. He reluctantly follows to a big yellow circle. He touches it and suddenly hears a roar in his very soul.
"Come my Paladin. I have been waiting for a long time." A strong female voice speaks in his mind.
"What? How am I supposed to through this?" He asks and looks around, humming in thought. He notices a machine with a giant drill on it. Bingo!
He gets into the machine and drills through the wall. Once gone, the lion was revealed. She was huge, yellow, of course, in color and surrounded by a yellow force field. Hunk hops out of the machine and walks up to the lion and touches the shield surrounding her. the shield drops and the lets out a mighty roar.
"My Paladin! You have finally arrived!" She says, sounding excited. The Lion lowers her head and Hunk quickly gets in.
Meanwhile back up on the surface, Alaina was having a hard time fighting off the Galra from the ground. She growls and takes off from the ground, charging at the fighters. Shooting them down and ripping them to shreds.
"After what you've done to my people and Altea, there is no mercy for you!" She shouts and activates a particularly large laser and blasts them. However, some manage to get passed her and shoot at the cave Hunk was in.
"No!" She shouts and chases after them, blasting them out of the sky. It was too late though, the fighters had launched missiles at the cave, destroying the entrance, while Alaina watched in utter horror. Just as the big guy was growing on her.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Meanwhile, with Pidge and Shiro on the jungle planet, still in the canoe.
"I know Allura said this is supposed to be my lion, but what if she's wrong? I mean, she's probably not wrong. She is a princess... but I'm not a pilot, even though I've always wanted to be a pilot. I mean, I've read all the fighter manuals, but never actually flown in the simulator." Pidge rambles. The sloth looks at Shiro, who just gives a shrug in response.
"But what if I get in there and it doesn't respond? What if I get in there and it's too big and my feet don't touch the pedals? What if there aren't even pedal?!" They shout that last part.
"You're rambling." Shiro cuts them off. "Listen... Our commander on the Kerberos mission, has to be the smartest man I ever met, and he always said; "If you get too worried about could go wrong, you might miss a chance to do something great"." He quotes and Pidge perks up, then gasps when they reach their destination.
It was like a temple, one you would find on earth almost. The alien sloth stops when they hit shore, Pidge and Shiro hop out of the canoe, waving to the sloth as they make their way to the temple. Markings in the ground lit up green, leading them to the temple.
"Go. Be great." Shiro told Pidge when they reached the temple steps. Pidge smiles and runs up the steps and temple. Then climbs up the vines covering the place, but when they make it to the top, there's nothing. Pidge looks around, but still sees nothing. Suddenly, they hear a soft growling and look down to see a yellow glow in the vines.
"You have come, my Paladin." A female voice says. Pudge understands and jumps down in between the vines. They land on the ground and before them was the Green Lion, her force field up then goes down. "I've only just met you, but I already like you." She says lowering her head and Pidge climbs in.
Shiro was waiting at the foot of the temple, when a loud growling and rumbling cases him to lose his balance. He looks up to see the Green Lion emerge from the vines and smiles.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Back on the Galra occupied planet, Alaina found herself cornered by their forces. It didn't look like she was going to make it out of here.
"It's over. I've failed." She says.
"Do not fret child. There is still hope." He lion tells her.
The galra launched missiles at her and she braced for impact, but it never came. Because the Yellow Lion emerges from the ground and jumps in front of her, shielding her from the attack.
"Lana? Are you alright?" Hunk asks as Yellow rises up.
"I am now, thanks to you. I am so glad you're okay, I was worried for you." Lana replies.
"Actually though, I was trying to avoid those things, but Yellow insisted. It seems what she lacks in speed, she makes up for in strength and armor." He says over the coms.
"Indeed, my armor is as thick as the rocks of earth itself." The Lion seemed to boast, but was quickly cut off as more fighters came and attacked. Just then, Allura appears on screen looking tired.
"Paladins, Alaina, please hurry back. I can't keep the wormholes open much longer." She says urgently.
"On our way!" Lana says to her sister and the coms cut. "Hunk, we gotta get out of here, now!" She says and the two start making their way through the Galra hordes and off the planet. They manage to make to and through the wormhole just as it closes. They land their lions and head into the castle meeting up with everyone else on the bridge.
"You made it. Thank the ancients." Allura said gratefully as Amue went to Alaina.
"Are you alright your Highness?! You look awful!" The pink-haired Altean asked the princess worriedly while frantically checking over her.
"I'm fine Amue, though barely. The Galra got to the planet, we were lucky, but luck will only get us so far." The Princess answers. "And again, you don't have to call highness, you can just call me Lana, like I've told you." She adds with a smile.
"Ohh... I'm lucky I didn't lose my lunch." Hunk groans with a hand on his mouth and stomach.
"Yeah, we had a tough time, too." Pidge says and winks at Shiro. Meanies.
"Did we find the Red Lion yet?" Shiro asks.
"Allura just located it. There's both good news and bad news." Coran answers. "The good news is, the Red Lion is nearby. The bad news it's onboard that Galra ship orbiting Arus." He reports. "But wait, good news again. We're Arus!" He announces rather cheerfully.
"They're here already?" Shiro asks urgently.
"Yes. Guess my calculations were a bit off. Finger counting is, uh, it's more of an art than a science." He says. Just then an image appears on screen, a transmission depicting a large purple furred creature, a Galra. With one flesh, fully yellow eye and one cybernetic eye.
"Princess Allura and Alaina, this is Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire. I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon, Lord of the Known Universe. I am here to confiscate the Lions of Voltron. Turn them over to me, or I will destroy this planet." He said with a cold and cruel tone that sent shivers down their spines, and ends his call.
"All right, let's no panic." Shiro says.
"Not panic? The-the scary purple alien guy is driving his battleship towards us." Hunk starts. "We only have four lions--"
"Technically, only three working lions." Pidge jumps in.
"That's right. Thank you, Pidge." The big guy says, patting the smaller's shoulder. "Three working lions and a castle that's, like, 10,000 years old." He added.
"Actually, it's 10,600 years old. You see, it was built by my grandfather--" Coran steps in.
"Thanks, Coran. Thank you for that." Hunk cuts the Altean man off. "See? Now is the perfect time to panic!" He exclaims.
"Wait! This castle has a particle barrier we can activate." Allura says.
"Are you sure? I mean, it hasn't been used in a long time, it might be rusty. You'll think it will hold up against them?" Alaina voices her thoughts.
"I'm afraid she's right. The particle barriers won't hold Sendak's ion cannon forever." Coran says. "The Galra's technology must have advanced since we've last fought them." He continues.
"It has been 10,000 years. It wouldn't surprise me." Amue added.
"Panic now?" Hunk asks.
"No. We've just got to figure out our plan of action, and figure it out quickly." Shiro states.
"We might to retreat through a wormhole, live to fight another day." Lana says.
"I second that. Yes. I mean, we tried to find all the lions, right?" Hunk agrees. "We gave it the old college try, couldn't do it. We only have three, we can't form Voltron. I mean, I guess we could form a snake, or a worm! To go through that hole, Lana, that you were talking about." He adds, rambling again.
"We can't just abandon Arus. The Galra will keep destroying planets and capturing prisoners until we stop them." Pidge states their opinion.
"Okay. If we run, maybe Sendak will follow us and leave the planet alone, like when we left Earth." Hunk suggests. "We form the snake/worm thingamajig and we are out of here." He continues.
"Sendak could destroy the planet then come after us anyway. Staying and fighting is our only option." Keith rebuffs.
"Maybe, but we're not ready to face them. You don't even have a lion yet." Lana states. Keith growls and glares at her.
"Oh yeah!? Fine! If you don't like that option, how about this?! Shut your Quiznack!" He shouts back.
Everyone froze at the sound of the slap resonating through the bridge. Keith was stunned as he reached up and touched his stinging cheek then looked at Alaina, who had a furious look in her eyes and her hand raised.
"How dare you say that! Especially when you clearly have no idea what it means." She says with boiling anger in her voice. "Ever since I've met you, you've been nothing but rude and disrespectful. Grabbing me, dissing our plight and generally being not likable this whole time! Now you want to risk not only your life, but everyone in this room, to fight, when we are clearly at a disadvantage, and you obviously have no experience what so ever.
"And have no clue about the Galra as a whole. You're just being a selfish prick! Not caring what happens to everyone else!" She scolds him. "We won't win this. So, we're leaving." She says. Keith regains himself and gets in her face.
"We're staying!" He says.
"Leaving!" She says back.
"Staying!" Pidge jumps in.
"Snake!" Hunk says as well.
"Guys! Enough!" Shiro cuts in and separates everyone. He then turns to Keith. "Keith, I'm very disappointed in you right now. Alaina's right, you've been very disrespectful this whole time. You do not speak to people, especially a Princess like that." He scolds the boy harshly.
"Oh, this isn't about my royal status. This is about me saying you can't treat people, including me, the way you have been, and need think about people other than yourself." She adds. Keith was about to say something, but heated one look from Shiro and he shuts up. Shiro then turns to both Altean Princesses.
"Princesses, these are your lions. You've dealt with the Galra Empire before. You know what we're facing better than any of us. What do you think is the best choice of action?" He asks them.
"I... I don't know." Allura replies unsure, while Alaina is silent.
"Perhaps your father can help." Coran suggests.
"Our father?" Alaina asks confused.
The altean advisor leads both princesses out of the bridge and to a new room of the castle altogether.
"Coran, what is this?" Allura asks as they enter.
"King Alfor knew there was chance he might never see you again. So, his memories, his very being, were stored in this computer for both of you." Coran explains as the two sisters approach a platform.
Allura and Alaina walk up to the computer, Coran leaving them to their devices, and Allura touches the computer and it activates, displaying an image of Altea. From the computer also emerges a hologram of King Alfor himself.
"Father!" Allura breathes with tears forming in her eyes.
"Father... is it really you?" Alaina asks with watery eyes as well.
"Allura, Alaina, my dear children, how I've missed both your faces." The hologram speaks and the two girls walk up to him.
"It is so good to you." Alaina says as she tears up. Allura hugs her sister then looks to the image of the altean king.
"We're so frightened father. A Galra ship is about to attack, and I don't know what to do." The older admits. "Please, Father, we need your help." She pleads.
"I would do anything to take this burden from you two." He says.
"I'm don't know if we should run to preserve what we have, or stay and risk everything to fight." Allura says, getting her sister's attention
"I know I said we have to leave, but I honestly want to stand and fight." She confesses. "But, we don't stand chance against them like this. What other choice do we have?" She asks. Allura strokes her sister's hair.
"I wish to fight too, but the Paladins of old are gone. I know what you would do." The older sister says.
"I scattered the Lions of Voltron across the universe to keep them out of Zarkon's hands. You both urged me to keep them and fight, but, for the greater good of protecting the universe, I chose to hide them." The hologram recounts.
"I think we now understand." Allura says while looking at her sister.
"No, you were both right. I made a terrible mistake, one that cost countless lives in the universe. Forming Voltron is the only way to stop Zarkon. You must be willing to sacrifice everything to assemble the lions and correct my error." The King says to his two daughters.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Back on the Bridge, the others were all waiting for the princesses return. Keith was off to the side, thinking about Alaina and Shiro said. Just then, the door opens and in comes Alaina in her battle outfit and Allura behind her in a jumpsuit and her hair up in a bun.
"You paladins were all brought together for a reason. The Voltron Lions are meant to be piloted by you and you alone. We must fight and keep on fighting until we defeat Zarkon. It is all our destiny. Voltron is the universe's only hope. We are the universe's only hope." She states with upmost authority in her voice.
"We're with you, Princess." Shiro says.
With that, the Alteans lead the humans to another room in the castle.
"Your suits of armor." Allura says revealing a set of five suits, they were all white with a black under suit and patterns, but each had a different colored patterns.
"Princess, are you sure about this?" Coran asks Allura off to the side. "They aren't exactly the best and brightest the universe has to offer." He says. "No offence to Alaina of course." He adds.
"No, maybe not, but they're all we got." Allura says.
"Boys, it's time to suit up." Shiro announces.
"Not a boy." Alaina states and Shiro blushes a little. Amue directs the Paladins to changing rooms, really there was no other word for it, with their respective color armor. The Paladins all put on their armor and emerge fully suited. Surprisingly, the armor fit them all, even Hunk's.
Allura then touches a table top of some sort. The blue overtop disappearing revealing four handle like things with matching colors to four of them.
"The bayard is the traditional weapon of the Paladins of Voltron." She began as the handles, bayards, rise up and float to their respective Paladin. "It takes a distinct shape for each Paladin." She adds. As she said the bayards each transform into different weapons for each Paladin.
Hunk's was a large energy cannon, Keith's was a sword, Lana's was an Altean blaster, and Pidge's was an angular kata. Lana looks confused at their weapon.
"Um, is that a weapon from Earth?" She asks. "It looks a little small." She says. Pidge then hits the wall with her bayard and it released a strong electrical current. "Never mind." The Altean Princess says impressed.
"Shiro, I'm afraid your bayard was lost with its paladin." Allura informs the man. Alaina looks at her sister with an indescribable expression.
"I guess I'll just have to make do." He said and they head back to the bridge.
"You'll need to retrieve the Red Lion from Sendak's ship." Allura says.
"That's a pretty big ship. How are we going to find the Red Lion on there?" Keith asks.
"Well, actually, it's not a matter of "we". It's a matter of "you"." Pidge says.
"Pidge is right. Once we get you in, you'll be able to feel its presence and track it down." Hunk says.
"Plus, the female voice talking to you in your head helps too." Alaina adds.
"Keith, remember, the Red Lion is extremely temperamental. You'll have to earn her respect." Allura reminds.
"Alright. Here's our plan of attack." Shiro begins. "The Galra Empire knows about the Blue and Yellow Lions, but they don't know we have the Green Lion as well. Hunk, Alaina, you'll act as a decoy by pretending to give yourselves up.
"While you distract Sendak, Keith, Pidge and I will sneak onto the ship in the Green Lion. Keith and I will find the Red Lion while Pidge guards our exit. Hunk and Alaina, you find some way to take down that ion cannon." He finishes explaining the plan.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Alaina asks. "And by the way, since we're all Paladins on the same, you can just call me Lana." She says. "Except for you Red." She tells Keith, who stays silent.
The Paladins then get to work. Lana and Hunk flew their Lions to Sendak's ship, pretending to surrender. While Pidge flew the Green Lion, with Shiro and Keith aboard, under the ship to avoid. Using their bayard, Pidge carved a hole in the metal underside of the ship and they flew into the vessel.
"Pidge, Shiro, Keith. What's your status?" Lana asked over the coms.
"We're in." Pidge reported back.
Sendak then activates something and something pink starts to glow from an opening in the ship.
"What is that?" Hunk asked. Lana gets a closer a look and realizes what it is.
"They're activating a tracker beam! Evasive maneuvers!" She warned and they quickly dodged out of the way. Realizing it was a ploy, Sendak sends out the Galra fighters after them. "Hunk, you take care of the ion cannon, I'll deal these guys." Lana instructs. Hunk immediately followed and they got to work.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Meanwhile, on the Galra ship with Shiro, Pidge and Keith, the three make their way through the ship until they enter its halls. As they walk through the corridors, Shiro abruptly stops and looks around. These halls, felt familiar to him. Suddenly, flashes of the Galra ran through his mind. Shiro gasps and pants in shock, he breathes deeply to try to regain his breath.
"I've been here before." He exclaims. "After I was captured by the Galra on Kerberos, they brought us here." He recalls.
"So, that's means your other crewmembers, they might be held captive here?" Pidge asks. "We... We've got to rescue them." They say.
"Pidge, we don't have time. We have to get the Red Lion and get back to Arus." Shiro says with a melancholic tone.
"But we can't just leave prisoners here!" Pidge argues.
"Look, no one understands that more than me, but, in war, we have to make hard choices. Now let's get movies." He states and starts to walk away.
"No!" Pidge shouts and the two still. "Commander Holt is my father. He and my brother were the ones with you on the Kerberos Mission." They confess.
"Commander Holt is your father?" Shiro asked shocked while Keith was silent.
"Yes. I've been searching everywhere for him and my brother. And I'm not going to give up looking when I'm this close. I won't!" They say and turn to walk away.
"I'm coming with you." Shiro says and Pidge turns back to him.
"What?" Keith asks.
"I remember where the prisoners are held. Keith, you go find the Red Lion." He says.
"By myself?" Keith asked.
"Minor change of plans. You'll be fine. Just remember, patience yields focus." He tells the Red Paladin. The three then split up, heading in opposite directions.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Meanwhile, back on Arus, the Alteans were busy trying to start up the defenses.
"Particle barrier up." Allura announces as they proceeded to activate the barrier. However, it didn't last long. The barrier flickered and deactivated all over again.
"Correct if I'm wrong, but I'm sure that's, not supposed to happen." Amue inquires.
The Alteans all gather at the bridge control console and pop open a panel to take a look inside. They soon discovered the problem.
"Oh no, the barrier crystals are out of alignment." Coran says.
"We have to fix it immediately. Without the particle barrier, we'll be defenseless." Allura states.
"But how do we do that? We're way too big to reach in and fix it." Amue states. Just then the Altean mice quartet run by them and into the console.
"The mice." Allura exclaims and she and Coran look in.
"How do they know how to do this?" Coran asked.
"I can hear them talking to me. I think our minds are connected. It must be from sharing the cryopod for 10,000 years." As Allura talks, the mice all realign the barrier crystals, fixing it.
"You think maybe Lana has the same connection to the cat then?" Amue asks
"Possibly." Allura says, just as said cat comes in, and hops up onto the console top, where mice soon join the feline. "Thank you, friends." She thanks the mice who all squeak happily in accomplishment, and Allura looks at them adoringly.
Suddenly, Coran puts his fingers to his head and makes weird sounds as he stares intensely at the mice and cat. For some reason also sweating.
"Coran, what are you doing?" Allura asks a little annoyed.
"I'm trying to get them to make me a sandwich." He answers.
"I think it only works with Allura." Amue states.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Back on the Galra ship, Shiro and Pidge find the prison cells and using Rover, a little Galra droid they came across and Pidge reprogrammed, they manage to open the door.
"Dad?" Pidge calls as they enter, but there was no of him, or any human for that matter. Just a lot of different types of aliens. All very frightened.
"Don't be afraid. We're here to help you escape." Shiro tells them.
"It's you... It's you, the Champion." One of the aliens, a grey one holding a yellow one with a single eye, said. "If anyone can get us out here, he can." He tells the other prisoners.
"Wh-What did you call me?" Shiro asks confused.
"We don't have much time. Let's get to the escape pods." Pidge says.
"Let's go. Come on." Shiro instructs the aliens.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Meanwhile, outside the ship, Lana continues to bait the fighters chasing her, while Hunk tries to break through the particle barrier around the ion cannon.
"Hunk, hurry up, I won't be able to hold them off forever." Lana informs as she continues to dodge the fighters. Though Hunk unfortunately wasn't having any luck breaking through the barrier.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Back inside the ship, Keith finally manages to locate the Red Lion, after going around in circles for a bit. It was only when he stopped and listened that he found her. He walks up to the lion and places a hand on the red particle barrier, but nothing happens. The voice was silent too.
"It's me. Keith. Your buddy." He says, but still no reaction. "It's me! Keith, your-- I'm your Paladin! Come on! Open up already!" He yells while banging on the force field, but the lion seems to just ignore him. Suddenly, Galra sentries come in and start shooting at him. He quickly activates his shield to black the attacks.
"I'm bonding with you! Hey! Come on! We're connected!" He shouts at the lion, that continues to ignore him. He brings out his bayard and attacks the sentries, slicing them, but their number were too much.
Keith activates the bottom half of his helmet and presses a button on console, opening the floor and sucking the sentries out into space. Unfortunately, Keith himself is sucked out into the dark void. He glances around, looking for something to help himself. When the Red Lion appears and catches him.
"Good kitty. Let's roll." He says as he rolls into the cockpit and takes the controls.
"That was pretty daring." A female voice spoke in his head. "But, let's best not try that again anytime soon." It adds. Keith laughs nervously. Fair point.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Back with Pidge and Shiro, the two helped the prisoners onto one of the ship escape pods, but were found by a bunch of sentries. The Paladins readied to fight, when suddenly Shiro's arm started to glow and he fell to his knees in agony.
Pidge tries to get his attention, but he was lost in his head. Suddenly, as if by instinct, he charged at the sentries and quickly dismantled them, using only his robotic arm.
"Thank you, Shiro." The grey alien says as the pod doors close and in launches.
"Wait! How do you...?" He trails off as they were already gone.
"Shiro, that was amazing! Where did you learn to fight like that?" Pidge said impressed.
"No idea." Shiro admitted looking down his robot hand. The two then make their way back to the Green Lion to get out of here.
Back outside, Hunk finally manages to break the particle barrier around the ion cannon, and smash the cannon laser gun in, blocking it.
"You guys made it!" He says when he sees the Red and Green Lions.
"Kitty Rose had left the stage!" Pidge says.
"Let's get going then!" Lana said and they head back to Arus and the castle.
The lions fly into the hangers, then go to where the Black Lion was. The Paladins all came out of their lions as Shiro stood before the door to his lion. The Altean cat came in and went straight to his mistress, who happily picks him up.
The lions' eyes then light up, and the door lights up as well then opens, revealing the Head Lion of Voltron. The lion then let's out a mighty roar, followed by the others.
"So, my new Paladin has come." A strong male voice said in Shiro's mind. "I see you've suffered a great deal, but have ultimately come out triumphantly." He says to him with pride and Shiro feels a connection form between them.
"Oh, really?" The other Paladins turn to see Lana who appears to be, talking with her cat. What? "My, that is interesting." The Altean girl says and giggles.
"Uh... Are you talking to the cat?" Hunk asks.
"Yep. We can understand each other. Apparently it has something to do with us sharing a cryopod for 10,000. Somehow, our minds were connected. Apparently Allura and her mice have the same connection." She explains. "Now we can talk with one another, just the two of us. Isn't that right Jaga?" She says and scratches the blue cat under his chin.
"Jaga?" Keith asked.
"Yep, that's the name he wants be called by." The Princess replies. Suddenly the castle alarms started blaring, signaling something was coming.
"Paladins! Sendak is entering the Arusian atmosphere! We need Voltron now!" Allura says over the castle comms. The Paladins immediately board into their lions, Jaga having jumped from his mistress's shoulder and heading somewhere else.
The Paladins start up their lions and flew out of the hanger to the front of the castle, ready for battle. The Galra wasted no time in attacking, including firing their now fixed ion cannon.
"Man, those Galra guys repair things fast." Hunk says when he see the cannon.
"The barrier gets weaker with every blast. Once that shield goes down, the castle will be defenseless." Coran says over the comms.
"We can give you cover with the castle defenses for a while, but you have to form Voltron now or we'll all be destroyed!" The older Altean princess says next.
"Good luck Paladins. Especially you, Princess." Amue says, addressing Lana.
"Jeez, no pressure." Hunk mutters. The ship fires another ion blast, weakening the barrier further.
"Listen up, Team Voltron! The only way to succeed is to give it all you've got! This looks bad, but we can do this! Are you with me?!" Shiro states and they all nod.
"I'm nodding. Is everyone else nodding?" Hunk asks.
"Yes." The other says replies, some a little annoyed.
"Let's do this!" Shiro says and they all charge forward.
"Uh, how?" Pidge asks.
"Good question. Does anyone have any ideas on to actually form Voltron?" Keith asks this time.
"I don't see a "combine into a giant robot" button anywhere on my dashboard." Hunk says.
"Princess? You know the lions better than any of us." Shiro asks Lana.
"I'm sorry. I have seen it done before, but I have no idea how it is done." She replies. "Blue?" She asks her lion.
"Despite being part of it, I am unsure of how it actually works." The lion replies.
"Weren't we just kind of stuck together?" Yellow said, though only Hunk hears. The Lions move to avoid the attacks form the fighters shooting at them.
"This is insane! Can't they just cease fire for one minute so we can figure this out? Is that too much to ask?" Pidge complains.
"I highly doubt they'll give us the time." Green says as she catches one of the fighters in her mouth, then sends to another fighter destroying them both.
"We gotta do something." Keith says.
"Combine!" Hunk shouts as he body slams into Keith and Red with Yellow.
"Hey!" Keith groans angrily. Lana was trying to hold back her laughter.
"What the hell Yellow!?" Red growls.
"Okay, that didn't work." Hunk sighs.
"Our bad." Yellow adds.
"You all should be following me like usual." Black states, sounding frustrated.
"Quickly, Paladins! Our energy levels are getting low!" Allura says then groans from another impact on the castle.
"Maybe if we fly in formation, we'll just combine." Shiro suggests.
"Well, I guess that could work. That was kind of how it was done before." Black says.
"Take off on my cue." The Black Paladin instructs. "One, two, three, Voltron!" He shouts and they all launch into the air, flying in formation.
"Here we go!" Keith shouts.
"Come on, come on!" Hunk grunts.
"Nothing's happening." Shiro says.
"Hang on, I feel something." Lana says.
"I do, too. I feel it. it's like we're all being pulled in the same direction." Hunk says.
"Uh, guys, I think I know why. Look up." Shiro says and they. It wasn't Voltron, it was Sendak.
"Oh no. The tracker beam!" Lana exclaims.
"Sendak's ship is sucking us in like a black hole!" Pidge yells.
"No! I refuse to be captured again!" Red growls as they all struggle to get out of the beam, but weren't having much luck. As if things couldn't any worse, the ion cannon fired again and took the castle particle barrier, leaving it defenseless now.
"Oh, no!" Shiro says when he sees it.
"'Llura!" Lana shouts worriedly for her sister.
"I don't care what you say, Shiro. I'm panicking now!" Hunk screams.
"It can't end here!" Pidge shouts.
"It's been an honor flying with you all." Keith grunts. It looked hopeless.
"No!" Lana suddenly exclaims. "I refuse to give up now! After all the destruction, all the pain, all the suffering, all the misery the Galra have caused. To Altea, to the universe. I refuse to let it just end like this!" She shouts determinded.
"Alaina's right. We can do this. We have to believe in ourselves, and in our lions." Shiro says. "We can't give up. We are the universe's only hope. Everyone is relying on us. We can't fail! We won't fail! If we work together, we'll win together." He states strongly, like a true leader.
"Yeah!" The other Paladins say.
"After of being asleep, letting these monster invest the universe, I will allow it!" Black growls. "Sisters!" He calls.
"Right!" They all say. Then the Lions all let a mighty roar, and what happened next was truly a sight to behold.
(AN: Start at 0:23)
The Galra prepare to fire another blast from the ion cannon, aiming for the castle, but at the last minute something turns to cannon's direction, missing the castle. The Alteans gasp, the Galra gasp, for standing before them was the Legendary Defender them self, Voltron.
"I can't believe!" Keith shouts.
"We formed Voltron!" Pidge says.
"I'm a leg!" Hunk exclaims.
"We've really done it! How?!" Lana says.
"I don't know, but let's get that cannon!" Shiro says, and they proceed to take apart the cannon, then blast the ship. The Galra cruiser falls, crashing into the planet's, it's official end. Voltron stands on the surface victorious. They then separate back into Lions and fly back to the castle, where the alteans were there to greet them.
"Great work, Paladins!" Allura praises, as they were gasping.
"Princess! Lana! Are you alright?!" Amue asks the altean girl.
"I'm fine, just tired." She replies and Allura walks up to her.
"Father, and Blaytz, would both be so proud if they could see you." She says and Lana smiles.
"We did it." Shiro says.
"Heck yeah, we did." Keith says.
"How did we do it?" The Black Paladin asks.
"I was just, like, screaming the whole time. Maybe that did it?" Hunk suggests. Yeah, probably not. Pidge put on their glasses back on, with a glum look.
"We're not going to stop searching until we find your brother and father." Shiro promises them. "Wherever they are, I know they'd be proud of you." He adds.
"We've won this battle, but the war has just begun, I'm afraid. Zarkon will not stop until he gets these lions." Allura says.
"Good thing you paladins know what you're doing, because you're to have to form Voltron again and again." Coran says.
"Totally. Wait, what?" Hunk says summing up what everyone was feeling.
"We barely survived this though." Lana states.
"And you only had to fight one ship. Wait until you have to fight a full fleet of them!" He exclaims. "Well, it's not going to be easy, being the Defenders of the Universe." He adds with a twirl of his mustache. Everyone stares at him.
"Defenders of the Universe, huh? That's got a nice ring to it." Shiro says as and the others turn to the lions. Ready for the adventures awaiting them.
AN: This is officially the longest chapter I've ever written. Heck I had to spilt it into two part to fit.
Anyway, Hi everyone, and welcome to my newest story, "Princess Alaina of Voltron". If it wasn't already clear, Alaina, Aka Lana, is a female Altean version of Lance, as Allura's younger sister and second Princess of Altea. For those of you familiar with my work, particularly my "Paladins of the Elements" book, you know this is probably going to be a rewrite off the canon. A lot of changes and hopefully some improvements.
By the way, how do you like my OC? If you've seen the original Voltron/Golion show that inspired Voltron LD, you'll know what "Amue" is a reference to. If not, then look it up. Anyway bye, and don't worry I'll get to work on my Voltron Element book. It's actually my passion project at this point.
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