~The Great Sphinx~
AN: Along with the chapter I am proud to announce that this story officially has over 2,000 reads!!! Thank you all so much and I hope you continue to enjoy the story. This one is so much fun.
Princess Malocoti's directions led them to the deserts of Krell, where they hope to find the Sphinx, in order to find where the Yalexian pearl was.
"Anyone else feel tired?" Hunk asked with a slight yawn.
"No/No." Literally everyone replied. Including the lions, even Yellow.
"Okay. Just asking. It's been a while we've, you know, not been fighting or adventuring, or anything." The Yellow Paladin says.
"You think we have it bad? At least our life force didn't get drained to fuel a whole planet. Princess Allura still hasn't fully healed from it." Keith says.
"Allura's strong. It'll take time, but she'll recover." Lana assures him and the others. "By the way, what was the thing Malacotic said we had to find? A Ziga... rut? Zigarat?" She asked.
"Ziggurat. It's a step-pyramid." Pidge answered.
"And what is a pira-med?" The alien princess asked.
"A pyramid, is a triangle shaped stone monument from the country of Egypt on Earth." Keith answered.
"Actually, while pyramids are primarily found in Egypt, they have been discovered in other parts of the world. Such as Mexico, Africa, even Asia." Pidge adds on.
"They must be important to be built in so many places. What is their purpose?" Lana asked interested.
"Depending on the location, they can have many different uses. Usually, they're used as tombs for the dead or to stash valuables, some are temples where people go to prey to gods of a certain religion. Though there is still so much we don't know and these are mostly theories." The green paladin replies.
"We had temples like that on Altea. Many had pictures in them depicting the ancients times." The altean girl says.
"They're in pyramids on Earth as well. In Egypt, they're called hieroglyphs. Carved into the walls, many believed they were left as a message." The other girl says.
"Hey, wasn't there a theory that the pyramids were built by aliens?" Hunk says.
"Yes, and they were. I'm pretty sure this whole alien space adventure and finding a ziggurat on an alien planet thing proves it." Keith proclaims.
"Keith, that may be true, but this doesn't actually prove that aliens really built the pyramids on Earth. Besides, this so-called ziggurat might not even be like the ones found in Egypt, or anywhere on the planet in general." Shiro states.
"Look! Over there!" Hunk exclaims and points to a monument amongst the sand.
(AN: This is the Ziggurat depicted in the comic. Also with the extensive pyramid talk, I guess it's appropriate to admit I went through an Egyptology phase back in middle school. Actually, maybe even before that. Anyway, look up about the facts shared here. I assure you they're real.)
"You were saying?" Keith said smugly, while Shiro was silent.
"Is that any way to talk to your, Leader?" Lana scolds and the boy grumbles. The paladins then land their lions in front of the monument and get out to look at it.
"So this is a ziggurat, huh? It does bare a slight resemblance to the temples back on Altea. But those were made from white stone." The altean princess says.
"Yeah, this one does appear to be made from metal. Surprising, it does kind of look like the pyramids on earth, but a pretty different design." Pidge adds.
"See! This proves aliens built the pyramids!" Keith exclaims. Shiro says nothing.
"It's massive guys! How do we find the sphinx thing that can tell us where the pearl is?" Hunk says.
"By the way, what is a spheen-keks?" Lana asked.
"The Sphinx, is another famous monument. There's only one on Earth, found in Egypt. It's a giant statue that appears like a being with the head of a man and the body of a lion." The green paladin answers.
"Huh? You mean like the Voltron lions?" the princess inquired.
"No. We have lions like them back on earth, but they're living animals and are lot smaller. The sphinx's body is modeled after them. One of its most famous traits is its lack of a nose. There are many theories on how it lost, but it most likely just eroded away." The smaller girl says.
Suddenly, the ziggurat lit up and began to transform. It rearranged and changed itself before their awestruck eyes, turning into what was probably the sphinx.
(An: Here's what it looks like in its Sphinx form.)
"I am the Great Universal Sphinx! Why have you disturbed me?" The great being spoke and asked. Hunk gulped nervously, while the others were stunned, then Lana proceeded to speak.
"Great Universal Sphinx, we are sorry to inconvenience you, but we are in need of your help. We seek the Yalexian Pearl, we need it to save our friend." Lana says.
"I am a Repository for great research. I have been analyzing life throughout the cosmos for over a million years. Of course I know where the pearl is. However, I do not know whether you are worthy of the information I hold. Tell me, who is the smartest and most knowledgeable among you." The Sphinx sates then asks.
"Oh, that'd be her." Lana says, pointing to Pidge.
"The green one." Hunk says also pointing to Pidge.
"The short one." Keith says gesturing to the said girl.
"That's Pidge." Shiro adds in agreement.
"Me." Pidge herself confirms.
"Very well. It is decided then. Your body, mind and spirit shall be tested. Enter to prove yourself... and save your friend." The Sphinx permits and changes back into its ziggurat form.
"Wait, why'd he ask for the smartest person if there's going to be a test of body?" Pidge questioned as she and her fellow Paladins climb the stairs of the ziggurat.
"There's more to knowledge than just solving a written problem." Lana replies as they enter the pyramid, quickly noticing the mushrooms growing on the walls.
"Commence test of the body." Announced the Sphinx, his voice echoing in the chamber. Suddenly, four of the mushrooms pop from off the wall and attach to all the Paladins', except for Pidge, heads.
"What are you doing?!" The green paladin exclaimed as she sees her teammates try to get the mushrooms off, though it appeared to be no use.
"The spores have taken control of your friends." The Sphinx answers as the Paladins all rise up in a zombie like state. That was especially weird with Lana. "For the test, you must defeat your allies in combat. They will fight the exact same way and style as your friends originally fight. Let's see if you are smart enough to beat them." He continued and the controlled Paladins attack.
Pidge attempted to fight back, but they kept overpowering her, knocking her to the ground. She laid there for a bit, contemplating her next move. She had spent pretty much her whole life compiling data on everything, then she remembered that she kept a dossier on all of her teammates, knowing all their fighting styles, strengths and weaknesses.
"Hunk is a strong fighter and also dangerous from a long range. But, his big size and weight make him easy to throw off balance." Pidge thought and takes down Hunk, then turns to Keith as he thrusts his bayard sword at her. (AN: Yes, I just realized how bad that sounded, and please don't go giving me crap for it).
"Keith, he's an amazing fighter, however his brashness and recklessness make him unware of his surroundings sometimes. Actually most of the time." The girl thinks as she dodges. "Come on... Need something..." She mutters while looking around as Keith was distracted.
She then notices a large boulder on a tower. She shoots her grappling hook at it, just as Keith comes at her again. She quickly dodges him while pulling the boulder, causing to fly right at the boy, knocking him down and out. Pidge sighed in relief, but it was short lived as both Shiro and Lana come at her from behind. She barely managed to dodge from their combined attack.
"Lana, no doubt is the most experienced and fluent fighter among us. She's only matched by Shiro. Both don't have any obvious weaknesses. Shiro's only weapon is his robotic hand, while Lana's bayard can transform into at least three different types of weapons. Maybe I can hack Shiro's arm, but what do I do about Lana? Okay, her bayard is currently a whip so... Wait, that's it!" Pidge thinks up.
She quickly gets up and gets Lana's attention, then hacks Shiro's arm as the man charges at her. The altean princess then launches her whip at the green paladin, who quickly dodges the attack, causing the whip bayard to wrap around Shiro's shut down arm. The black paladin pulls to get his arm free, only to pull Lana right at him, causing the two crash and be knocked down.
"Sorry guys, I had to use you both. Also don't worry, Shiro, your arm will turn back on in a few minutes at most." Pidge tells them.
"Impressive. You will rise to the next level." The Sphinx announces. With that, the weird mushrooms fall off from the Paladins' heads, allowing them to regain consciousness and control back.
"Oh man... Sorry Pidge, we couldn't control ourselves." Hunk apologies as the girl helps him up.
"How'd you manage to beat all of us, anyway?" Keith asks.
"I keep running files on all of your strengths and weaknesses." Pidge explains.
"Our weaknesses?" Hunk questions, the others all looking shocked too. "Dude, how could you keep a running tab on all our weaknesses like that? That's messed up." The big guy adds as they then begin ascending up the stairs.
"It's smart, but is kind of invasive." Keith agrees.
"While it worked, if that information were to ever fall into the wrong hands..." Shiro adds his own opinion.
"I'm sorry. I know, it's weird to do things like that. Keeping information on all of you, my friends, but it's the way I am. It's in my nature." The small girl replies.
"I honestly think that's impressive, Pidge. Just make sure to keep that info out of enemy hands." Lana says impressed then suggests.
"Don't worry. It's all in my head. Unless someone hacks into my brain, they won't get anything." The green paladin assures.
"You never know." The altean princess says then they reach the top.
"Commencing the second challenge. You must win a game of chess." The Sphinx announces, and low and behold, before them was a giant chessboard. With gold and black pieces, set on opposite ends of the board.
"Wait, Chess? We both know about chess?" Pidge said surprised.
"Hmm... It looks like Kingdom Wars." Lana suddenly says.
"'Kingdom Wars?'" Keith asks.
"Yeah, it's a game we used to play on Altea. The whole set-up and rules are pretty identical." She explains.
"So alteans have their own version of chess? Huh? Who knew?" Hunk comments.
"I had visited Earth, long ago. The game itself stuck with your kind. Even though they initially got it wrong by trying to make the King the most powerful gaming piece. Eventually your society corrected its mistake." The Sphinx explains.
"Hah! See I told you aliens built the pyramids!" Keith exclaims proudly.
"Sounds more like your people were inspired by the Sphinx's design, so they tried to replicate it." Lana states and Keith freezes.
"Still, that's pretty crazy." Pidge says.
"Can we please get back to the test already?" The Sphinx huffed, annoyed.
"Alright, fine." The green paladin groans and steps up to the platform, a holo-screen then materializes, displaying the board.
"Just so you know, a draw will be considered a lost for you." The Sphinx adds.
"Doesn't sound too complicated. Who am I playing?" Pidge says then asks.
"Yourself." The Sphinx replies. At that moment, one of those mushrooms appears and jumps on Pidge, attaching to her head before jumping off and flying towards the other side of the board.
"Pidge! Are you okay?" Shiro asks as he and Lana quickly rush to the girl's side.
"Yeah, though I feel like I was up all night, but not studying." She replies dazed.
"The spore has copied your mental patterns. It will use your skills against you. You have thirsty ticks a round for each." The Sphinx explains. "Now, begin!" He says next and the game began.
"What? How am I supposed to beat myself?" Pidge said confused, then proceeds with the game, but it wasn't going too well. "It knows everything. My strategy, my play, my moves, every gambit I'm going to try and win. I'm gonna lose, to me..." The shorter girl says, starting to panic, when she feels a hand touch her shoulder.
"You can do this, Pidge. You're the smartest and most methodical out of all us combined." Lana encourages her, Hunk nodding his head in agreement.
"We believe in you, Pidge. If anyone can beat themselves, it's you." Shiro adds.
"You did manage to beat all of us after all." Keith agrees.
"I can't do it, alone... but maybe we can!" She says then exclaims, remembering each of her teammates' strengths. "Lana, you're in charge of the rooks. Feed me both maneuvers and warn me for enemy Rook attacks." She says to the older girl.
"Okay, I always win at this game against Allura, but, which ones are the rooks?" The alien replies then asks.
"The tower-looking ones." The Green Paladin explains then turns to the others. "Hunk, you've got the bishops. Keith, you handle the knights. And Shiro, you keep track of all the pawns." She instructs them. "Everyone, we need to work together to beat me." She adds and they begin.
"That's all I've got." Lana says.
"I'm pretty limited too." Keith adds.
"I don't know if I can risk anymore men." Shiro says next.
"Yeah, you know this, but both my pieces are out." Hunk states.
"That's okay, because if I use the Queen... Checkmate!" Pidge cheers as she wins.
"Way to go, Pidge! Maybe we can play a game when we get back to the castle." Lana congratulates then suggests.
"Well done. Now it is time for the most difficult challenge of all..." Announces the Sphinx and suddenly the platform they were standing on began rising up like an elevator, until they reached the top and outside.
"Answer my riddle and I shall tell you where the pearl is." The Sphinx says and begins transforming, causing the Paladins to fall off to the ground. "Tell me; What can be broken apart, again and again, and yet be able to reform stronger than ever?" He asks his riddle.
"Oh! I actually know this one!" Pidge exclaims.
"What is it?" Keith questioned.
"It's Voltron!" Pidge answers.
"Incorrect. The answer was hope. You have failed!" Replies the Sphinx.
"What?! But Voltron is applicable! And very relevant!" The green paladin argues.
"I am sorry, but the correct answer was hope. Now be gone, I shall not tell you where the pearl resides." The Sphinx demands.
"But that's not fair!" Pidge protests, then Lana steps up.
"Excuse me, Sir Sphinx, but I believe Pidge's answer was valid. Voltron is like hope. In fact to many in the past Voltron was hope to people. So in a way, they are kind of the same thing." The princess reasons.
"Hmm..." The Sphinx seems to contemplate her words. "That is partially true... Alright, just this once I shall accept your answer." He agrees and the Paladins all cheer in glee.
"Awesome! So can you tell us where the pearl is?" Pidge cheers than asks.
"Yes. The pearl you seek is located in the evershadow of our moon. However, it is a dangerous place, where darkness lurks." The Sphinx replies then warns.
"Alright! Come on! Let's go save out friend!" Pidge exclaims. With that, the Paladins quickly board their lions and fly off towards the Krell moon.
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