~Memories of the Gladiator~

It was a new day on Arus, the Paladins as always, training hard, ready for a fight. Non aware that a huge one was coming their way, courtesy of the Galra Empire.

"Great job training today guys. We're really getting the hang of Voltron." Shiro says as they head into the dining room after they finished training for the day.

"Indeed. Though, I am surprised how far Blue and I kicked that Galra ship. It might come in useful for future battles." Alaina says.

"Yeah. It'll come in useful alright, when the Galra challenge Voltron to a soccer match." Keith retorted.

"A what? Is that some sort of competition on Earth?" The Altean girl asks confused. Keith groans, because of course she didn't know what soccer was.

"Your kick threw us off our balance. We almost fell." He added.

"Technically, part of that was Hunk's doing as well." Lana pointed out.

"Hey!" Hunk yelled as he sat down and takes off his helmet.

"Alright, save your energy for fighting Zarkon." Shiro broke it up as he himself sat down at the table. Just then, Coran came into the room.

"Hello, Paladins! How was Voltron training?" The advisor asked as he approached, carrying what looked like an alien food platter.

"We're getting there. Are you, Allura and Amue almost done fixing the Castle so we can leave the planet? I feel like we're sitting ducks here on Arus." Shiro replies then asks the man. Surprisingly enough, Amue herself came into the room at that moment and went over to Alaina.

"Just about." Coran said as he put down the platter on the table. "In the meantime, to get your minds off those duck seats you're worried about, I made you guys an authentic ancient paladin lunch!" He exclaims and removes the lid, only for everyone to groan in disgust, including the other two Alteans.

Whatever it was, it did not look like food. It looked like a giant blob with smaller blobs oozing out of it, and it was steaming a disgusting odor. Borderline, it didn't look the slightest bit edible. At all.

"Coran, you just got me hooked on that green goo, now you're switching it up?" Hunk says.

"This is packed with nutrients." Coran replies. Hunk leans over and smells it.

"Oh, it smells disgusting!" The Yellow Paladin exclaims. Coran leans over himself and takes a whiff, only he seemed to actually like it.

"I know! That's how you know it's healthy!" The advisor says.

"Coran, we're on a planet with fresh herbs, spices and, whatever this thing is. A tuber?" Hunk said as he showed Coran some plants he picked up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to head back to the kitchen and spice things up." He said and went straight to the kitchen.

"Where's Pidge?" Shiro asks when he notices the young Paladin wasn't with them.

"I believe the Green Paladin is down in the medical bay, checking on the prisoners rescued from the Galra Cruiser. They should awakening soon." Amue answers. Shiro stands up from his seat, most likely going to check on Pidge, when Coran, with a fork of the blob, came to him.

"Open the hatch. Food lion coming in!" The advisor said, holding out the fork like a parent would to a child.

"No. Just... just no." The Black Paladin said in disgust as he avoided the food and walks away. Coran then turns to the others with a glint in his eye.

"No way Coran, I'm taking Blaytz's advice and refusing to go near that, whatever that is." Lana states strongly.

"Oh, well. You don't know what you're missing." He said and, to everyone's horror and disgust, stuck the piece a blob in his mouth and began chewing.

"Blaytz was the original Blue Paladin right? And he told you not to eat that?" Keith asked as he leaned over to Lana.

"Yes. His exact words were: "Whatever you do, do not eat the Paladin lunch. Coran may be an amazing engineer and mechanic, but he knows nothing about cooking"." She quoted. Keith looks at the plate again and felt like he was gonna hurl.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile, in the medical bay, Pidge was there waiting for the prisoners to come out. Just then, Shiro walked in.

"You're as anxious as me." He says as he approaches the Green Paladin.

"These aliens we saved must know something about my family. They have to!" They exclaim looking at said aliens in the healing pods.

"I hope so." Shiro agrees and Pidge turns back to him.

"They recognized you, didn't they? They called you "Champion". What does that even mean?" They ask.

"I don't know. I can't remember very much from that time. But the way they looked at me when we freed them... I don't know if I really want to know." Shiro says, just as the pods began opening.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Back in the dining hall, Hunk came back from the kitchen with a tray of food he made and, with Amue's assistance, set them out on the table. Keith immediately started wolfing the food down. He went for one of the bowls when it was snatched away from him.

"Don't you at least have standard table manners?" Lana says and began eating, a lot more properly than Keith, who just sneers and went back to gobbling the food. "Mmm... Delicious Hunk, I've never had food like this before." The Altean Princess compliments and Hunk gives her a flustered smile in return.

"They like the paladin lunch." Allura says as she comes in.

"I don't want to talk about it." Coran said, salty that they rejected his food.

"I just got the final nebulon booster working. We should be able to leave Planet Arus tomorrow and take the fight to Zarkon." The Older Princess announced.

"Fantastic Princess." Amue compliments. "Speaking off, I'm gonna go down to the med bay to check on the prisoners and see if they are awake yet." She says and leaves the room. Once she's out the door, the castle alarms started blaring. 

The Paladins all stood up and Allura waves her hand, bringing up security feed from the front of the castle. The video zooms in on a spot, revealing an odd little creature.

"What is that?" Keith asked at the sight of it.

"I don't know what it is. Maybe it's a local Arusian." Allura admitted then theorized. The little thing then scurries forward. "He's approaching the Castle." She announces as it scurries further. Hunk coos at it.

"Well, it doesn't appear too dangerous." Alaina says observing the creature.

"You never know." Keith said, bringing out his bayard.

"Keith, no!" Lana retorts.

"Indeed, Alteans believe in peace first. Let's go welcome them." Allura agrees then suggests, and walks out to greet the creature.

"That's adorable." Hunk says following after.

"I wonder if he mind a hug." Lana says not far behind.

"I'm not taking any chances." Keith says bringing up the rear. They all walk to the front of the castle, opening the door. The creature, who was in front of said door, quickly ducks into a bush. The group walk up to said bush to say hello.

"Greetings. We know you're there." Allura says. "No harm will come to you." She promises. Suddenly the Arusian pops out of the bush, brandishing his tiny blade. Hunk coos at him again.

"Wait! He could be dangerous. Drop your weapon!" Keith demanded as he stepped forward, his own weapon in hand.

"No one takes Klaizap's weapon." The little arusian replied.

"Keith, put that thing away, and get back." Alaina said as she steps forward, pushing Keith back to Hunk and taking his previous spot.

"Please, kind sir, accept my most humble apologies." Allura said to the Arusian.

"Yes, please excuse him. He's a take-action first, think-it-through later kind of guy." Alaina adds casting a scolding look to Keith, who hisses and turns away. The creature seems to calm and even lowers his weapon.

"I am Klaizap, bravest of our warriors. Our village is over Gazrel Hill. I come seeking answers as to why the Lion Goddess is angered with her follows." He introduces and explains.

"Followers?" Coran asked.

"Lion Goddess?" Hunk asks.

"The one the ancients spoke of." Klaizap said directing their attention to a stone tablet with a picture on it, depicting a tall deity-like figure with a lion head.

"What makes you think she's angered?" Allura asks turning back to the Arusian.

"Destruction is everywhere. In the past few suns, fire has rained from the heavens and a giant has danced in the sky." He explains. What a minute...

"I think he's talking about Voltron." Hunk, not so subtly, whispers to Keith.

"Yeah, I think we got that." Keith replied a little annoyed.

"You haven't angered the Lion Goddess." Allura says to Klaizap.

"How can you be certain?" Klaizap asked unsure.

"Because I am Allura, this here is Alaina, and this is our Castle." Allura replies and introduces her and her sister. Klaizap gasps.

"Lion Goddess! And her Legendary Holy Maiden!" He exclaimed and bowed before the royal sisters, who looked at each other then back to the Arusian.

"Please, bravest warrior, take us to your village so that we may meet our neighbors." Allura requests.

"Wait, what about our mission to get off this planet and fight Zarkon?" Keith asks.

"Well, part of the Paladins' mission is to spread peace and diplomacy throughout the universe." Alaina states.

"Indeed. Arus has been our host planet for 10,000 years. These people deserve our gratitude." Allura adds.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Back in the Castle, down in the med bay, Pidge, Shiro and Amue were helping the prisoners who had just woken up and were still a little weak.

"So, how long were you held captive by Zarkon?" Pidge asked handing a cup of herbal tea, made by Amue, to the gray alien, Xi.

"Some for years. Decades, maybe. It's hard to tell. Time becomes a blur." He replied, taking a sip of his tea.

"Then you must have been there when my dad and brother arrived. Sam and Matt Holt?" Pidge asks.

"Pidge, be gentle." Amue warns.

"I never knew their names, but I certainly remember the other two Earthlings that arrived with Champion." Xi answered looking at Shiro.

""Champion". Why do you keep calling me that?" Shiro asks.

"You really don't remember? Unbelievable! You were a legendary gladiator, undefeated in the ring. You defeated an infamous Galran gladiator known as Myzax. That was the day you earned the name, "Champion"." Xi answers and explains. "I was there, as was the young Earthling." He continues.

"We were all prisoners, forced to fight for the entertainment of Zarkon. That day we were sent to fight Myzax, a vile beast many thought could never be defeated. Slaughter awaited us all. This "Matt", was the first of us sent to fight. But fate had other plans. You were so thirsty for blood, you injured your fellow Earthling." The grey alien recounted.

"What?! You attacked my brother? Why?" Pidge asked angrily while Shiro starred in disbelief.

"No, it can't be true." He said.

"I was there. We all were. We saw it all." Xi replies.

"After my brother was injured, where was he taken?" Pidge asked Xi.

"I know not." The alien replied mournfully.

"I don't believe it. There's got to be more to the story. I-I couldn't hurt my friend." Shiro insisted. "Wait. That ship we were held captive on crash-landed on the planet. They must have logs of prisoners, some information." He said and began walking out the room.

"I'm coming with you." Pidge says following the Black Paladin, leaving Amue behind to look after the former prisoners.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile, with the others, Klaizap lead them to his village, where they were welcomed by other small Arusians, who all seemed happy to meet them. Suddenly one Arusian, who was significantly bigger than the others, steps up.

"Oh, Lion Goddess and Holy Maiden, I, King of the Arusians, formally beg you for your forgiveness." He said. "Please have mercy on us and accept our traditional Dance of Apology, as atonement for our wrongdoings." With that he clapped his hand and a young female Arusian stepped up. "Commence, Dance of Apology. Hoorah!" The king announced, music began playing and the Arusian girl started dancing a strange dance.

"Please, there is no need for all this." Allura said to them.

"Moontow, halt!" The king commanded and the girl stopped, freezing in a rather tricky position to keep balance, while the music also stopped. "The Goddess has refused the apology. Start the sacrificial fire." He said and an Arusian threw a lit torch onto a pile of wood that exploded into flames. "We must throw ourselves in." The king states. Wait, what!?

"No! No sacrifices!" Allura immediately rebuffs in panic.

"We assure you it is not necessary!" Alaina added.

"So, we may proceed with the dance?" The king asked.

"Dance! Dance!" Lana whispered/yelled to her sister.

"That's a better alternative." Allura agreed. The king claps his hands again, the music started playing and the Arusian girl, Moontow most likely, started dancing again. Once she finished, she bowed as well as all the Arusians.

"Oh, my." Allura said at the spectacle. Lana bumps her elbow at her sister and gives her a smirk. The older sister rolled her eyes playfully, and turned back to the Arusians.

"Please. Please rise. Thank you for that, but we are not great beings worthy of your worship. I, myself, accidently put you all in danger. It is I who should be apologizing to all of you." She said and the Arusians raise their heads. 

"I am Princess Allura, this is my sister, Princess Alaina, and they are the Paladins of Voltron. Although we originate from frim different worlds, and have very, very, very different costumes, we wish to live alongside you, as friends." She says.

"But the mighty robotic angel, has it not come to punish has it not come to destroy us because of our immoral ways?" The King asked, havening risen up.

"Voltron? No. In fact that mighty robot is here to protect you all." Lana says.

"Exactly. Let it be known that Voltron shall protect every innocent being throughout the universe!" The older princess declared and the Arusians all cheered. Lana leans over to her sister and whispers to her.

"Pretty big declaration there." She said.

"And I intend to keep it." Allura replied with sincerity. With that, the Paladins began interacting with the Arusians, a bunch of them climbing on Hunk, Coran lifting and tossing one into the air, while a group a little Arusian girls gather around Alaina. Keith walks away, when one of the Arusians jumped on him.

"Whoa. I don't, usually hug strangers, but, uh... Man, you are cuddly." He said, a little uncomfortable while petting the Arusian's head.

"Thank you." The Arusian said in an surprisingly deep voice. Lana watched and laughed at Keith's dumfounded expression. The little Arusian girls then proceed to put blue flowers in her hair and she smiles. Keith watches and blushes at the scene. Her laugh adorable, and her beauty amplified by the flowers.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile, Shiro and Pidge made their way to the crash site of the Galran ship. They fly into the wreckage, where they discover the remains of a ship computer.

"This looks like the master control board, but there's no power." Pidge says.

"All you need is power?" Shiro asks.

"Yeah, but a source that's compatible with Galra tech." The Green Paladin replies. Shiro looks down at his Galran arm and activates it, placing it on the console surface, powering the computer up.

"Wow. I can't believe you got it to work." Pidge says impressed, then started hacking into the system. "My dad's and Matt's whereabouts must be logged in here somewhere. Once I download the information, I'll find some way to decode it back at the Castle." They explained while downloading the info. Shiro suddenly hears and rumbling sound and looks up to see something falling towards them.

"Oh, no." He breaths then turns to Pidge.

"What is it?" The Green Paladin asked.

"Something just entered the atmosphere. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but it's big, it's Galra, and it's coming right at us. We gotta go!" He said and began leave.

"No! Shiro, don't move!" Pidge shouted stopping him, more specifically stopping his hand from moving off the console. "I'm only 15 percent done. I'm not going anywhere, until it's 100." They exclaimed. Shiro sighs looking up at the object coming their way. He looks at the data to it still wasn't finished downloading, but they were running out of time. Anymore, and it was going to hit.

"Pidge, I'm sorry!" Shiro exclaims, grabbing the young, protesting, Paladin and taking off from the wreckage. "Team, come in! we need backup!" He messages the others. "Hello?" He calls when he doesn't get a reply. "Where is everyone?" He asks.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile, the others were with the Arusians, when Shiro's voice was heard.

"Shiro?" Allura asked confused, as were the others.

"What's going on?" Keith asked. Suddenly a rumbling was heard and everyone looked up to see the object descending from the sky. "Oh, no. We gotta get our lions!" Keith shouts. The Arusians started panicking, when Allura spoke.

"Everyone get inside and stay down!" She shouted and directed the little locals to a cave. Hunk tried to follow, but was caught and dragged to his lion by Keith. The three Paladins immediately board their lions and take off.

Back with Shiro and Pidge, the two managed escape from the wreckage, just in time as the strange object came and crashed into it, destroying what was left of it. Thankfully, Black and Green also managed to shield them from the collision.

"Gotcha!" Green said triumphantly.

"That was a close call." Black states.

"Thanks you two." Shiro said. He and Pidge then turn to the object that landed. The thing opens, revealing a massive mechanical creature, more like monstrosity! The thing seemed to activate and notice the two Paladins. Shiro didn't like the way it seemed to be looking at them. "Get in your lion!" He ordered. Pidge obeys, and the two board their respective lions.

The thing charges up some sort of power orb and shoots it at them. The two Paladins mange to dodge and the orb went back to the creature. Pidge tries to shoot the orb, but it has no effect and blasts right into the Green duo. The thing charges at them, when Shiro and Black, jump on the guy, though it manages to throw them off, literately. Just then, the others fly in.

"Hope we're not too late to the party." Red says while shooting the thing.

"Lay down some covering fire to help get them out of there!" Keith shouts.

"Way ahead of you! Blue" Lana replies as she and Blue blast it, the lion growls.

"Check this out! Battle-lion head-butt!" Hunk shouted as he and Yellow literately head butt the robot monster.

"You guys okay down there?" Keith asks.

"Black? Green?" Blue asks.

"Still alive for now." Shiro replies.

"We're okay. No major damage." Black replies as he and Green launch into the air, joining with their sisters.

"What is that thing anyway?" Alaina asks.

"Are the Galra behind this?" Hunk asks nervously.

"I think so, but I've never seen anything like it." Shiro replies.

"You got a plan to take it out?" Keith asks.

"If we want to take this monster down, there's only one way to do it." Shiro says, and the rest immediately know what he's talking about the lions roar and began glowing their respective colors. "Form Voltron!" Shiro shouts as they fly up together and combine into the mighty Defender.

"Remember, we are one unit, fighting with one goal." Shiro says as they face off against the robotic monstrosity. The thing charges up its orb and they faced-off.

The fight begins, with Voltron charging head on and the monster launching the orb at them, but missing. The Red and Green arms proceed to punch the monster, however, it had no effect, and the orb came back, like boomerang, striking them and knocking Voltron to the ground. As they fought, the orb kept coming back again, striking them each time.

"I thought Voltron was the most powerful weapon in the universe!" Keith yells as they back away from the monster.

"Yeah, so how is this monster kicking our butts?" Hunk asks as they dodge another incoming attack.

"Because, unfortunately, we're all still new to this." Lana answers as they watch the orb, then are attacked by the monster. Voltron flies through the air, before landing on a hill near the Arusian village.

"Oh, no! It's the Arusian village! We have to get out of here to protect them!" Alaina shouted.

Allura and Coran had managed to evacuate the Arusians out of the village and into a nearby cave, where they stayed with them as the battled raged on.

With Voltron, the Monster charged at them, tossing the orb and knocking them back towards the village. Just before Voltron smashed into the houses, they managed to activate the thrusters in time.

"That was way too close." Shiro stated as they flew away from the village and began leading the monster away as well.

"We got him away from the Arusians, but we can't take him down!" Pidge says.

"Let me try! I'll kick the orb away next time he attacks!" Lana says.

"No! The last time you did a kick, we fell!" Keith rebuffs.

"I know! But do you have a better idea?" She asks and Keith is silent. "It's risky, but we're going to have to take the shot. Shiro!" She yells. Voltron rushes back to the monster, who launches another orb attack.

Voltron proceeds to jump into the air and come down in a kicking motion, only the orb flies past, but in a split second, Lana thrusts her controls forward, sending Voltron's right leg at the orb and kicking it away, only for the Blue Paladin to receive a shock in return, along with Voltron losing its balance and falls.

"Okay, that was a bad idea." Lana admits as they get up. The orb coming back their way.

"Oh shit! What do we do!?" Pidge asks no one in particular, but gets an answer.

"Activate the shield!" Green shouts and shows Pidge how. The Green Paladin quickly activates it, the two wings pop off Voltron's back, and combine into a shield held by the Green Lion, just in time as the orb comes back and is deflected back. But at that moment, the monster manages to land another hit, sending the mighty defender skidding across the landscape. Luckily they manage to get up.

"Every time we focus on that orb, we're blindsided by the monster, and every time we focus on the monster the orb hits us!" Hunk says.

"Shiro, you're the leader, what do we do?" Alaina asks, but Shiro didn't get a chance to reply.

"Orb!" Hunk warns as the orb approaches again. The shield is raised, but they are knocked back into a dune.

"Shiro, we gotta get move!" Keith says but doesn't receive a reply. "Shiro? Shiro, are you there? Shiro!" The Red Paladin calls but it was silent.

Shiro was staring at the large creature as the orb returns to it. As the orb made contact, Shiro heard a loud sound coming from its staff arm. He recognized that sound, but from where? Suddenly, he felt like something was probing his mind, and he remembered. 

He found himself in the gladiator arena, facing off against the creature, only smaller and more, fleshly. His mind supplied the its name, Myzax, the monster Xi spoke of. Shiro then remembered what happened.

"That sound... I recognize this monster from my time in Zarkon's prison." He said in realization. "I know how to beat him!" He declares. They dodge another attack as the monster charged at them. 

"Listen, there's a loud sound when the orb returns to the base of that weapon, and every third tine, that orb needs to charge up. That's this monster's weakest point, and that's when we strike." He says.

"Okay, so what do you do in the meantime?" Hunk asks.

"Defense!" Shiro replies, just as the monster launches another attack. "Pidge, shield!" The leader shouted, Pidge and Green immediately responded, raising the shield as the orb approaches, then hits and bounces off. "That's one. Two more to go!" Shiro said. The robot launches another attack, once again hitting the shield.

"We can't take much more!" Hunk grunts from the impact. The monster launches it third attack, the orb heading straight for the Paladins.

"Last one! Everyone brace for impact!" Shiro warned. The orb hits, knocking away the shield and splitting it back into two wings. "Now!" The Black Paladin says and Keith shoots a laser at the monster. However, the robot gets back up, unharmed.

"It didn't work!" Pidge exclaimed.

"Great, now what?" Alaina asked. The monster launches an attack again, hitting them and throwing them off balance. The motion jolted Shiro's memory.

"When I attacked him before, I had a sword!" He announced.

"Orb! Orb!" Hunk warns as the orb comes in for another hit, which it does.

"We can't take another shot like that!" Pidge exclaims.

"Pidge is right. One more hit, and we're through." Lana says.

"My Paladin." Red suddenly spoke in Keith's mind. "Use your bayard." She says as something in his console opens up.

"Wait a second, guys! I think my lion's telling me what to do." He says.

"Whatever it is, hurry and do it now! He's about to fire his third and final shot!" Lana exclaims. Just as she said, the monster launches the orb for a third time, knocking the great robot back. Keith grunts as he takes out his bayard, and quickly plugs it into the compartment as the monsters charges for them.

From Voltron's hand, appears a sword. With one mighty whoosh, the great defender slashes the monster, destroying it, and stood as the proud victor.

"We did it!" Alaina exclaims.

"How did you do that?" Hunk asks as Keith takes his bayard out of the console.

"Whoa. Thanks, Red." He said with a chuckle.

The Paladins then dispersed and fly back to the castle. Later on, they, along with the Alteans, with the exception of Shiro and Pidge, saw the former prisoners off.

~Alaina of Voltron~

"Good luck out there." Lana wished as the aliens board an altean pod.

"Thank you all, for everything." Xi thanked. "We never dreamed we'd see our families again. But you gave us hope. You gave the universe hope." He says and boards the pod with the others and flew off.

~Alaina of Voltron~

Meanwhile, outside the castle, Pidge was sitting on one of the Castle's ledges, with the mice in their lap. Just then, Shiro walks up to them.

"Pidge, there you are." The Black Paladin says and the younger looks up at him.

"There's still something I don't get." They admitted. "Why would you hurt my brother? Weren't you friends?" They ask.

"I did it to save him." Shiro answers and Pidge snaps their attention to him. "During the battle, my memory of the event came back to me." He said as he sat down next to Pidge. "Your dad was sent off with the weaker prisoners to a work camp. Meanwhile, Matt and I were forced to fight in the gladiator arena. Matt was to go first, but he was scared, terrified. We all were." He said.


The prisoners were all lined up, waiting for their time in the ring, Matt was at the very front. His turn was next.

"I'm not going to make it. I'll never see my family again!" The boy panics.

"You can do it." Shiro encourages. Just then, a sentry came and held out a weapon to Matt, signifying it was his time. Shiro looked between his friend and the sentry, he knew what he had to do. He yells as he charges at the sentry grabbing the sword from it.

"This is my fight!" He yells, then strikes Matt with the sword, injuring his leg. The man grunts as he tackles Matt, seemly in anger. "I want blood!" He yells, Matt looks up at his friend in fear. "Take care of your father." Was the last thing Shiro said, before being taken into the arena as Matt watched while Xi goes to help him.

-Flashback End-

Pidge starred up at the man in shock, with tears gathering in their eyes.

"You saved him. You attacked and injured him, so that they would choose you instead." Pidge summarizes. They then throw themselves at Shiro, hugging the unsuspecting man. "I'm so sorry that I doubted you!" They apologize. "Thank you! Thank you so much for saving him, Shiro!" They thank. Shiro then hugs back.

"I can tell you really miss them, I know they miss you too. Your brother and father would be proud of you, Katie." He said and Pidge, Katie, looks up at him in shock. He knew. He knew who she actually was. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." He promises with sincere eyes. the two separate and watch the sunset.

AN: Officially done with 4 and moving onto 5. By the way, from now on I'm going to be referring to Pidge as She/Her now. With that, see ya all next time.

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