~Eye of the Beholder~

AN: I'm totally obsessed with this song and am not ashamed of it. It's awesome!

After a long and eventful journey, the Paladins of Voltron have arrived at the evershadow of the Krell Moon. Finally they would get the Yalexian pearl and be able to save Coran. Though now the issue was to find where the pearl was and the Yalex monster that convenes it.

"Stay vigilant team. The Yalex could be anywhere." Shiro advises as they land.

"Or anything. That Sphinx guy didn't really us a whole lot of detail to go off of." Keith comments.

"It must be some sort of giant oyster. I mean, to save Coran we need to harvest a pearl so..." Pidge says next.

"Considering all the trials we've faced on this journey, I'm honestly not sure what to expect next." Lana says.

"If that Yalex is an oyster then maybe if we take it back with us to the Fripping Bulgogian they could fry it up for us. That would make this whole nightmare worthwhile." Hunk adds.

"Let's just focus on finding it to save Coran. That will make this all worthwhile." Shiro says next.

"Hey, look. Down there." Pidge suddenly exclaims and everyone looks down to see something walking below them. "Do you think that's the Yalex?" She asked. The mysterious creature seems to notice them, but just continues walking.

"I'm not sure that's the creature we're looking for. But it might be a local who can help us find it." Lana says

"Let's find out who it is, but be ready. I have a feeling we're going to need Voltron before all this is over." Shiro says and they quickly follow the alien. "Okay, let's set down over near that mound over there." The Black Paladin suggests.

"Masks up, guys. My scans say that the atmosphere here is extremely toxic. Looks like some kinda underground methane reserve coming out that hole back there." Pidge advises. The Paladins then proceed to land and step out, making sure their helmet masks were up and walk up to the alien.

"Hello, excuse me." Shiro calls, getting the creature's attention.

"Have you come for the Yalex?" The alien asked, his voice muffled from the gas-mask looking device on his, long face.

"Yes. Do you know where it is?" Shiro replies then asks.

"And what it is?" Hunk adds on.

"Yes. Where, what... and when." The mysterious alien replied. Huh? "Follow me." He says and leads the Paladins into the mound, revealing it to be some sort of monument, one with breathable air inside.

"This is the temple of the Yalex." The alien said as he rose up from four legs to two, and removes his mask and cloak. Revealing him to be some sort of camel looking creature. Along with others like him in the temple too.

"There don't seem to be of you here to all this grain." Shiro says.

"Oh, we did not do it alone. The rest of our people left the moon and returned to Krell after the growing season ended, only the High Priests remain. We shall stay here and devote our remaining days to bring about the Yalex." The camel-like alien, a High Priest apparently, explains.

"Uh... Why are they chewing the grain and then spitting it into those jars?" Keith asked, directing to the camel priests who look like they were eating the grain, but then spit it out into weird gourd-like pots.

"Here we dry the grain then masticate and store it in the cuspidors. When they are full, we carry them to eye of the ever shadow and pour it in." The priest replies then explains.

"Ewww... Why?" Hunk asked feeling grossed out.

"To feed the spirit of the moon, to strengthen him. Of course." The alien priest answered him.

"This guy just as weird as Coran whenever he goes off on a tangent." Lana side-whispers to the Red Paladin, who's barley able to contain his laughter.

"Wait! Is that the pearl?!" Pidge exclaimed, pointing up at the ceiling, which had a large white orb in the center of the circular ornate ceiling design.

"Yes, it is." The priest replies.

"I knew it! The whole place is a map! Score one for Pidge!" The girl exclaims.

"The pearl, the moon, the eye, time, life... All are the circle. Never ending, never broken." The alien priest explains. In other words, Pidge was actually wrong.

"Aw... Stupid symbolism." The Green Paladin groans.

"I take it back, he's weirder than Coran." Lana whispers, then turns to the camel alien. "No offence, but we must take our leave to find the Yalex." She says.

"You need not to look for it. For as the calendrer foretells, the rise of the Yalex is soon." The camel priest says.

"How do you know when it's coming?" Keith questioned.

"Who told you this?" Shiro asks after that.

"We follow the ways of the Haruspex. She tells us of the end of times." The priest replies as he gestures to a carving depicting a woman in a hood. Sounds kinda like a prophecy. "Come. We must feed the moon spirit." The camel like alien then says as he grabs a gourd of grain, while also putting on his goggles and mask.

"So this Yalex, what is it?" Shiro asks as he and the other paladins follow the priest, also following his example to activate their full helmets.

"None living have seen the Yalex. Seeing the Yalex means certain death. The Yalex is the end of days." The priest replies. Leading them out of the temple and toward what looks like a hole in the ground. The one Pidge mentioned earlier.

"That, doesn't sound good." Hunk comments nervously.

"Of course it is good! Our lives here are lived in ignorance. When we die, all is revealed before us and we continue our journey under the watchful eye of the conqueror." The camel alien priest says next.

"Okay, and what of the pearl then?" Lana proceeds to ask.

"The Yalex, is the pearl!" The camel alien exclaims.

"It is?" Lana asks.

"The pearl of wisdom that comes at the end of time! The Yalex is both creator and destroyer. Treasure and terror, redeemer and annihilator, savior and executioner. All is one, one is all. The fire in the dark, the blinded eye is the most sought and prized!" The Priest exclaims and the paladins all give him confused, baffled, looks.

"Annddd... I'm completely lost." The altean princess says. Her fellow Paladins in agreement with her. They continued their trek to the hole, where the alien camel priest proceeds to pour in the grain.

"Are you sure the moon spirit likes camel spit?" Hunk questions.

"Um, your Holiness, we don't mean any disrespect to you or your culture, but we have a friend who is going to die if we don't find a Yalexian Pearl. So we--" Shiro began to say, only to be cut off by a rumbling from beneath the moon's surface.

"At last!" Exclaims the Priest as he stretches his arms up. "The birth that is death has begun! The Yalex is here!" As he says that a giant insect looking limb bursts from under the ground. The moon began breaking apart, and half it is literally blown off as a giant fly-insect creature emerges from it.

(AN: Yep, this is in fact the Yalex. I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight either.)

"What the effin' quiznack is that?!" Keith exclaims. He, the other paladins and the camel priests are all sent flying into space as a result from the explosion.

"My guess, the Yalex. It was literally in the moon the whole time." Lana says.

"Is everyone okay? See if you jetpack to your lions!" Shiro asks then commands.

"Me, Hunk and Keith are fine and heading to our lions." Lana reports.

"Speak for yourselves! I'm alive, but okay got blown with that moon." Hunk says.

"Heading toward my lion, Shiro." Keith says next as the three fly to their ships.

"Good. Pidge, are you out there?" Shiro says then asks the youngest Paladin, who he had yet to hear from.

"I'm out here, and I'm not alone." Pidge replies, unfortunately near the Yalex as it shoots a laser from one of its eyes. "Ahhhhh!" The girl screams in terror.

"Gotcha! Just in time!" Green exclaims as she flies in and scoops up her paladin just in time to dodge the monster laser.

"Thanks, Green!" Pidge says gratefully and flies to her teammates.

"Alright, Pidge and Green are accounted for. Everyone, get into formation. We have to take this thing out before it destroys planet Krell." Shiro says then proceeds to call. "Form Voltron!" and all the lions combine into the defender.

"Now let's go take down that Yalex!" The leader says and they charge the insect like creature. "Shields up!" The black paladin orders when the monster prepares to shoot another one its lasers. They barely manage to dodge, getting grazed.

"Quiznack! This thing is just like that monster we faced on the Balmera. It can shoot out every eye it has. How do we hit this thing without getting hit ourselves? I don't even think Yellow's shoulder canyon can it, those lasers are too big!" Lana exclaims. She had a definite point. Then they got hit again.

"If we take another direct hit like that, our shield is through!" Pidge exclaims.

"Lana's right, this thing is way too big for any of our weapons to have effect on it." Keith agrees with the alien princess.

"Run!" Hunk exclaims and they are forced to retreat. "So many eyes! Too many eyes!" The Yellow Paladin rambles in panic.

"Wait a second..." Shiro says as he notices something. Every one of the Yalex's eyes were shooting out lasers everywhere, except for one. Right in the center of the creature's head, in the center of all the eyes, was a white one. "The blinded eye, is the most sought and prized! The priest was right!" He suddenly exclaims.

"Uh, Shiro are you alright? Is Coran already rubbing off on you?" Lana asks.

"No, I know where the pearl is! It's in the center of the Yalex's head! It's the white eye!" The Black Paladin responds and explains.

"Oh, perfect. Let's go down there and get it." Hunk says sarcastically.

"Yeah, I hate to say this Shiro, but it's probably time to give up." Keith reluctantly agrees.

"No! We can beat this thing, get that pearl and save Coran!" Shiro rejected and encouraged. "We just need a way to get in closer." He says, and they use a piece of the moon to shield themselves as they fly in close. "Pidge, if Lana and Blue can form a layer of ice over our shield, could that act as a mirror to deflect the laser blasts?" He ask the Green Paladin.

"For a few times maybe, but then the direct heat will melt the ice." Pidge replies.

"And then we'll be the ones cooked." Hunk adds.

"We'll have to act fast then. Lana, split off and ice up the shield. Keith, Pidge is going to be handling the defense, so you and Red will have to reach in and pluck out the pearl." Shiro orders his teammates.

"Got it, Shiro." Keith replies.

"I'm on it." Lana responds herself.

"Let's go, Team Voltron!" The Black Paladin says and they quickly enact their plan.

Lana and Blue proceed to freeze over Voltron's shield, then rejoin said robot. The team then discards the rock and uses the iced-shield to deflect the lasers as they move in towards the Yalex. However, before they could grab the pearl, one of the lasers is deflected back at the Yalex, blowing it to pieces. Along with the pearl.

"It's gone." Pidge says.

"And so is the pearl." Keith adds.

"What do we do now?" Lana asks.

"What can we do? Without that pearl, we can't save Coran." Hunk panics.

"Don't get discouraged just yet." Shiro encourages. "We managed to save Krell, and we can still save the priests. We're the Defenders of the Universe, not just the Defenders of our friends." The Black Paladin says and they proceed to gather up all the floating camel priests and take them down to planet Krell, to reunite with the rest of their people.

"Thank you for returning us to our people. I suppose this is the beginning of a new age, just like we had imagined." The Priest from before thanks them.

"We're happy to see you all reunited. Now we have to see if we can reunite with a friend of our own." Shiro says. But with the pearl gone, what could they do now?

"Before you leave, and continue your journey, check over the hill in the distance. You may discover something that interests you." The priest tells them. While not really understanding what he means, the Voltron crew proceeds to board their ship and fly to where the priest said to. To their surprise, they found the Yalexian Pearl in a crater by the hill.

"Holy Quiznack, that gem is huge... I've never seen one this size before." Lana says awestruck with stars in her eyes.

"That could make like, a million pieces of pearl jewelry." Pidge says.

"Great, now we can save Coran!" Hunk exclaims. With that, Voltron proceeded to pick up the pearl and carry the giant gemstone all the way back to the Fripping Bulgogian, to finally repay Coran's debt and save him.

"Hah! I told you they do it! Pay up!" The said orange mustache altean exclaims when they appear. Huh?

"I don't believe it. I figured that they would at least survive sure, but..." Kythulian Mu mutters as he gives Coran some kind of money.

"Wait, Coran, what are you talking about? What's going on?" Shiro asks confused.

"Successful training mission, Paladins. Fried turtle scallions on me!" The orange-haired man replies. Wait, what?

"That whole thing, was a training mission?!" Keith exclaims.

"We nearly killed! Multiple times!" Pidge adds.

"Coran, please tell me this wasn't just an excuse for you gamble and win a quick score." Lana says sternly. Even she was unhappy with this.

"Come, come now. Didn't you have fun? You know last time we did this, Alfor said he got into a board game kind of like Kingdom Wars. He never stopped talking about it." The altean replies then says.

"Wait, what? The Paladins of Old did this too?" The alien princess said surprised.

"So, you weren't really in danger?" Keith questioned.

"Oh, no. That was just motivate you all. But Krell was in fact in danger of the Yalex and we knew that Voltron was the only thing that could possibly stop it. With that said, now Kythylian here can sell the pearl and use the GAC to Fight Zarkon." The orange-haired man explains.

"Coran, I swear..." Lana groaned.

"Can we not have any more training missions for now? I'm tired." Hunk says.

"I think we've had enough training, and it's time we get back to fighting Zarkon." Shiro says in reply and Hunk groans. That's not what he meant.

AN: Welp, we're officially done with the first comic story. And yes, that is how it ends. Dammit Coran. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it, now we're getting back to the show's cannon. See you all later.

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