~Across the Universe~
AN: Hi everyone! Sorry for not updating this story in a while, I've been busy with other projects... but I'm back, and we've also hit, over 4,000 reads! Yahoo! Now along with that, it's time we kick off season 2! 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Start!
The Paladins of Voltron succeeded in getting back Allura and "Blade", aka Lotor, back from Zarkon's clutches. However, something happened to the wormhole they tried to use to escape. Now the paladins were separated, scattered across the galaxy away from the castle and each other.
"Alaina!" Allura cried out, but her sister didn't reply. "No... They've all vanished through the temporal rift! They're all gone!" She states distraught. Her sister, the only blood family that she had left, was lost in space.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Meanwhile, with the Paladins, Shiro and Keith both crash on a rocky deserted like planet, with Shiro still injured from Haggar. While Pidge crashes into some sort of trash nebula with no gravity, screaming as she collides with some of the larger pieces of debris, Green eventually stopping at the impact.
"Huh? What's the matter, girl?" Pidge asks as she checks over her lion.
"My systems are down. The corrupted wormhole and the crash must be why. I'm out of commission at the moment." The lion replies with a groan.
"Okay, rest up a bit. I'll see what I can do." The green paladin says back then looks at their surroundings. "Looks like there's no gravity here. It's like some sort of, trash nebula." She observes, taking a deep breath to calm herself.
"Okay, Pidge, stay calm. You know what they all say. "When you get lost in space, the best thing to do is stay put and wait for people to find you"." She says, despite the fact that wasn't an actual saying. "This'll be nice. I'll have some "me" time." She adds while tapping her finger on her helmet.
"You know, the first sign of someone going crazy is usually when they start talking to themselves." Green comments with a slight snicker. Pidge huffs, but doesn't deny her lion's words.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Back with the Castle of Lions, the ship was still stuck in the corrupted wormhole, being tossed by the hole's current as they flew, unable to get out.
"Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor, to see where this wormhole is taking us." Coran says, while looking over the systems.
"Coran, look! There appears to be something at the end. We're heading right toward it." Allura alerts.
"What is that?" Lotor asks, his mask still covering his face.
"Scanners show that there's no exit. It's just nothingness." Coran replies. "We need to find an exit before we run smack into the void!" He instructs. Allura quickly opens a bunch of windows, trying to do just that. Key word being: Try.
"I can't. I've lost control of the Castle." She replies, just as they approach the void.
"Brace yourselves! Cause we're about to hit it!" Coran warns.
"Princess!" Lotor shouts then engulfs the princess in a protective hold, just as the Castle hits the void.
"Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor, to see where this wormhole is taking us." Coran repeats his earlier words, only...
"Ah! We're okay!" Allura says as she and Lotor separate to see they were fine.
"That's a relief." The masked man sighs, just as relieved.
"What are you two talking about? We've lost all the lions! And Alaina!" Coran exclaims panicked. Huh?
"We just smashed into a black void. Don't you remember?" Allura says, then sees one of her mice on her shoulder, but it wasn't a mouse. "What? What happened to the mice? They've all transformed." She says, as all four mice were now some sort of squirrel creature.
"That's not the only thing. Did he always look like that?" Lotor suddenly asks and Allura turns to Coran, only to gasp.
"What is it? Why are you two looking at me like that? Do I have a boogie stuck in my moustache again?" Coran asks, while pulling said moustache, but that's not it.
"No. You look, younger." Allura replied as the man appears to have de-aged. The castle then shook and the occupants were thrown off-balance.
"Scanners show that there's no exit. It's just nothingness." Coran repeats again.
"You said that already!" Allura shouts.
"We need to find an exit before we run smack into the void!" The man continues.
"I'm entering coordinates to get us out of here." Allura says as she types. "The Castle won't accept an end point." She says as the coordinates are rejected.
"Just enter any coordinates!" Coran screams.
"I've tried, but the system is locked. I can't get a signal out or receive a signal in!" The princess replies then turns to Lotor. "You know, we could really use some help here!" She says to him.
"I'm honestly scared to touch anything! I'm not sure how a lot of this equipment works, and I don't want to make things worse!" The mask man replies.
"Okay, fair—Ah!" The princess agrees then cries out when the void comes upon them again. Lotor quickly shields her as the Castle hits it.
"Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor, to see where this wormhole is taking us." Coran repeats again, now even younger and without sleeves.
"Oh, no! You're even younger now!" Allura sighs frustrated.
"Oh, I feel a headache coming on, I just know it." Lotor groans just as annoyed.
"What's the matter? You two look confused. Don't worry, I'll get us out of here." The altean man says while strutting different. The other two look at him with annoyance, then gasp when the mice, now cow creatures, appear next to them.
"What is going on? And why are we unaffected?" Lotor asks confused.
"We seem to be in some sort time loop that's affecting everyone but us." Allura replies and laughs as one of the cows licks her. Another then proceeds to nuzzle Lotor. He chortles then pats the cow's head.
"Scanners show that there's no exit. It's just..." The younger Coran starts repeating again.
"Nothingness! I know, and we can't find an exit point out of here." Allura cuts him off and groans in annoyance, seriously getting frustrated.
"Don't just stand there. We've got to find a way! I'll never give in to nothingness!" Coran says with, honestly annoying, vigor. Causing the other to groan again.
"Ugh! Where's Amue when you need her?" The princess groans.
"That's actually a good question, princess. Where is she? I would've thought she'd be here by now." Lotor questions, then the void comes up again. "Oh, here we go again! Brace yourselves!" He warns, shielding Allura again as they hit.
~Alaina of Voltron~
"Argh! Not again!" Said handmaiden growls as she and Jaga are transported to yet another part of the Castle, that isn't the bridge. The altean girl had gone down to check on the second princess, but she and Blue were knocked out of the hanger.
Then ever since entering the wormhole, Amue kept getting teleported to different parts of the Castle, along with Jaga. She has been attempting to get to the bridge, but almost every time she's gotten close, the two were transported away. And to make things even weirder, every time they got transported, Jaga changed colors. From blue to green, then purple and now yellow.
"Quiznak! At this rate, we'll never get to the bridge to find out what's going on!" The pink haired altean curses while tussling her hair.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Back in the Trash Nebula, Pidge and Rover exited Green to check the area. While the lack of gravity did make it kind of hard to get around, thankfully, Pidge had her jetpack and Rover his mini-thrusters. The two flew near something akin to a metal cave, which suddenly had what looked like glowing eyes inside it.
"What the-? Ah!" Pidge yelps as she took out her Bayard, activating it, while also losing her balance for a tick. Rover quickly helps her straighten up and the Green paladin aims her weapons at the eyes as they multiply.
"Whose there?!" Pidge demands, then a bunch of fuzzy little creatures float out from the cave, all squeaking cutely. The glowing actually marks on their cheeks. "Hmm? Aw! Oh, hey little guys! Aw, you guys are so cute~" The girl coos as they float around the tech duo. They seemed harmless, if anything, curious.
"Too cute to be found in a dump like this. Are you guys the only ones living here? I hope our rough landing didn't disturb your day. We'll only stay here for a short bit of time. We're just waiting for our friends to come find us.
"We got separated during a wormhole jump." She says, explaining to the little critters. Five of them then bump into each other, making an adorable squeaking sound, forming a row. "Yeah, friends." She says then turns to look up at Green worriedly. "I sure hope they find us soon." She adds.
~Alaina of Voltron~
"Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor, to see where this wormhole is taking us." A now teenage Coran says indifferently. "This is so boring." He sighs.
"Coran, please! We do not need your attitude right now!" Allura says, the now snails crawling over her.
"You don't understand me at all! You have no idea what I'm going through! I'll be in my control area! Humph!" The said teenager huffs back.
"Great, he was one of those." Lotor groans, about two ticks away from hitting his head against the wall. Just so he wouldn't have to deal with this anymore.
"I know, but we have bigger problems. I can't manually enter any coordinates." Allura says, still trying in vain to get themselves out of the corrupted wormhole.
"What about the lions? Can't you track them?" The masked man asks.
"You're right! The Castle can automatically lock on to the Lions' whereabouts if we can locate them." The princess says, turning off the monitors and bringing up the star map to find the lions, but... "It's not working! I'm unable to hone in on any of their location." She says.
"Wait, what does that mean for them?" Lotor asks, then loud music starts playing.
"Coran, turn that down this instant! Our lives are at stake here!" Allura scolds while taking down the map.
"I already have a headache from all this, and your music isn't helping!" Lotor yells annoyed.
"I can only express myself through music!" The teenager replies and the two groan.
"Coran, if you don't turn that down, I swear I'll turn this Castle around and--"
"And what? We're just gonna run into this void that's coming up here." Coran cuts her off as they approach the void again.
"Oh lord, not again!" Lotor says then grabs Allura as the impact the void again.
"Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor, to see where this wormhole is taking us, whatever that means." A now child Coran, somehow still having his mustache, says once they exit.
"We've tried everything and nothing has worked. A few more trips down this wormhole and you're going to disappear!" Allura says panicked.
"How do we get out of this accursed hole?" Lotor questions, then yelps when the mice, now combined in a strange creature with four heads, sneaks up behind him.
"Just blast your way out! Duh!" Coran says as he goes running around then climbs up onto the four-headed creature's back and starts riding it like a pony.
"That could work. The Castle's defenses might be powerful enough to destroy the tunnel." Allura considers.
"Yeah! And it'll go ker-plooey!" The child says and Allura starts shooting, however...
"Allura, stop! Stop! It's just sending the laser blasts back at us! We'll be destroyed at this rate!" Lotor warns and the princess stops shooting.
"Where's Voltron?" Child Coran asks while blowing raspberry, just as the Castle collides with the void... Again.
~Alaina of Voltron~
"My name is Keith. I'm so emo." Pidge says, having made replicas of her team using the trash, and currently imitating Keith. "Hello everyone! I'm Lana! I'm the coolest girl in all of the galaxy!" She then imitates Lana. "L-Lana! Hi!" She goes back to Keith again.
"Shiro, you're our leader. What should we do?" Pidge as herself asks. "We'll get through if we work together. We're a team." She said as Shiro. "I can help." She does Blade next. "We're here with you. Just don't make my work harder." She imitates Amue next.
"Oh, I don't feel good. The smell of this place makes me want to barf." She does Hunk next. "Paladins please, we must defeat Zarkon." She says in Allura's voice next then goes over to her Coran dummy replica. "Blah, blah, blah! Crazy words. Mustache!" She does Coran next.
"Hmm? What is it?" Pidge then asks confused, as the little critters' marks all begin flashing. She turns to her lion to see her activate and put her particle shield go up. "Green! Hey girl, you're back!" She cheers then tries to fly over to her lion, but is caught by a stray wire, causing her to crash back down.
"You okay, Pidge?" Green asks her paladin, concerned.
"I'm fine. Just tripped and landed on an old satellite." Pidge replies, then gets an idea. "Hey! Maybe we don't have to wait for the others to find us. We can find them instead." She says.
"What do you have in mind?" The lion inquires, interested.
~Alaina of Voltron~
"Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor, to see where this worm goes." A now toddler Coran, still with his mustache, says, then his little stomach growls. "I hungry." He says and starts stomping on the control panel, throwing a tantrum.
"Coran, no! That's not a toy!" Allura exclaims and runs over to the toddler, past the mice that have become giant floating glowing balls, then quickly grabs the fussing toddler from the panel, Lotor behind her.
"You're going to break the Castle and everything will stop!" She scolds, then looks like she got an idea. "Wait a tick. Perhaps we can just simply stop the Castel from moving if she we shut everything off." She says, putting down Coran and goes to do just that.
"No! Mine!" Toddler Coran whines while pulling Allura's hair.
"Okay, got you!" Lotor says grabbing hold of the toddler, just as Allura turns off all power.
"I've shut down all the power, why're we still moving?" The white haired girl asks.
"It must be the current of this vortex. It's been what's driving us this whole time!" Lotor exclaims as they approach the void again.
"My control panel!" The toddler begins fussing again in Lotor's arms, then goes to pull the man's hood down, his mask disappearing like last time.
"Hey!" The man exclaims and gets a better hold on the boy. "Oh ancients, here it comes!" He then says, shielding Allura with his free arm as they hit the void again. "Alright, this is way past ridiculous!" He groans then notices Coran, who's now a baby with just a tuff of hair shaped like a mustache. "Oh dear..." He sighs.
"I know, I know. Who wants to check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor, to see where this wormhole is taking us? You do, that's who." Allura coos, trying to calm the fussing baby. The mice were also birds. "We have to get out of this time loop before the only left of Coran is his mustache." She says next.
"Ah!" Lotor exclaims as baby Coran grabs his braid and pulls. Allura quickly takes the baby from his arms and gets his hair of the infant's grasp.
"Sorry..." She apologizes while trying to settle the fussy baby altean.
"Don't worry, not the first time." He says while rubbing the area of the pain.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Back in the trash nebula, Pidge and Rover, along with help of the little critters, gather and used parts they could find to rebuild the satellite. Hopefully to send a signal far enough to alert the others to where they currently were, using Green as an energy source.
"Okay, now for this last wife and... That should do it!" The Green Paladin says as she finishes the last wife connection. "Now let's see if we can get a hold of the Castle, or at least anyone else." She says as the satellite activates, but then shuts down again.
"No, no! What's wrong? I need to get out of here! I need to find my friends! Come on!" The young paladin exclaims frustrated.
"Leave it to me!" Green says then lets out a roar, the satellite bursting to life and sends out a beaming signal.
"Thanks, Green. Now, let's see if this thing works." Pidge says then flies into her lion, Rover right behind her. In the cockpit, she hooks some systems to Rover and starts sending Green's energy through the signal.
~Alaina of Voltron~
"What do we do? The moment we hit the end of the tunnel again, Coran here will cease to exist." Allura says as they approach the void again. Baby Coran then coos in her arms. "Coran... What even is the point?" She questions, on the verge of tears.
"Maybe Father was right... Altea is gone, the Alteans lost, and Alaina... What if I, I never see her again? She's part of what little I have left... I guess Haggar was right about me. I'm weak, that's probably why Alaina was chosen to be a Paladin instead of me..." The girl says, feeling like all hope was lost.
"Allura, please. That was not your Father." Lotor says, wiping a tear from her face. "I know, I never knew him, but I have a feeling he wouldn't have wanted you to give up, and neither would Alaina. And you shouldn't listen to Haggar at all, she was just trying to get in your head to deter you." He encourage her.
"But she was right! Fala was not my real mother. Mine died, all because she gave birth to me! And how can I fight for Altea, when everything of it is gone!" Allura says.
"Fala, may not have been you biological mother, but she raised you. Taught you. Loved you. So don't go saying that you're not her real daughter. Because it's clear she cared for you like one." The purple prince rebuffs. "And while Altea is gone, the Alteans still live." He says next and Allura looks up at him in surprise.
"What? But all Alteans were destroyed!" She insisted.
"Not all of them. Some were off world and some also managed to escape before Zarkon destroyed the planet. Over the deca-phoebes, I've managed to find some of their descendants and hide them away from the Empire on a new planet. They are all still there, waiting for you and Alaina, the last of the Royal Altean Family." He tells her with a sincere face.
"Are you serious? Why didn't tell us before?" The princess questions.
"Because I wanted to earn your trust first, so that you knew I was telling you the truth." He replies. Just then, the screen flashed with a signal.
"Lotor, look! The Castle has locked onto a coordinate." Allura says then turns to the taller man. "I need you to hone in on it. I'll tell you what to do." She says.
"What? Why me?" The half-galra asks surprised.
"Because I trust you." She replies and Lotor's eyes widen before turning serious and he gets to work, following Allura's instructions as precisely as he could.
"Come on, come on." She mutters as the coordinates are traced and a wormhole opens before them, just before they hit the void. They emerge and fly towards the trash nebula where the signal was coming from.
"We made it!" Allura cheered while Lotor sighed in relief. Their moment is then interrupted by snoring. They look down to see Coran still in Allura's arms, thankfully back to his normal age. The man groans, waking up.
"Mum? Dad?" He asked, still half asleep, looking at Allura and Lotor. Said princess growls then promptly drops the Altean man to the floor, while Lotor pinches his nose bridge.
"Finally!" They then turn to see Amue, along with Jaga, come onto the bridge. "I'm sorry, I kept trying to get here, but I kept being transported to different sections of the Castle. And Jaga kept changing colors, though it seems he's back to normal now. Oh..." The handmaiden explains then groans.
"Ah! Galra!" Coran suddenly shouts and Lotor realizes his mask was still off. He scrambles to get it on, but is stopped by none other than Allura.
"It's okay, you don't need to hide your face anymore." She assures him.
"Guys!" A familiar voice says and Pidge appears on screen.
"Pidge, oh thank the ancients. You saved us. We were stuck in a time loop." Allura says gratefully.
"That will surely go down as one of the strangest things that I've been through. And I've seen some strange things in this universe." Lotor admits.
"Wait. Who is that?" Pidge asks, noticing the Galra aboard.
"It's Blade, Pidge. His real name is Lotor, and I assure you, he's here to help. I'll explain more later." Allura says and explains.
"How about how you got us out of that vortex with this giant trash pile?" Coran inquires, a double bump on his head from hitting the ground.
"Oh, this? It's a make-shift communications link that sends out Green's energy. It's similar to the energy that guided the Blue Lion home." The human girl explains.
"Pidge, you're a genius!" Coran compliments.
"I know. Though, I can't take all the credit. Rover and all of them helped after all." The Green Paladin says, gesturing to her little bot and their new friends.
"Let's go get the rest of the paladins." Allura says next. Coran scratching at his bump, but is stopped by Amue.
~Alaina of Voltron~
Meanwhile, Keith and Shiro had managed to find each other on the rocky planet they landed on. Red had been out so Keith had to find Shiro on foot, and hurry as Shiro was injured and got attacked by strange lizard like predators when he'd left Black. Who suddenly awoke and saved Shiro, just as Keith arrived on the scene.
"Thanks for helping me." Shiro says as Keith helps fix him up.
"Don't talk too much. How's your wound?" Keith says then asks.
"Ah... It's, it's, getting bigger all the time." Shiro replies with a hiss. "Keith. I might not make it..." He says weakly.
"Don't say that, you're gonna make it!" Keith denies.
"Keith, stop... Stop! I might not make it, so you have to move on if I'm not here." Shiro tells the younger boy.
"How can I, without you? I need you Shiro, you're all I have..." Keith pleaded.
"Keith, please stop. I won't be around forever. Even if I survive this, you need to learn to move on without me if I'm gone." The man says with conviction. "I also need--" He's cut off as a wormhole opens in the sky and the Green Lion comes through, heading straight for them. They were saved.
AN: Whew! Did this take me a while... Sorry guys, it's been so hot lately that my brain's been fried for a while, luckily I have an AC in my writing office so... Plus I've also been busy with other projects. Enjoy the update and what I added.
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