
In the beginning God created heaven and earth.

Darkness covered the face of the earth, void and without form.

Moving across the expanse of waters, God began to sort the chaos
one day at a time,
and so,
day and night came to pass.

The heavens and seas tore apart,
Earth emerging from it.

A mist sprouted into the air,
evergreen blossoming upon the lands.

With the moon and stars rising above the mountains,
abundant marine life followed in it's reflection.

Aves flew through the sky,
beasts patrolling below,
as breath of life caused a soul to walk amongst them.

Taking a deep breath through the nose, a man rose from the dust to till the ground.

The Creator planted a Garden Eastward in Eden. Breathtaking trees grew from the grounds, some yielding great fruits.
None however could compare to the two tall-standing trees in the midst of the garden.

The Tree of Life,

and The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (TKGE).

God commands the man to feast upon any of the fruits he desired. All, except that of the TKGE, for within that day you shall surely die.

A majestic river went out of Eden to water the Garden. From thence it parted into four heads.

1 - The First river is Pison,
stretching across the lands of Havilah.
There is found good gold,
bdellium, and the onyx stone.

2 - The Second river is Gihon,
stretching across the lands
of Ethiopia.

3 - The Third is Hiddekel,
going towards
the East of Assyria.

4 - The Fourth being Euphrates.

God noticed it isn't good for the man to be alone and decided to create a help-meet for him.

From the ground of which he formed all the aves and beasts of the lands, He brought them unto Adam, to name each living creature.

That night, a deep slumber fell over him. Removing one rib from Adam, God closed up the flesh, creating a female, and brought her to him.

"This is my bone and flesh? She will be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."
Therefor a man will leave his father and mother, to be with his wife.
For they will be one.

The man and wife were both naked, not ashamed. God blessed His Creation, "Man and Woman, replenish the Earth and subdue it. For it is yours to have dominion over all living. I give to you all every Flora for nourishment."
And it was so.

Now, the serpent, is more subtle than any other beast of the fields. One day he asks the woman if they mayn't eat of every tree.

"We may eat the fruit of the trees, but not of the tree in the midst of the Garden. God said you shouldn't eat or touch it, unless you want to die."

The serpent smirked, "You will surely not die." He pluck a ripe fruit presenting it to her, "What God doesn't know is the day you eat thereof, you will become like gods. Your eyes will truly be opened, knowing good and evil."

The woman saw indeed it is good for food and pleasant to the eye. A tree to be desired to make one wise? She made her choice and took a bite.
Giving to her husband, he too chose to ate thereof. And their eyes opened. Seeing their nakedness they sew together fig leaves, making themselves aprons.

In the cool of the day, God's voice wandered through the Garden calling unto Adam, "Where are you?"

Adam and his wife had hid among the trees to avoid His presence. Adam shakily replies, "I heard your voice in the Garden and I was afraid, for I was naked and thus hid myself."

"Who told you that you are naked? Did you eat the fruit of which I specifically commanded you shan't?"

Adam answered, "Woman, whom You gave to be with me, gave it to me and I ate thereof."

God looked at her, "What have you done?"

She pointed to the serpent, "He beguiled me to eat it!"

God looked towards the serpent, "Because of what you've done, I curse you. Beneath all land creatures you will slither on your stomach, eating dust for the rest of your days. There will be bad blood between you and the woman, for generations to come. It will bruise your head, and you shall bruise the heel."

Looking at the woman, God continued, "I will greatly multiply your sorrow and conception. In sorrow you'll bring forth children. Your desire will be to your husband, whom shall rule over you."

He shifted his gaze towards Adam, "Because you have hearkened the voice of your wife, I curse the ground for your sake. In sorrow you'll eat from it for the rest of your life. Thorns and thistles it will bring forth. In the sweat from your face you'll eat bread, until you return to the ground. For dust you are, and to dust you shall return."

Adam called his wife Eve, for she was the mother of all living. God made them coats of skins, and clothed them.

"Behold," God said, "the man came to be as one of us, knowing good and evil. Now, lest he also eats of the Tree of Life, and live forever, I send you forth. Go, from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from your homeland."

At the East of the Garden of Eden, God placed Cherubims, the Second Order of Angels. A winged child, with the distinctive gift of knowledge. Guarded by a flaming sword which turns every way, the Tree of Life was kept safe.

"I have gotten a man from the Lord." Eve said as she conceived and bared Cain, a tiller of the ground.
She bared him a brother, Abel, who was a keeper of sheep.

In the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought fruit as an offering unto the Lord, and Abel, of the fat firstlings of his flock.

The Lord had respect unto Abel and unto his offering, but unto Cain's offering, he had none. Cain became livid as his demeanor fell.

"Why are you wroth, and your countenance fallen?" God asked of Cain, "If you do well, wouldn't you be accepted? And if you don't do well, sin lies at your door. It desires you, but you should rule over it, and not, it over you."

One day in the fields, the brothers conversed and Cain rose against Abel, and slew him. God asked Cain, "Where is Abel, your brother?"

"I know not. Am I my brother's keeper?"

"What have you done? Why does the voice of his blood cry out to me from the ground? From now, you are cursed from the earth, which opened her mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hands. When you till the ground from henceforth, it wouldn't yield her strength. A fugitive, and vagabond you'll be in the earth."

Cain said to the Lord, "My punishment is greater than I can bear! You drive me out as of this day, from the face of the earth? From your face I'll be hid, a fugitive, and vagabond in the earth? And it will come to pass, that every one that find me, shall slay me?"

The Lord answered, "Therefore, whoever slays you, Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him, sevenfold." God set a mark upon Cain, lest anyone finds him, should kill him.

Situated East of Eden, in the land of Nod, he dwelt from the presence of the Lord.

Cain's wife birthed Enoch,
whom built a city,
named after his son,
Generations were as follow :

1 - Cain

2 - Enoch

3 - Enoch

4 - Irad

5 - Mehujael

6 - Methusael

7 - Lamech

Lamech took two wives,
Adah, and Zillah.

Adah's son,
was the father of those who dwell in tents, and have cattle.
His brother, Jubal,
the father of all handling the harp, and organ.
Zillah's son,
an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron.
His sister was Naamah.

"Wives of Lamech, hearken my speech. For I, Lamech, have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. If Cain will be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech, seventy-and-sevenfold."

And Adam knew his wife again,
and she bared a son,
called Seth.

For God, she said, hath appointed her another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.

To Seth,
there was also born a son,
named Enos.

Only then, men began to call upon the name of the LORD.

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