Terror Under the Blood Moon Ep4

Fang's POV

Nope, nope, nope, and NOPE. This is not good. Being chased by a pack of raptors, trying to keep my remaining family safe is not the best way to end the day. HELL NO.

Third Person's POV

It was true. The trio was being chased by a VEY LARGE pack of raptors. Leporada was in front of Spear, holding onto Fang and her dagger. Spear had an arm over Leporadaso she wouldn't fall off and get attacked and he held onto his spear. A raptor screeched and ran to them. It jumped up in the air, but Spear stabbed it. Another one did the same, only for Leporada to slice its stomach open.

One jumped up, Spear slashed it with his spear, one got killed by Fang. She ran even faster. The raptors roared in frustration. One jumped up, Spear smacked it away. One landed on his spear, and he threw it off. Another jumped up, only for Leporada to stab it. Raptors kept attacking, the trio kept killing.

The raptors slowly started to form around them. One raptor ran to them and got near Fang's legs. It shrieked and bit her leg. She roared out in pain and smacked it away with her tail, and another one. Fang headbutted two. A raptor jumped at them. One clawed Spear's back. Spear yelled in pain and shoved that raptor away. One bit Fang on the neck, which Leporada kicked away.

One jumped and landed on Spear's chest, but Leporada grabbed its tail and swung it away. One on Fang's left side clawed Leporada's leg. She yelled out in pain and Spear stabbed it in the head. That's when the raptors swarmed them, but Fang jumped over them and ran into the tall wheat field.

Leporada quickly patched up her leg wound as they zoomed through the wheat stalks. Spear helped her out and kept watching for more raptors. Leporada saw the end of the field.

Leporada: Fang, go, go! We're nearly out-

Before she could finish her sentence, Fang was out of the field, but they have surrounded by more raptors. Fang slowly backed up, but raptors surrounded her from behind too. They were trapped. Leporada hissed as she held her dagger. Fang growled and held Leporada close.

Fang growled deeply at the raptors, warning them not to move. As soon as the sun went down, the raptors shrieked and roared at the sky, and quickly ran back into the wheat stalks. Leporada looked at the confused and froze when she saw the Moon. It was blood red.

Fang growled at the wheat stalks and jogged forward. Leporada held onto Spear, and he held her, not letting go. Thick clouds rolled in, and eventually, it was foggy. Spear got off of Fang's back but kept a hold of Leporada's hand. As they continued to walk, Leporada kept looking up and around.

Leporada then saw something. Saw something big. She squinted her eyes, and when the fog cleared, she and Spear gasped. A Huge rock had skulls of animals/dinosaurs. Fang did not like it. 

Spear's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was...nothing like I have ever seen before. I felt Leporada squeeze my hand harder. I looked at her and she had a scared look on her face. I looked at her, my eyes and face showing worry. I have never seen her this scared.

Fang moved forward and I glared at the rock and sky, not liking the vibes I was getting. I quickly followed after Fang and took Leporada's hand back in mine. She smiled slightly, causing me to also smile.

I then had the feeling that someone was watching us. I turned around and saw that the eyes that I saw before, under a rock, were now gone. I growled and continued to walk. Fang saw the same thing and she snarled at it. We then heard the sound of wings flapping. Out of nowhere, Leporada scrambled off Fang's back and hid behind a huge rock.

I and Fang followed quickly after. Leporada was shaking like a leaf on a windy day and was breathing rapidly. I brought her close to my body and breath slowly. She caught the message and soon enough, she was breathing more calmly and felt warmer.

I smiled and kissed the top of her head. I then heard footsteps and quickly moved her behind me. I peeked out with Fang. She growled at the sound. I then saw a silhouette of a person walking. I looked closer and I saw a strange monkey-person, walking with a boar on his back, and looking up at the sky with fear.

Confused, I also looked up at the sky, but I didn't see anything. The weird-looking person then tripped and broke his leg really bad. There was then a whoosh sound from above. Lepporada squeaked in fear and shook in fear. 

Third Person's POV

The monkey-person started to hoot and yell at a big rock. Spear looked at it and saw a tribe of monkey people. They saw the one making the noise and started to hoot in a panic. A strange ape person emerged from under a rock and started to roar and screech. He ran to the injured monkey and grabbed the boar, before being snatched up by something.

Spear's eyes widened and Leporada shook as she heard more whooshes and screams. She took a deep breath and ran out from behind the cave. Spear grunted and yelled for Leporada to come back and Fang roared. The monkey person saw Leporada and hooted louder. Leporada grabbed him and the boar and ran back to the rock where the rest of the tribe was at.

Leporada made it inside and set the both of them down. The monkey people looked at her confused. There was another whoosh sound.

Leporada: HIDE.

They all nodded and quickly hid. Leporada heard a thud behind her. She closed her eyes as she heard screeches and was knocked away. She looked up and froze. She saw a huge, red bat with green eyes. Leporada got up quickly and got into her fighting position. She snarled and growled at the bat. 

Just before the bat could attack her, Fang came out of nowhere and bit its neck, the bat screeched. Leporada relaxed and smirked. Fang bit the head off of the bat and nuzzled Leporada. Leporada purred and nuzzled back. She was suddenly yanked back into someone's chest. 

She saw it was Spear and hugged him close, smiling. There were more roars coming from the sky. Spear grabbed his spear and Leporada held her dagger as a bat landed in front of them. It tried to bite them, but Leporada leaped away and Spear stabbed it in the head.

Leporada ran to Fang. A bat dove to her and she leaped out of the way, letting the bat smash its head on a rock. Leporada reached Fang and tried to hold her the best she could. There were just too many of them. Fang roared loudly in frustration. She bit and threw a bat away while Leporada was fighting two. She killed one of them, and the other went to Fang and helped a bat carry her away.

Fang roared, panicking. Leporada and Spear growled and ran after them. Spear wrapped his arm around Leporada's waist and with the help of rock, they were able to reach Fang and kill one of the bats. They all fell to the ground. Leporada and Spear were snatched up by a bat and Fang roared and ran after them. 3 bats came at her and she managed to kill all three, and continued to run. 

Leporada clawed at the bats' legs, while Spear used his body weight to try and lower the bat. He then bit one of the legs, causing the bat to screech out in pain and fly to a big rock, knocking Spear and Leporada out.

Fang's POV

I ran as fast as I could. Those two are the only family that I have left. The sky didn't change, and that was kinda scary and very creepy. It was very quiet, the only thing I could hear were my footsteps. I can't loos Spear and Leporada. Especially Leporada. When Goldenstripe dies, I made a promise to myself that I would protect her. 

Third Person's POV

Fang ran through the field, determined to get her friends back. She then saw a tall rock tower in the distance. She looked up and saw that there was a cave up there. She ran to the base and bellowed when she saw nothing there to help her climb up. She looked up and saw two of the back things go inside the cave.

Fang tried clawing at the rock, but it was too steep. She came up with a new idea. She backed up some and ran and jump on the rock. She started to run up it, but she fell down on her back. She tried again, fell on her back. She did it six more times and roared, frustrated. She ran to and landed on the rock, and was still. She was not moving.

She looked shocked, then she started slipping down. She dropped her head on the rock to stop slipping, but she ended up back on the base. She heard screeching from above ad saw two of the giant bats fly out off the cave. She had an idea. She roared loudly at them, and that got their attention real quick.

Fang circled around and fell to the ground, pretending to be dead. The bats laned and one of them sniffed her. It then screeched at the other one, and it screeched back. One grabbed a hold of her neck and the other got a hold of the base of Fang's tail and started to fly up into the cave.

They then placed her on a pile of dead animals. Fang opened her eye and raised her head and saw that the bats were leaving again. Fang got off the pile and walked around, grunting softly. She approached a pile of dead animals and sniffed it. She shook her head and continued walking.

She then saw a small cave, with some webs cocoons. Fang quietly entered and sniffed each one. She bit off a piece of a cocoon and saw a dead cave person. Her breathing hitched when she heard loud footsteps, and loud screeching. It came into view, it was a giant SPIDER!! Fang backed up in fear as the spider approached.

Fang growled and glared at the spider. It screeched as webs shot from its mouth. Fang got caught with it, but she chewed her way out. It shot more web at Fang, but she managed to jump out of the way and run to the spider. But the spider caught her and shot webs at her again.

But she jumped up and managed to dodge the webs. She roared and bit its leg, causing the spider to screech out in pain. It slammed Fag on the wall, but she didn't let go until she finally managed to tear off a piece. It used its claws and dragged her away. It slammed her on an upper wall, the ground, and a lower wall.

But she got familiar scents from a cocoon, before getting pulled away. Fang used her toe-claws to slow her down and was able to free herself. She ran over to the cocoon and ripped off a piece. There, Leporada and Spear had their eyes closed. Spear had his arms around Leporada and Leporada had her arms around Spear.

The spider grabbed Fang by the neck with its claws and pulled her away, Causing Fang to roar and the two up. Bot gasped and when they saw each other hugged. They then saw Fang being slammed onto the ground over and over again.

Spear and Leporda grunted and struggled to get out of the web. They eventually did and sighed in relief. Spear looked around and saw a large rock. He picked it up and charged at the spider, yelling. But when he smashed the leg, it bounced back and knocked him away. 

Leporada winced and looked around. She saw another large rock and something big with horns.

Leporada: Triceratops.

Leporada grabbed the rock and ran to the large cocoon. She quickly tore the web away and there was a Triceratops there. She then used the rock to break off one of the horns. It was a bit too heavy for her. She nearly dropped it when Spear took it. Leporada nodded and ran to the spider, Spear following close behind.

Fang was roaring in a panic. She was now trapped by webs and the spider was walking towards her. Fang roared out in fear but quickly stopped when Leporada started to cut the webbing and Spear stabbed the sider through the head. It shrieked out in pain and collapsed. Spear helped Leporada get off the rest of the webbing on Fang they all ran to the cave entrance.

The bat things screeched as they rose from their mountains. Leporada's eyes opened wide and looked down. Spear then had an idea. He ran to the dead spider and opened its mouth. Leporada looked confused and started to climb down the reck, using her sharp nails and sharp toenails.

She looked behind her and saw that the bat things were getting closer. She used all of her body strength to climb down faster. She heard Fang roar and then saw her falling with the web around her. 

Leporada: Ooooh. That's what he was doing.

She then saw Spear. He looked at her and swung over to Leporada. He wrapped his arm around her waist and both slid down. Eventually, the web ended and they all fell to the ground. Leporada landed on Spear, but they quickly got up when they saw the bats coming their way. Lepprada quickly hopped on Fang's back and Spear did soon after.

(I'm gonna end it right here, because of the bat battle, that's gonna get annoying. But, maybe some other time, I'll finish it)

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