Chapter Sixty Five.

Chapter Sixty Five

SYDNEY MADE A mental note to thank Stingray for letting them use his house for the after party.  It wasn't his house,  it was his sisters,  but it still made up for it.  When the students of West Valley arrived at the home,  Charlie made a bee-line outside to where the alcohol was.

Sydney had her hands pressed against Miguel's cheeks and her lips moved with his.  They were seated on the couch and Yasmine and Demetri were opposite of them,  making out as well.  It left Eli to be sat in the middle of the couch by himself.  His hands were in his lap and he was looking at the couples with disappointment.  "How is that I'm the only one without a date?"

Sydney pulled away from her Miguel and looked at him.  "Well,  you did chase Moon away,"

Miguel's eyes widened.  "Syd."

She shrugged.  "What,  am I wrong?"  She looked back at Eli.  "I mean,  I'm proud of you for overcoming everything but you were an asshole.  I say that with love,"

Demetri pulled away from Yasmine.  "I'm just happy I can I made out with someone at a party."

Sydney grinned and Yasmine got up from Demetri's lap.  "Come on,  let's check out the rest of the house."

She pulled him up by his tie.  "I'll race ya!"  The boy said cheerfully and they ran off together,  giggling.

Sydney chuckled as she watched them go.  Miguel patted her leg.  "I'm going to go find us some snacks."

Sydney nodded and stood up so he could get up from the couch.  He pressed a kiss to her cheek and took off to the snack table.  The Brit plopped down beside Eli and smiled.  "Hi."

He smiled back sadly.  "Hey."

Sydney nudged him arm.  "I'm sorry.  You know how blunt I can be,"

Eli shook his head.  "No,  it's okay.  You're right.  I had a good thing going and I ruined it."

Sydney frowned slightly.  "Not all is lost,  you know?  You still have all of us."

The boy looked at her and grinned.  "Thanks."

Sydney stared at the side of his face and thought to herself how proud she was of how far he came.  He once was a boy who could barely utter a word to anyone without freezing up,  and now he was a complete different person.  He overcame a lot.  He reminded her a lot of herself.  "You and I are a lot alike,"

Eli smiled.  "You think?"

Sydney nodded.  "We were both assholes.  Maybe me a little more than you,  but,  we both overcame obstacles to get to where we are now.  I'm proud of you,  Moskowitz,"

The boy blinked a few times and a smile slowly formed his face.  "Thanks,  Sydney,"

She smiled back and from the corner of her eye,  she saw a flash of red that made her head turn.  The grin on her face vanished when she made eye contact with Robby.  His face fell.

Sydney stood up from the couch and began to walk outside.  "Sydney,"  she heard Robby call her name.  "Sydney!"

The Brit stopped walking when she reached outside and she closed her eyes. She didn't want to start a fight. This was her prom. It was an important night. She had been angry with Robby for so long that now she just felt tired.

She turned around and faced him. "What?"

Robby opened his mouth to speak but his breath hitched in his throat.  "I-I know you're mad,"  he managed to speak.

"Mad?"  Sydney repeated in disbelief.  "I'm trying to not throw you. . ."  She jabbed her thumb behind her.  "Into that pool."

Robby sighed.  "I know there's nothing I can say to make you forgive me,  but I've missed you."

She scoffed.  "You should've through of that before you pushed Miguel off that railing."

She went to turn around and Robby glared at her.  "You don't know what happened.  You didn't see."

She stepped closer to him and glared.  "But I did see.  He showed you mercy!  That's what that stupid dojo taught him do and he paid the price for it,"

"I'm sorry—"

Sydney pointed to herself.  "I'm not the one who needs to apology.  I mean,  have you even told Miguel that you're sorry?"

Robby stared at her but didn't respond.  She scoffed under her breath.  "Course you didn't.  You're this big and bad Cobra Kai man now.  You think you're better than everyone else,"  she got in his face.  "I'll tell you the same thing that I told Tory.  Don't mess with me."

She pushed passed him and went back inside the house.  Miguel saw the angry look on her face and he narrowed his eyes.  "Hey,  are you okay?  What happened?"

When she didn't respond, Miguel looked over her head and saw Robby standing in the same place he was. He started to feel angry. "Did he say something to you?"

Sydney quickly grabbed his hand. "Hey, hey, no. Don't worry about him.  This is our night.  No fights,  remember?"

Miguel's expression softened and he nodded.  "Right,  yes.  I'm sorry.  I love you."

She smiled.  "I love you."

"Aww,  you two are so cute!"  Charlie commented when he approached them.  A solo cup of beer was rested in his hand.  "It makes me sick,"

Miguel chuckled.  "What's wrong with you?"

Charlie sighed. "It's Sam. Ever since Tory and Robby showed up to prom, it's all she can talk about. It's annoying,"

Sydney frowned. "I'm sorry. How do you feel about it?"

The boy shrugged. "It's my place to feel anything, I guess. Tory and I are over. I really like Sam. Just wish she'd let this rivalry go."

The frown on Sydney's face deepened and she looked down at her shoes.  What he said made her wonder if Miguel was feeling the same way about her.

Miguel put one of his hands on the girl's back.  "I'm sorry,  bro,"

When they suddenly heard the sound of shouting,  Sydney immediately ran outside and her eyes widened when she saw Tory and Sam fighting by the pool. "Oh, what the hell?"

Charlie appeared behind her and his eyes went wide. "Sam!"

Everyone watched as Charlie ran up behind Sam and yanked her off of Tory. "What are you doing?" He shouted at her.

"Doing what Johnny said! I'm not taking her shit anymore!" Sam shouted back.

Tory was about to grab Sam from behind and Charlie quickly pushed Sam out of the way. He grabbed Tory and dragged her to the ground. "No!"

Sydney squeezed her fists together. "I'm trying really hard to not get involved."

Miguel stood behind her and put his hands on her arms. "Just breath. This is their drama."

But his point of view seemed to shift when Robby appeared from the crowd and picked Charlie up by his arm. The two of them began to fight and the Brit immediately knew what Miguel was thinking. She looked up at him. "Mig, no—"

Miguel sprinted in a fury to the fighting group and pulled Robby away from Charlie.  "Get off of him!"

The British girl huffed in annoyance. It was when she saw Robby spin Tory around and she kicked both Miguel and Sam in the face, she cursed under her breath and kicked off her heels. She ran to them and grabbed Tory's fist that was texted back. She twisted her arm backwards and spun her around, kicking her to the ground.

"Sydney, what are you doing?" Sam asked loudly.

"Ruining my prom!"

Tory kicked Sydney in the stomach with her foot and she stumbled backwards.  Quickly recovering,  Sydney let out a cry and threw punches at Tory left and right,  making the girl back up.

Sam stood behind the blonde and kicked her in the back,  causing Tory to fall into Sydney and the Brit spun around,  kicking her across the face.

Sydney suddenly let out a scream when she felt a body slam into her and she was suddenly at the bottom of Stingray's swimming pool.  The girl panicked and flung her arms around until she reached the surface.  She gasped for air and looked around frantically,  seeing Miguel and everyone else had fallen in as well.

Her eyes locked with Miguel's and his face fell when she saw the anger and disappointment on her face.  "Syd. . ."  He trailed and then paused.

The girl held her hand up,  indicating that she didn't want to speak.  More people started to jump in the pool.  Sydney swam to the stairs to get out and Miguel trudged water to follow her.  "Sydney,  hold on.  Wait!"

The girl spun around and slung water everywhere. The look on her face was enough to send people running in fear. "One night, Miguel. You couldn't give me one night?"

"I'm sorry," he said quickly. "He was hurting Charlie!"

"You know, your whole savior complex is really driving me nuts!" She shouted and stormed off, through the house and out front.

Miguel chased after her. "Sydney! What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that this night was for us!" She yelled at him. "We promised each other that we would stay away from fights. Don't you see what karate is doing? We're supposed to be normal teenagers doing normal teenage things."

"I'm not a normal teenager anymore, Sydney!" Miguel shouted back in frustration. "I fell off a second story floor and almost died,"

She stormed up to him. "Because of karate!"

"You can keep blaming everything on karate!"

"Well I do!" Sydney seethed in anger. "The only reason I'm doing this tournament is for you, Mig. I could care less where karate takes me. Frankly, I wish it never came into my life in the first place because maybe then I would still be friends with Tory and my boyfriend wouldn't have gotten hurt,"

It went quiet between them. Neither of them knew what else to say. They were dripping wet and cold and angry, but not at each other. They were mad at everything else in the world. The seething anger inside of her slowly vanished and Sydney covered her face, feeling frustrated tears come.

Miguel's face softened and he walked up to her. "Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Come here."

He wrapped his arms around her and Sydney let out a cry into his chest. "I'm sorry," she spoke. "I'm just. . . This night was supposed to be perfect."

"It is perfect, Sydney," he said softly and lifted her face so she could look at him. He smiled. "Sure, we got thrown into a pool but this has been the best night of my life. All because of you."

The girl blinked away the tears and they fell but she managed to smile. "Even if your suit is ruined?"

He playfully shrugged. "It was in the back of my closet anyway."

She chuckled and he leaned down, kissing her. She pressed her hands to his cheeks and deepened the kiss. "Come on, I'll drive you home," she uttered and grabbed his hand.

"Good thing your seats are leather right?" He grinned.

"You're a lucky man, Miguel Diaz."

I was going to make this chapter longer but I thought the All Valley tournament should have it's own separate chapter!

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