Chapter Four.
Chapter Four
SYDNEY WAS CERTAIN she could get away with murder if she wanted to. No, she had not watch a single crime show or movie but she had a motive. She felt murderous. "Want me to kill him? I can chloroform him and throw him in the ocean. Let the fish eat him away."
Sam, crying violently in her arms, slipped out a sad laugh. "I would feel bad for the fish."
"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm not that cruel." Sydney soothed her and rubbed her arm, ebbing her curly hair out of her face.
Any other time that Kyler had done something stupid, Sydney probably would have said I told you so to Sam, that dating him was a terrible idea. But it was different this time. Kyler put his hands on her, he hurt her, and if there was anything to know about Sydney it was that when it came to her family and friends, screwing with them was a horrible idea.
Sam wiped the tears off her face. "I heard what happened in the library. I was listening. I can't believe I didn't listen to you and dad. I'm sorry."
"Ah, don't worry about it, love. We live and we learn." Sydney spoke logically and went back to smoothing her hair in a comforting manor.
"Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if you and I never met."
"You'd probably be one relationship away from thirty cats."
By the punch that sent to her arm, Sydney knew she would okay. But Kyler, that was a different story.
The next morning seemed to be better. Sam had her promise not to tell Daniel and Amanda what Kyler did and as much as she fought against it, Sydney kept her word. "You feeling any better, Sammy?" She asked, clasping the back of her necklace. Her fingers lingered on the diamonds and she thought of her parents. Just a couple more days and they'd be home.
"Yeah, a little." Sam answered and finished getting dressed. "Thanks for staying. I really needed a famous Sydney pep talk."
"You're welcome. I'll be here for the rest of your life."
She chuckled.
They went downstairs for breakfast. "Morning girls." Amanda greeted first.
"Morning," Sam said back. She eyed the kitchen table. "What, no banana-rama pancakes today?"
Daniel grew as large smile. "Are you kidding? I'm just about to whip up a batch right now." He insisted.
"I thought this wasn't a restaurant—"
"Just eat your muffin, okay?" He interrupted his son. "Sammy, Sydie, it's going to be hot again this weekend. Maybe you want to invite Kyler back for a swim?"
The two brunettes shared a look. "I don't think Kyler's going to be around anymore." Sam admitted.
Sydney tried not to laugh at his fake surprised face. "Oh, I'm sorry honey." Amanda said, having the same look.
"No, it's okay. I had a great therapist last night." She assured, smiling ag her friend.
Sydney held out her palm. "And that'll be a thousand dollars, please?"
Sam just laughed and shoved her shoulder.
All eyes were on Samantha at lunch. Kyler's rumor had spread all over school. Sydney stood close by her, giving all of them the evil eye. "C'mon, let's sit with Aisha." She insisted, not sparing Yasmine and Moon a glance.
Aisha saw them coming. "Oh, don't even think about it," she objected.
"A, come on," said Sydney quietly.
"I need a place to sit."
"Oh, Sydney can sit here if she wants. But maybe you can go sit with Kyler. I heard he doesn't mind that you suck."
Sydney inhaled a breath and looked at Sam, seeing her eyes harden. She put her tray down and stormed up to Kyler, causing Sydney's eyes to widen. "Uh Sammy, what are you doing?"
She was ignored. "You think it's funny to spread lies about me?" Sam confronted him and crossed her arms.
"What are you talking about? We saw a movie," Kyler denied. ". . . Well, maybe I saw a little bit more than you."
His friends laughed at his commentary and Sam looked away, embarrassed.
Sydney went to Sam's side and was about to say something but Sam held up her hand, stopping her. She swiped Kyler's lunch tray off the table, food going everywhere, and everyone in the cafeteria stopped and turned to them.
"Hey guys," Kyler yelled at everyone. "You know that billboard with the big ass sick on it? I guess Sam takes after her dad!"
The whole room busted out laughing. Sydney gave him a death glare. Before she or Sam could do anything, Miguel butted in. "Hey Kyler." He put his tray on a table and slowly walked up to him. "Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole?"
Sydney grabbed Sam's arm and backed them away from them.
"Want another beat down, 'Rhea?" Kyler threatened and he shoved Miguel backwards. "I'm ready for your lame ass karate this time."
He shoved him again, this time harder, and Miguel stumbled into a nearby table. "It's not lame ass karate," he said through his braces covered teeth.
Kyler threw his fist back, ready to punch Miguel in the face, but he quickly grabbed it. "It's Cobra Kai!"
He punched Kyler in the nose and everyone gasped at the sudden move. Sydney yelled and covered her mouth. Kyler charged at Miguel and picked him up, body slamming him on the table. He then picked him up and through Miguel across the room to another table, dragging him off and putting him in a chokehold.
Miguel threw his elbow back into Kyler's stomach and grabbed his wrist, twisting it and throwing a punch at his face. When Kyler's back was turned, Miguel kicked his foot into his back making his face hit the table.
"No mercy!" Aisha shouted.
Sydney's eyes remained wide as she watched Miguel continue to fight the bully. Suddenly, Brucks tried to grab him but Miguel was back to bend down and take his legs out from under him. More of Kyler's friends started going after Miguel but he was quick to dodge them.
Sydney scurried over to Aisha. "Should we help him?" She said in a state of panic.
Aisha shook her head. "No, he's got it. Trust me."
At that point, everyone had their phones out recording the fight. Sydney couldn't decide if she thought it was cool or idiotic because she was too busy trying not to have a panic attack.
Miguel quickly rolled to the other side of the table and grabbed one of the lunch treys. He started using it to hit the boys. He kicked Brucks in the stomach and wacked him with the tray, making him fall to the floor.
When Kyler got up from the floor, Miguel quickly got on top of one of the tables and hit him over the head with the try, knocking him out. When it was all over, everyone started cheering.
Miguel slowly stood up on the table, his breathing heavy, and he spotted Sydney in the crowd, staring at him with a slacked jaw and a glint in her eyes, looking both shocked and amazed. He found himself smiling.
Just then, Counselor Blatt stormed into the cafeteria to see Miguel on the table. "Hey, get down from there right now!" She demanded and grabbed his shirt sleeve, pulling him off the table and dragging him to the principal's office.
Sydney watched as he was dragged away, the sound of the clapping around her drowning out. A small laugh slipped past her lips and she was still in a state of shock.
When she saw Kyler get up from the floor, the shock started to turn into anger. Sydney stormed up to him and slapped him across the face, the loud sound bringing back everybody's attention. Then, she stomped on his foot with her very tall heel and when he doubled over, she kneed him in the stomach, and he fell to the floor again. "If you ever say anything about Sam again, there's a lot more where that came from, and it'll be worse." She threatened.
"Holy shit." Demetri cursed in completely shock.
Aisha smiled proudly and Sam went up to her, hugging her tightly as a form of appreciation.
When Miguel walked out of the building, following behind all of the other students, he was stopped by a voice. "That was pretty badass what you did."
He stopped in his tracks and smirked. Miguel turned around. "You think so?"
Sydney shrugged and kicked herself off of the wall. "I mean I've had my fair share of fights in my lifetime. Never took on four at one time though. But yeah, pretty badass." She rocked side to side on her heels. "What happens now? Are you in trouble?"
Miguel took a step closer to her. "You sound concerned."
She immediately scoffed. "No, just making sure you don't have a broken bones from the amount of times you've been beaten to a pulp."
He shook his head and laughed. "No, I'm not in trouble. My Yaya — that's my grandmother by the way, she answered the phone instead of my mom. She was so proud."
"So you won a fight and go off free?" Sydney observed and laughed slightly. "Must be your lucky day."
"You could say that. So, what do you say? Wanna learn karate?"
Again, Sydney scoffed. "Please, I'm too pretty to have someone kick me in my face."
"I don't know, Demetri told me how you drop kicked him during a game of basketball. You already have the kicks down," Miguel suggested, obviously amused.
"If I want to learn karate i'll just watch your video. You've gone viral after all."
A car horn blew and Miguel's name was called. "That's my Yaya, I better get going." He said once he saw his grandmother. He turned to her again, an idea floating in his head. "If you're ever curious or change your mind, just let me know."
As he started to walk off, she fought the urge to call him back. Don't do it, Sydney. You don't need to — "Diaz!" She called out, figuring against her inner monologue.
Miguel stopped walking, already half way to the car, and turned around with raised eyebrows.
Sydney sighed and she rolled her eyes. "How am I going to let you know if I can't contact you?"
He tilted his head, smirking. "Did you just ask for my number?"
She gave him an expressionless stare. "Don't make me change my mind."
His shoulders shook with laughter and he reached into the side pocket of his backpack. He walked back to her and reached for her hand. She yanked it back immediately, narrowing her eyes.
When he gave her a pointed look, she slowly gave her hand back to him. Miguel flipped her palm over and wrote his number on her hand. When he was done, he smirked again and walked backwards. "Don't be shy."
She jeered. "Wins one fight and suddenly goes all cocky."
But he was already far from her and she was oblivious to the fact that he heard her and was smiling a boyish smile.
When he got in the car, his grandmother gave him a look. "Don't say anything, just drive." But not even five minutes after they drove off, his phone dinged.
Just making sure you
didn't give me a fake number.
Miguel turned his head to look out the window and covered his mouth with his fist to hide his smile.
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