The Plan

June 12th, 2016 (Brittany's P.O.V)

'Dear Diary, 
Great, another day just to get up and eat Breakfast all just to go out on a normal school life. I know, it sucks, but that's what it does to you when you're a hot and popular chipmunk in a school where mostly humans attend to. I wish things were this easy, but it's not. Then again, I never thought of anything of this capacity. Sure, in Middle School I was one of the higher ups in Modeling (i gotta at least treat myself with pure beauty right?) and my Soccer team went No.2. Oh yea, and the Lip gloss is totally Gucci! (Thanks Ellie~) But you know what? i'm looking for someone that I can relate to, who I can rely on when I don't wanna be alone. Is he gonna stay? Probably not, but I want the BEST out of this person. A Girl has her limits, but I, Brittany Miller will stop at nothing until I find my--'

Before i can progress any further in my Diary entry, someone decided to jump on the stairs, yelling "Brittany! Hurry up! we're going to the Beach!" at the top of her lung's with authority. 'Eleanor' was the first thing that come to mind when i heard that joyful, happy tone. 

"Just give me a few minutes ok?" i demanded, but who am i kidding, this is Ellie who i'm dealing with. What can go wrong? 

I gave a frustrating sigh with a silent "Fine" before closing my diary and put it in my bag. After i opened the door to leave the closet that was inside the stairs, Jeanette was standing there, assumingly waiting for me to get out. 

"Wouldn't it kill you to just put on your Panties and Bikini on upstairs?" She questioned me, sounding very annoyed with the lack of patience i gave her. She wasn't wrong in that regard. 

"Come on Jeanette, you know me by now" I said as i take of my sweater to reveal my Pink Bikini on with lot's of hearts on them. "I always change alone, a girl need's her privacy" i proclaimed as Eleanor stood by my side handing what i assumed to be my Lip gloss, or was it?

"Happy now?" Ellie asked, i was confused on what to reply to that. 

"Is that even mine?" I asked, the Red Lip Gloss doesn't seem familiar to me, did i even have a spare? 

"Amazon, Works every time" She said. I looked at her annoyed and she wrapped an arm around my waist with a grin on her face. "You know, the internet is a wonderful place. New Deals, helpful information, Twitch And most of all--" 

"Memes" I caught her off before she can finished, still looking annoyed. 

"Yea, but anyways, you can think me later" She winked at me and walked off. I gave a Sigh of relief thinking to myself 'Oh Ellie, you useful little thing' and then went to walk down the Treehouse stairs before Jeanette stopped me 

"Hold it right there, Ms. Red Lipped Devil" i couldn't help but giggle at what Jeanette just said "Dave called and wanted me to tell you that Simon and Theo are expecting you to buy them their Text Books" She reminded me. 

Damn it! He knows that I dont have that much. After all the Runways I've been on, I am still struggling for Money. 

"What's stopping you from searching? you know their finishing 8th Grade right?" Jeanette said, trying to get an explanation on why i blanked out on them. I dont want Jeanette to know that Alvin is trying to do that for me, full aware that it was me who gave him the money. 

"it's nothing alright, I've been on it long enough than i already have" I tried to come up with an excuse before she notices any bluff's "You don't need to worry about anything, the money was made, I've got this" i said. Before I explain any further, I realized that I still have something I need to take care of. "Now, please excuse me, I need to take care of something" 

As soon as I said that, i dashed out downstairs and kept walking straight ahead. 

~~30 Minutes Later~~ 

I looked in the mirror outside to apply my Lip Gloss and the rest of my eyeshadow on. i sat on the bench and watched Ellie, Simon, Jeanette and Dave relaxing on the Beach. It makes me happy seeing them calmed and relaxed in front of the beautiful sounds of the Ocean. Leaning back on the chair, i start to question myself. There's something about myself that I never know I had. I mean, look at me? I make the boy's go "Woo" every time they see me. They wish they could get a taste of my Gucci Red lips 24/7, but that will take a lot of BALLS to try to make me amused with Romantic Gestures that i am a master of.  

However, I realized something. If I can name someone who i want to hear 'Woo' from and make a move on, it'll probably be Alvin. There's something about him that i want to know, what makes him tick? What makes him weak to his knees? 

As soon as I saw him relaxed, on his stomach, I saw the bigger picture. I see it in his heart, his mind set and his pride. He may not have known this, but I know someone who'll make his Crystal Blue Eyes turn into pair of Hearts. Who would that be? 

Brittany Miller, that's who. Yes, oh yes. All according to Brittany's Plan.

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