Band god ark episode 20: the day of kupatana part four

Narrator: long ago, seven legendary gods of power were sealed away in magical instruments awaiting the day their chosen heirs found them. these gods are known as, the band gods.

Theme music from dragon ball original plays

Chorus:(singing)band gods, gotta find those band gods, don't stop till you've found em all the seven magic gods, it's all you've gotta do to make the band of life, get those band gods, band gods, the greatest test of all is to find that seventh god, danger all around you, evil everywhere, evil will surround you, keep on searching but beware, kion, he's gonna show you, he and his friends will find a way, kion, he's gonna show you, he and his friends are gonna save the day, band gods, there's always evil searching for the band gods, you can always listen for when the guitar calls, you won't believe the magic in the seven gods, you can put your trust inside of the band gods.

Narrator: previously on pride land adventures, as Kion and Dogo started to grow closer, Dogo starts to have even greater regrets about destroying the pride lands. after a serious talk with rafiki, dogo decided to confess to kion about vitani and rei reis plans. however before he can get the chance vitani captured everyone and reveals dogo's betrayal. now can dogo redeem himself and help kion save the pride lands and kupatana? lets find out.

(Dragon ball z ost theme plays and the title screen says the day of kupatana part 4)

Scene cuts to kion waking up

Kion:(yawns)where the heck am I? simba? mheetu?

Dogo: there here kion.

Kion: dogo?

Kion walks over to dogo

Dogo: kion, you remember yesterday when I said I wanted to tell you something?

Kion: yeah.

Dogo: well, this was it.

Dogo gets ready to tell kion everything that happened

Dogo: my mom used me.

Kion: wait what?

Dogo: she teamed up with vitani and used janja in order to get you guys to come to the outlands and save me. she had this plan to destroy kupatana as well as giving dark kion more power than he's ever felt before in his entire life, i just couldn't fight back. i'm practically the youngest out lander and pretty much the outlands punching bag. at first I was fine with it, but then you showed me just how kind hearted and generous the likes of the pride landers can be. and then I started to have regrets.

Kion: so, all this time, you were forced by your mom?

Dogo nods his head

Dogo: i only did it willingly because I didn't know that the pride lands could be so peaceful. or that it was full of such nice people. i never wanted to hurt anyone kion. i never thought it would come down to this.

Kovu walks over to them

Kovu: no one did dogo. knowing kion, he's probably still trustworthy of you. and with that in mind, it's probably right to keep trusting you, cause when kion can sense purity in someone, he knows it's not an illusion.

Dogo: thanks kovu but it gets way worse than that.

Kion: wait. how worse?

Dogo: well, you see kion, if my mom absorbs that orb in the center of her lair then she'll get powers that were once taken from her, and become the most powerful jackal in their entire history. that's why we have to destroy the orb before it gets to full power, which at this point is most unlikely.

Kion realizes the threat

Kion: so that's why i was suspicious of rei rei.

Dogo: yeah. i guess.

Kion: so, if we can't stop rei rei, we'll all be goners?

Dogo flinches and starts crying knowing that everything was his fault.

Kion: dude?

Dogo stares at kion while crying

Dogo: yes!

Kion hugs dogo who wraps his arms around him

Kion: dogo, we can get through this. we can get through anything, no matter the cause of it. if we try hard enough, then we can prevail. it doesn't matter what shape size or species, anything's possible, especially a joy filled world.

Dogo: but, how will we do that? everything's gonna die. if i had just told you sooner than this could've been prevented! why did i have to be so stupid!?

Dogo continues crying and jasiri overhears the conversation and walks over to them

Jasiri: should i leave you guys alone?

Kion nods his head and jasiri and kovu back up a bit

Kion: dogo. you lied to me. you betrayed my trust. you put the whole life of africa at complete risk. but in the end...that's what made you the way you are.

Dogo: i'm, so, sorry, about, everything!

Kion: dogo. no one knew this would happen. you're heart's in the right place now, and with your hidden power, we can do this. you have the power inside you, to be you.

Dogo stops crying

Dogo: you really think so?

Jasiri: knowing kion, he knows so.

Dogo cheers up and gets his confidence back

Dogo: then what are we doing here? let's break down those doors and stop vitani.

Kion: that's the spirit dogo.

Kion punches the bar breaking it

Jasiri: cmon dudes, let's go save the others.

Kion and the others run over to simba nala and mheetu's cage

Simba: guys, you got out. wait what is this place?

Dogo: trust me simba, you'll find out soon enough.

Mheetu: fair enough. let's get outa here.

Jasiri: yo nala, wake up!

Nala: huh? oh hey guys. you got outa your cage huh. then let's do this.

Kion bends the bars and gets simba nala and mheetu out of the cage

Kovu: now we just gotta save mufasa.

Kion: right. nala, kovu, you two head back to the pride lands. we'll stay here and guard dogo.

Kovu: on it.

Nala: you can count on us kion.

Kovu and nala head back to the pride lands and the others arrive at mufasa's cage

Mufasa: kion, you got out.

Kion: sure did dad. now let's get you out of here.

Mufasa notices dogo next to simba

Mufasa: um, what's he doing here?

Dogo: pfft, talk about teenage reaction.

Kion: don't worry dad, he's been reformed.

Mufasa: if you say so kion.

Kion bends the bars and gets mufasa out

Dogo: mufasa, i suggest you head back to the pride lands. kupatana can't start without you.

Mufasa: oh right, thank you dogo.

Mufasa heads back to the pride lands

Jasiri: smart thinking dogo. now let's go stop vitani.

Kion and the others head for vitani's lair as elite trained jackal pups charge at them

Elite jackals: you shall not pass. you will vanquish along with everyone else.

Kion: don't bet on it dudes.

Kion blasts a fire roar from his hand at the battle bots destroying them and our heroes continue on to vitani lair

Scene cuts to vitani and rei rei sighting the orb at 99%

Vitani: splendid rei rei, it appears that the orb is almost at full battery. your power shall arrive shortly

Rei rei: very well vitani. and with this power, the pride lands and africa shall be ours.

Vitani: indeed it shall. and not to mention kion and his pesky friends can't get in the way.

Kion: don't count on it vitani!

Vitani: wait what?

Vitani and rei rei look behind them to find that kion and the others escaped

Vitani: dang it, i thought we had you captured.

Kion: pfft, pa-lease vitani. with my awesomeness, it takes a lot more than metal to keep me locked up.

Vitani: very well then, i might as well destroy all of you!

Vitani teleport's behind mheetu and nala and knocks both of them out and then she teleport's behind jasiri who launches a lightning roar ball at her only for her to dodge it and send it back

Jasiri grunts as she hits the wall

Vitani: aw, whats the matter? am i stronger than last time?

Jasiri: don't think i cant still whoop your but.

Vitani grabs jasiri's punch and crushes her hand

Jasiri: ahh!

Kion: jasiri no!

Vitani turns around and blasts kion and simba sending simba back and paralyzing kion

Kion: take this!

Kion launches five fire roars at vitani but she catches all of them and throws them back at kion blasting him against the wall

Dogo: no, kion!

Vitani: pathetic. rei rei, it should be fully charged now. take its power.

Rei rei: yes vitani.

Rei rei absorbs the orbs power

Dogo: no!

Dogo tries to stop her but vitani steps on his tail and stops him in his tracks

Vitani: nice try dogo, but you can't defeat me.

Rei rei absorbs the rest of the orbs energy and gets amazing powers giving her dark abilities

Rei rei: it's beautiful. this power is immensely beautiful.

Rei rei laughs maniacally and vitani opens a dark door

Vitani: ta ta dogo.

Dogo: where do ya think you going? you're not goin anywhere!

Dogo charges at vitani but she blasts him back

Vitani: feels good to be bad.

Vitani laughs maniacally and closes the dark door

Rei rei: time for your demise brat!

Dogo:(inside his head)kion, simba, mheetu, nala, kovu, kiara, jasiri, ono. all of there lives rest in my hands, and i have to at least try to save them.

Rei rei: time for your demise dogo.

Just then dogo's eyes flash green

Dogo: no. it's time for you're demise!

Dogo punches rei rei and then they start fighting

Rei rei: too bad dogo. i could've used you more?

Dogo: what? what do you mean?

Rei rei: allow me to explain to you.

Rei rei pins dogo against a wall

Rei rei: you say you wish to find your real mom don't you? well you can't. because she's dead.

Dogo: wait, what?

Rei rei: you see dogo, here's what happened.

Flashback happens

Rei rei: you were just two years old when this happened. your mother was a kind hearted soul, and she would do whatever it took to protect you.

Dogo in the flashback: mom, wake up. i wanna show you something.

Dogo's mother wakes up

Dogo's mother: alright dogo, i'm up i'm up.

Dogo: yay. follow me, it's somethin super cool.

Dogo runs off and his mother follows him

Rei rei: little did you know, the thing you wanted to show your mother was actually being guarded by janja and his crew.

Dogo: its over here mom, cmon.

Dogo and his mother arrive at the sing that dogo wanted to show his mother

Dogo's mother: what is it?

Dogo: i really don't know. but its super cool right?

Dogo's mother: yes dogo, it is super cool.

Just then janja pops out and pins dogo down

Dogo's mother: dogo!

Janja: ha ha, looks like i'm eaten big tonight.

Dogo's mother tackles janja

Dogo's mother: leave my son alone!

Janja: how bout no lady?

Just then cheezi and chungu appear and get on top of dogo's mother and janja knocks out dogo

Rei rei: and when you awoke, it was a tragic event for you indeed.

Dogo wakes up

Dogo: mom? mom?

Dogo notices his mom injured on the ground

Dogo: mom!

Dogo runs over to his injured mother

Dogo: mom, please be okay.

Dogo's mother: dogo. please. you must live. please dogo. find janja, and defeat him. and give people a chance, to be happy, protect those in need of it. no matter what the cost is.

At that moment dogo's mother died

Dogo: mom. mom!

Dogo starts crying and the rei rei appears

Rei rei: oh how tragic it must be, to lose a loved one.

Dogo: who the heck are you?

Rei rei: oh yes, i'm rei rei, queen of the jackals. and i despise seeing young ones who lost all of their family. what do you say i take you in? you will grow to be big and strong, and you will have much satisfaction.

Dogo: you'd really do that?

Dogo cheers up

Dogo: thank you rei rei.

Rei rei: you're quite welcome, dogo.

Flashback ends

Rei rei: those hyenas were working for me dogo, and you fell for it.

Dogo: no, no it's not true. it can't be true! it just can't!

Rei rei: yes it is dogo. and now thanks to you, i shall destroy all!

Kion: not if i can help it!

Kion blasts fire balls at rei rei who deflects them back sending kion towards the wall as he falls to the floor

Dogo: kion!

Dogo runs over to kion

Dogo: kion please, i'm so sorry about all of this. it's all my fault this happened, i would've told you sooner but it was just too risky!

Rei rei: ha, good luck redeeming yourself now brat!

Rei rei laughs maniacally and dogo cries harder than ever before

Dogo: this, is, all, my, fault. and now there's nothing i can do. there was nothing i COULD do.

Kion heals himself a bit and looks at dogo

Kion: dogo, you can do it dude.

Dogo: kion?

Kion: remember dogo. just beleive in yourself, and you can take her down.

Dogo stop crying and gets powered up

Dogo: rei rei, i will destroy your entire soul and rip it in half!

Just then dogo powers up giving him a longer mane sharper claws and a leaf shield

Kion: the drums of the leaf aura. dogo's that god.

Dogo: by my mother's oath, i swear to stand by her wish, and the promise i made to her. i will give everyone a chance to be happy!

Dogo turns to rei rei

Dogo: rei rei! you will never be allowed in the pride lands, or the outlands!

Dogo powers up a leaf roar

Rei rei: you wouldn't dare.

Dogo: watch me.

Dogo blasts a leaf roar at rei rei that's so powerful that it disintegrates rei rei and destroys vitani's lair

Kion: way to go little dude.

Dogo goes back to normal and kion fully heals himself

Dogo: thanks kion.

Kion: now let's get to kupatana.

Dogo: you, you still want me to join?

Kion: of course dude, why wouldn't i?

Dogo smiles

Scene cuts to kion and the others arriving back at the pride lands just in time for kupatana

Kovu: guys, you're back!

Kovu and kiara run over to kion and the others and mufasa sarabi and nala walk over to them

Nala:so,how hard was it?

Kion shrugs and sarabi nuzzles him

Sarabi: oh thank goodness you're safe.

Kion: mom. jasiri is right there.

Dogo feeling guilty about all the destruction he let happen just toughened up and decided to say it

Dogo: mufasa?

Mufasa looks at dogo

Dogo: i understand, if you don't wanna forgive me for all of this. i never wanted any of this, and instead of preventing it I just let it happen. i can take it if you don't want me to come back. but, i just want you to know, i'm sorry.

Mufasa becomes impressed at dogos words as dogo goes back to the outlands but kion stops him

Kion: dogo, what you showed today was bravery and nobility. you've shown inspiration for young ones to come for generations. you've shown that a sad past, can't change who you are.

Dogo becomes touched at kion's words

Kion: heck, you're a band god now dude. that's pretty much all access to the pride lands.

Dogo: wait. are you sayin, what I think you're sayin?

Mufasa: yes he is dogo. you are welcome to stay in the pride lands. and since you're a band god you can also stay at pride rock.

Kion: hey dude, you can bunk with me.

Dogo starts crying tears of joy and then hugs kion

Dogo: thank you kion.

Kion: no prob dogo.

Jasiri: now then, let's get started with kupatana shall we?

Kion: oh, right. you ready for this dogo?

Dogo: well, after today, totally.

Kion: then lets get started little dude.

Mufasa: my son is right dogo. lets.

Scene cuts to kupatana

Mufasa: and now, let the kupatana celebration, begin.

Rafiki uses his staff and ignites the baobabs

Dogo: wow, it's beautiful.

Ono: it sure is dogo.

Kion: ya see dogo? kupatana is a day of peace and harmony. its not about being accepted, its just about the kindness and gentleness of the two prides. it celebrates the circle of life, and everything presented in it, and now you're a part of it. you get it, right dude?

Just then a baobab flower lands on dogo's nose

Dogo: i think i'm starting to.

Scene cuts to when kion plays his kupatana gig

Kion: ya know guys, i've been through a lot lately, and it's nice to just...relax and kick back for once. and now, on this day-

Dogo: enough with the jibba jabba. sing your song.

Kion shrugs and plays a guitar beat in the same fashion as kiki's delivery service i'm gonna fly

Kion:(singing)kupatana. community. the one day of the year the baobabs ignite, kupatana. community. the one day of the year the two prides unite, kupatana. community. the one day of the year where kindness is no loss, kupatana. community. the one day of the year where there's no bigger boss. on this day for decades africa united, and never lost hope on what's been sighted. we will join together and bring peace and harmony, and we will never lose hope on being what you wanna be.

Kion continues his beat and dogo walks up to the stage

Dogo:(singing)because on this day we join together, and get along through any kind of weather. on this day lions and hyenas alike, act as friends and never strike. because on this one day alone you can see, that anyone can join in harmony. and you all know there's no way we'll lose track, on this day alone and more, there is no turning back. 

Kion and dogo start powering up 

Kion:(singing)kupatana. community. the one day of the year the baobabs ignite. 

Dogo:(singing)kupatana. community. the one day of the year the two pride unite. 

Kion and dogo:(singing)kupatana. community. the one day of the year where peace can stay. kupatana. community. the one day of the year where we can join, in peace and harmony.

Kion and dogo turn back to normal and stops playing his guitar and his song ends with everyone cheering

Jasiri: they really do sing together great.

Simba: yeah jasiri. they really do.

Kion looks at dogo who hugs kion

Dogo: thank you kion. you showed me that there's more to life then evil. and now that i know who you really are, i can call you here and now, a true friend. thank you.

Kion smiles

Kion: you're welcome dogo.

Dogo smiles and cries a tear of joy as the screen cuts to black with these seven words of text

To be continued in the second ark

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