Trapped In Hell
Hi guys! Here's my first story! Hope you like it! Don't judge my sick mind but this story is actually based off a dream I had so yeah. I don't have much to say now so I'll let you guys read the story. ENJOOOOOOOYYYYYY!
"Why do you weigh me? What does it matter?" I asked the guy. We were in a room that was kinda like a doctor's office. There were guards stationed at the doors, and at the windows. I had a reputation for trying to escape. The guards are even scared of me. If beat up quite a few of them too. They had to take the forearm of my automail off to stop me from 1) punching the guards with it, and 2) to keep me from using alchemy to escape. When, or if, I don't know if I'll get out of here, Winry's gonna be so pissed. Hopefully she'll attack the scientists that took half my arm rather than me this that damn wrench that she somehow always has on her.
This place is like a lab for freaks, quite a few that aren't natural. The damn arm, and leg, plus the fact that I can do alchemy without a transmutation circle make me a freak apparently. If they think I'm strange they should see my brother whose soul I bonded to a suit of armor, when we accident. Anyways, if I told them why I could do alchemy without a transmutation circle, they wouldn't believe me.
The man didn't answer my question. I was starting to get used to it. People didn't talk to me; they didn't know what would set me off. But that only happened once, I swear! Some guy said I was...small. I'm not small. Anyways this place was boring, boring, and more boring. There's never anything to do. They test the 'patients' here for me it focuses on my automail, testing its strength, and studying (I guess you could call it that) how the nerves are connected to the automail. That's very painful.
When they were done weighing me I grabbed my clothes, I still don't get why you have to wear only underwear when you get weighed. Anyways I pulled my clothes on, and the guards escorted me out. When I first came here, they didn't believe someone so...small could be as strong, and fight like I do. And they also didn't know that I used to spar every day with a suit of armor. I'm not ever going to let them know that.
I've been here for a few months now, and unless I'm in another country like Xing, or Drachma or something they should've found me by now. Though I don't think I'm in another country. They didn't knock me out or anything, I was just blindfolded, and my hands tied behind my back. They didn't use a train, so we weren't gonna go far wherever they were taking me. And the drive was too short. I was in the Eastern Headquarters when they took me. If they were taking me somewhere like Xing or Drachma it would've made more sense if they'd taken me while I was at Central or the Western Headquarters.
The guards led me to a courtyard. If you'd call a 20x20 slab of concrete with 3 sides bordered by building an another looking towards freedom, with an electric fence with barbed wire at the top. It's almost as if they're taunting us with that view of the outside world. They probably are. I'm not much for conversation, and people here are scared of me They decided I could keep my clothes, but they got to cut of my left pant leg, my right sleeve to make it easier to check out my automail. I look like a circus sideshow freak, Add that to the known fact that I've beat some of the strongest guards in this place to pieces, that's gonna leave most people pretty scared. Some are scared of the automail because of religion to. Like Rose, I think for her it was a little of both but she freaked. I guess what I had said was pretty creepy too. Depending on how you look at it. This 'modification' was convenient for them, and super embarrassing for me. And my almost permanent frown scares a lot of people to because of my appearance, and reputation. So sum it all up, I look like someone who likes to burn animal shelters down for fun or something. I do have soft side though, though to be honest people don't see it a lot, I've always been guarded especially concerning my feelings since me, Al's...mistake. It works. The only thing that gives people the benefit of doubt know what? Forget it. Today though a lot of people got to see that rare side. More than I'm comfortable with. There was a new 'patient.' A little girl, about 4 or 5 years old. She had brown hair falling around her face. She reminded me of Nina in a way. Before she'd been...I don't have to tell you, you already know. There are a lot of kids around here. It's kinda sick seeing that these people are testing on these kids, the youngest one I've see is just now turning four. I don't know why she's here, but it's still sick. The girl was crying. And to be honest I've had enough with kids crying because of what these sick bastards are doing to them. I stood up, and walked across the sorry excuse for a courtyard. Everyone just stopped and stared, they all knew who I was. I was that-'guy who took down the strongest guard like it was the easiest thing he'd ever done. Which that was the easiest thing I'd done for a while, so they're not too far from the truth. They see where I'm heading and I can feel the unspoken question, 'Oh God is he really going to hurt that girl?' which if my personality matched my looks I might've done that, but I'm above hurting kids so I don't. I kneeled down in from of the girl, and gave her a small smile.
"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?" I asked her. I already had my own answer to that one: 'We're stuck in this hellhole with no way to get out.'
"Mama an' daddy gave me away." She cried, she didn't pay attention to my automail, I've found that with little kids. If you're nice to them, they'll trust you. It's also a dangerous trait for kids to have.
"Can you tell me what happened?"
"A man came an' daddy gave 'em money, an' mama gave 'em me. I din' wanna go, but they made me." Her tears started falling down her face even harder. It's just fucking sick that a parent would sell their own child. They might've needed extra money, or something. But to sell your kid for anything is just messed up.
"What's your name sweetie?" she looked up at me.
"Janna" She said.
"Janna, that's a pretty name, yeah?" She nodded.
"What happened to your arm 'n' leg mister?" She touched the shoulder of my automail.
"Well, me, and my brother had a...accident, and I lost my real ones," I told her, "But I have a really good friend, and she made these new ones for me." I smiled at her again, and this time she smiled back.
"I looks really cool," She said looking at it with interest that only a 5 year old would have. She looked at me again, and said, "Do you miss your old ones?" I smiled again, though it was a sad smile.
"Yeah, I do." I didn't tell her that I've been looking for a way to get my arm, and leg back. And I didn't tell her about Al. I haven't told anyone here about those things. It's a weak spot for me. Janna wasn't crying anymore she was smiling. And the rest of the people in the courtyard just gaped. You could tell what they were thinking by their faces which had a look that to me registered as 'wait is this the same guy that can beat up men three times his size like it's normal, or am I trippin'? I still didn't know why Janna was here though, so I do what you when you have a question. I asked.
"Janna, can you do anything special?" I asked her, and she looked up, this must've been something no one had ever asked her. She nodded and said:
"I see invisible people." she said, like it was normal. For her maybe it was. Psychic? Or just imaginary friends, I couldn't tell.
"That's pretty cool." I told her smiling; she'd smiled back finally stopping the flood of tears coming from her eyes. "You're going to be okay, yeah?" She nodded.
They had everything on some sort of damn schedule here so by the time I'd finished calming Janna down, they started herding us back into our 'respectful' wings. They sorted us by our 'abnormalities,' they'd ha
Had no idea where to put me at first so they just put me in a random wing. It happened to be deformities. Fitting don't you think? When I arrived at the door to the wing, the guards that escorted me everywhere showed up. I've beat up so many guards, and sick whitecoats here that they follow me around everywhere now. Another reason I can't make any friends here. The guards scream dangerous. They lead me back to my room. If I would call it my own. It's a stark white room with a tiny bathroom that could barely fit a toilet and sink, and two beds. Usually there were two people to a room, unless there weren't enough to have two people to each room. The lucky bastards that got 'em. Me? I have my own room because they consider me a threat to their precious 'test subjects.' Though an hour or so later, that fact was disproved, I got a psychotic roommate possibly more dangerous than me. No totally more dangerous. A guard came in. Looks like you've got a new roommate Elric." He said. I was facing the wall and didn't really care at the moment. I heard the footsteps of the guy I would be bunking with. They were light, almost silent. Like a cats.
"So, you finally found someone that was dangerous to safely bunk me with? Good for you!" I said sarcastically sitting up. "You know you could just bunk me with anyone right? It's not like I'm gonna try to hurt someone who's not trying to pull my arm off."
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