Ok maybe it's as bad as it seems!
ok brief explanation for my messy writing. So I realised i had jumped too far with her personality arc (i still dont regret the annabeth scene) BUT im toning it down a bit and still let her go from normal to dark with a plan. So rn she's almost like a vigilante? Like will use the dark side of her abilities, but has good in her heart.... currently.
Maybe this seems "bad" BUT to be fair the storm wasn't my fault! Oh wait, you don't know what's going on? Whoops.
Let's go back a week-
It was the day after the party and when I stepped outside of my cabin I was greeted by warm sunlight and an energetic "HI!" and a face suddenly dangling in mine.
I gave a startled yelp and jumped back into a fight stance before I realised it was just Chloe hanging upside down from a tree. I let out a laugh.
"Won't some nymph get mad at you for...?" I gestured to her in the tree.
"Nope, just a tree!" She swung herself up onto the branch and patted the spot next to her. I hesitated for a moment before starting to climb up.
Once I had found a spot on the tree I looked up and saw Vennesse leaning against the trunk, eyes closed. She opened her eyes and gave a wave.
"Hey, how did you sleep?" The girl asked climbing a few branches down.
"Eh fine. Also, where are Jenny and Zari?"
Venesse pointed to a patch of sun with a girl lying in it. "She didn't want to climb the tree, something about 'touching grass'."
"Jenny is still asleep, so we were just waiting for you two," Chloe added.
"Ya, this girl decided that she had something veeery important to tell me early in the morning." Venesse yawned.
"It was!" Chloe argued.
"And what was that?" I asked.
Chloe went on to explain how we might just be in a coma after a car crash and none of this was real. I wish, well kinda not but you get it.
After around 10 Zaria sat up slowly and nervously looked toward us.
"Hey guys, gays, gals, and peeps?" She started backing away toward us.
"What is it?" Venesse jumped down from the tree and came up next to Zaria, her jaw dropped. I quickly jumped down and saw what they were staring at. A huge low-flying thunder had gotten past the barrier. I looked into the sky to try finding Jason or Percy in the water, but they weren't anywhere. I noticed how far the storm currently was and decided to climb up the tree.
"Piper!" Venesse called.
I went as far up as I could go and scanned the field for any of the heroes. None. I looked up again and saw how dangerously close the storm had gotten so I got out of the tree as quickly as I could.
"Why did you do that?!" Chloe asked worriedly.
"To check for any of the seven, also it was far enough away but still."
Zaria was staring at the sky. "Er, I don't think that's normal..."
It wasn't. How did it even get through?
"Can I check?" I jabbed a thumb in the direction of the storm.
Chloe and Zari were about to say something but Venesse cut them off. "Go, please for the love of gods, stay safe." I nodded and ran yelling,
"Go stay with Jenny!"
I hurried past the blur of people scurrying to their cabins or finding their friends, and the cabins flashed by me. I felt the air grow colder against my skin as I got closer, the thunder claps seeming closer and closer. It smelled like dew, rain, and old strawberries, and it was hard to breathe with all the wind and how stuffy it was.
I blinked past the rain that had started and finally stopped. The storm was hurtling around me whipping my clothes. There were broken trees and various holes in the ground from the occasional lightning. My hair was flying in and out of my face from different angles. Some pieces went into my eyes and mouth but I didn't care. Where were they?!
Then it finally struck me.
They. are. not . here. and. are. not. coming. They would've been here by now.
It was just me and the storm.
I pulled a dagger from my belt loop. It wasn't Kaportis, but it'll do. However, I doubted it would do anything against air and water.
This wasn't a natural storm, that was for sure. I needed to be prepared to fight anything that came.
Suddenly in the clouds the winds swirled together to create a face a few feet away. I tried to stab at it but the dagger just flowed through. 'Of course'.
"PIPER MCLEAN!" it bellowed smiling. "JUST THE GIRL I WAS LOOKING FOR!" I resisted the urge to cover my ears.
I looked back and saw that the exit had been blocked off my a storm hand.
"I feel like you were trying to just get me." I commented.
"What do you want with me!" I yelled. It gave a sharp booming laugh.
I sucked in a breath.
"WHAT!? What does "we" mean and how does anyone know about that!"
No. nono, NO! It was going to kill everyone! I silently apologized before doing what I did next.
"Oh really? Why are you doing this, I wouldn't want to be left in the dark." I asked, voice laced heavily with charmspeak.
Wow. soo helpful. I didn't give up.
"Ok, I can't know who "we" are, but how many are you?" I took a step closer, posture perfect to the dot.
Clearly he was set on attacking so there wasn't a way around that. Time for the charmspeak I've only tried once... The leader. 'Ohh this is dangerous. What am I doing?'
I took a deep breath and whispered, "I'm the one in charge." mist flowed out of my mouth as I spoke, but my vision had been magenta like the mist.
I could control them.
I looked up at him again. "Sorry. I won't have you doing that." Each word was laced with poison, it consumed me.
"N-NO SILLY GIRL!" it was unconvincing since it's voice shook as much as the thunder.
I gave a sharp, cold laugh. "Please. You can't avoid me. Make it easy for you and give in first, because I won't give in."
"NEVER!" It howled.
"Oh well." I took my stance and kept my hold. Two giant hands reached out from the clouds and tried grabbing me. I rolled under them and slashed again. It didn't cause damage, just a distraction.
I wasn't in control of my body, I charm-spoke when needed, I dodged, and I slashed repeatedly.
Things got more entertaining when they started using lighting.
"Won't that upset the Big Z?" I rolled out of the way of one of the said bolts.
"I DO NOT CARE!" It said between breaths.
I kicked away the hands that were attacking vaguely aware of the magenta mist starting to fill the air, twisting in the wind of the storm. "You know, I could make this so much easier!"
"Oh, not for you, silly. For me." I looked up at it with nothing but danger and I swore I saw it's eyes widen.
"I'm tired of this game. Shrink your size." I commanded. It took a second but slowly it started shrinking. Tsk, not quick enough.
It nodded quickly and finally shrank down to twice my height. Better than 50 times.
"Are you going to kill Camp Half-Blood?" I demanded.
"Yes, and there's nothing you can do."
"Oh, I think you're very wrong." I grinned at them and stood up at my full height. All I saw was a target.
"How can I kill you?" It opened it's mouth to argue but I cut it off. "You'd better tell me or I swear to the gods, I will make you stop breathing." I smiled.
"There's one spot on my neck that can instantly kill me." It blurted.
"Thank you, now stay still," I ordered. It complied.
I picked up a jar that had gotten over here and took a piece of the storm and tied the jar closed. It hissed in annoyance.
"Quiet!" I took my dagger and stabbed it in the neck. Instantly it crumpled to the ground and faded away.
Was I dramatic, yes. Did I have any control over myself, not a lot.
I finally turned my charm speak off and turned to see a small crowd.
Percy, Jason, and Leo were all there just staring. Oh, and Annabeth was there too glaring at me. Finally, they had now showed up. 'So helpful!' I thought sarcastically.
I stood up ignoring the dizziness and walked over.
They all were staring like I had murdered a kitten.
"What." I snapped.
"Pipes-" Leo whispered. Seriously I am so tired what are they staring at? Am I suddenly a freak now?!
"No what is it! Where were you!" I nearly yelled. Percy took a step forward holding his hands out like that would protect himself.
"Calm down, we aren't hurting y.-" He started
"Calm down? Calm down! I went there to fight NONE OF YOU WERE EVEN THERE! It was going to kill everyone and-"
"We know Piper!" Leo yelled. "We know."
"Oh please, let her know already, or do I?" Annabeth sighed.
"What do you mean?"
"Anna-" Percy started. Annabeth hushed him with a finger in front of him.
"Piper you look like you're going to kill one of us AND you just used your voice to KILL somebody! So back up and don't hurt us!" The daughter of Athena snapped.
"It was a monster!" I argued anger creeping into my voice.
"We don't know!" Percy shot back.
"Guys?" Leo tried. We didn't listen.
"AND YOU STILL haven't answered my question!" I yelled, tears stinging in my eyes.
"We were busy, Piper," Jason said tiredly.
"Oh and where's Nico by the way?" I questioned, crossing my arms.
"He's with Will," Percy said. "Will got injured helping another camper and got hit with a chunk of wood." My heart sank. One of our friends had gotten hurt since we weren't quick enough.
"See! This is what happens when we don't deal with threats!" I threw my hands in the air.
"Do you really not care about him, just what we did?!" Annabeth gasped and took a step forward. 'Wow,' I thought sarcastically, 'the girl I so easily charm spoke trying to fight against me.'
"OF COURSE I CARE!" My voice cracked. "Do you think I would just throw myself into a storm and kill somebody for no reason?! No! I did it to protect Camp! So once again. Where. Were. You!" My voice grew steady and I could see Leo reach his arm out. I swatted it away. I needed to know why they didn't help.
Then the most irritating, idiotic thing happened. Jason decided to speak and say,
"Jeez Piper, the threat's over. Why is it a big deal? Get a hold of yourself, gods."
I stood frozen, shocked by his words. Thankfully Leo and Percy still had their wits. Leo's jaw was open and he slowly turned to face his friend.
Percy however just punched Jason in the nose! I almost laughed out of shock.
Jason tentatively touched his nose. It was dripping blood. "What was that for!"
Percy let out a sigh. "Do you realize how much you sounded like Octavian? And you don't talk to anyone you care about like that!"
"Ok. That might be a little harsh but I think both sides are not great here." Leo stated.
"No, he was being disrespectful. I don't care if things are tense you don't just start being rude." Percy took a step back towards me.
I started to smile. Maybe, just maybe I still had someone.
"Oh look. She looks less deadly now." Annabeth said emotionless.
I felt my anger start to fade a bit and took a shot, "Aw, you thought I was scary?" I smiled mockingly.
Annabeth opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off ignoring her. Leo had already left a bit earlier. That kind of hurt.
"Hey, Percy?" Percy turned to face me, "Can I talk with you later?"
"Sure, When?" He replied after an apologetic look at his girlfriend.
"Just when you're free!" I gave him a warm smile.
Annabeth glared at me but I shrugged it off.
—----------time skip brought to you by: me not knowing how to write a clear scene :)----------
I was training to prepare when Percy came to approach me.
"Hey, is now a bad time?" He entered the arena.
I stopped punching a training dummy. "Nope, I'm free!" I gave him the most natural smile I could muster.
"Ok great." Percy picked up the water bottle I had almost left behind and passed it back to me. I tried hiding my relief but muttered a quick thanks.
After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at the strawberry fields. The scent of strawberry filled my lungs with its sweet aroma. There were saytrs working in the fields, playing their reed pipes.
Percy started picking at strawberries. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked before biting a fresh strawberry.
I gulped down my fruit.
"Why did you stand up for me like that? Like, you're great friends with Jason, I had just killed someone, AND I was also being rude to you all. So why?"
Percy took a deep breath and then spoke quietly.
"Jason hasn't changed around me but I did see how he never got the memo and then just ignore you. I may be a bit clueless about love sometimes, but that was painful watching." 'Dam', I thought. Percy continued after a second.
"But, even if he was still the same to me, something changed with him to you and it was really rude. I've tried talking to him about it but he just didn't listen! And even if we have fun times there's times like that where I just-. It might've been coming for a while but that was incredibly jerky and self-absorbed for Jason. I was a little harsh comparing him to Octavian, but don't tell me you didn't hear it too?" He looked at me.
"Jeez Piper, the threat's over. Why is that a big deal? Get a hold of yourself, gods." His words repeated in my mind. The problem was, I did hear it.
Percy took my silence as an answer and sadly nodded.
"Oh and about the killing thing, it's fine. You had no other option. I'm trying to calm Annabeth down. I think it's working?" He nervously laughed.
But I might've had other options. No, instead I killed it. Unease turned in my stomach.
"Look, I'm so sorry we weren't there, it was dumb and reckless. We should've been more prepared. Even if you did great, we should've helped. Sorry."
I looked up at him slightly bleary-eyed. "Thank you. That was all I needed hearing."
"Can I try helping you with anything?" The son of Poseidon smiled.
I laughed. "Maybe just training."
That was the moment another unlikely alliance was formed.
a/n: NOT A SHIP! NOT A SHIP. However I do have plans for them >:). WOW OVER 2500 WORDS! Im spoiling y'all XD
as for actual ships, YOU can ship her with anyone you think is good. But I wont make her date anyone in this :(.
Any questions, comments, or suggestions?
Question/vote thingy: stretch out plot in more random things, or have a shorter more intense plot?
Stay lovely, butterflies <3
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