Just to hear her voice

a/n: yes i know im changing how piper uses charmspeak, but trust the process. Im listening to one song on repeat for annabeth's part so have fun with that (it changes the scene a lot than if I didn't) 

Oh, and my friend read the previous chapter and said just this: What writing god possessed you __? Like this is so good. so thank u.

Annabeth pov (don't worry, this is just a quick change): 

"Now go!" I yelled at her. She went to leave but she stopped and turned.

"Annabeth?" she asked. I suddenly felt like a melting popsicle. She sounded sweet, very enticing, and even though her voice was soft it was like a melody. 

I stood frozen. I wanted to turn and run but wanted to hear that voice again. My thoughts were clouded over, and all of my logical senses were not working.

The daughter of Aphrodite turned and took a few steps over to where I was frozen. As she turned I could see every hair flow like it was slow motion. Every step she took was sweet yet confident, and she had a little sway to it. Every step was like strutting but slower and I felt trapped watching. To compare what it felt like, it was like you wanted to cuddle her in a blanket, bow down in respect, attack her, and kiss her all at the same time.

She smiled and stood a foot away from me. Her eyes glittered changing from red to pink, and brown, green, dark blue, and purple, and perhaps magenta was the main color. She stood tall and confident but her chin was tilted down cutely and seductively.

"Annabeth," She repeated in a clear but soft tone. "You are so tired from all your time here aren't you?" I thought about it for a second before nodding. As long as she spoke again.

"Good, let's get you to bed then, ok?" I wanted to lay down so badly, but I remembered Malcolm. She must've noticed my change because she leaned closer and smiled, yep I'll definitely listen.

"Oh Annabeth, don't worry about him. He'll be just fine and probably wants some alone time, don't you think?" I gasped quietly, I must've bothered him by never leaving him!

"Will can handle anything that happens and Malcolm won't mind if you're not there for once. Now, shall we go bring you back to your cabin?" By this point, my heart had melted and I forgot why I was angry at her and ignoring her. I nodded dreamily and Piper lightly laughed. 

I laughed too, mildly giddy.

She grabbed my hand and led me out slowly, whispering to me occasionally.

Once we stepped outside she stared at me. "Close the door." She insisted leaning over a little. 

I complied and turned to her again. Piper was waiting a little away on the grass looking towards the lake. I walked over and waited for what she was going to say next. We were around the same height, but neither of us ever checked. She looked back at me and whispered in my ear. 

"Don't worry it's late out. No one can see this. Come on, back to your cabin you go." I shook my head remembering that's where we were going.

As we walked over to cabin 6 I never took my eyes off her. I gave up on hiding it or staying strong as no one was there. She walked confidently, never stumbling or shaking, but almost floating through. I watched as her dark choppy hair flowed past her shoulders in the wind. I must've been dreaming but it looked like she was glowing slightly with a beautiful pink glow that pulsed to her heartbeat. Steady and like a rhythm.

I accidentally bumped into her and looked at where we were. We had arrived at the cabin and she took a step catching me. Time slowed. I stared into those eyes and thought about how I would do anything to see her and hear her voice again. 

I stood up shaking myself out of the trance. The daughter of Aphrodite opened the door and led me inside. As I sat down I blurted out a question.

"Can you talk to me?" I pleaded. She raised her eyebrow and smiled. 

"Sure, what do you want to hear?" She soothed. I loved hearing it, it was so beautiful and melodious.

"Anything!" I begged. She thought for a minute before responding.

"Can you go get water and get into your pajamas?" I nodded complying.

When I came back she was waiting at my bed staring onto the floor. Her head snapped up and she danced over and smiled.

"How do you feel?" She asked affectionately.

"I feel great!" I responded honestly. As long as she talked I would do anything!

She patted the bed and I complied sitting down.

"Alright, should I leave, or do you want me to-" She asked slightly getting up.

"Stay please!" 

Piper laughed sitting back down. "So Annabeth," Oh how it sounded so nice hearing my name like that. "I think you were about to tell me something? Something about a prophecy? What is it?" She asked smiling, she was leaning forward slightly unevenly but that looked even nicer.

"Oh that thing," I respond quickly. " I heard a new prophecy recently."

"Yes I know" She sighed like I was disappointing her, that hurt. "Can I please hear it?" She asked gently.

"Yes of course! It was: 

"A puppet once controlled, now freed, will turn to evil ways. 

Their darkness unleashed, will bring your final days. 

The end of a friend, will cause another end

With all the chaos and pain, three souls will ascend

They'll persuade with words, leading you to your doom, 

And their darkness will reign, supreme, in the endless gloom. 

You'll fall, defeated, in a final, desperate plight, 

And their evil will triumph, in the dark of night." I recited.

Her eyes widened. "That doesn't sound great."

"I know, I don't know what or who it's about though." I laughed lightly still feeling bubbly.

"Do you have any idea who it's about?" Her multicolored eyes narrowed focusing.

I shook my head and she smiled. 

"Alright, you need sleep now. You've lost so much over time!" That part was true. "So how about you sleep for like a day? It won't matter and you'll feel great!" I yawned, she was right. Some more sleep would be nice.

Piper smiled before laying me down "Also, don't mention this to anyone, ok?" as everything faded out.

_time skip brought to you by Hermes Express co_

(It's still annabeth's pov btw)

I woke up stretching the cricks out. I felt quite refreshed from sleeping and I was aware of my surroundings, they were strange. For some reason it was dark out and I was in the infirmary... what.

I looked over and before I could think I was tackled in a hug. I recognized that familiar smell of the sea instantly, Percy. I returned the hug briefly before holding his arms and staring at him. He looked stressed and breathed out.

"Oh thank gods you're ok!" He laughed mildly breathy.

"What? What is it?" I asked smiling. He paused.

"You were asleep for 36 hours! No one could wake you up." He said sadly. 

"Oh gods!" I kissed him, " I'm so sorry to worry you!" I mumbled into his shoulder.

"It's fine, as long as you're ok and here." He pulled back gently smiling. I looked at his beautiful sea-green eyes and remembered Piper's multicolored eyes.

Then it all came crashing back on me, her voice, the way she moved, how she led me back, how-. How I fell into her... Spell. 'She charmspoke me', it dawned on me. I told her the prophecy, I left Malcolm, I did anything she asked, and I-I almost wanted to leave Percy... I let out a choked sob.

Percy tightly hugged me again whispering, "What is it? What happened Wise Girl?" I looked back up at him shaking. I tried saying something but no words would come out. Then I remembered something she had said:

"Also, don't mention this to anyone, ok?" It meant I couldn't physically say anything about what happened to anyone. I wanted to break down crying. I think I figured out part of the prophecy.

I didn't say anything, I just silently cried into Percy's shoulder.

You see, the problem is: she can now just do it, no extra convincing. Just talk.

---- time skip from leo and chloe blowing stuff up----

Piper pov:

I felt the walls of the cave. They were smooth and round. The entrance was a trapdoor in the bottom that I had discovered outside a few hours ago while walking in the woods. I thought this might've branched off from the labyrinth but now sealed off.

How did I discover this place? As I said before, I was walking in the woods avoiding people and I must've gone far because I discovered a hidden trap door covered by a bush. So unlike any sane person, I went in. It led to here.

This place was quite nice for peace. I sat down in the middle and looked at my hands. In the dark, you could see the slight magenta mist that came off of it. I also was gently breathing it. 

I had hypnotized the girl I used to call my best friend. I didn't feel anything thinking about that.

The "new air" must've been constantly charm-speaking a little, I could see it now. The more I used it, the more power. It felt wonderful, to be honest.

I let out a sigh and heard it echo around the cave. I took another breath and hummed to myself. I have no clue why but I did it. 

It sounded so nice echoing around and I tried including some charmspeak.

This lasted for a little until I simply said one sentence that would change everything:

"Don't feel guilty, it feels good." Six words, six words that would start a sequence of events that many can't believe. Because somehow I had charm-spoke myself.


I entered my cabin and instantly fell asleep with a smile on my face. 

(*in dream*)

Memories of Charm-speaking the daughter of Athena played on repeat. I didn't regret what I did, seeing her expression and feeling like I could control one of the mentally strong heroes of Olympus so quickly! One person down, now there would be a certain Jason Grace who I could do anything to. 

I had long ditched the idea of breaking up with him gently, I wanted to make him suffer. Ideas played in front of me until I decided on one. I would wait and get his hopes up, then it could begin. But not yet, there will be drama because of Annabeth. 

Oh, wait! No there won't be any towards me! She couldn't even say anything to anyone about it.

I finished my sleep by perfecting my plan, it would be in a while then it would play.

a/n: HOLY CRUD! It's a double pov! 

so did you enjoy this style? (and the chapter?)

So r u confused about anything? should anything change? i wanna know.

queeessstion: if u had to date ANY fictional character who would it be? (if you're ace/aro who would u be besties with?) mine would be (besides piper) tim drake.

stay lovely butterflies <3

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