Chapter Twelve - Over my dead body

Warning mentions of rape. If you are going through any of the themes mention in this particular chapter please contact help. You are not alone.

Four of us sat in a room at the Rosewood police station. All dirty and sweaty, the days event's on a repeat in my head. When I say A would make a statement boy was I right. But nothing prepared me for this. Nothing prepared me of what brought us here. The door opened and I looked up, just when you thought this night couldn't get anywise. It did.

"Did you miss me?"

Detective Wilden was back

"This just doesn't look bad, it is bad. Homicide is a capital offence in the state of Pennsylvania and you girls are going down."

-----12 Hours Earlier------

We were at Dr Sullivan's house. Spencer had somehow found her address and now rang her doorbell.

"Dr Sullivan. Are you home?" Hanna called looking through one of the windows while I looked through the other. Emily listened to her voicemail

"I got the same voicemail." Aria commented

"She probably sent it to all her clients." Spencer breathed

"She's not here"

"Look's like she didn't come home last night either. She hasn't checked her mail or picked up her papers."

"That's because she poked the bear that is A." I commented "That move at the assembly was a bad one now she and us are paying the price. I mean what was she thinking?"

"She was trying to help." Aria sighed

"Look where that got her huh. Either way A knew." I groaned my freaking arm was not letting up.

"Maybe we should call the police." Emily suggested

"And say what to Officer Garrett when he starts asking questions?" Hanna retorted

"Hanna's right and Garrett, Jenna, Ian and...Jason they're all connected." I clicked my tongue but never said anything "We can't trust them."

"The last time somebody thought the knew who A was, she got hit by a car. Sorry Hanna"

"So what do we do, genius?"

"Go into red alert and hope that our phones don't ring" Spencer says and as if by magic, Emily's phone rings.

"That did not just happen."

"It's Maya."

"Look at you all happy and smiling" I grin


I asked Aria to drop me off at Jason's. I hadn't talked to him a little while and we needed to catch up. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door.I waited a moment before he answered.

"Hey." I smiled softly

"Hey, come in." he stood aside and I walked in, he took us to the living room. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Just water please" he went into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water. We sat down as he handed me it.

"What happened to your wrist?" he asked

"I tried to take Mike's laptop away,  he fought back."  I vaguely replied

"He did that to you?"

"He's getting help though and he's not fighting it, which is good and... you got a haircut." I messed with his hair.

"Erica, you're changing the subject."

"I know. It's just a lot happened And I want to focus on the good your new haircut." I reply changing the subject again.

"I tell you what, seen as your wanting to deflect you can help me around the house." He told me

"Okay." This is one of the things I loved about him, he knew when to stop pushing. he showed me around the house and the renovations.

"I just have to take the news papers down."

"Well you start on that, I'm getting some more water. Where are you're cheetos"

"Cupboard  by the door." I left, when I came back up with no water  but munching. Jason turned hearing the rustling and  smiled. I leant up and kissed him. We pulled away and brought me into a hug. I turned my head looking out of Ali's old window. I saw Spencer and Toby across the way. She jumped slightly and I saw her looking down then back up.

-10 Hours Earlier-

"I walked Toby outside and when i came back inside it was here." Spencer told usas she looked down at the crate

'Open or She dies'

"Here like in the middle of your kitchen or heard like on your porch and you brought it inside?" Aria questioned

"I haven't touched it."

"Guys I never told you this but Dr Sullivan really helped me." Hanna admitted I rested my hand on her shoulder.

"We know, that why we trusted her. She helped us all." I brought her into a hug and we looked down at the box.

"You don't think her ears in there do you?" Hanna wondered. i groaned slightly, that was gross

"That's a big box for an ear." Emily replied. We opened the box and looked inside there was a note on top.

"You have till 7pm to save her. These are my demands." Aria read out and Spencer pulled back the cloth to reveal four dolls. Spencer pulled out the first one.

"Guess this is yours." Spencer handed Aria her doll and there was something underneath it. I picked it up

"Wait." Aria pulled a cord

'Make Jackie go away' it said

"Is there a creepier word than creepy?" Hanna asked. I handed her the documents

"Wait this is the paper Jackie's getting published on Theodore..." she squinted and Spencer looked at what I had

"Gericault? He's this fresh painter who.."

"Painted" Hanna obviously pointed out.

"Yeah in a word. Wait, A also gave you this French article on Gericault and..." she took the paper of Aria. "It's identical to Jackie's paper, she plagiarised this." Hanna pulled hers out

'Stop the wedding' Aria handed Spencer hers

'Keep Toby safe'

"Oh my god. Toby was driving his truck this morning and his brakes went out. That wasn't an accident, that was A." she sat down in shock

I reached into the box and picked the one that was next to Aria's it had my name on it." i pulled the cord.

'Share your deepest secret.' no, no, no, no.

"What does that mean?" Aria wondered

"Look." Emily pulled something out of the box and held it up. I dropped my doll and cover my mouth surpassing my scream. I plopped onto the sofa, the memories came back. I hid my face in my knee's


"Get it away, get it away." I rocked back and forth

"Em, get rid of the necklace now." Aria ordered and she rapped her arms around me. Half an hour later I was sat there staring at a wall, while the others talked

"I didn't get one." Em commented

"you've been A's target for weeks Em." Aria replied

"Yeah, maybe A's bored with you and I mean that as a good thing." Hanna added.

"If A wants to shut us up, she found a way to do it. I mean we finally tell someone the truth and now Dr Sullivan's gone. A can do that to anyone we care about." I heard Aria and then a slam.

"So we do these things and A gives her back. Is that what we're supposed to believe?"

"I get that this is a game but I don't understand it."

"It's brilliant actually." I spoke and they all looked at me "A is being our ultimate frenemy by forcing us to get what we want, knowing that after we do..." I trail off

"All hell breaks loose." Hanna finished

"Don't get me wrong, I really wanna get rid of Jackie but if I use this to do it, Ezra may never forgive me. I mean there is a reason we can't go around telling the truth, because i comes back to bite you, hard."

"We have five hours to obey our chucky dolls or..." Spencer left the sentence "I saw A push Ian off that bell tower and there was no hesitation."

"Spence what are you saying?" Hanna questions

"She's saying that it felt like it was easy for A to kill someone." I muttered

"And I only know one way to keep Toby safe and that's to keep him away from me." 

"And I'm gonna need that necklace back." I stood up "Where did you put it?" i asked Emily, she stood up and headed over to get it, she opened up an drawer and pulled it out. I took it off of her.

"I never wanted to go back here. How does this bitch even know." I looked down at the necklace.

"What does it mean?" Aria asked

"This represent me before I existed. My first proper secret and now i have to tell. This bitch doesn't pull any punches. Em, can you come with me, it kind of involves you." We walked out of the house and back home. There was no time like the present. Mom and Dad sat at the kitchen table, Mike must be at therapy and their waiting for the call to pick him up.

"Mom. Dad." They looked up at me. "I need to tell you something."

"What is it sweetie?" Mom asked

"I was raped."


They sat there stunned for what seemed like forever. The silence was deafening till Dad spoke, I could tell he was trying to control his reaction, but I didn't know what kind of reaction.

"What?" I sat down clutching the necklace in my hand

" a couple of years ago, you know when I was going through my rebel phase, finding my identity" they nodded "I snuck out to go to a party, I thought I was being cool. I dressed to look older than I was, not that it was hard." I dropped the necklace on the table.

"That's your's you said you lost it." mom says picking it up.

"I lied. I...I" I groaned trying to get it out but words were seeing to fail. "It was Ben." I looked at Em who's face dropped slightly.

"As in my ex Ben?" I nodded

"I don't even know how he....he must have slipped something into my drink, I wasn't even drinking that much just enough to blend in but, i started to feel weird and he took me outside, offered to take me home, only he didn't." I gulped shaking slightly

"I was screaming I wanted it to stop. The next thing I remember was Ben getting yanked out of the car."

"The night Jason saved you." Mom muttered I nodded

" Jase said that if he ever came near me again he'd be a dead man. He brought me home that night, and I went into a downward spiral. When we kissed it was like I said I was drunk, I initiated it and I felt safe, he made me feel safe when no one else could. He saved me."

"He ripped that necklace off me, the last time i saw it was in his car."


Two hours till the wedding and was sat up in my room. Emily had left, Mom was still sat next to me, she had gotten a text that Dad had picked up Mike and they were going for the pizza.

"The world is pretty messed up." I picked at my bedding

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"I was ashamed, I convinced myself it was my fault for putting my self in that situation."

"Erica it wasn't your fault."

"I decided to sneak out to a party, Mom. No one forced me, I went of my own free will and look where it got me. I've got so good a lying for my own self preservation, I can make it look like an art. There is vault  in my head and I put every bad thing in there because if I don't, I'm screwed. I will do almost anything to keep it from opening fully. Because if it does, I might not survive." I shook my head. I got up

"I need to get ready."

"You can't possibly go to a wedding right now?" Mom shook her head

"I react one of four ways with negativity in my life. Lie, sass/yell, break down or carry on. I dealt with what happened to me. it made me who I am. Do I wish I had said something sooner, I will always think that. But I did the last thing that scared me about the whole thing which was tell you. If I curl up in a ball again, that means he still has a hold over me and I'm not having that. I'm Erica Montgomery and I survive." I got a shower then changed Aria came into my room

"Did you do it?"


"How did it go?" she sat down on my bed as I got ready. 

"i just dragged up the past and things that should have stayed there. I just opened another box in my locked vault of shit things that happen to me or because of me hopefully save Dr Sullivan's life."

"That bad?"

"Understatement of the century. I do not say things lightly but nothing can be as worse as that, not even death."

"Don't joke."

"I'm not joking. A can do many things that can and will hurt me but nothing will ever top that."

---Fast Forward---

Aria and I had asked for a phone call. Aria made hers and I was taken to make mine. There was no point calling our parents since we were still minors they would be called anyway. I dialled the familiar number and waited


"I'm in trouble." I started crying

"Erica? Erica where are you?"

"At the police station. I messed up, I really messed and I...oh god."

"Listen to me you're gonna be okay. Are you there alone? Is your sister there?"


"Okay, just hold on alright. I'm on my way." I put the phone down

---Lost count of the hours earlier--

The door bell rang and Aria went to get it while I finished off. Once I did I went to see where my sister was at. I heard voices. I pulled the door open and there was Skank of the century and and upset Aria.

"Well if it isn't skank of the year."

"Erica nice to see you again." She gave a sickly sweet smile

"You are a terrible liar. Aria, what did she say?" Aria didn't say anything and Jackie smiled

"Jackie would you like to know something that's super scary?"

"Excuse me?"

"You have 10 seconds to leave before I scream bloody murder and have you arrested for physical assault on a minor. 10... 9..."

"You can't be serious"

"8...7...6...5.." she started to walk off. I turned to my sister and pulled her inside

"Spill everything." and she did. She told me how she did what A told her too and Jackie came round with the counter of she had to break up with Ezra or their relationship would be outed.

" Oh that bitch is so..."

"Erica, we've been though enough this is not the priority right now. Let's just get this over with." I nodded and grabbed our shawls and purses. We arrived at the church, we waited for Emily even asked Hanna and something was defiantly wrong.

"Hanna said she left before she did." Spencer muttered as Aria was trying to get a hold of Emily.

"Em, where are you, pick up" Aria left her voicemail

"I'm really worried." I sigh checking my watch. Where was she?"

"You're not the only one." 15 minutes later the ceremony began, Hanna asked where Emily was but we didn't know. She sighed and prepared herself what what she was about to do. She stopped the wedding and asked to speak to Isabel alone, which they did.

"I think Hanna's gonna need a getaway car." Spencer mumbled to us

"Let's go." Aria and i replied and we made our way out of the church. We waited in the car, 5 minutes later Hanna came running out and got in.

"I have the address." She handed her phone to Spencer and she put it into the GPS and we left the church. We arrived at a red barn and Emily's car was there. We all got and ran over. Emily was lying on the ground unconscious.

"Emily!" I call running over and kneeling next to her

"Em. Em wake up." we called her name shaking her slightly and she started to come around. I breathed a sigh of relief as she sat up.

"She's still alive." were her first words "She was here."

"Did you see Dr Sullivan?" Spencer questioned. Em touched her lips slightly

"I saw Alison."

-Real time-

I sat back in the interview room, Aria and I were holding hands and the door opened. Emily stepped in and the door what shut.

"Emily are okay?" I asked

"I haven't said a word to anyone," She replied

"They're watching us." Spencer told her pointing to the microphone on her end of the table. Emily sat down.

"How are you feeling?" Hanna wondered

"They gave me some oxygen. I'm fine"

-3rd Person-

The Parents of the Liars had arrived. They were waiting for news but Mrs Hastings wasn't having any of it.

"I want to see my  daughter and I want to see her now." she stressed to an officer

"I understand, but we have to wait for the officer in charge." the officer replied. Meanwhile, Peter Hastings was on the phone.

"Well they're in custody but they haven't been booked, Well yeah I understand that but...' Peter saw Jason arrive. "I'll call you back." he ended the call and went up to Jason

"What the hell are you doing here?" he pushed Jason back

"Don't." Jason snipped at him

"You need to stay away from this." Peter told him glancing back at the other parents then back to Jason, who was becoming irritated.

"I think my sister would want me here." he half told the truth

"Look, this isn't just about me, it's about you. I did things to protect you, you don't know about."

"My mother told me about the will, okay and you didn't need to do that. I didn't kill Ali." Jason retorted shaking his head. He didn't need this conversation right now, what he needed was to know what was going on with his girlfriend.

"I know you didn't" From afar Ella caught sight of Jason and she tapped Byron's shoulder.

"What's he doing here?" he grumbled seeing his daughters boyfriend

"Why do you think. No fighting." Ella warned and  She walked over.

"Jason." Peter and Jason stopped. "This way. It's okay Peter." Jason shoved past Peter to speak with Ella.

"Want to explain?" she asked

"Erica called me, in tears saying she was in trouble. She wanted me here." Ella sighed "As far as anyone is concerned I'm her for Ali. Which is not a lie but it's all anyone needs to know." she nodded

-2 hours Earlier-


"You blacked out, maybe you just don't remember getting the doors open." Spencer told her. Emily rubbed her arms

"That wasn't there before." Emily says looking past us we turn around and notice a shovel. We walk over and Spencer picked it up and turned it around

"Those are longitude ant latitude coordinates right?" I ask

"Yeah" Spencer confirmed

"The text A sent me at the church said she was about to run out of air." Hanna informed us

"Did A bury Dr Sullivan alive?" Aria wondered. Spencer put the coordinates in her phone and we headed through the woods.

"We need to make a left up here and then not much farther." Spencer told us as we trailed through the woods in short dresses and high heels

"Yeah well not much farther in these heels is like a marathon in flats." my twin commented.

"Nope, can't do it anymore." I say and stopped holding onto my sister and taking off my heels, the others did the same

"Wait. It says this is it." We looked around but could barely see anything as it is.

"I don't see anything." Aria huffed taking of her heels

"Guys, over there." Hanna stated we sat a stick poking out of the ground

"Could she be under there?" I wondered and then Hanna got a message

"She's still alive bitches start digging." Hanna read out

"Dr Sullivan." Aria yelled and we ran over to the stick. We started digging

"There's something down there." Spencer states and we keep going

"Boot's those are her boots." Hanna stressed . We furiously digged until we found a face, yet it wasn't Dr was an mannequin

"What the hell?" I shout then we heard helicopters and then there were flashlight

"Over there. This is the police stay where you are!" We stood up, it slowly dawning on us that we had been set up.

-real time-

Mrs Hastings had been let in to seen us and we had questions for her. Starting with the guy I thought had been ditched but was now back to haunt us.

"I thought Detective Wilden was fired." Hanna spoke

"He was suspended for his actions but he's been reinstated as the chief officer for this investigation." Mr H answered

"how can that happen?" Spencer asked

"He has evidence to back up his allegations. And significant or you wouldn't be here." she replied

"Has anyone called my parents?" Emily wondered. Mrs H  squeezed her wrist comfortingly.

"They're on their way"  Wilden entered her room.

"When Alison was murdered she was hit so hard it made an indentation to her skull." he told us "I've given you guys so many chances to be honest with me. Evidence doesn't lie." he placed the shovel we had on the table

"We've known all along what the murder weapon was. Tonight we caught you with it. "

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