Chapter Four - Blind Dates
I had been hauled by Aria to go with her, Hanna, Emily to go with Spencer to pick up her sisters wedding ring. It was in a shady part of town, as we waited outside
"This place is skeevy." Aria commented
"She pawned her sisters wedding ring. You're not gonna go to Tiffany's." Hanna retorted, I snorted in amusement.
"So Wren and Melissa?" Emily asked changing the subject
"Weird right?" I reply
"Could you tell what he gave her?" Emily wondered
"No. She didn't seem happy about it though." Aria answered
"I thought it might of been painkillers or something,but it was hard to see in the dark and from a good distance away." I shrug
"I don't think Ian will be either" Hanna added
"How are you holding up?" Aria wondered, Emily had told us that she had originally gotten rid of the fake scholarship letter but A sent one instead wanting her to be in town for their little games.
"Great. Ever since I got that fake Scholarship letter, my Mom thinks I can do no wrong." she scoffs "I'm living a lie , I didn't even tell."
"Leave it to A to make you feel bad about your Mom feeling good." Hanna shakes her head. A few minutes later Spencer came out pissed.
"It's gone, Melissa's ring is gone he gave me this." she held up a horse shoe. I covered my mouth to hide my smile "I can't believe it's gone"
"Well at least you got your money back." I offered trying to hide a smile
"You think this s funny. What am I supposed to give her this?!" she held up a horse shoe.
"I think it suits her eyes."
"Erica, you're being mean." Aria scolded
"She pawned her sisters wedding ring to buy her boyfriend, my best friend a truck when he's earning the money honestly working for my boyfriend. Yet I'm the one that's mean. I'd call it karma and she's a bitch." our phones went off and I pulled it out of my pocket.
"Just my luck, diamonds are are a girls best friend -A" Aria read out
"Like I said. Karma." I walked off
I was raiding my sisters closet when Mom walked into our room
"Coffee is made, newspaper is in and your father is putting breakfast on the table. Double berry pancakes." I raised an eyebrow.
"Wow. We haven't had those since..." Aria trailed off.
"I know. I miss them. I sort of feels like everything's getting back to normal round here." Mom said
"We all live in hope." I comment borrowing my sisters lipgloss after I borrowed one of her jackets. I heard Mike come out of his room.
"mike breakfast!"
"I'll grab something later." He replied
"Michael! Forgetting something!" I waited as he came back and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I smiled a little and he quickly left.
"Later sis." he then left.
"Mike on the other hand, may not be on the same page about being back." Mom commented
"He's fine." I drawled fixing my hair
"Why shouldn't he at least he has a social life." Aria retorted as I grab my bag
"I know this not being able to see your friends. is probably really tough."
"That's an understatement." Aria and I commented leaving her room
"You do know that we're only doing this because we feel it's best for you for all of you." Mom told us
"You keep telling yourself that while I have breakfast to go." I head off down stairs as Dad but pancakes on the table.
"Double berry pancakes." He smiled
"I heard." I grabbed a zip lock bag "I'm having these to go." I also tried to do other things to have a portable breakfast..
"Here let me."
"I'm fine!" i shouted. Then regained my composure "I'm fine I just takes a little longer that's all."
"Erica, talk to me. What's the matter."
"Nothing, I just need to get to school." I tried to juggle my coffee, food and my bag. "School is not for another half an hour. Just sit and eat your breakfast. Then I'll drive you." he guided me to sit down.
"Everything okay?" Mom asked
"Question of my freaking life." I muttered as the pancakes were put back on the plate and some fruit was added.
"So girls, how are your therapy sessions going?" Mom questioned. I huffed and didn't say anything.
"Good, it's going good." Aria nodded "Ri, Mom is taking over Mr Fitz' english class." Aria changed the subject
"I know it's gonna be a little weird me teaching yo but, everything will work out." I finished my breakfast and grabbed my bag then my coffee."
"If you wait I'll drive you."
"I'm okay. I'll walk." Dad got up "What are you doing."
"I said I would drive, and I will." We left and he was driving me to school. It was quite for a while until he decided to talk.
"You've seemed more happier lately." he commented
"Look I know this thing with your friends is hard..." he started and I sighed
"Please, leave it . It's like picking at a scab to make it bleed again. I just want to get to school." I groan in frustration.
"So what do you want to talk about then?"
"Do we have to talk?" I question back
"We've been getting on well, I'm trying to keep that going. Even if you just bit my head off."
"Fine, I have a question. Do you think Jason is a bad guy?" he shuffled uncomfortably
"Maybe we shouldn't talk."
"Oh no you wanted to do this and in fact Dr Sullivan is encouraging me to have more positive conversations to appease the bad. So..."
"I don't...I don't know how to respond to that."
"It's a simple question, do you think he's a bad guy yes or no. Regardless whether he was dating me or not."
"But he is dating you, Erica."
"That doesn't matter with this." he sighed and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter.
"In general, I don't know him all that well, but from what I do know, no I don't think he's a bad guy." He answered
"Thank you." I replied sincerely "I know you don't understand what goes on between us. And I certainly know you don't like it but thank you."
"What for."
"Not hurting him, or shopping him into the police."
"Erica..." he breathed
"Honestly, I means everything that you didn't. and i know i haven't been the best or supporting daughter and I might never be the same like before everything with you know the home wrecking bitch of hell." We pulled up outside school "But the whole don't ask don't tell is better than nothing." I smile and got out of the car going into school
English with My mom was weird, but we got through it without being embarrassed. The bell rang and we left the class. in our little group.
"Aria, Erica." Mom came out of the back door of the classroom
"Hey." the others stopped
"Can i talk to the two of you for a second?" she asked
"we were just saying goodbye." Aria tried to cover why we were with the others.
"Yeah, that's not what I want to talk about." We glanced at them and they dispersed. Mom fully came out of the classroom. Oh she wanted an update on how she did, i thought
"Oh, okay. Well I would say you had a decent mastery of the material given that you've come in half way through the year . Excellent eye contact with the students but your hand writing could use some improvement though. Did I cover everything?" I aimed the question at my twin she nodded
"Yeah, I think so."
"Yeah, that's not it either, but thanks." I made an oh face. "Mike left his keys at home today and I've got a faculty meeting after school. Can you take these by his pick up game after school?" Mom asked us handing Aria the keys
"Sure" we replied
"Thanks. and now that you mention it the whole not seeing your friends thing should probably extend to the school hallways as well." She went back into the classroom
"Not a word." Aria pointed to me knowing I was about to retort.
"You're no fun." we started walking
"How do you do it?" She asked me randomly. I was confused as to what.
"Do what?"
"With Mike, everything that's gone with us, this past year and a half. He still listens to you and comes back to give you a hug and kiss in the morning. I barely even get a 'later.'"
"I don't know." I shrug "We just do. Why?"
"He's our brother, Ri and I don't know where he's at with Mom coming back. I'm happy, I know you think it's the worse idea in the world but him..." I stop her
"you want to know?" she nods
"He's struggling, he tries not to show it but I know. He thinks if he can avoid it, he won't get hurt again."
"How do you know?"
"Because I know him, you know us we're like...Khloe and Rob Kardashian of Rosewood." she chuckles "You've seen how they are all of them are close but Khloe just seems to get Rob for many reasons more than the others. It's nothing to do with you Aria, it's just how it worked out. With that being said, I wouldn't go far to say he's not above keeping secrets, but the main thing is not to pry unless you think it's hazardous to his health."
"If you want I can help you learn to speak Mike?" she smiles slightly
"Okay, we should be getting to class." We headed off.
After school Aria and I arrived at the park. We looked around to see if we could catch sight of Mike.
"Mike it's me we're at the park so pick up them damn phone. We're trying to give you your keys." I say leaving a voicemail.
"Ri, over there." Aria pointed to a bench where it looked like Mike was sitting "Mike. Hey Mike!" the bloke turned around it was not Mike. "Oh sorry." she muttered, then I got distracted.
"Oh, my god." I breathe
"What?" Aria asked as my jaw dropped at the sight of my shirtless boyfriend
"Lord have mercy. I think might faint." She saw who I was staring at, he saw me and grinned
"Look there's Lewis." She pulled me away, I gave him a little wave.
"Hey Lewis. Do you know where we can find Mike." Aria wondered
"Got me." Lewis shrugged. OK brothers friend now has my attention
"He usually plays here though right?" I carry on
"Not for the last couple of months, no." he answered. This couldn't be right
"no, no, no he usually plays pick up here almost everyday after school." I shake my head not really believing what he was telling us.
"So do we and I haven't seen him, sorry." he went back to join the game
"What was that saying you two were close again?" Aria asks
"We still are, maybe he has a secret girlfriend that he goes to see insisted, It wouldn't be a shocker for this family." something hit my leg. I turned around and picked up a basketball, with my good hand. Jason came jogging over.
"So, I will wait by the car. Hey Jason."
"Aria." My twin leaves.
"Hey." I smile softly.
"Hey, you okay?" he asks me, he must have seen the look of concern and worry on my face.
"You haven't seen my brother have you?" I question
"No, sorry. Did he give you the slip?"
"Something like that." I nod
"Yeah, i was always lying at his age, about where I was." He told me.
"We never really stopped did we? Thought it went to more of keeping secrets than out right lying. No, that's not what bothers me. Our family has gotten really good at lying to each other and keeping secrets. I was saying to Aria it wouldn't surprise me if he had joined the club of secret other half." I smile a little
"He can have all the secrets he like just as long as I know he's safe." I sigh "Look I better be going. By the way it is not nice to distract a girl, when she's on a mission." I pointed to his shirtlessness.
"Nothing you haven't seen before." He grinned
"No the point and you know it. It's incredibly distracting. The I...ummm. Okay I'm going." hHe laughed as I walked away. I held up my middled finger not glancing back.
"Let's go." I tell her
"Why afraid you'll jump him in the middle of the park?" she joked
"Seriously, I cannot keep focus, his abs reflect the sun. Besides you need to drop me off for my therapy appointment." We got in and pulled away
"How are you today, Erica?" Dr Sullivan asked as we sat down.
"a little scattered."
"My Mom asked Aria and I to give my brother his keys because he left them at home, yet when we went to the park where he normally goes, he wasn't there. He hasn't been there for a couple of months, then when I was talking to Jason...." i STOOPED
"Whose Jason?" shit, shit shit.
"Uh, Jason is Ali's brother. He moved back into his old house recently. He was playing basketball too." I tried to to be too cagey, I'm pretty sure she would pick up on it and then question me.
"How was it seeing him again?"
"Fine, I mean our paths have crossed a few times, we are...were Alison's friends after all." I corrected
"Do you and your friends get on with Jason." She wonders
"Sure, but mainly he was just Ali's brother down the hall playing annoyingly loud music. Which I would tell him off for."
"Would you?"
"Yeah, Ali wouldn't like it though." I shook my head, think about all the dirty glares I got from her, not that I had cared.
"Why wouldn't she like it?"
"She had more control issues than I did, the fact that someone else had the balls to call him out. That and I ignored a direct order from the Queen."
"Erica, from the sessions we had so far it sound like you had a turbulent relationship with Alison. You challenged her 'authority' as it were in your group you took matters into your own hand when something bothered you, yet you were loyal enough to be friends with her for her for a long time?"
"Your Point."
"How did you deal with her death, or in the beginning her disappearance. Did you get angry at others, did you cry, did you grieve."
"Why would I have grieved for the better part of a year she was missing. I always thought that she had enough and up sticks she talked about doing it all the time."
"That she might but she was still one of your best friends and she wasn't there anymore, you weren't there to fight or challenge each other, no more sleepovers where her brother annoyed you so much that you told him off. She was there one minute and got the next, with no word." huh I guess she was right.
"You act very much like an adult and I know from experience that as an older child who has had much upheaval in their live in a short amount of time, you seek to have things, situations you can control because it gives you stability. It's natural that how things turned out with Alison despite the relationship you had with her feel the need to control the situation of finding her killer."
"Well it's not like the police are getting anywhere is it?"
"How does the investigation make you feel?"
"Powerless, angry, annoyed, guilty. Ali was a bitch, I'll admit that but not even I would wish her dead. It makes me so mad that they're getting no where, they say they have lead and evidence but they point to the totally wrong..." i stop mid rant
"No continue, this is good, letting your emotions out is good."
"I think that's it for today." I clear my throat and go to stand up.
"Erica, closing yourself off won't help anyone dealing with what happened, accepting it can helping you move on."
"Finding Ali's killer will help me move on. Making sure the bastard that took her life into his owns hands rots in jail, will find me closure, not hashing stuff up. Goodbye Dr Sulivan."
Aria and I were home alone, we were both in her room and she was talking to Spencer. When she finished she got off her bed to stare at a picture of us as a family. There was a loud bang.
"Mom?" she called then looked at me I shrugged and got up "Dad?!" there was still no answer. We made our way over to the door and she slowly opened it. Silence, then we looked to the side and jumped.
"Boo." it was Mike
"What the hell." I hit his arm. he just smirked then went to go into his room
"Hey, here now." I point to the spot in front of us. He sighs and comes over
"Where have you been all day?" Aria questions
"What is it to you?" he retorts
"We've been trying to find you all day to give your keys back." I told him as Aria wentto get them. He came in.
"So give them to me." he held out his hand and Aria didn't give them to him
"Let's forget about today, what about every other day because the guys you play ball with hardly remember what you look like."
"Places. here and there." I scoff
"That's what your gonna tell Mom and Dad. Have I taught you nothing? keep this up and they're gonna find out."
"Not from you they're not because if you tell them.I'll tell them you've been sneaking around with your friends around town while you're supposed to be having a time out." my jaw dropped
"Why are you doing this, Mom's moved in, things are finally going back to normal." Aria says
"You think that's all it takes?" he asked annoyed "The five of us eat pancakes together, and everything's okay? Things aren't how they used to be. They never will be." He walked out. i turned to my sister.
"seriously, Aria we're not all like you." I sigh and walk out as well I open Mike's door then head in.
"Hey." he ignores me and I moved closer grabbing his hand "Mike look at me."
"Here to play good cop?"
"No, i'm here to be your sister. Mike, if you wanna do something like have a secret girlfriend...or boyfriend no judgement. That's fine, it great because that's the new normal. But I was seriously worried when i couldn't find you today." his face softened "I can't loose you Mike, not ever because your my little brother and I love you." I felt tears roll down
"Mike, you're allowed to have your secrets, but worrying me, us like that is not okay. I need to know your safe and I was scared."
"I'm sorry. I didn't think." I shook my head going to leave
"I don't expect you to tell me what's going on just please don't do that again okay." he nodded, I left his room and went into mine.
The next day I got ready for school when there was a knock on my door. I opened it and Mike stood there.
"Wanna walk with me?"
"Sure." I went to pick up my bag but my brother stopped me.
"I got it." I added it to his side
"Hey Mike." Dad stopped us, he was in Aria's room. "How was your game yesterday." he wondered and I shared a nervous look with my sister.
"Great, like always. Erica and Aria watched for a couple of minutes."
"Yeah?" He asked and we both just smiled and nod. "Want a ride to school?"
"I'm cool, walking with E." he took my hand and led us out. School went on as normal, which was the only sane thing that happened today.
Aria and I were doing our homework, when our phones went off
S.O.S -Spencer
We shared a look and grabbed our things leaving the house. Spencer picked us up as well as the others
"Do we have a plan?" Hanna asked
"Working on it." Spencer replied
"Should we call Garrett? Tell him about Ian?" Emily wondered
"No, the last thing we need to do is get him involved in another mystery we can't explain." Aria explains
"Because that's what happens when we're the girls who cried wolf. I mean do you get it we're screwed." I retort
"They stopping." Aria points to the car ahead of us. The get out and leave, so do we .
"They're no turning back now, right." Spencer wonders looking to us for confirmation. We go a different way to follow them.
"I've got 911 on speed dial." Aria breaths as we make the trek
"Not surprised with our luck." I comment back
"i've only got one bar." Hanna hold up her phone for service "Great, no bars." she huffs
"We should take a photo of Ian, prove we haven't been making all of this up" Emily suggests
"Yeah, well you do that. I'm trying not to get killed" we stop and stare at Hanna.
"Sorry." she muttered and we continue on.
"I'm just worried about Melissa." Spencer tells us "Who knows what Ian's thinking."
"What if he has a gun?" Aria asks "he's the bad guy right." we reach the gate and see Melissa and wren talking before she goes inside. A couple of moments later there is a scream.
"Melissa!" Spencer yells and we all run inside. Melissa is sobbing into Wren who's trying to pull her away. We look down.
Ian is dead
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