Chapter 7

I just started this 6 days ago and it's already got 2.5k views Jesus Christ thanks guys


"Hey, Gee, this is my boyfriend," Mikey said.

I turned around from where I was sitting on my bed. I saw a boy with black hair, who I recognized from some photos. But now that I see him up close, he looks a bit more feminine than I had originally thought.

"Hi, I'm Pete," he said, his voice slightly more higher pitched than a normal boy's voice.

I gave him a small wave and Mikey smiled.

"I just wanted you two to meet each other," Mikey said. "Anyways, we're gonna go down and play video games."

I nodded my head and they left. I looked at Mikey's laptop in front of me that he was letting me borrow. It was hard to use but Mikey had shown me how. The idea of the Internet was still just so fascinating and so hard to grasp.

I grabbed my phone and opened up the texts, going to the one with Frank's name. Or, at least, to where it said 'Daddy'.

GeeBear: can you cum over?

Daddy: why'd you write come like that?

GeeBear: because Mikey said that a lot of times while texting people just shorten words

Daddy: don't shorten come to cum

Daddy: but ya I can come over

I grinned, setting my phone down as I waited for him to come over. I don't know why he didn't like it when I spelled come like that. I thought I was just doing what Mikey said all the kids do.

A bit later I heard my bedroom door opened. Frank shut the door and sat next to me, flashing me a smile. He gave me a soft kiss and I blushed.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Watching videos of cats, they're so cute," I said. "What was the cartoon you let me watched the other day?"

"That was Hello Kitty, sweetheart," he said.

"I like Hello Kitty," I mumbled. "I have a question. Why does Mikey's boyfriend look so feminine?"

"Pete? Oh, he's in my chem class," he said. "He's trans, sweetheart."

"What's that mean?" I asked.

Frank sighed, pulling me into his lap. "It means that he was born a girl, but he wasn't supposed be and he was unhappy so he takes medicine to help him be a boy."

"Oh," I mumbled. "So is he happy now?"

"Yeah, he is," Frank confirmed.

"Good, I'm glad he's happy," I said with a smile.

He rubbed my back gently and I rested my head on his shoulder. Frank glanced over towards the door and frowned at the sight of my suitcases lined up against the wall.

"You're still packed?" He asked.

"My Mama's gonna come back for me," I said.

"Sweetheart, your mom's in jail," he said softly.

"But she's always been here for me, I've never been alone before," I said.

"You're not alone, you've got me," he said.

I gave him a kiss and he smiled.

"Let me help you unpack," he suggested.

I mulled over it before finally agreeing. I sadly helped Frank unpack all my clothes and stuff. He put all my five books onto the shelf, my little fake pot of flowers on my desk, my pens and stuff inside the drawer. I sadly put all my stuff into the my closet and dresser. I sat on my bed once we finished and Frank put my suitcases onto the shelf in my closet. He turned and smiled at me, coming over and giving me a kiss.

"See? Isn't this better?" He asked.

I shook my head. "What if Mama comes back and she thinks I don't wanna be with her again?"

He stroked my cheek gently, kneeling in front of me.

"Baby, your mom isn't gonna come back for a while," Frank said quietly as my eyes watered. "She's gonna be in there for 34 years."

I sniffled quietly and wiped my eyes. "How do you know that?"

"I talked to Mikey about what happened," he said.

"Oh," I mumbled sadly.

"Is that okay?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, looking down at my lap. He held onto my hands, kissing them gently.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"No," I whispered.

He gave a small smile, leaning up to give me a soft kiss.

"Okay, wanna watch Hello Kitty?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded, feeling myself get happier. We cuddled up under my blankets as he put on an episode of Hello Kitty. He was so much faster at typing than me. I giggled as we watched and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He kissed the side of my head and I smiled.

"Gee! Lunch!" My dad called.

I sighed, shutting the laptop and bringing Frank with me downstairs. My dad looked surprised to see him when we walked into the dining room.

"Hello," he said.

"Hi," Frank replied. "I'm Frank."

"Gee's dad," my dad said, holding out a hand.

Frank shook it and I watched in confusion.

"Is this like a different version of a fist bump?" I asked.

"Yeah, this is more formal," Frank said as we sat down.

Mikey and Pete came and sat across from us while my dad was at the head of the table.

"What's this?" I asked, looking at the food in the center of the table.

"This is called a pizza," Mikey said.

I looked at the plain circle with the gooey cheese.

"We didn't know what'd you like so we just got plain cheese," he said.

They put a slice onto my plate and I took a bite and smiled at the good taste. We ate quietly, small talk every now and then.

"I have a question," I announced.

They all look at me and it took me a moment to realize they were waiting for me to say something.

"What was your name before it was Pete?" I asked Pete.

"Um, it was Daniella," he said.

I frowned slightly as I looked at him.

"I think Pete suits you better," I said.

Pete smiled. "Thanks, Gee."

I took a bite and smiled at the cheesey goodness.

"How has school been, Gee?" My dad asked.

"It's too hard," I complained. "I don't like it."

"What about your cooking and drawing classes?" He asked.

"They're fun," I said. "Except for food class, I don't know anyone and it's scary."

"Well, if you be nice then you'll make friends," my dad said.

I nodded my head, looking down at my plate. We finished eating and Frank and I went back upstairs. I sat on his lap on the bed and smiled up at him.

"Why'd you put your name as daddy into my phone?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to," he said.

"C-can we kiss again, daddy?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded. Frank leaned down and pressed his lips against mine softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, copying what he did. Frank's lips parted, his tongue moving along my lips. I opened my mouth and he moaned softly. He set me down on the bed gently, holding onto my hips.

"Hey, Gee?" Someone asked.

Frank pulled away quickly and we looked at Mikey blushing in the doorway.

"We were just wondering if you wanted to play Xbox with us," he said.

I saw Pete behind him.

"What is an Xbox?" I asked.

"C'mon, we'll show you," Frank said.

He took my hand and lead me down to the basement with Mikey. I looked around, smiling and giddy.

"It's like home!" I exclaimed happily.

"Poor boy," I heard Pete mutter.

I smiled contentedly, swinging our hands back and forth.

"I miss home," I said quietly.

"C'mon, what do you wanna play?" Frank asked.

Mikey opened a drawer and I saw a bunch of things that looked like the movies Mikey had.

"Something easy and nice for Gee," Frank said.

"Well, that means none of the zombie games," Pete said. "Um, no Black apps. Halo, maybe?"

"Mm, that could be too hard," Mikey said.

"What's this?" Frank asked, holding something up as he snickered.

Mikey looked at it in confusion.

"Oh, I think that's my younger cousin's and he left it here," he said.

"Gee, do you wanna play Minecraft?" Frank asked.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well, it's meant for kids so it's not too hard for him," Pete said.

I pouted quietly. "I'm not a kid."

"No, I mean, I didn't mean that..." Pete trailed off as he looked at Mikey for help.

"Wanna play?" He asked.

"Is if for kids?" I asked.

"No, this is a big boy game," Mikey said.

"Okay, I'll play," I said.

I sat on the couch, right between Frank and Mikey. Pete put the thing into the little machine. He handed out little black things while Mikey flicked the tv on. I looked at the black thing in my hand in confusion.

"Frankie, what is this?" I whispered.

"This is a controller," he said. "We'll show you how to use it."

I watched Mikey do stuff with his controller. Something started on the screen. Frank used my controller and I saw the four squares on the screen.

"Use this to move," Frank instructed, pointing to a stick part. "Use this to look around. This is to jump. This is to hit, this is to build stuff. And I think that's what you really need for right now. You're up there, the bottom one on the right."

I moved around, confused as my screen moved in this block world. After a little bit, I started to get the hang of it. I found myself moving closer, sitting right in front of the tv again.

"Look, I made a place like home!" I exclaimed.

Their characters went down the stairs to my little underground home with the stone floors.

"Gee, don't sit so close to the screen," Frank said. "Come sit on my lap instead."

I went over and crawled into his lap.

"Instead of making a basement, why don't you make a treehouse instead," Frank suggested.

"A tree in a house?!" I asked in shock.

They chuckled and I looked at them.

"Do they have those in real life?" I asked and he nodded. "A house in a tree?!"

"Gee, you lived underground," Frank said.

"But it's in a tree!" I exclaimed.

"I have a treehouse," Mikey said. "I don't really use it anymore."

I gasped, jumping up on my knees beside him as Frank groaned. I tugged Mikey's arm and he laughed.

"Can I see? Can I see? Can I see?" I begged. "Please, please, please, please, please."

"Yeah, sure, c'mon," he said.

I gasped happily as he lead me up and out the back door. He walked over to a tree and I saw a ladder. I looked up and smiled happily. I climbed up the ladder, opening the hatch at the top. It was a little wooden room that I could just barely stand up straight in. There were some windows with wood shutters that you could shut. There was a little kids table and colorful plastic chairs surrounding it. There were baskets with baseball bats, soccer balls, footballs, all sort of things like that.

"How is it?" Mikey called from down at the ground.

"I love it!" I exclaimed.

I looked around at everything, at the writing on the table and the markings on the walls. There was something about this place that my home with Mama never was. This place was old and lived-in.

This place felt like home.

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