33: The Gayest Thing Brendon Urie Had Said That Week
The rather recent friendship between Brendon Urie and Dallon Weekes was both unexpected and unconventional: at first, it was just them insulting one another, but as they found themselves talking on a far more frequent basis, and actually talking as opposed to just arguing, they found themselves on the subject of Gee Way, and then, the dreaded Ryan Ross.
It had totally been a butt dial, and Ryan was really not happy to hear Brendon's voice again, and Brendon was really not happy to hear him scream down the phoneline about limp bananas and soggy bread, which was a little questionable, to say the least.
And let's just say that Brendon let just a little more slip with Dallon than he'd ever care to admit.
Perhaps it was just weakness and loneliness, because admittedly, he hadn't spoke to Sarah since she'd came over that one time, and Brendon's head was starting spin whenever he thought about Ryan and Sarah and just how he'd screwed everything up the ass quite so fucking spectacularly, because really, he hadn't half assed this one - he really hadn't at all.
And with Gabe Saporta preoccupied with being Jesus the gay supporter at William Beckett's cousin's wedding - by planning the ordeal and totally not just wasting all his time awkwardly flirting with William, as he continued to be utter reluctant when it even came to admitting just how gay he was for the guy, Brendon found himself without Gabe's house to spend his Friday night in.
Because, fuck, Brendon did not want to be home when his mum's boyfriend was, he found himself sat up in the attic of Dallon Weekes' house: it was Dallon's bedroom... he hadn't like drugged him and kidnapped him and locked him up in there or something.
It was weird to say the least: Brendon wasn't really one for being nice and making friends, but Dallon was okay, or at least he filled Gabe's position perfectly for now, and he did a pretty good job of distracting Brendon from the voice inside that was screaming legion after legion of ridiculous assumptions as to why Gabe had neglected all of his text messages today.
And well, that voice spoke more to poke and jab at insecurities than of the truth and the fact that Gabe was far too preoccupied with trying not to get hard in the presence of William Beckett, because that would be an awkward situation, to say the least.
Speaking of awkward situations: Brendon Urie's fucking existence, because Dallon had gone downstairs to go to the bathroom and go piss or something, and stupidly left his phone upstairs... and the screen just happened to light up with a message from Joe asking where he was and what had happened to their plans.
And god, Brendon was not the guy who deserved to be hung out with in favour of blowing off your friends (not in that way) and pre-organised plans. He thought best to just bury the thought in the back of his head and pretend that he'd never even seen the message, but as Dallon returned - he just couldn't.
"Your phone." Brendon wasn't even discreet about it, holding out Dallon's phone to him as he entered the room. "I... uhh... the message popped and I... why are you ignoring your friends... for me of all people?"
Dallon remained silent for entirely too long afterwards, blushing a little, as he pocketed his cellphone and sat down beside Brendon, as he wondered just which version of the truth would serve him best right now. "Joe know something about me that I don't want him to, and I know he's going to confront me about it the next time I see him... so I've been avoiding it, because I lie all the time, but Joe... he doesn't take bullshit, and I can't lie to his face when he already knows the truth."
"How do you know this?" Brendon couldn't help but ask: overly curious as to just what this secret was, but knowing that when Dallon began to share his secrets, Brendon would most likely have to return the favour, and well, Brendon had made that mistake once already.
"Spencer will tell you anything when he's drunk- in fact, you don't even have to ask, he just blurts it out at you. Spencer doesn't know what the secret is, though, Joe hasn't told him that or he would have told me, but really, I have one big secret that Joe was always suspicious of from the start, so it's pretty obvious as to what he's referring to here."
"How bad is the secret on a scale of one to ten?" Brendon wasn't exactly the best person at providing friendly support and comfort, but Dallon had chosen him over his friends, so he was fucking stuck with him now - whether he liked it or not.
"Eleven... thousand." And Dallon didn't even think he was exaggerating here.
"Oh." Brendon didn't quite know how to respond to that, well, he just damn wanted to ask Dallon what the secret was, but the experience of having his life ruined completely had rather recently given him the gift of discretion, and knowing when not to be such a blunt asshole.
"It's not a 'personal' kind of thing, like an embarrassing thing... it's just a messed up thing that is part of me that I can't control and have to hide from everybody, but people find out, and I- I can't... I can't deal with that, because I can deal with what will happen from then on: people don't understand it... I..."
"It's okay." Brendon sighed out, leaning into Dallon's side a little, in a totally friendly, heterosexual way, because two homosexuals sitting really close and being really close? Gay? No, of course not! No homo.
Well, Brendon was technically bi, so he was only half-homo, and therefore protected from his homosexual sins slightly more than Dallon, the full homo, was.
"It's not." Dallon promised him, his words catching in his throat a little, and really, he was far too close to crying, and fuck, he did not want to cry in front of someone like Brendon Urie - he really did not.
The two jumped a little as Dallon's cellphone vibrated in his pocket, and reluctantly he pulled it out: more messages from Joe appearing on his lock screen, and from where he was sat, Brendon just couldn't help but read them over his shoulder.
And it seemed that if Joe couldn't confront him in person, then he'd do it over text message.
I know about your eating disorder.
And from the moment Dallon read the text: he knew Brendon had too.
They sat in a frozen, shocked silence for far too long, and as Joe's messages went with no response, he began to call Dallon, who jumped back into life in response: throwing his phone across the room and onto his bed, muttering a half-hearted "fuck" under his breath.
"You're not fat." Brendon finally spoke: several minutes after Dallon had cursed, and it caught them both by surprise. "I don't get why you... you... you're not fat... you're not ugly... you're beautiful, and you're a great guy, Dallon... I..."
"Remember when you told me I was a pathetic fucking whore-"
"I didn't mean it." Brendon protested: all the blood rushing to his head as guilt caught him right by surprise. "I just insulted you for the sake of it, because... well... because I'm an insecure asshole - that's how it works..."
"I know... not about you being an asshole: I disagree, but... yeah... I just... you're supposed to hate me... and you don't, and you're not being weird and still you don't hate me... and I... I'm surprised and I'm scared. I know I was right: you're far less of an asshole than you make yourself out to be."
"Only to you."
And that was most definitely the gayest thing Brendon Urie had said that week.
The whole encounter with Gee had definitely messed Frank up, and by that, it messed him up more than he was before, and he declared some sort of passive aggressive hatred towards both Jamia and Lindsey: the former of the two having neither the patience nor compassion to actually bother with Frank anymore, and in consequence, leaving the seventeen year old very, very alone indeed.
But of course, Frank knew exactly who to go to: the only other person he knew who hated their ex-boyfriend (kind of maybe, most of the time - they were supposed to but it all got screwed up in their head) as much as Frank did, was of course, Ryan Ross, who was still spent up about Brendon, despite what he said, and by now Sarah had gotten over Brendon for the most part, and had focused mainly on her band and her friends, and deleting Brendon from her life completely.
It was easier for Sarah, of course, not by emotional terms, but within the fact that Sarah lived in a separate little bubble away from Brendon: she went to a different school and she had a different circle of friends, and for her, it was really very easy just to cut Brendon off completely and avoid him and any thoughts relating to him for the most part.
That wasn't the case on Ryan's part, who had found himself overly involved with Brendon Urie from the very day he moved here and Pete Wentz had predicted their marriage, but now, they were nothing but the hateful exes cliché, and Pete, well Pete was dead.
And Ryan was left making every effort to avoid Brendon and his friends, and try not to listen to everything Patrick told him about Brendon: every guy he'd kissed and everything he'd done - Patrick knew too much and it was fucking with Ryan's head, but he hadn't the heart to tell Patrick to shut up, especially with what he'd been through, and with that the fact that Patrick talking was just about the best thing that had happened recently.
Frank was quite like Sarah in the bubble situation: Gee being older and distant and living an utterly detached life, but the emotional connection was far stronger, and Frank didn't need conscious decisions and reminders to ensure that he was thinking about Gee every moment of every fucking day.
Maybe he shouldn't have slapped him, but still, he was glad he did.
Maybe he shouldn't have reacted like that towards Jamia and Lindsey, who had really just tried their best to make him happy again, but he had, and maybe, just maybe, he was arrogant enough to say that he was glad that he had.
Of course, Frank would never go as far as to deny that Jamia was his best friend and that he didn't half fucking miss her, but it'd pass - everything passed with time: their friendship was stronger than this.
Everything passed.
Except the thing with Gee: that had been made clear to Frank that it was in fact, absolutely nothing but entirely permanent.
And sat in Ryan's backyard on a Thursday afternoon, Frank was still thinking about Gee, and Ryan was thinking about Brendon, and Patrick was talking, because he could, and he was nothing but encouraged to do so.
But in Bert McCracken's backyard on a Thursday afternoon, with a joint in his hand and a half empty bottle of vodka by his side, Gee Way was not.
Admittedly he was pretty fucking wasted, and his thoughts were utterly absent of the slightest remnants of coherence by this point: considering of simple fragmented phrases that were frequented by 'more beer', 'more drugs', and everyone's favourite: 'why the fuck am I alive?'.
Frank was unaware of Gee's thoughts, and the same went the opposite way around, and perhaps that was for the better, even if it didn't exactly provide Gee much of an advantage when it came to guessing how Frank felt about him: that slap still stung on his cheek, but he reckoned that he deserved it nonetheless.
"Stop thinking about Brendon." Patrick's words made both Frank and Ryan jump, of course, only the latter being guilty of Patrick's accusation, but Frank felt as if the situation applied very much to him with Gee.
"Sorry." Ryan apologised quickly: his cheeks a horrible red that said everything - he didn't want to care about Brendon, and he didn't want people to know that he still did, because Ryan Ross couldn't help but hate himself in regards to the blatant truth in the fact that he could never quite get over the guy who'd cheated on him for months on end.
"You know he-" Patrick began, but for the first time ever Ryan cut him off: his temper cut short by Patrick's prior accusation, and maybe, maybe Patrick had it coming, but Ryan wasn't exactly in the most tolerant of moods right now.
"I know he's kissed every damn guy he's even spoken to recently - whatever, he's over me and I'm pathetic: I know - don't rub it in my face, please." Ryan's tone was far harsher than he had intended, but Patrick did a pretty good job of masking his offense. "Sorry... I..."
"It's okay." Patrick smiled at him in reassurance, and it was far too good to look faked, and really, chances were that no one besides Patrick himself really knew quite how he felt on the inside. Patrick was just good with emotions and reading people's minds, and in turn, awfully good when it came to preventing the same from happening to him - it wasn't fair, but it wasn't exactly as if Patrick had some weird sexscandal that everyone was missing out on: he was just Patrick, and although sounding harsh, he never was intended to be the centre of attention - he simply wasn't that kind of person. For him, Pete's attention had been enough.
"It's hard." Ryan added after a moment or two of silence, and surprisingly, he wasn't talking about his dick here. "I still care about him and I shouldn't and it hurts - my heart fucking hurts. It isn't supposed to be like this, is it?"
"I feel the same about Gee." Frank found the words tumbling from his lips in confession before he could even consider stopping himself: it didn't really matter anyway, it wasn't as if Patrick hadn't read it off him the very moment he'd stepped with a ten metre radius of him anyway. "It sucks because he gave me a second chance recently but I just slapped him- I... I messed that up too."
"No, Frank, you should be the one giving him a second chance because he messed up, not you." Patrick spoke firmly, ensuring that Frank was absolutely certain of this fact. "It's questionable as to whether or not he deserves one though."
"Yeah... I... I... love him but he doesn't deserve that... I don't think so anyway, but I can't do anything about it, and it's a constant battle between my heart and my head, and it's just not going to fade away with time: I'm sure of that by now, and I... I'm stuck with this mess."
"Then you have to pick: at least you have a choice, Frank. It's simple for you: Gee isn't being an asshole and kissing and flirting with everyone else and ensuring that you fucking know about it. Sure, he slept with Dallon that time, and that was shitty, but I bet I couldn't count on my fingers the amount of people Brendon's screwed since I started dating him, and god, I don't want to."
The bruise was a constant reminder and it was another smack across the face whenever Gee met his reflection in the mirror, which in order to avoid the constant reminder of what Frank had done, he'd done his best to avoid.
Bert wasn't helping by pointing it out at least daily, but it was Bert, and Gee was used to that kind of shit from him, and really, he was just thankful that Bert hadn't chosen to remind him of the bruise on his face fucking hourly, because that would surely be hell.
The twenty five year old was sat in the kitchen with a cigarette in his hand a can of beer open on the table beside him: unaware as to quite where Bert was, but finding that he didn't particularly give all that much of a fuck, and in fact, much preferred it when the guy wasn't here to fuck his life up like this.
Because damn, it technically was Bert's fault, and although Gee knew that he was just blaming him for the sake of having someone to blame, it was still very technically his fault, because without him there would have been no party and there would have been no Dallon and there would have been no Bert to just spit it out in front of Frank, and in the first place, there would have been no one to sleep with first of all.
But no one knew about that one: Gee kept that secret as close to his chest as possible, and just continued to pray that Bert would never find a suitable opportunity in which to use it against him to fuck up his life for the millionth time.
And really, Gee couldn't help but be a little disappointed with the fact that Bert McCracken hadn't miraculously died within the past five minutes as he walked into the kitchen: Bob and Alicia behind him. The two had grown closer and closer recently, and Gee would even go as far as to make an assumption relating to romantic qualities of their relationship.
It was absolutely none of his business, though, so he continued to scowl at the whole damn world as he smoked his lungs away into a pit of ash and ember in his chest, and downed the beer to ignite the ash in his chest and start a fire where his heart used to be.
"Gee..." Bob was stoned, but then again that was to be taken just as granted as the fact that Gee was gay was. "Hellooo." Bob was harmless, though: he meant well, and he was nice, and his 'relationship' with Alicia was the proof of that - he didn't treat her badly and he didn't make her uncomfortable by making advances on her, even though he was in a position of power and in her respect - he could very easily manipulate and hurt her, but he didn't, because he cared.
That was the difference between Bert McCracken and Bob Bryar, but from then on with weed, porn, and Xbox, it was all the same, and Alicia looked as if she was about to stab her eyes out in regards to their conversation about weed, which then led into Bob trying to sell Bert something, and well, being far too stoned to get any kind of coherent sentence from his lips.
"You look like you're having a shitty time." Alicia noted, making her way over to Gee and sitting down on the chair beside him: raising her eyebrows at the can of beer beside him, and the three empty ones at his feet.
"Well, yeah- don't fucking mention the fucking bruise- I... I... don't... I-" And Gee was nervous and he hated it. Alicia was nice: Alicia Simmons was fucking lovely, if not a little anti-social at times, but still Gee felt like nothing to her.
"Please don't tell me Bert did that, because-" She lowered her tone, glancing over to Bob and Bert, who were both far too involved in some shitty ass fuckboy conversation to even notice the fact that Alicia and Gee existed right now.
"He didn't." Gee assured her with a sincere, yet awkward smile. "It was Frank, but I deserved it... I was being an asshole, I'm still an asshole, I cheated on him and then I tried to be smart about getting him back, and I took him for granted, I assumed that he loved me unconditionally, but he's Frank Iero: he's a person, he's not just my boyfriend... well ex-boyfriend, and everything fucking sucks."
"No one deserves to be hurt, just saying, especially not physically, but yeah, that wasn't exactly the best move on your part." Alicia sighed out, glancing over at Bob, and seeing that he and Bert and had drifted into the hallway with their conversation. "I really don't like Bert, but Bob seems to like him, so... it's weird... Bob's a really nice guy, but-"
"He's naive at the best of times, and is generally just far to stoned to even figure out the definition of common sense." Gee finished for her, and Alicia sighed out, nodding a little. "What's the deal with you and him?"
"Huh?" And the bright red blush practically said it all.
"You and him... that's a thing... is it not?" Gee continued, holding her gaze with a certain degree of impatience.
"I don't know... I mean... age gap, and then... he's a sweet guy, and I... I don't know... we've never really discussed it, anyway, he's like my best and only friend, and I'm not going to chance fucking that up with some stupid possible relationship that will do nothing but fuck me up."
"Bob's not like Mikey." Gee added, raising his eyebrows a little at her, because he had a pretty good idea as to what he was getting at here.
"I'm not saying that- I... I... I don't know what I'm saying - it's not important, okay?" And Gerard felt himself nodding, and perhaps just out of his need to be polite. "So what are you going to do about Frank?"
"I have to just get over him and move on... I guess..." And he didn't sound convincing, to say the least.
"You guess?" Alicia raised her eyebrows at that. "From what I can see right now - that's not going to happen."
"I know."
"So, what are you going to do about that?" Alicia asked, just a little puzzled as to what exactly had really gone on here, because it wasn't making all that much sense to her.
"What can I do?" Gee sighed out, shaking his head in defeat, but Alicia had other ideas entirely.
"Not give up? But it's your choice: I can try to help, or you can keep drinking the pain away until you die of liver failure."
And honestly, Gee would prefer the latter, but from the look in her eyes he reckoned that it wasn't really an option here.
Ray and Mikey's 'relationship' had most certainly developed recently, and yet, it was still nothing more than a dirty secret, and sometimes Ray couldn't help but feel as if he was nothing to Mikey: of course, this most certainly was not the case, but Ray's mind couldn't help but wonder sometimes.
But today, maybe today it was all okay, because Ray found himself in Mikey's bedroom wearing minimal clothing, and well, the same could be said for Mikey.
Mikey's parents were out, of course, and Mikey ensured to fully exploit this opportunity, because, well, he'd be stupid not to, of course, it'd be stupid to get caught, but Mikey was certain that that wasn't going to happen.
Or at least he hoped so, because really, Mikey didn't particularly fancy ending up like Gee: living with some fucking asshole of a stoner and fucking his life and relationships up because he just can't keep it in his damn pants.
Maybe Mikey Way shouldn't fuck Ray Toro.
Maybe it shouldn't be such a secret, but maybe he shouldn't have to be upset over Pete for the rest of his life: sure, Mikey missed him like hell, but moving on was inevitable, and he doubted that Pete would think any less of him for it - it was human, it was natural, and when Pete did what he did... well, he knew this was inevitable: people were going to react and things were going to happen.
He most certainly wasn't irrelevant, even if he thought so far too much.
The whole damn world was the living proof of that: he wasn't forgotten and he never would be, but Mikey knew it probably was for the best not to think about his ex-boyfriend's death whilst making out with his current sort of boyfriend.
It was a 'relationship', because Mikey was a coward and Ray was too nice and far too lovestruck for his own good: the former being scared to define it, and the latter being scared to ask, and fear gets the better of everyone in the end.
But maybe, maybe right now in this very moment, it was just perfectly fine for neither of the two to truly know who they were, because maybe that wasn't important, and maybe what was, was the fact that there was something between them, and the fact that what was happening right now really did matter.
Maybe it was easier when it was secret and they didn't have to live with the whole world sticking their nose and their opinions into their relationship... 'relationship', maybe, but most likely not, but Ray didn't say anything: especially not now Mikey's hand was so close to his crotch - that'd just be stupid, of course.
And as the kissing continued and everything just seemed to fade out into a mess of not quite teenage love and kisses that were going to bruise for days now: secrets that would be hard to keep, and lies to concoct in advance, but Mikey didn't mind: his mind elsewhere as he wondered whether Gee had ever felt like this - confined into secrecy yet free and guilty yet at peace all the time.
Mikey wondered if he was just destined to go down the same path as Gee: he didn't particularly fancy it, but he wasn't in the mood to start fights with the inevitable - his head was spinning: something he'd call the fault of an excess of hormones, and everything was supposed to be about Ray and what was happening right now, but his head seemed to be everywhere but here.
And maybe it just wasn't bothering him just as much as it should be.
"Mikey?" Ray sat up, pulling himself away from Mikey as he caught the distant, almost concerned look upon his not quite boyfriend's face. "Are you okay? Do you- do you not want to do this?"
"I-I..." Mikey paused, exhaling loudly as he turned back to face Ray: an apologetic look in his eyes as he came to conclude that perhaps he didn't exactly know what to say at all. "I don't know. I mean, I would, but... I don't know... my head's elsewhere, I guess."
"Okay." Ray smiled at Mikey as he pulled his shirt back on, and simply sat beside his best friend as Mikey stared across the room: his mind a million miles away from what was happening between them. "What's wrong? What's on your mind... come on, tell me."
Mikey shrugged, his gaze hitting the floor as he considered just how the hell he was supposed to phrase this mess. "I keep thinking and I keep worrying and I keep thinking about you, and me, and Pete, and Gee, and my parents, and-"
"You were thinking about your parents whilst getting off?" Ray smirked a little, unable to stop himself, and really, Mikey liked him too much to be pissed off.
"Shut up... I... just... the whole sexuality thing, I mean, it's not exactly the same as with Gee with him being gay, and I'm demisexual, but... I'm going to end up like him some day, aren't I? Because one day my parents will find out about my sexuality and it's going to be just the same as it was with Gee and I'm going to end up doing nothing except wasting my life away with a bunch of stoners."
"Not necessarily." Ray sighed out, putting his arm around Mikey, who leaned into his side in a manner that would cause suspicion if his mother just happened to walk in now. "Life is what you make of it: Gee lives like that because he wants to, and he makes no effort to change it, whereas if you want something else then you're going to make the effort to change it."
"They're going to disown me though, I know they are, and this is just who I am and I can't help it, and fuck, it's not fair." And Mikey was getting dangerously fucking close to crying right now: it was only Ray, but his ego was still damn affected by this.
"I know it's not. It's never been... life's not fair in general, and well, Mikey, there's no way to put it other than the fact that your parents are assholes." Mikey chuckled a little at that, because, well, Ray wasn't exactly wrong, was he?
"Yeah, I guess so." Mikey leaned further into Ray's side, which was a gesture Ray most certainly did not protest against. "Thank you... you know... for... well... making me feel better."
"It's nothing, don't worry: I don't like seeing you upset."
"I... I... l..." And the words were caught in Mikey's throat: a coward from start to end, and Ray didn't quite know how he felt about this at all.
"It's okay." He smiled, grabbing Mikey's hand. "I know."
The wedding was in a few days.
That was William's cousin's wedding, not William and Gabe's wedding - that'd take a few more weeks at least, but it was of course inevitable, and the evidence of that was simply in the incredibly indiscreet homosexual manner in which they frequented gazing at one another at every damn opportunity.
And it had gotten to the extent that Travie had just given up and left the two on their own to just fucking sort it out by themselves, because he really didn't fancy getting choked to death by the immense amounts of sexualtension.
Gabe's parents were out, and that just about said it all, but of course, William Beckett stood in Gabe Saporta's bedroom, utterly oblivious to just how much homosexuality was occurring right now, like he could have asked Gabe to suck him off and he would be on his knees before he'd even finished his sentence.
It was ridiculous, and really, Brendon wasn't exactly missing out on much by not being invited to this extremely gay and extremely awkward gathering.
Seriously, they'd just about planned the whole Jesus ordeal days ago, but still, somehow they were still finding excuse to meet up, and for what reason, of course no one could possibly even begin to speculate.
"You know... what if your mum kind of like crucifies me...?" Gabe thought it best to break the silence somehow, but admittedly, his choice of words wasn't exactly the best option he could have chosen, but whatever, he’d tried, hadn't he?
"What?" William jumped a little at that, almost choking on his own words, which was rather disappointing as it was certain that there were much better things to choke on in such a close proximity to him. One of which being some 'small parts': a real choking hazard, indeed.
"You know... cause I'm Jesus... Jesus like gets crucified, doesn't he? I don't particularly want your mum nailing me.... to a wooden cross... not like... okay this sounds bad no matter how I say it."
"I'll nail you if you prefer-... to the cross..." And that blush roughly translated as 'oh shit I'm so dead brb going to bury myself in the nearest well', however that was particularly hard to read off a blush, so Gabe just got an extreme sense of no homo, which was rather discouraging, to say the least.
"I reckon it'd be quite hard... for you to... nail me... I mean... it's not exactly something that comes naturally... you have to bang quite hard to get the nailing to be successful... fucking hell... I..." And at that point, Gabe didn't know if he was laughing or just dying.
"It's okay, Jesus gets resurrected in like two days in that cave thing.. so like... you don't have to worried about get nailed, and things going wrong... please don't chicken out, okay, please come... otherwise it's going to be very hard... for me to come... out to my mum... I-"
"Alright, bible boy, can we stop talking about nailing and getting hard and coming for like two minutes, huh? How hard would that be, huh- ah fuck-" It seemed that Gabe Saporta was really nothing short of a Gay Supporter at heart.
"I'm not very good at withholding my homosexuality, it's so hard and it all just comes out once... I'm not even gonna, I just... okay, this is really hard and- look I... think you make a great Jesus and I- I-... I just want... I mean... maybe I... I..."
"Maybe you don't want your mum to bang me against some hard wood?" Gabe suggested, giving up on all previous efforts made towards faking heterosexuality by now.
"Uhh.." And William was blushing so hard that it wouldn't exactly be at all surprising if his cheeks just fucking fell off.
"Maybe you want me to bang you instead? Or am I reading these excessive levels of awkward homosexuality wrong here?"
"No, no you've got it straight- well gay... I... I... Can I even say four words without making some awkward gay joke? This is ridiculous." And really, William was coming close... to smashing his head into the wall.
"Ridickulous." Gabe smirked, leaning against William, and with the two sat so close on Gabe's bed... it was pretty damn ridickulous that they hadn't put that bed to good use at least twice yet.
"Okay... can we just like... kiss... and uhh... before I end up embarrassing myself more, because really, I'm not sure how I'm managing this... surely it's kind of hard by now-"
"I can't believe there are people in this world that think you're straight, William Beckett." Gabe shook his head in a ridickulous manner, but it just wasn't hard to accept that if William Beckett needed banging, Gabe Saporta was a Gay Supporter.
"I know, heteronormativity makes me laugh so hard that I end up choking... and I don't even have a dick in my mouth then, well, I assume that I would never be suck someone off and people would still assume I'm straight, I mean, if I'm sucking someone off, it would be pretty hard for them... to still believe that I'm straight."
"Maybe you should just suck your mum off and then maybe she'd get the message?" Gabe suggested very helpfully, of course, because there wasn't a chance in hell that such a plan could backfire at all.
"Unfortunately, my mum probably wouldn't be up for that, but yeah, I need to ensure everyone knows I'm gay and that seems like a pretty good way to do it."
"So, you'd suck off anyone who thought you were straight?" And all common sense in Gabe's head was going 'Gabe no', but Gabe's hormones, and well... Gabe's rock hard banging staff member was screaming 'Gabe yes'.
"Uhh... I guess so... like I'm not keen on incest, but-" And somehow, William was still utterly naive to what was happening here and that stupid fucking smirk that needed slapping right of Gabe Saporta's gay supporter face.
"That's fine we're not related."
"Hey, Bill, I think you're straight - wanna prove me wrong?"
hey guys:) fun fact: i totally forgot about the whole phonecall thing from the last chapter until literally like ten seconds ago when i saw it as i was saving this shit, so i wrote that tiny explanation paragraph like four seconds ago because i was like fuck i forgot there was plot. you all respect me so much more than i deserve and i literally have no fucking clue what im doing and this is proof lmao:') vote and comment and maybe i'll stop making terrible puns some day (lmao never) ily all<3
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