13: Pete's Big Gay Crush On Mikey Way
"Gerard!" Mikey's voice came in irregular breathy shouts, directed in his brother's direction, as the older of the two Way siblings stormed out of the house he once called his own and set off across the road and as far away from this sleepy little neighbourhood, swallowed up in ignorance and blinding faith, he could get.
"Please, just talk to me - I'm on your side." And that was a sentence that stopped the both of them in their tracks; the older of the two having not expected of anything of such understanding, especially from his brother who'd been brought up with nothing other than orders to hate him and his 'kind'.
"Really? Or are you just fucking curious, examining me like some sort of fucked up scientist, because you know what, Mikey? No one seems to get this, but I'm human too - I have feelings too, I hurt too, and when they refuse to accept their own son for the thousandth time, it hurts me, and from the apathetic glances upon their faces, I guess I'm hurting more than they do." His words came off with a snarky edge and a questionably violent tone, having been through this shit far too many times to regard the matter with any amount of patience.
"Gerard, please, just talk to me about this..." Mikey shook his head as he released what was nothing more than a defeated sigh, yet feeling more offended by his own parents than the man beside him who barely resembled his brother, or an actual man for that matter. "You're right in that I don't understand, but I'm never going to unless you give me that chance and let me, just please explain, we can go somewhere private and talk and I promise you I'll be all ears."
The darker haired of the two scoffed at that, rolling his eyes in an almost systematic procedure, like he'd expected nothing more than what he took to be overpriced shit for words from his brother. "You say that now you don't know what my story entails." He paused momentarily, perhaps just for a breath of air, but continued before his brother could possibly argue his case further. "I can't tell you everything anyway, because some things are not mine to tell."
"Then tell me what you can, and I'll try my best to understand from that." Gee was of course skeptical at first, watching as Mikey's expression morphed into one of pleading; the two of them stood on the pavement, oblivious to world around them. "Please - this is all just stupid, I want to be your brother again, and not have to hate you just because of what you are."
"It's not what I am, it's who I love. My sexuality doesn't define me, and it shouldn't be important elsewhere but between my boyfriend and I."
"Gerard, you can't just expect me to be on the exact same level as you and understand everything perfectly, when your world is a world I've been pushed away from and been nothing but lied to about." Mikey took a step forward; eliminating the distance between him and the brother he hadn't seen for years before today. "You know what our parents are like."
"Your parents." Gee expressed with a certain anger that almost made Mikey uncomfortable. "They want nothing to do with me, remember."
"That doesn't change the fact that they brought you into this world-"
"Yeah, can we not go all preachy with the Jesus shit? If you wanna understand, then I suggest you shut the fuck up and just let me talk." His tone wasn't the kindest or certainly the most accepting, but Gee reckoned he'd been through enough bullshit with this family of his to be allowed to treat them in a fashion not even half as mind wrecking.
"Okay. Do you want me to take you to the quiet place, it's just at the start of the woods, like two minutes away?"
Gee just nodded, keeping his words inside for the first time today.
The two brothers sat down against the trunk of an ancient tree, the woods stretching out in a great expanse behind them, and the hill they'd made their way up and the few more sparsely spread houses down below.
"So like no one comes up here?" Gee thought to make sure, scared more so that someone would recognise him, rather than if they encountered some little homophobic fuck from Mikey's school who overheard them - he did however take a moment to consider that Mikey was probably shitting himself over the both of the reasons listed prior, and the older of the two brothers perhaps reconsidered just how much Mikey meant with this.
"No, nothing here except the odd stray dog or something. Only my friends and I know about this place-"
"Oh, you actually have friends... I thought since you were such an asshole-" For once his tone was light-hearted as the words slipped out in nothing more than a joke; the kind of conversation brothers were supposed to have.
"Yeah, shut up." Mikey shook his head, a small smile gracing his lips, because Gee and him, without hatred, that just felt natural. "Ray, and Frank... not exactly Mr Popular, but whatever."
Gee froze at Frank's name, remembering how he'd come to mention his younger brother before, but to hear it from Mikey's own lips - that just sent chills down his spine. He took a moment to wonder just how Mikey might react to the fact that his boyfriend was in fact poor little Frank; he dismissed the thought immediately, it making him blushing in an all too risky manner.
"It's harder than you think to be like I am." Gee threw the statement out of what seemed to be like nowhere, but inside, he was thinking of Frank as he spoke, and when the truth about his sexuality eventually came out, and how that'd affect him. "People reject you left, right, and centre - family, friends, everyone. You get bullied, you get harassed, you get disowned, you get kicked out."
"I'm sorry for all that's happened to you... I’m sorry."
He ignored his brother's words and continued, "you get looks on the street, and you're ashamed to be who you are, and sometimes I feel even as if my closest friends feel a little uncomfortable about me and my boyfriend, and it fucks with you, because they're your friends, and... sometimes I just wish I knew what people are thinking, because sometimes when they don't say it outright, it even hurts more."
"Oh, you actually have friends... I thought since you were such an asshole..." Mikey mimicked his brother's words with a smirk.
"Shut up, you, you can talk." Gee let a smile hug his lips, letting his friendships be known without names, perhaps just in case Frank had said anything, because although, Mikey seemed pretty okay to accept right now, he didn't know just how well that would translate to the seventeen year old boy he totally wasn't dating.
"Gerard-" Mikey began, a question begging at his lips, only to be cut off by none other than his own brother, and for once with no offward intentions.
"Mikey, I don't know if you find this weird, but I'd prefer it if you called me 'Gee', I mean you probably won't understand this, but it's gender neutral, and gender's a bit foggy for me right now, and no one besides mum and dad calls me that now. I don't want to put you in the same category as them anymore; you're trying."
"Okay, Gee?" Mikey pulled an awkward smile across his lips as he tested out the new name, unsure at first, but soon settling into it, because he was trying for once, because right now, more than anything, he wanted to make things right with his brother.
"Yeah, Gee." He tossed the nickname back at his brother with a returned and almost proud smile.
"Wait, what do you mean about the gender? You don't want to have your dick cut off or something, do you?" Mikey, of course, ignorant regarding the matter, but for once, Gee found himself not at all angered by his brother's naivety, after all, he certainly wasn't the one to blame for the mis-education that had been forced down his throat.
"It's not like that," he blushed a little, letting a laugh catch in his throat, "it's hard to explain; I barely even understand it myself, and it's not that I want to be female, per say, I just like looking feminine, like... this probably freaks you out, but I usually wear more make up than this, and I... Mikey, I like wearing skirts and dresses."
Mikey was silent at that, looking his brother up and down and struggling to imagine him in a dress, and right now, thinking that such an image was devoid from his mind was most likely something for the better. "So you just dress like a girl..?"
"It's more complicated than that... I just... I don't like feeling like a girl, well some days I do, and some days, most days, I just like feeling feminine. It varies, it really does, and it's confusing as hell, so I'm not surprised you don't understand, but... yeah... I've only toned it today for your parents - I doubt they'd take anything I say seriously if I turned up in a dress." There was truth to his words, and Mikey had to agree.
"So, like... does your boyfriend know about this? How does he feel about this... I mean... if he's gay, why does he want to be with someone who looks like a feels like a girl?"
"Yeah, he knows. He's fine with it, and I didn't have to exactly tell him or anything - the first time we met, I was dressed in a miniskirt, so yeah..." Mikey gasped at that, his eyes widening as he pulled his gaze away from his brother, stopping whatever his imagination was concocting at once. "I tried heels, but I kept falling over in them. I was slightly drunk as well - it was a party kind of thing, but only a few people."
"Sexuality is much more complex than just straight or gay, though, Mikey." He told his brother, meeting his gaze with a stern face as he wondered how well his brother would take this; he was giving him far too much today, seriously. "It's complicated, and you know, technically it is a homosexual relationship, because I say I would identify as a male, and so does he, and the whole feminine thing, that's just extra, I mean, if he's attracted to dudes in dresses, then surely that's his business." He let a smile slip his lips as he thought back to the party he'd first met Frank at. "He's seriously the best boyfriend, though."
"I'm glad you're happy, okay." And they shared a smile as Mikey's eyes drifted up to the sky; processing the information he'd just been thrust upon, and with a degree of difficultly also. "So, tell me about this boyfriend of yours? Will I ever get to meet him?" Gee knew immediately that they were entering dangerous territory right now, because with one word, he could pretty much just ruin Frank's life.
"He's not one hundred percent comfortable with his sexuality, yet, well I mean publically, so I don't think he'd be comfortable meeting you just yet, but some day, I'd like that, I think." That was pretty much the best way to bullshit your way through the 'he's actually your best friend and you speak to him everyday and you think he has a girlfriend' truth, right?
"So wait... have actually... had sex?" Now, really, Mikey should have known this was a ridiculous question to ask his twenty five year old brother.
And laughter was the response he received in honour of such stupidity. "Mikey, I'm twenty five, of course I have. With my boyfriend, do you mean? Yeah, we have, I don't exactly want to go into detail, Mikey..." The younger of the two blushed at that. "Have you?"
"No, I.. uhh..." Mikey let out a sigh in response. "I mean, I have a girlfriend, but we haven't got that far yet; we haven't been dating all that long, and I don't exactly know how I feel, because I had like a really weird, almost stalkerish crush on her for months and then suddenly she asks me on a date and then we're dating and kissing and everything, and it just doesn't feel anywhere near as good as I expected it to. She's just Alicia - I mean, I kind of looked at her like some sort of netball playing goddess before, but now, she's just Alicia, and I sound shallow, but that's just that."
"So do you like someone else?" His brother asked, guessing just where Mikey was going; such thoughts wouldn't have been planted inside his head without a better alternative.
"No, I, No... no, of course not."
"Bullshit, Mikey Way. We both know it is." Gee rolled his eyes for added effect, not that it was needed with words such as the ones leaving his lips.
"Okay...." He paused for what seemed like an age before continuing, his eyes drifting elsewhere, "there's this boy."
"Frank..." The two hadn't exchanged a word since what had been nothing but a bad idea had slipped from Frank's lips, the silence giving the shorter of the two no option but to turn away and run, run away from his problems like nothing had been said and with the hope that perhaps that he could suffocate himself under his duvet before Ray even had the chance to tell Mikey just about Frank's dirty little secret, that never even stood a chance of keeping.
But with Frank slumped down against his front door; locked behind him and Ray banging on the front, he could just do nothing but cry. He fucking sobbed; he cried like he'd just been broken up with or something, which even the thought of what he'd just said resulting in something like that, sending his head further into some kind of spinning oblivion where all he saw were shapes and sickening images distorted into hellish shapes.
And silence.
Fuck, silence.
He'd given up; Frank knew he would.
Well he hadn't given up entirely, but on Frank, yes. He'd probably just popped down the street go and blab all this fucking shit to Mikey whilst Frank worked on killing himself in the next thirty seconds or so, which seemed utterly preposterous, but most likely doable, if Frank even had the effort that was.
He just didn't want to move, just lie here forever, and wait until someone punched him, making bets with himself on who it would be first.
Mikey, he reckoned, Mikey would probably all too eager to smash his features into his face so hard that that his face switched into concave.
He jumped at that; the voice coming from inside, and right now he would prefer to die from some kind of burglar than face anyone he knew, but of course, as luck would have it, it wasn't exactly often that burglars referred to the residents of the house by name.
"Look, we need to talk... I... I reacted badly... I didn't know how to react, I don't know how to react." His eyes came into focus upon the unmistakeable hair of none other than Ray Toro stood before him, and really, he wouldn't be all that concerned if he were hallucinating right now. "You left the backdoor open... or your mum did... or something..."
Frank shook his head, swallowing hard as he came to realise just how fucked up a face so tear stained and swollen as his would look right now, but for once, even for someone as gay as him, his appearance was the least of his worries, and the best friend that knew a terrible secret stood before him being the most.
"You're going to tell Mikey." By now it wasn't even a question; Frank had just come to accept the fact, biting down on his bottom lip, pressing the lip ring into his flesh in the hopes that it'd start bleeding or something and then Ray could go all maternal and fuss over that instead of Gerard fucking Way.
"No..." He exhaled, almost ashamed to say so, but sincere in his words, not that Ray ever wasn't. "I'm just shocked and Frank this is a difficult situation-"
"I know." Frank knew this the moment he connected Gee and Gerard, and even so continued to date him, and really, by now, he reckoned he was too infatuated with Mikey's brother in a skirt to ever stop for anything, even a fist to the face, courtesy of Mikey Way himself.
"I knew that the moment I fell for a twenty five year old cross dresser, let alone him being Mikey's brother... that was just a complication, I guess. I didn't actively seek out the most awkward person for me to date ever, you know. We met at a party - he happened to be Mikey's brother, and I found that out later." Frank pushed the words through with sincerity, the need for the truth overruling the pathetic tears making their way down his face.
"Mikey's going to find out eventually is all I'm saying."
"I know." He nodded, because he did, and he hated that fact. "But it doesn't have to be today and it doesn't have to be now."
"Frank, you're dating a twenty five year old dude who wears skirts..." Ray shook his head before bursting out in a fit of laughter that Frank really was not expecting. "You go to Catholic school."
"I'm not Catholic though." Frank added, to Ray, who for not being an asshole, was actually quite religious. "I stopped being Catholic the moment I knew about all that anti-gay shit."
"Mikey takes that part of the bible too seriously." Ray agreed with a nod.
"It's all his parents have ever told him though, you know, that's practically all they talk about, like it's just a church sermon reeling off a list of sins..." And yet, Frank still never quite felt sorry for Mikey.
"How do you even know this...?"
"Gee - Gerard, his brother, my boyfriend. It's kind of weird calling him Gerard, everyone calls him Gee..." He admitted, shivering as the name never quite managed to fit right on his tongue.
"Wait, so his parents kicked him out? Where does he even live now?" Ray asked, his face donning a look of confusion.
"With friends. The party I met him at was there." He explained with a sigh, hating how his parents had practically disowned him without regard for reason - it was ridiculous, and it was just sickening how they could do that to their own son of all people. "His parents just disowned him though, that’s fucked up. All this homophobia shit is messed up, man."
"I know." And with that smile, for once it felt like he actually understood.
Frank’s phone broke the epiphany of understanding with a buzz and a text from none other than Pete Wentz, world-renowned cockblock. It was the contents however that was what was really shocking.
frank help. i just kissed patrick
"Pete, Pete, Pete, Pete- Pete... Pete..." Patrick burst out his best friend's name like a broken record, stuck on a loop of the same thing for eternity, his head not quite able to process or even rationalise what had just happened and as to how Pete Wentz's lips had fell upon his, and out of choice also.
"Patrick, I... fuck... I..." He ran one hand back through his hair as his best friend shook, stepping away from the boy that had just kissed him in a whir of unexpected romance and perhaps misinterpreted, but in no way regretted emotions between them. "I... I... did not mean to do that, fuck, I've messed everything up, haven't I?"
"Why... why did you kiss me?" He ignored his best friend's fumbled, bullshit excuses and apologies, littered with curses like kisses scrawled over a birthday card by a small child.
"Because...." Pete broke down shaking his head, looking up at the boy he'd just fucked everything up with, sat there with no explanation as to how he'd could fix things; he'd just messed everything up today - first punching Frank, and now this. "Because...."
Pete had no explanation - it just felt right.
He didn't know how and he didn't know why; it just kind of clicked like a natural course of action, like what he was programmed to do, and it felt right - the actual kissing, also. That felt good, better than with Gabe- fuck, Gabe.
Pete awoke to the realisation that he was simply nothing more than a manwhore, and the proud owner of now, no friends at all.
Patrick was the only person who stuck with him no matter what and now he'd messed that up as well. He met eyes with the startled, ginger haired boy in front of him; his face begging without words, but Patrick just stood there in shock, life a deer in the headlights, and Pete felt his heartbeat slowing as his organs seizing up, because this was what dying felt like.
"You can't just do things, Pete!" Patrick screamed out of nowhere; his voice hoarse and raw - fighting back tears that were already steaming up his glasses and reddening the rims of his eyes. "Other people have feelings too." He spat his words back at his best friend in a manner almost uncharacteristic for Patrick. "What are you going to tell Gabe? I'm not some fucking affair - I'm not some point to prove, I'm not your gay fling... grow up, Pete."
Because despite how he cared for the boy who'd just kissed him, and how much he'd dreamed of a moment like this, Patrick knew that what had just occurred was nothing more than nightmare material, because it didn't feel right - he felt used, he felt like trash, like nothing, all part of Pete's love games, as he attempted to deal with his big gay crush on Mikey Way, in quite possibly the worst way possible.
Frank found himself sat on Pete's bed - babysitting duty, almost; tentatively hugging the crying boy, who sat rocking back and forth on his bed in a manner, which Frank couldn't help but be concerned about. His eyeliner was streaming down his cheeks, painting his whole face in a messy, watercolour streaked grey-black that appeared almost theatrical in manner, but as Pete knew all too well, the hurt he felt inside was nothing but all too real.
"I kissed him!" he exclaimed to the walls around him for the hundredth time, leaving a slightly out of his depth Frank to place an awkward yet sympathetic arm around Pete, squeezing his shoulders and wondering just when the waterfall of tears would even come to pass, if ever. "Why the fuck did I do that?"
"Maybe you like him?" Frank offered what was a stupid answer to a rhetorical question, using his words as nothing more than a means to pass the time, knowing all too well by now, that calming Pete was all too out of his depth, and the only person that could - Patrick - hated Pete's guts right now.
"No, I don't think I do... I don't know... I... he's just a friend, but I fell for entirely the wrong person, did I? I fucking had to!" He slammed his fist into the wall, his knuckles scarring as blood trickled from the ruptures in his skin.
"What's wrong with Gabe? It doesn't matter what people say, you two look happy-" Frank didn't particularly like Gabe, but he pushed that aside for Pete's sake, however his opinion on Gabe Saporta never had the opportunity to be voiced, Pete interrupting Frank's words before the boy could finish his sentence.
"I didn't fucking fall for Gabe!" He cried out, standing up off the bed, and making his way over to the window, unable to say this to Frank's face, but knowing it had to be said, he continued, his face against the wall, where he could live without Frank, perhaps the only guy that vaguely tolerated him right now's, reaction. "That would make things fucking perfect, because, that'd be great and easy - he's my boyfriend, but.... I'm shallow as fuck.... I dated him to get back at Mikey, after he got with Alicia."
"Not everything's about Mikey, I promise you." Frank let a chuckle pass his lips at this point, perhaps out of place, but he couldn't quite stop himself. "Mikey's an asshole and his opinions and life shouldn't concern you or your love life for that matter."
"Yeah, I know they fucking shouldn't, but people shouldn't be homophobic, people shouldn't be murdered, but it happens - 'shouldn't' means nothing, Frank." He buried his words in sobs, the secret bound to his tongue fiery and eager to brace itself for the real world and the horrors it could offer. "Because Mikey just is."
"I fell for Mikey, Frank." He turned around at that point, his eyes settling upon Frank's as he made the worst decision of his life. "Don't even bother calling me a fucking idiot, because I reckon by now I've already figured out that I am."
Stunned silence, lingering until Pete couldn't hold his breath any longer and stormed out - his destination, anywhere but here.
Gee was sat on the end of the bed in Lindsey's spare room, his eyes fixated upon the window and the world that lay outside, and the silence in the room and the cell phone held loosely in his hand with three- four, now, ignored texts from Mikey.
The two of them had ended their meeting okay, and they'd been friends for a while - a brief pocket of time, but things weren't ever quite as fairy-tale enough as the twenty five year old would ever like them to be, because Mikey always had to go back to his parents and he always had to go back and hide himself away in Lindsey's home; still to afraid to face the man he lived with, and had taken advantage of him in a manner that perhaps, was nothing but unexpected.
He just couldn't think of or speak to Mikey right now - the time wasn't right, because he had tried far too hard to fit in with his family again today, and now he needed to lose himself in liquor and Marlboro, however, unlike Bert, Lindsey wasn't all that supportive of the first option, telling Gee that the worst thing he could do right now was get drunk, and misusing the word 'literally' in the process, and Gee was too tired of people to correct her, sulking off into the spare room and opening his packet of smokes only to realise he had left his lighter in the other room, unable to gather the motivation to fetch thing.
So, he just sat there; eyes fixated upon the window and what his world, what his life could have been like, and how he'd never be in this situation if he simply liked girls.
And it was stupid - stupid to even think, that if he had been sneaking off to kiss girls and not guys, then perhaps he would even be at university right now, and perhaps his life would have resembled the typical American dream with the overpriced suit and semi detached house lost in an overly Catholic town of Suburbia, but that wasn't what he wanted.
Gee never really felt like he'd at all stopped being a teenager, even at the age of twenty five. Perhaps that was why he was fucking one.
But with Frank it was always more than just fucking - anyone knew that, even the stupidest brain cells locked away in the twenty five year old's head - the brain cells that told him to go back to Bert, and that he didn't deserve to waste Lindsey's time like this, but thing was, the longer he left them, the more they grew, and the more he began to believe them.
A knock upon the door he hadn't even bothered to close properly sprung him free from his thoughts and he spun his glance to see the awkward smile of Frank Iero - stood, drenched and in hoodie, now curly strands of dyed black hair crawling onto his porcelain skin from under the soaked black hoodie.
He just smiled at Gee, until his boyfriend smiled back at him, and then the seventeen year old opened the door, letting himself in and closing the thing fully behind him, letting Gee take notice of the lighter in his hand - that Frank had been bothered to collect from the other room where Gee had left it, perhaps along with his sanity.
"Hey." Frank breathed out, his voice thick and kind of heavy - his words more of a sigh than actual annunciated communication, because right now, just the fact that both of them were here was enough to override the actual need for any conversation. "Get me a cigarette and I'll give you the lighter." His words however needed to be presence in demand for his nicotine addiction.
Gee just grinned - grinned like he was truly happy and hadn't been in a long time, and really he had had an awful day - perhaps not awful but certainly trying, and even from the saddened glint in the corner of those usually bright hazel eyes, Frank picked up on that, sitting down on the spare bed beside his boyfriend, almost laughing aloud at the fact that the mattress actually bounced a little as it adjusted to his weight - Gee's own mattress, old and broken, barely even could be moved from the bed frame, like it had faded away and died there, let alone, bouncing in contact as someone sat down.
The twenty five year old passed him the packet of Marlboro without the needs for words to convey his emotions as the seventeen year old first pulled out a cigarette for his tired eyed boyfriend, with the smile that wasn't quite truthful in his emotions.
He placed the cigarette between Gee's lips, lighting it with the lighter Lindsey had given him as he made his way here - she'd texted him, something about Gee going all quiet again, and honestly Frank reckoned she was just terrified they'd have a repeat of how he was after it first happened again, but Gee wasn't like that; he was just kind of exhausted today, and that something else entirely had happened to him - something Frank would perhaps even have to consider using functional sentences to decipher.
He lit his own cigarette after his boyfriend's, passing the pocket back to him, knowing that today, Gee was more in need of the four remaining in the little white and red box than he was, unhealthy nicotine addictions aside in honour of Gee fucking Way.
"What's happened, huh?" Frank asked, his words nothing but vague as he pondered upon the correct way in which to approach the sad look in the corner of his boyfriend's eyes without explaining that Lindsey had called him over in fear of Gee falling back into some sort of paralysed state once more.
"You're wet - it's raining." Gee pointed out what even a small child could read off Frank's soaked boy, a small smile tugging at his lips - confused, yet complacent. "Why did you come here in the rain?"
"Because, you're more fucking important to me than a little water ever was." And Frank meant it. "What happened today?"
"I went to see my parents again, and it was of course a stupid decision, but Mikey and I talked a bit, and it was almost like he understood for once - I doubt it will last though." Gee let out his words with a sigh as he took a drag of his cigarette.
"Mikey's kind of an asshole." Frank let out a sigh as what was nothing but the truth passed his lips.
"Kind of?" Gee let out a chuckle, accompanied with raised eyebrows, and a sadness now faded away and non existent in his eyes.
"I didn't have a particularly easy day either. I got punched in the face by Pete Wentz and then told him to fuck off, nearly coming out in front of all my 'friends' in the process, before running off, Ray chasing after me, and Ray knows I'm gay, but then I just kind of broke down and he just wouldn't leave me alone without an explanation, and I eventually- I told him about you..." Frank choked his words out, turning his gaze to his boyfriend, a little in fear of the boy's reaction.
"Fuck. Ray Toro knows who I am, Frank."
"I know. I know he does, but he understands, I guess. He's not going to tell Mikey." Frank had to trust his life in Ray's words right now. "He promised."
"Don't worry about Mikey - he's got quite the secret too." Gee shook his head, a small, almost pathetic smile tugging at his lips as he fought with his morals in a battle of telling Frank. "Brotherly secret though."
"You don't trust me?" Frank raised one eyebrow, almost offended.
"I'm stressed, asshole."
"How about I de-stress your asshole?"
"Oh, I'm all for that."
And then there was that stupid, enormous grin, but finally with no hint of sadness anywhere on that ghostly pale face that told Frank everything about his boyfriend's social life, or lack of it, and reluctance to leave the house, but none of that mattered, because he was happy.
Hey guys:) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did, I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a vote and/or a comment as they really make my day and stop the emotional pain of the new wattpad layout from destroying me completely-.- Anyways, I love you all<3
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