"Mr Styles." The banker nods at Harry, "Mr Styles." He continues then to shake Louis' hand. "Please have a seat."
"Thank you." Harry breaths anxiously. "Well, we're here about, uh, this letter." Harry continues to hand the banker the letter.
"Well, I'd say it's a bit more than a letter. This is a notice of intent to foreclose." The banker raises his eyebrows, as he skims the letter. Louis just hates the look on his face.
"Yes, and we know we're seriously behind on our payments, but the rates suddenly jumped so high-" Louis attempts to explain the situation, however, his cut off by the bank worker.
"As adjustable rates do."
Louis sighs, trying again to explain; "Mr Sweeny, it's like I was trying to tell you on the telephone, my physical therapy job just got phased out and Harry here, well, he hurt his knee so bad that he had to quit his construction job and get surgery. We're just trying to pay back the medical bills. The heeling's been a whole lot slower than I'd hoped." Louis' eyes seem to fill with tears; Harry placed a comforting hand on his husband's knee.
"I sympathise, but mortgage payments must be maintained-"
Then, Louis decides to use his magic, leaning over the table sexually, fluttering his eyelashes as he slows his voice.
"It's not just about the mortgage. We're strapped. Completely. Getting dinner on the table, it's hard. We need more time."
He is giving the banker a nice view down his top, showing off his soft skin.
"But, Mr Styles I can't really give you-"
"You can call me Lou."
"Lou... That's an interesting scent you're wearing."
"You like it?" Louis flutters his lashes seductively.
"Very much." The banker breaths.
It is now, that Louis knows he has won.
"At least you got a month's extension." Niall shrugged, looking on the bright side. After their visit with the bank, Louis had gone out with his friend Niall, a bubbly blonde who owned a bar with his wife.
"It's something." Niall reiterated.
"Is it? What's gonna make it better next month?" Louis sighed after his rhetorical question. Putting on a brave face, he smiled as a café worker came towards their table with his food, Niall had offered to pay.
"Chocolate milkshakes and cheese fries?" The worker raised her eyebrows, both Louis and Niall nodded in recognition as the waitress placed the food on the table.
"That will make it better for about five minutes, but I'll take it," Louis mumbled to Niall before turning his attention back to the waitress.
"Here's my application. I know you guys aren't hiring, but if you could have the manager keep that on file?" Louis smiled optimistically, sighing in relief when the worker nodded.
Niall's eyes widened, "you're really desperate, huh?" He watched as his friend nodded glumly.
"We'd hire you at the bar if we could." Niall owned a bar with his wife, but they were full staffed.
"I know you would."
"There's nothing promising for Harry?" Niall continued to ask.
"Not a thing. Nobody's even hiring. If there were any construction jobs, they're not gonna go for a guy with a bum knee."
Niall nodded along in understanding. "Gosh, this must be killing him. You know Harry and his pride."
Louis laughed, because yes, Harry liked to be the breadwinner.
"Men are complicated," Niall whined, thanking the God's for making him straight. Louis rolled his eyes at his friend's antics.
"No, they're not. Men are easy." Louis paused, clearing his throat before imitating Harry. "I'm thirsty; I'm hungry, I'm horny." He watched as Niall laughed, "that's men."
"Although not necessarily in that order."
Minutes later, Louis and Niall were still at the café talking, but now scouting through a local Newspaper.
"I never thought I'd say anything quite as sappy as 'it was not supposed to turn out this way, but it wasn't," Louis commented as he turned a page. He hated being poor; he always imagined a life where he, the pretty boy, didn't even need to look at a price tag.
"Hey, wait a minute. Here's something." Niall raised his eyebrows, peering over his friend's shoulder to see what he was looking at. It was an ad for a job.
'Kind Touch Health Spa. Licensed massage therapists.'
"I'm licensed," Louis commented as he stared at the small black and white ad. That was no lie; he did have a certificate in beautifying therapy and physiotherapy.
"I don't know how you do that, touching stranger's bodies." Niall shuttered at the idea.
"It's just skin. It makes them feel better." He paused. "I'll give them a call, see if I can get an interview." Louis beamed as Niall high fived him.
"Wait. It's all the way in Doncaster. It's more than an hour's drive." Niall frowned as he broke the news to Lou.
"Well, there's nothing here. You were smart to buy a bar; Zayn was smart to go and become a lawyer. My mum said I was too pretty for law school." Louis once again shrugged.
"My mum said I was too skinny to get a wife."
"Well, to mums."
Both young adults raised their glasses. Glass clinking as they cheered.
"To mums."
Louis walked into the 'Kind Touch Health Spa' the following day, both nervous and excited at the prospect of a job.
"Hi, there. Can I help you?" Asked the red-headed receptionist.
"Hi." Louis smiled before continuing, "my name's Louis Tomlinson, and I called about the massage therapy interview?"
"Oh, that's right." She made a face of remembrance. "Hi there. Well, I'm Jacie. And this here is my partner, Doreen."
"Here's my resume." Louis passed the girl the papers.
"Hi." Louis introduced himself as another girl exited the back room. She was pretty.
Louis smiled, his adorable little smile at the three massage therapists, all dressed in white overalls, most likely the uniform.
"Gosh, you are a pretty little thing." She commented.
"Thank you." Louis blushed, he knew he was beautiful, knew he was pretty. He was told daily how pretty he was, still made him blush.
Louis looked over at the girl skimming through his resume; "Um. I'm trained in shiatsu, and deep tissue, but I can pretty much do any kind of massage you all want."
"Well, look at you." The red-head commented, staring Louis up and down.
"I'm a real fast learner, and I'm just desperate for a job." Louis' eyes sunk, remembering how poor he and Harry were.
"Can you start tomorrow?" The red-headed, seemingly in charge, girl asked
"Really? That's it?"
"Pretty much, baby." With that Louis was jumping with joy, small 5-foot frame excited as he fist pumped the air.
"Thank you!"
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