Family Secret

The four day conference passed by agonizingly slow. Stress was piling up as there was still no word from either of your parents. Law had called when you arrived to let you know that your uncle had been released from prison. Your mother had affiliates all over the place pulling strings, claiming he'd been rehabilitated and was on good behavior. Your stomach churned every time you thought about it.

Me: Waiting at the gate rn

Zoro: How many hours?

Me: A little over 3.

Me: You missed me?? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Zoro: Nope

Me: My feels 😢😢

Zoro: 😘

Me: I'm saving that text until the end of time

Zoro: That is why I don't send you stuff like that.

Me: Awe

"Flight J1543 now boarding at gate K11. We'll begin with boarding group A. Please present your boarding pass to the attendant at the gate. Thank you" A chirpy female voice called over the intercom at the gate.

Me: Boarding now! I'll see you in a few hours.

Zoro: See you soon.

You turned off your phone and joined the line of people waiting to board your evening flight home.


You unlocked the door stopping short at the sight of a familiar pair of worn black leather boots. You groaned. All you wanted was to come home and snuggle the roommate with whom you had an undefined relationship. But noooo, Law just had to show up and ruin everything.

"I'm home." You called dropping your suit case and kicking off your sneakers.

Madara galloped around the corner knocking you to the floor.

"Did you miss me my sweet baby?" You cooed hugging his neck.

A chuckle pulled your attention away from the excited mass of fur.

"Do I get baby talk too?" Zoro asked looming over you.

"Shut up." You blushed moving Madara back so you could stand.

Zoro tugged you to your feet and yanked you into his chest. His embrace felt anxious and tense before melting into a comfortable warmth, his lips brushed against your forehead.

"Welcome home." He husked in your ear sending a shiver through your legs.

"Oi, stop making out in the hall. You have company." Law called from the living room.

"Unannounced company you asshole." You ducked under Zoro's arms stomping into the next room.

Law sat slouched back into your sofa arms crossed looking smug as ever.

"That's no way to treat your beloved baby cousin." He clicked his tongue.

"Beloved?" You scoffed taking a seat next to him, "What brought you all the way out here?"

"This." He slipped a small card out of the breast pocket of his pearl snapped shirt and handed it to you.

You ran your fingers over the raised iridescent lettering as you read it over and over.

Save the date:

The joining of F/N L/N & Fernando Diaz

Ceremony: Saturday, November 11th, 2017.

There was a small picture of you and Fernando from third grade underneath.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." You muttered ripping the thick white paper into tiny pieces.

Zoro crossed the room taking a seat in front of you on the floor.

"Do you know why they're ignoring me?" You asked looking back at your cousin.

"Mel took your dad on a cruise. Probably to soften the blow about Doflamingo." He lazily stroked Madara'a muzzle.

"I don't know what to do about this. If I don't agree to it I'll be forced." Zoro turned as you spoke.

"Forced?" The greenette echoed.

You nodded, "My uncle is a dangerous man. I was actually kind of hoping this conversation would never have to happen."

"You didn't tell him?" Law shifted smirking slightly amused, "You just let him be at a function full of those people without saying a word."

You rolled your bottom lip between your teeth

"What are you guys talking about?" Zoro turned all the way around to face you.

"You know how some people work for the mob?" You paused, "My family... is the mob. Doffy inherited the family business. He is commonly referred to as Joker. Corazon, Law and myself have managed to distance ourselves. Even my dad was a regular working stiff. He rarely took part in my uncle's 'missions'. Doffy got greedy and sort of lost it which is how he got caught. The family disbanded the business, though, I think Mel has been secretly plotting for a while now." You averted your eyes and tugged the hem of your purple cotton shirt.

"So, Fernando?" He asked.

"Mafia. His family and mine have always worked together. Right now though, they are stronger and combining the two groups would be a massive upset to rival groups. Not to mention Doffy would now have a successor. While the Diaz family cooperates with the Donquixote, they still act independently of each other." You sighed bracing yourself for whatever awful reaction was to follow.

Zoro sat quietly watching your hands fumble with your shirt.

"We're gonna have to go out there aren't we?" He asked turning to Law.

Law's eyes widened a bit, "Nothing will be solved at this distance."

Your heart clenched while nerves churned in your gut. You could feel the air rapidly escaping your lungs as a weird muffled buzz filled your ears. It was a feeling you hadn't experienced since your early teens. You quickly stood while you were still able and walked swiftly to your room slamming the door behind you. You'd been prone to panic attacks when you were younger; after being kicked, screamed at and then barricaded in your closet.

The door opened and softly closed as you balled yourself up in the center of the bed letting out soft yips in attempt to find your breath. Small blotches of whites and grays blurred your vision even when you mashed your eyelids shut. You desperately clawed at your chest which was only clenching tighter. The buzzing in your ears mixed with your erratically pounding heart.

You feebly fought the warm hands that uncovered you. This was a weak moment. Not one you ever intended for Zoro to see. He gripped your shoulders and pulled you into his lap quietly rocking you back and forth. The pressure began to fade while he tugged your hands away from your chest and held them firmly in your lap. You could feel his heart beat steadily against your right temple and began to focus silently counting each pump. When your muscles and chest relaxed and your yips turned into longer ragged breaths; he reached up wiping the now cool tears you didn't know had traveled down your cheeks.

Great you were a weak, breathless, blubbering mess in front of the man you never wanted to witness such a moment.

His lips stayed pressed gently against your scalp until he was sure you'd completely relaxed.

"It's OK." He murmured in a husky voice.

"I-I don't want to do this." You huffed.

"I know." He nuzzled your hair, "You aren't alone."

You both sat quietly as you calmed down.

"Where's Law?"

"He's in my room. He said he has a plan to talk to you about tomorrow." He laid back keeping you pressed firmly against his chest.

"Hey Mossy?" You whispered tangling your legs with his.

A low hum rumbled beneath you.


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