Chapter 1
Sera, a world ravaged by many great conflicts and wars, these wars were mostly between the Humans that lived on the Planet, but now another war was raging across the Planet, a war between the Humans and the monstrous Locust Horde, a large number of Humans had been massacred by these creatures, and Humanity had also played a big part in destroying their own civilisation, via their Orbital Satellite system, the Hammer of Dawn.
The Locust however seemed unstoppable, their numbers increasing daily, even after losing great numbers of their kind more of them seemed to tunnel up from the Hollow, their deep, underground home, as well as their massive Beasts that they had tamed or created for this war.
What both sides didn't know of, however, was that their ongoing war had attracted the attention of being they never imagined could have existed...
Far above the Planet's ongoing war a Ship was maintaining orbit, in the Ship was a group of five who were currently making observations through the Ship, the Ship's sensors zoomed in one one of the Human Cities and they watched with interest as he saw the Human Warriors doing battle with the Locust Horde, which were coming up from holes they had dug up from their subterranian home.
The five were from a race from far away, a Planet distant from Sera, these were Yautja, the galaxy's most deadly and proficient Hunters, and they had come to this world as a safari, one of their group was going to go out into the world and Hunt the Human warriors, and the Locust.
The Hunter that had been chosen to take part in this hunt was a Blooded Warrior of their Clan, he was allowed to hunt alone and chose Sera to be the Planet where he would have his very first solo hunt, they had petitioned the Council of Ancients on Yautja Prime for Exclusive Hunting Rights to this Planet.
"They are fighting quite desperately..." said one of the Clan, as they observed the exchange of gunfire between the Cog and the Horde, with explosions also peppering the battlefield.
"They are facing extinction... this will make the Humans fight harder than ever" said the Clan's Elite, a tall, skinny Yautja with Dark Brown, scaly skin, clicking his Mandibles together as he observed the battle, watching as the Humans were mounting a desperate defence, shooting their Guns, or using what seemed to be Chainsaw Bayonets when their enemy got close.
"And these Locust, they are quite brutal and strong, worthy prey indeed" said the Blooded Hunter who was the one that would be hunting on this world, he then watched a Locust pulled the arm off of a downed Gear and started beating them to death with it.
Said Yautja was 7'3, his skin was mostly Dark Green with some lighter shades of Green in areas of his body, he had long Black Dreads that had metal bands attached to them, and wore several pieces of metal armour with netting covering the rest of his body.
"Yes, Gator, and you shall be the one to Hunt them" said the Clan Leader, an Elder Yautja who had Grey Dreads and black spines that grew above his eyes to make eyebrows, he was holding a short bladed weapon, a Glaive, and was decorated with many scars and smaller trophies.
Gator turned and bowed to him, as did the other assembled Yautja, showing great respect to their Clan Leader, who walked toward Gator and offered him his Mask.
Gator carefully took the mask before he set it on his face, adjusting it before securing the mask into place, his vision adjusting to the Mask's automated Vision Modes, he then stood back as the Ship started to make it's way to the Planet's Surface, the Ship catching fire as it entered Sera's atmosphere like a falling meteorite.
The Ship shook slightly as the Clan watched themselves falling to the Planet's Surface, after a bit the Ship used it's engines to slow it's descent down and the Ship cloaked itself as it flew over one of the Human Cities, the Ship flew silently, making almost zero noise as it flew over the ruined City, with Locust moving through the ruins.
The Scout Ship glided through one of the wider streets in the warzone, scanning for a good location to set the Ship down and set up Camp, after a few seconds they managed to find a place to land, inside of a large, ruined building.
The Ship moved into the large hole that was punched into the side of the building and settled itself silently, the Ship touched down and the engines stopped firing, the cloak stayed active to keep prying eyes from sniffing around.
"Now Gator, go forth, Hunt well, claim many worthy Trophies, and if you die, die fighting and don't dishonour the Clan" the Clan Leader said to the Blooded Hunter.
"Yes, Clan Leader, I shall" Gator replied with a respectful bow towards the Elder Yautja, before the Ship opened up, allowing Gator to walk out into the warzone.
The Hunt has begun...
It was night time right now and in an area of the city of Ephyra that was known to the Cog Soldiers as "Gridlock" from all the rusted and abandoned cars left there after E-Day, and right now the sounds of gunfire echoed into the night.
a Squad of Cog Soldiers were currently engaged in battle with a group of Locust, mostly Drones, with some Grenadiers, the sounds of Lancer's, Hammerburst, Gnashers and Frag Grenades, bodies from both sides were laying on the ground in pools of their own Crimson Blood, some blown to pieces by Grenades too.
While the two sides had their battle Gator watched the conflict from a rooftop, his cloak was activated and he was crouched down, observing the Gears and the Locust, he switched to Thermal Vision and saw that both species could be tracked through Thermal, he watched as one of the Drones went in close and the Gear it was targeting revved his Chainsaw bayonet and sawed the Locust in two, with blood and chunks of flesh spraying all over, before his head was disintegrated by a well placed shot from a Sniper.
Gator made a quiet clicking sound as he observed the violence below, it was like two different species fighting over territory, the Hunter was patient though, he would watch from above and plan his attack carefully, from what he's seen the Humans are in smaller numbers, but they were dug in deep and refusing to budge.
The Human Warriors might be a good first target for his Hunt, but then again the Locust may be better prey since they were new, but based on the bodies piling up in the car choked street, they must be weak.
Gator slowly stood up and jumped across the street and ran along the rubble and ruined buildings until he reached the side where the Yautja saw the Grubs were coming from down the street, planning to observe the Drones and see how they worked while in combat, however they seemed to be taking a lot more casualties piling up.
"Fall back!" one of the Locust called out before the Drones started to retreat back down the street, with the Gears still shooting after them, killing some of the Grubs as they tried to withdraw from their failed assault, the Gears cheered as they watched them running away, celebrating their victory.
"Yeah! Whoo! Take that you Maggot lovers!" one of the Gears shouted and the fleeing Drones, sounding very confident after their successful defence, Gator observed the surviving Humans and saw that there were seven of them alive.
"Alright, spread out men, if you find any wounded bring them up for evac, any dead... retrieve their Cog Tags, and we'll move the bodies, if you find any Locust still alive, put 'em down" said the Human that seemed to be in charge of the group before they walked away from their men, Gator let out a clicking sound as he walked to the edge of the roof and extended his Combistick, he looked down and saw one of the Gears was standing right below him, talking with another man, while three others were checking the bodies as they were ordered, one of them was a Female who had long, Brown hair that was tied back in a bun.
Gator grinned under his Mask as he uncloaked and dropped down from the roof, the wind whipped his Dreads slightly as he fell, until he landed right on top of the Gear standing under him, his bodyweight making the Male Human's body fold under him with a sickening crunch as his body and armour were crushed!
"Holy fuck! What the-!?" the Gear the now dead Human was talking to exclaimed in shock as he jumped back and went to aim his weapon at the Hunter, but Gator did a forward jump-roll and then swung his Combistick in a strong arc, hitting the Gear with the shaft of his Combistick and sending the man flying away, his Lancer flying out of his hands.
"Contact! Enemy attacking-gah!" one of the Gears shouted as he and two others ran towards Gator, who drew back his Combistick and in a fluid motion swung the staff low, knocking the legs out from under the three Human Soldiers, making all three of them fall on their backs, before he followed the swing up by raising the polearm over his head and with a growl stabbed the weapon into the Man who was in the middle of the three fallen Humans, the sharp tip of the telescoping Spear stabbing through his chest and out of his back, briefly pinning him to the cold floor before it was violently retracted.
"Kenneth, no!" one of the Gears called out in shock as they quickly pulled themself up off the ground and started shooting at Gator, a few of the bullets struck the Yautja's armour and one hit him in the leg, making the Blooded Hunter growl and suddenly jump high into the air and land on top of a building, he moved behind it and then cloaked himself as the Humans all started shooting at the spot he was last seen.
Gator then jumped again, sailing over the shooting Gears and landing on the building opposite, before he dropped down and lifted the Combistick up in a prime throwing position, taking aim as he pulled his dominant arm back and threw the retractable Spear towards one of the Gears, the projectile flew through the air and speared the unsuspecting Human through the back, the force launched them forward and pinned them to the wall!
"Holy shit, Stans!" one of the two survivors shouted in shock as he and the other Gear looked at their comrade, whose body spasmed and twitched before falling still, his Lancer slipping from his limp fingers.
"Where the fuck did that come from?!" said the Female Gear who turned around holding a Gnasher Shotgun, looking around for the one that threw that Spear.
"F-Fuck this shit! I'm getting outta here!" said the surviving Male Gear, who threw down his Gnasher Shotgun and ran away from the battlefield.
"Samson, you dumb ass, get back here!" the Woman shouted at him as she turned to follow the men who had run away from their position, only to freeze when she heard a strange electrical noise, followed by a clicking sound coming from right behind her...
"Okay, let's see how you like this!" the Woman said as she revved her Chainsaw Bayonet and spun around, ready to saw the Monster that killed her team apart, however she missed her first swing and tried to hit the killer again, she then got a good look at the Monster who killed her fellow Gears.
"You must be a new kind of Locust, I'm gonna kill you and drag your sorry carcass to the labs!" the woman growled as she tried to saw Gator again and again, so far into her anger and grief that her fighting technique had gone sloppy and careless, Gator was disappointed with how easy the Humans were to kill, hoping to face some worthy Human Warriors to claim as Trophies.
The Human Woman swung again and Gator had enough of playing with her, he growled and punched the Human hard in the head, the impact stunned the woman before the Male Hunter then backhanded her across the face, making her head snap back before the Predator grabbed the Woman by her throat and lifted her off the ground!
The Woman let out a choked gasp and gripped onto Gator's wrist, dropping her Lancer on the ground while she tried to dig her nails into his skin and make him release her, however he choked the woman who kicked and struggled in his grip, gagging and gasping for air as she tried hitting the Hunter's arm and chest.
Gator then jumped back up to the rooftop overlooking the street, landing with a heavy thud while still holding the struggling Female Gear, before he growled and roughly threw the Woman down onto the stone roof, the Woman gasped for breath and held her throat when she looked up at the Hunter, who then extended his Wristblades threateningly.
"No... no, no wait, please don't-!" the Woman said as she held a hand out toward the Predator, trying to scramble back from the Alien, her eyes wide with panic as her captor approached her, grabbing her by her shoulder and crouching in front of the terrified Woman, grabbing hold of her as the Hunter's Wristblades thrust toward her as she let out a scream.
The Sun was beginning to set at the road as the Captain of the Gears Squad returned with Samson, the Gear that fled in fear during the attack earlier, and some more Gears in a Raven, the Raven hovered over an empty space and landed, allowing the seven Gears to disembark.
"Alright, spread out! See if anyone can find this "Monster" our friend Samson here was telling us about" the Captain ordered to the other men, as the Raven then took off and flew back to the Human's Base.
The Gears then started to make their way toward Gridlock, when they suddenly stopped and looked at something that disgusted a good few of them, the Captain walked to the front to see what they were looking at and paused at what he saw, while Samson froze and dropped his gun again at the sight of his Squad.
What they saw were four bodies hanging upside down by their ankles, the bodies had been flayed and mutilated, skinned from head to toe, exposing the raw, red muscle and white fat to the open air, the bodies lifeless eyes staring back as their arms dangled down past their heads, blood dripping from the bodies and pooling below them.
"Oh shit..." Samson mumbled as his eyes widened, his mind being scarred forever from the image of his skinned and strung up squad mates and colleagues, one body that was in the middle looked very different, the body shape was more... feminine and they had two mounds of yellowed fat in their chest.
"Men, cut them down, we'll take them back for a proper burial, not... strung up like Animals" the Captain said to one of his men, said Gear looked to him and nodded his head before he and another Gear went to find the ropes so they could cut their fellows mutilated bodies down.
"That's a terrible way for anyone to die..." said a rather large man who wore the Cog Armour, he wore his Black hair in a mohawk and he had tribal tattoo's on the right side of his face, and covering his left arm.
"Kaliso, don't just stand around gawking, secure the area, the Locust might return!" the Captain called out to the man, he looked over at the Captain, and then to the flayed bodies that were being cut down before he turned and joined the rest of his fellows to secure the area.
However he then stopped as he felt a strange sensation, like... he was being watched, he looked around slowly, seeing the many Locust bodies he would be burning, as well as the remains of her fellow Gears, soon though, his eyes stopped when he looked up to a rooftop and he saw something there.
He watched as he saw the air seem too move, as if someone or... something, was standing there, watching him from the roof, then suddenly, there was a flash of yellow, like a pair of eyes that were staring deep into his soul...
"Hey, Tai!" a voice called out before a hand clapped the tattooed man on the shoulder, startling him out of his seemingly one-sided staring match, and looked over to see one of his fellow Gears.
"You alright man?" the Gear asked him, Tai then looked back to the spot on the roof but... didn't see anything there now, he kept watch on the spot trying to make sense of what he just saw, the other Gear looked up at the roof too before looking back to the man.
"What is it? What did you see?" the Gear asked Tai seriously, now on alert, thinking that it might be a Locust Sniper or something else.
"Nothing... it's nothing, let's go" Tai said to the Gears as he shook his head and walked away to help burn the Locust bodies, as he did so however... he wasn't aware that his observer was watching him from another roof.
Gator watched the tattooed Human warrior walk away, the fact this Human managed to almost notice him while cloaked... perhaps there were some Human Warriors that would be worthy Prey on this Planet?
He let out a quiet clicking purr as he stood up to his full height and then stealthily made his way to the next Hunting Ground, he tested the Human Warriors and now he planned to track down and hunt some of the Locust, perhaps he might find more worthy Prey from his observations?
Gator remained cloaked as he ran and jumped through the ruined City, his footsteps heavy as he jumped over cars and climbed up ruined buildings, sticking to the rooftops and following the advice he had gotten from one of his teachers.
(To needlessly panic the herd is a sign of a careless Hunter, stay out of sight until the time is right to strike, and then do so with ruthless purpose, take only the rightful Prey, Dishonour is worse than death) were the words of one of his teachers from his time as an Un-Blooded youngster, before his Trial and Blooding, when he would learn how to stalk his Prey and how to fight and kill properly, instead of giving in to his blood lust and becoming a blood mad Bad Blood.
Gator jumped high into the air from one roof and then landed with a thud on the concrete roof of a lower building, he looked to the sky and saw that it was getting close to dusk, he remained cloaked as he moved to the edge of the building and looked down to the streets below.
Below in said street, the Hunter patiently observed as he saw a group of Locust on patrol, the patrol consisted of several Drones and also one large one was with these smaller ones, they were very bulky and seemed to carry heavier weapons, he zoomed on on one of them and scanned the weapon it carried, the weapon seemed to be a type of Grenade Launcher, which fired an explosive shell.
Gator stayed still and observed these Locust as they were walking down the ruined street, he switched to thermal vision and saw that the Locust had heat signatures, he watched them as they checked the area before he decided to have a try with fighting these creatures too.
He stood up to his full height and took aim with his Plasma Caster, the three red lasers slowly moving up the body of one of the Drones before stopping on it's head, this also caught the attention of one of the other Grubs.
"Red liight?" it said in a deep, growling voice as it looked at the targeted Drone, that one looked confused and started patting it's head and body, before suddenly there was a loud sound and a bolt of bright Blue light shot out of Gator's shoulder-mounted canon and then obliterated the Drone's entire head and skull!
"Hostiles!" one of the Locust roared out as the now-headless corpse of the Drone fell to the ground, the Locust Troops then started to search around for where the shot came from, Gator then jumped down from the roof and landed on the roof of an old, rusted out car, caving the roof in before he hopped off and moved to avoid the gunfire that hit the vehicle.
"Boom!" the large Locust, a Boomer roared as it fired it's Boomshot at the Car too, the explosive shell flew through the air and hit the car, causing a big explosion, the larger Locust let out a deep chuckle at the explosion.
Suddenly, one of the Drones was stabbed through it's back with the point of a Spear erupting from his chest, the Drone was then effortlessly hoisted into the air as it pulled the trigger of his Hammerburst, causing a burst of bullets to hit the ground before it was thrown away into a nearby wall, Gator then uncloaked and jump-rolled towards the nearest Grub before he extended his Wristblades and jammed the blades up through the Locust Drone's lower jaw, the tips of the Blades coming out through the top of their head!
"Boom!" the Boomer shouted, Gator quickly retracted his blades and jumped back just in time to avoid being blown to pieces by the explosive shell, he let out a growl as he looked to the Boomer, who was reloading his weapon while another Drone started shooting at Gator with their Hammerburst, and was soon joined by a Grenedier, who tossed a Frag Grenade at the Yautja!
Gator quickly ran back as the Bolo Grenade beeped rapidly, then exploded violently just behind him, the Grenedier roared and pulled out his Gnasher Shotgun and started shooting at the Blooded Hunter, Gator got into cover behind a wall.
(These Locust are certainly strong, they will make worthy prey...) he thought to himself before he beep-booped on his wrist computer, activating his cloak and then running, avoiding the bullets that were still flying at the spot he was last.
Gator soon stopped and extended his Combistick before he hurled it at the Grenedier, managing to catch the Locust on it's throat and pin it to the street, before he then pulled his Spear Gun and shot another Drone in the head, ripping it's head right off of it's shoudlers and pinning it to a wall, now, it was just the Boomer left...
"Enemy... boom!" the Boomer growled before shooting again an the spot Gator was standing on before, Gator jumped up in the air and landed close to the dead Grenedier, ripping his Combistick out of the corpse of the topless Locust and turned his attention to the reloading Boomer.
Gator then ran toward the Boomer and thrust his spear into the Boomer's gut, earning a grunt from the larger Locust before Gator uncloaked and extended his wristblades, he jumped up and spun through the air, before slashing his blades across the larger Locust's neck and slicing it's throat!
The Boomer gargled and grabbed it's throat, dropping it's weapon to the ground as it started to stagger from the sudden loss of blood, Gator let out a clicking growl as he tilted his head, watching the Boomer bleed out before it fell to the ground with a heavy thud, as it let out a death rattle.
Gator watched the large corpse as he walked towards it before he suddenly reached down, jamming his clawed hand into the Boomer's lower back, easily tearing through it's thick, Grey, scaly flesh, his hand wrapped around the lower part of the spinal cord before he pulled upward.
A wet, tearing sound echoed in the street as the entire spine was ripped out of the Boomer's body, then it's head also came off, Red blood spraying as the head and spine were held up off the ground, the Boomer's face glazed and lifeless as Gator let out a loud victory roar toward the skies!
The first of hopefully many Trophies had been claimed by the otherworldly Hunter... and he planned to claim many more before this Hunt ended.
(Edit: So, for some odd reason the picture of the Yautja and the text under were fusing together, so, I'm going to put the picture of Gator's appearance below.)
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