❤️️❤️️2- Helpless❤️️❤️️
Jaanvi was once again left inside the dark room. There was no one there and the fear of darkness killed her. Her hands started to shake again, seeking the temptation of drugs. She couldn't handle her withdrawal symptoms well. The doctors have diagnosed that the drugs she took were high dosage and the treatment she needed would need a higher level of perseverance.
But did she have it inside her?
Absolutely not! She did not have any strength to deal with her emotions. As her body broke into cold sweat, she cowered in a corner and closed her eyes. She tried to sleep, but all that flashed in her mind was making her re-live the conversation that she had with her parents, a day before
(Three days ago)
"Maa..." Jaanvi placed the receiver on her ears and eagerly waited for her mother's voice. But all she received, was silence.
"Maa, Jaanvi here. Talk to me maa. Please..." Jaanvi clutched her phone harder and pleaded heavily. Her breaths came in pants as she looked at Hashim, who was watching her cautiously.
"Why have you called us for?" it was her dad's voice this time. Jaanvi gasped as her hands went up to her chest.
"Dad?" she opened her lips and swallowed her saliva heavily. How much she missed her father's protection? She recalled how lonely and dangerous her life has become without him. She wanted to seek her father's support at moments like this.
Hearing such strong words, hurt her heart.
"Dad... I... I am sorry. Please forgive me. Please, I never meant to hurt you-"
"But you hurt us Jaanvi. You hurt us deeper than any other people that we have seen in our lives. Is this how you pay back your parents? You made us bow infront of a family. You shattered the dreams that we had built for you and now, why the hell are you calling us for?" he spat distastefully, making Jaanvi's eyes blur with tears.
However, she managed to blink back the tears as she did not want to give Hashim the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
"Dad, listen-"
"Don't call us anymore, Jaanvi. Don't hurt us... The day we found out about your drugs, you are dead for us. The daughter whom we raised had died. Now we have only one daughter. And that is Riya. Don't call us and remind us of your presence anymore." Her father spat and Jaanvi's heart numbed at his tone.
She just heard his choked up voice and felt her world slipping off from her hands. Has she become such a devil that her parents were now loathing her? Her father's tone tore a part of her that she never thought anyone would be able to break.
"Can I speak to mum one last time?" she asked with a defeated voice.
This time, Hashim looked up and caught a glimpse of hurt in her eyes. But she managed to change that look into an annoyed expression when she realized that he was watching her.
"Okay." Jaanvi heard her father breathe with a heavy voice. She waited with bated breath as the noise of shuffling sound behind, gave her a faint hope. Okay. So, her dad was really going to let her speak with her mother.
Her mother would believe her. She refused to accept that her parents hated her now. She refused to accept that there was no one with her. She kept convincing her that this was temporary. But everything that happened, seemed to prove her otherwise.
"Maa..." she spoke first when she heard a sniffled cry from the other side.
"Whyyyy....." her mother's cries broke Jaanvi's walls. She slumped at the nearby wall and looked at the ceiling aimlessly.
"Maa please listen to me."
"How will we show our faces to others anymore? Why did you do this, Jaanvi? Out of everyone else, YOU betrayed us? You knew that we love you so much. You knew! Yet, you took advantage of our love. How could you do this to us?" her mother sobbed, making Jaanvi's heart tremble with guilt.
"I am sorry maa. But don't you want to hear my side of story?" she asked softly, still looking gloomily at the wall.
"What's the point of hearing beta? I mean, what can we do with your story now? We can't go to outside and explain it to one by one, can we?" her mother scoffed, making Jaanvi feel totally hopeless.
"So, have you also given up on me too?" she asked and a loud cry left her mother's lips.
That cry answered all her unanswered questions.
She still had hope.
(Flashback ends)
There was a firm knock on the door while Jaanvi sat there, unfazed by anything.
She watched cautiously as the door knob twisted and the huge metal door was pushed open. Still, there wasn't even an inch of movement in her body. She just stared blankly at the guards who just walked in, accompanied by Dr John. This useless man again, she internally rolled her eyes.
"Dr Vikram is here to meet you. Get up." One of the men said and her brows scrunched in confusion.
Vikram? Ouh... yeah that prick of a man they have been threatening her with. She haven't even met him, but she was already hating that guy. He seemed like another intimidating jerk who thought that he could 'cure' her. Well, if a jerk like Hashim was scared of 'Vikram', then he had to be a bigger pain in the ass!
"Tell him I am not interested to see him." Jaanvi snapped when she realized that her silence was not effective in chasing them out. Hashim rolled his eyes and ordered the guards to drag her out by force. Hashim was amused that she was still living in her assumptions that they gave her a choice.
One man and a woman rushed forward to see their job. They held Jaanvi's legs and hands against her will and literally tried lifting her off the floor forcefully. Jaanvi trashed her legs, trying to free herself from their strong grip. But it was already too late when another woman entered and handcuffed her both hands together behind her back.
Jaanvi's anger reached a new whole level as she turned to her right and bit the man's biceps, which was holding her down.
Shrieking in pain, that bodyguard just threw his hands in the air and looked wide-eyed at the woman in front of him. The next action was of course, in reflex.
He slapped Jaanvi hard that her neck had sprained towards her left. Jaanvi's head was left spiralling as she started seeing dark spots in her vision. Everyone froze in shock. They didn't see this coming at all.
Using violence against a victim there was against the rules unless a person was stepping off-limits. Here, Jaanvi was exactly doing the same. She was forcing the hands out of them.
Jaanvi was a special case. She was not like the other people who were admitted there. She was not one of those normal drug addicts who were finding their way to seek solution. She was a downright a criminal who was forced to leave this habit and change. She was specially instructed by Dev Sharma to be taken care of. And Dev Sharma wasn't the best person to be messed in that town.
"HK, what the hell? Leave her!" John instructed when he saw HK already holding her by her scalp. He was raging furious when he saw her victorious grin on her face. It was as though she managed to accomplish a goal.
"Leave her to me, John! She needs me in this fucking place. How did you guys deal with her all the while? Was she always like this?" HK spoke with disgust.
"She's been a pain in the ass all the time... But this is not the time to deal with her, HK. Vikram sir is waiting and I am afraid we don't have time. You don't want to be messing with Vikram." That dumbfucker Hashim replied.
"Fuck you! Fuck all of you... I don't want to meet anyone. You might as well ask that bloody Vikram to go and die!" Jaanvi screamed as she faced the trio with hatred. She was sick and tired of this counselling sessions.
She did not want to do it anymore. Going there every day and hiding how she fell into that sinful trap of drugs was a torture for her. She obviously can't reveal to them the real reason about working for the mafia, could she? How long can she hide from the counselling sessions? It was breaking her apart to sit there and act nonchalant.
She knew that she was a strong woman. She was not broken yet. She was still holding up strong for a woman who had gone through shit. She's been through hell and still saw hope. She never cried in front of others. The last time she cried was the day she saw Arjun leaving her. It was the end point for her.
The longer they cage her this way, the higher her rebelliousness was growing. She was internally panicking, not knowing the outcome of her impulsive reactions. She could never be a patient person. Patience was not in her genes and she accepted it.
"Hey get up bitch!" the lady warden shouted and Jaanvi was all, but shocked. She knew that if there was anyone who needed a profanity in that room, it would be that fair-skinned bitchy lady. Working as a supervisor, she acted as though she was the boss of the place.
"Really?" Jaanvi scoffed. Hashim looked at her with an amused expression.
Sometimes Jaanvi was really a savage lady. She was not the one who would back down and cower in fear. She would always put up a fight and it somewhat amused him.
All these days, Hashim had learnt that her bitterness was her coping mechanism. She liked being bitchy and rude because it helped her overcome her sorrows. She felt better whenever she lashed her emotions over someone.
"If you don't get up-" before that bulky guy could continue, Jaanvi managed to untangle her legs from the grip and kicked him up on his face, completely taking him by shock.
The next thing happened so fast that she had no time to register it. A harsh blow was thrown near her eyes and she completely blacked out.
She couldn't remember who hit her. But damn, the pain felt like hell.
It was all darkness after that.
When she opened her eyes, she was back in the dark room again. This time she had a bed to lie on. Her hands and legs were restrained, while she had an IV-fluid drips attached to her wrists. Jaanvi felt sick to her stomach.
She couldn't do this. She needed to escape.
Vikram had more than enough jobs to do. He was pissed when he was called to the rehabilitation Centre.
From when did he start doing drug addict counselling?
It was just not his territory to do such cases. Damn, that was the reason he left that clinic for. Doing the casual counselling was not his deal. Just like how some people didn't like vanilla sex, Vikram hated vanilla sessions. As stupid as that sounds, he didn't get his kick from doing that. He was plainly bored although he excelled in such things.
He loved to roughen up during sessions. He loved using his hands and exterior to break people's emotions. He loved treating people who were in the jail. Hardcore criminals, gangsters, rowdies and fierce people were his cup of tea. They were hard and it was easier to show them his monstrous side.
Vikram and being a monster?
Yes, Vikram knew that he had a side which was hidden to the world. His friends, family, neighbour and colleagues... None of them knew half of what Vikram really was. Vikram had this dark side about him which he seldom showed people. He was full of smiles and jokes until he gets into his real job.
"Vikram.... This is something you need to help me with." John spoke over the phone when Vikram refused to reply to his messages.
"No John, you don't get to decide that I won't be doing drug addicts. As much as I would love to help you, that's not my league. You know me, don't you? There are so many people out there to do that job. Why me?" Vikram asked, completely confused with why he was being called repeatedly.
For an obvious fact, Vikram knew that there were skilled trainers who were appointed to do sessions at the rehabilitation Centres. Why him?
"Vikram, don't you think we know that? We have tried everything we can by our persistence."
"And there was no response to that?" Vikram was now amused. John was his senior, more like his teacher of sorts. He was trained to do the 'soft-talking' perfectly. If he was insisting that the person was tough, then it was really an issue now.
Vikram sighed and looked at his watch. "Okay John, I will do this for you. But I am out of the country the next few days and-"
"Just come and visit her today. You don't need to have a session. Just meet her and decide for yourself." John almost pleaded and Vikram's eyes furrowed in confusion.
"Her?" he asked and John silently cursed.
"Yeah... It's a 'her'. She needs help." John spoke while Vikram rubbed his hands on his rough stumbles. Fucking great.
"Okay, I will see her tonight. It's only going to be a small meet, John. Don't be disappointed if I am not taking it. No promises." Vikram warned and John sighed in relief.
The whole day, Vikram was fully working to his bone. He had no rest time and no energy to take part in anything. By the time he was done at the prison, he decided to drop down at the rehabilitation centre to check on that particular 'her', that John was suggesting.
Vikram had honestly no clue about this case. In fact, he had no interest on taking up boring cases. To add on to his misery, it was a girl. Usually, Vikram didn't like showing his bad side to a girl. Vikram had a soft corner for girls and he always respected them too much.
Now that he knew that it was a weird case, he had no interest at all.
Not until he waited at the interrogation room, listening to the warden saying that she refused to come out to meet him. His eyes widened. Okay, this was a first.
"Tell her I am waiting. Bring her out." he instructed to the house-keeping warden.
But the reply he heard after five minutes was just shocking.
"She passed out after kicking HK in the nose."
What the fuck?
A few weeks passed. Jaanvi couldn't tell if it was months or weeks. But she knew that people left her alone for some time. Thank goodness, she didn't have to meet with her so called asshole 'Vikram'. The way people described him, sounded way too scary for her.
Jaanvi was off the hooks temporarily. Right now, she was gauging her moves carefully. Her motive was to let people believe that she was good and changed. She needed to escape this place as fast as possible.
Hashim didn't seem to bother her any longer. Even the jail wardens kept out of her way for some time.
She was halfway successful on her plan when the nurses were convinced with her cooperation. She would complete her meals on time and try her best to keep out of arguments. The only time she was allowed to meet people, was during lunch. Even then, she would keep quiet and excuse herself from the other toxic bitches who were bullying her.
She would often wait near the gates during visiting hours, longing to meet someone from her house. She wanted to at least catch a glimpse of her family. Her father, mother or sister... But no one visited her.
Every single time, she was only met with disappointment. No one came to see her from her house. Not even Dev or Arjun. She would always suck it up and hear the sound of her cracking heart silently. She wasn't an expressive person. So, people always thought that she was heartless.
But it was nowhere near the truth.
Once when she was on her way to the bathroom, she noticed the guards walking to the fence door. She sneakily followed behind him, trying to sneak at the passcode that guy was punching in the machine. It was the password for the backdoors. But before he could finish it, he looked around to check and Jaanvi had no choice but to hide out. Okay, first attempt was failure.
Second day, the same routine repeated.
It finally took seven days for Jaanvi to find out the passcode that was punched at the exit door. It was the door whereby food from lorries were delivered to the rehabilitation centre.
Great. Now what?
Now that she had the password, next step would be to escape. But Jaanvi could not do it.
Everytime she thought about escaping, Dev's words would get to her. She did not want to hurt him. Dev was her only hope. He was the only person who trusted her amidst all the chaos. Dev was the only guy who helped her when she was literally falling off the cliff. He saved her life.
She could never betray him like this.
After giving a lot of thoughts, she decided that she would never try to escape again.... for now.
Jaanvi.... Very interesting name. Vikram brushed his hair and lit his cigarette to smoke.
Two times being locked in the cell, attacking the guards, trying to jump off a cliff, escaping the centre freaking five times, punching Hashim on his face and lastly kicking the shit out of a trained bodyguard.
Impressed was a small word to describe his feelings. Without seeing that girl, he was amused at her willingness. She was indeed a strong woman. But absolutely a pathetic rebel. Rogue would be the best word.
The way John and Hashim described her, they painted her as though she was a monster. But Vikram knew better than to judge by other's eyes.
He needed to watch it himself.
The part where she never regretted and never cried, got a lot to him. They claimed that they never saw her cry. That was honestly something interesting... The act of crying actually explained a lot about people's character. This girl didn't really seem like a criminal. Something didn't add up in his calculation. There was more than what met the eyes. She was really something else. She was clearly working on pain. For now, he only knew that.
If he didn't guess that, then he had no audacity to call himself a psychiatrist.
Vikram stared at the case file and briefly looked at it again. Only twenty-three years old?
A low chuckle left his lips as he wondered how crazy the younger generation was. A girl who was so young, getting into drugs was a really a cringing factor. Apart from that, another thing that amazed him was the person who visited her in that centre.
Dev Sharma?
He immediately knew that she wasn't a normal drug addict. She had to be involved in something huge... If Dev was involved in this, then it wasn't normal. Nothing about Dev was normal.
And just like that, Vikram was intrigued.
Now, Vikram knew that he was going to take this case no matter what happens. Jaanvi was a thrill and dealing with her was going to be an interesting task. Before meeting her, Vikram knew that he needed to do his own homework.
He wanted to buy a little more time in order to attack. People like Jaanvi were smart. Vikram knew that they were not dumb enough to be cajoled or sweet-talked. They always worked things out inside their brain well.
If she had the ability to escape the cell three-four times, then she was not dumb anymore. Only a smart-witted person could do that. After all, smartness and bravery was a dangerous combination.
Vikram instructed Hashim to leave her alone for some days. He also requested that the rest of the securities to leave her alone and monitor her activities from afar. He wanted to check what she would do if she was left alone.
He did not want to pressurise her more than what she was accustomed to.
However, what happened next was not under his control.
Jaanvi was staying well until one disastrous night. It was the night when Dev visited her again.
It was the visit that broke all her boundaries.
Jaanvi had hopped out excitedly when the lady supervisor called her out. She didn't know she had been grinning until she received weird glances from the people around her. She couldn't believe that Dev kept his word. He actually came!!!!
He was seeing her again. She was just happy to be able to meet someone whom she recognised from the real world. Even her parents hated her. But Dev was the only one who came down to see her without loathing her. He never showed her any despise even after knowing how bad of a person she was. He never judged her.
When she came face to face with him, she grinned and happily mumbled a quick 'hi'. Dev's face was neutral with a small smile. He just stared at her and took a long breath, as though he was awaiting to tell her bad news. Seeing him, Jaanvi immediately knew that something was not right.
Jaanvi's body tensed. She literally did not want him to tell her any bad news, even if it meant lying. Her heart was already weak and she did not know if she had the courage to handle anything.
"How are you?" he started and Jaanvi smiled nervously.
"I am fine bhai. How's everyone at home? Did Arjun come here? I mean... did you tell him that you came to meet me?" she asked with a tinge of excitement. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hide the girlish grin she had in her face.
"He... He didn't come Jaanvi. You know that whatever you did to him was something he would never forget, right?" Dev asked softly and Jaanvi's eyes saddened.
"I know Dev bhai.. But you know that I am innocent, don't you? I was fallen in a trap. I never did anything with malice. There were so many opportunities when I wanted to tell Arjun the truth. But I just couldn't gather the courage. I feared that he would leave me." She spoke sadly.
"And he really left Jaanvi." Dev said it with so much of honesty that it felt like a slap on her face.
"I know... But he can't be angry for long. I really trust him. I know that he will come back one day when his anger lessens." She said to a point where Dev felt sorry for her.
Dev looked at her and rehearsed a lot of time on his mind about what to say. No matter how many times he had practiced, the look on her face didn't allow him to break it to her. He was really feeling powerless.
"You need to forget him Jaanvi. Holding on to a hopeless thread will not do you a favour." Dev said and Jaanvi's eyes widened.
"What do you mean by forget? Do you even what is the relation we shared?" Jaanvi's tone suddenly changed to the one where she was furious.
"No please. Don't... just don't Please, for my sake. Can you just let him know that I want to talk to him once? I need to speak to him and I am sure he will understand. I have no other reason to live if there's no Arjun in my life. Please Dev bhai..."
"He doesn't want to meet you Jaanvi." Dev said in a stressed out voice. He honestly felt bad for her, but there was nothing he could do to help her either.
"What do you mean he doesn't want to meet?" Jaanvi repeated, not being able to plug it inside her mind.
Dev inhaled a deep breath and watched her with a lot of remorse in his eyes.
"He's seeing another girl, Jaanvi. He's moving on with someone else" Dev replied, making Jaanvi completely distraught.
That reply just broke all the hopes that she was holding on to. It shattered her into pieces whereby she would never be able to pick that again. She did not know how she even stayed alive after hearing that news.
It broke her to infinity.
"I am sorry, Jaanvi... I really am. I know that this is too hard on you, but I don't know how to sugar-coat words. I really wish things could have been better between the both of you. But it's too late. You have to understand that he's my friend and I will always support him. He's mourned too much in life, Jaanvi. Your betrayal broke him loose. Trust me when I say this... It really took him a huge step to get over this." Dev spoke, trying to make her feel less miserable
He didn't want to keep giving her hopes.
He knew that if he didn't break this news, then it would become a bigger blunder. Dev was a man of his words and he hated lying. He didn't like cheating with people's feelings. Knowing how strong Jaanvi felt for Arjun, it made him feel so horrible from his insides.
"No." Jaanvi placed her palms on her forehead and shook her head from left to right. She could not handle the news at all.
"No...no..." she repeated, making Dev extremely worried. Dev walked forward and placed his hands on her shoulders. But Jaanvi angrily brushed that away.
"It's for the best, Jaanvi." Dev whispered helplessly. Her eyes suddenly turned bloodshot. She looked up at him with anger and gulped heavily.
"No, I want to talk to Arjun. Can you help me with that? At least one last time? I need closure. I need to say some things that are in the back of my mind." She spoke hastily. Her breaths were short and she looked at him weakly.
"I will ask him Jaanvi... But I am afraid that he won't come down." Dev whispered, earning a abandoned look from her.
Jaanvi's looks shattered Dev's heart. He tried. Really tried...
"No... Oh my god. What will I do?" she started panicking, making Dev feel miserable.
"I am sorry Jaanvi."
"No! You are not." she screamed, her heartbeat increasing heavily. She started to feel so much pain inside her chest as she quickly kneeled down. She was unable to stand and grieve pushed her on her knees.
"I want Arjun! I want him Dev, please I want him. I WANT HIM. Oh my god, Dev you tell him. I know he will listen to you. Devvvv" she held Dev's legs, making Dev's eyes widen.
That was so uncalled for Dev quickly bent down and nudged her hands away from his legs.
"Jaanvi, please don't make this difficult for me." Dev cupped her face and looked her with sympathy.
"No Dev! We have shared a lot of memories. He can't throw that away I will lose everything if he leaves. He's my only hope. Please tell him. Please." Jaanvi shuddered as her lips quivered, making her words harder to put across
Dev sighed as he signalled the guard near there. Jaanvi's eyes enlarged when she saw that. She held on to Dev's hands with a lot of hope.
"Dev don't leave me. I am scared. Please help me! Please...... Please Dev. Even my parents are not coming to see me Dev. I have always seen you like my brother. Please Dev" her heart cracked and a stubborn tear formed on her eye
But she refused to cry infront of the guards. But Dev felt the blow of her words. She called him brother?
Dev watched with his eyes unable to detach from her. He wished he could help her. But he had no rights to force Arjun into this. He had seen how Arjun had grieved about Jaanvi for months. Finally, he was moving on and it felt unfair for him to turn back.
"I am sorry Jaanvi." Dev whispered only audible to himself as he watched Jaanvi being dragged back to her cell.
He was totally helpless
Vikram called Dev early that morning. He was still hung over from the previous day's drinks. He had been partying the past few days after his hectic work schedule in the headquarters.
"Hello asshole!" that was how Dev greeted him. Vikram chuckled and sat himself down with a drink.
"Hey, it's been a long time you know?"
"Yes, I know. Have been busy with planning my wedding, you know?" Dev boasted and Vikram scoffed. Something about Dev always made Vikram feel jealous.
Dev was a perfect catch. He always had a great life ahead. Great parents, job, money and now, a perfect girl too.
"Is it the same girl? Lina?"
"Jeez nope. Her name is Sonakshi. We are already married legally. But I am doing a traditional wedding for my mother's sake. She has always wanted a big wedding, you know? Anyways.. heard that you have now settled in London??" Dev was quick to change the topic, making Vikram smile.
"Yes, I have. But now, I have come to USA for work. I will be back to London soon. Just wanted to ask you something." Vikram scratched his head while Dev just hummed in response.
"Urm, do you know anyone called Jaanvi?" Vikram asked and there was absolute silence from the other side. Okay, this was awkward.
"Well, yes. She was Arjun's ex-fiancée. I mean... My best friend's ex-fiancée." Dev replied after a long pause. Something about his tone was amiss. Maybe his happy-vibe. His voice sounded miserable.
Dev was one of those Vikram could never break through easily. Dev mastered lots of psychological art. He was naturally a gifted man. He was one of those who knew how to give the opposite party a straight face without giving away an ounce of emotion. Vikram was pretty sure that he wouldn't be able to get much information from this guy.
"Ouh, ex-fiancée? What happened to her?" He shrugged, knowing Dev couldn't see.
"Well... shit happens. Why do you sound interested? And, how do you know her?" he asked, making Vikram roll his eyes.
"It's just another case" Vikram tried his best not to sound like he was interrogating. He knew Dev was smart and he was secretly fishing for information. If he was right, Dev would never give away anything important.
"Oh, that's all? I thought you called me for more." A dry chuckle left Dev's lips, making Vikram smile. Dev was actually smart enough to catch on.
"Why did she break up with your friend, Dev?"
"Something to do with drugs. She confessed and stepped back from the marriage. That's all." Dev replied and Vikram just took notes mentally.
"Can you elaborate what to do with drugs?" Vikram questioned, knowing Dev would eventually have to lean in.
"I can. But promise me that this will be between us." Dev warned and Vikram's interest was piqued. So, Dev was not going to hide anything from him. Great.
"Okay... Tell."
"She was involved in Ricky Fiennes gang, selling drugs for him. From her blood sample, we found out that she was doing drugs too. It was unfortunate, but I could tell that she was helpless. She was devastated and broken when we found her." Dev explained in a straight voice. Vikram's eyes widened.
"Who's the 'we'?"
"Me and Arjun..."
"But her reports didn't have anything to do with crime or gang, Dev... How is that possible? She's supposed to be in jail, right?" Vikram gasped and heard Dev inhaling a deep breath. It was almost as if he took him off-guard.
"She's not a criminal... It was a mistake, Vikram. I saved her and covered it up for her. I removed her involvement from her report. I don't think she deserves jail." Dev said casually, knocking all the air from Vikram's lungs. He was indeed shocked. Dev did his foul-play again?
"Dev!!! That's wrong. You cannot save people from the hands of law all the time."
"I gave her a second chance. She is young, Vikram."
"Just because you know her, you went lenient over her? That's unfair? She took drugs. Sold drugs. Involved herself with a gang mafia. You know how many people have been given death-sentence because of a few grams of drug involvement?"
"I know...." Dev suddenly sounded so defeated. He seemed like he really wanted to save the girl. But why?
"Dev, is there something about her that I should know?" Vikram was done beating around the bush. He wanted raw truths.
"I don't think I can give away anything else. But from my experience, I definitely can tell you something."
"What?" Vikram asked curiously.
"She's innocent.... Don't hurt her."
Dev's character overshadowing from Broken Jewel. Let's see how this proceeds further.
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