Physical Realm Explaination

Hello everyone, Son Raon here and I'm here to explain more about the Cosmology of my stories.

In this chapter we're going to talk about one of the two parts of my verse's planetary and stellar cosmologies that I've forgotten to mention to all of you.

These two parts will be the main concern of this and the next chapter in order to finalise the verse's stellar and planetary Cosmologies - since they follow the exact same Cosmological structures - are :

A) the full explaination of the Three Voids and their Cosmological significance. This is something I've teased in the previous chapter,

B) the Physical Realm's Cosmological structure and

C) The complete Type IV Multiverse scale based on different Wiki types and what not since I've got a ton of scans about it.

Now without any further delay let's get to the interesting part which is the explanation of the Physical Realm.

After some thinking, I decided that I'll be writing about it first since it'll allow you to have a full view of the scale and complexity of each Realm as a seperate version which will make the future chapters - some of them will have increased complexity compared to these ones - far simpler to understand.


Now compared to the second chapter in this databook where I've mentioned about the universal scaling and it's relation to the Type IV Multiverse - according to Max Tegmark's postulations and overall theoretical structures, I'll do something different right now.

This different part will be that I'll try to do a hybridisation between Max Tegmark's Multiverses and Brian Greene's 9 Multiversal Types and explain extensively what things does the Physical Realm have in common with them and which ones it doesn't.


Let's begin with the first level :

- Type I Tegmark Multiverse : Infinite Ergodic Multiverse or (IEM) :

For this Multiverse Type, Max Tegmark had postulated that if due to the Cosmic Inflation there's infinite space - due to the Universe's infinite expansion - and finite known particle combinations, then there's nothing stopping the possibility of another universal Hubble Volume to coexist in the same infinite space.

That's unless you add to the equation that such a Hubble Volume would be at a distance just 10^10²⁹ Light Years away from our cosmic horizon.

Now, before we continue onwards, just in case someone of you doesn't know what is a Hubble Volume, think about it like that :

"In Cosmology , according to Edwin Hubble, a Hubble Volume - else known as a Hubble Sphere, Sphere of Causality, Hubble Zone, Hubble Sphere, Subliminal Sphere or Causal Sphere - is a region of the Observable Universe surrounding an observer, beyond which objects recede from the observer at a speed greater than the speed of light."

Now for the Mathematical enthusiasts, a Hubble Volume is a region of the Observable Universe with a staggering diameter of 10³¹ light years or 10⁷⁹ cubic meters.

On top of that regarding the cosmological implications of this theory, it's postulated that in a Type I Tegmark Multiverse any type of "Universe" existing within a Type I Multiverse would share the following similarities :

- Similar Laws of Physics.
- Similar Particle Combinations.
- Similar Space, albeit with different "coordinates" due to being so far apart from one another.

Now that we remembered what Tegmark had to say about Type I, let's go to our other contestant Brian Greene who for similar theorisation has not one, but two Multiversal Types :

- Type 1 Greene Multiverse : Quilted Multiverse (or QM) :

The Quilted Multiverse of Brian Greene is essentially a similar type to Tegmark's Type I Multiverse so I'm not going to extrapolate any further - with the exception of giving you Greene's theory about it - since it's practically the same as a Tegmark Type I :

"The Quilted Multiverse works only in an infinite Multiverse. With an infinite amount of space, every possible event will occur infinite times. However, due to the limits that were set upon us via the speed of light, we cannot either comprehend or perceive such occurrences."

- Type 1,5 Greene Multiverse : Inflationary Multiverse (or IM) :

Now for this type it was kinda tricky to name it as Type 1,5 and I'll explain to you why by showing you Greene's theory about it :

"The inflationary multiverse is composed of various pockets in which the inflation fields collapse and form new universes"

Now this type of inflationary multiverse via the Multiversal model standards of Tegmark it'd be considered as a Type II Multiversal structure, but there's a problem with that.

The problem lies in the main difference between the Tegmark's Type II Multiversal structure from the one is that Brian Greene had postulated which is that those... for lack of a better term... inflatory pockets lie within the borders of an infinite space, instead of outside it or in it's surface as the former had postulated.

This, on top of the fact that it proposes a different way of how a Type I Multiverse could have been created (one massive Big Bang creating multiple inflationary pockets instead of multiple smaller ones happening in different places) made me to name it as Type 1,5.

Now let's go to the distinctive similarities between these three types and the ones we can find in the Physical Realm :

- The Universes within each one of the Raonverse's Physical Realms are created similar to the IM. In other words they started with a big bang and grew exponentially afterwards. The only difference is that in the Raonverse's Physical Realm in just a plank second after their creation, they had expanded already infinite^infinite times and continue to grow eternally ever since.

Not to mention that they're much older since they all started their "debut" at the beginning of Time according to the events of Dragonball Rebirth where we had a small, albeit less detailed creation of the verse by Raon's - my OC's - Pre Reincarnated form so just imagine how mind numbingly massive they are right now.

- The Universes follow the infinite space qualification of IEM and QM, but aren't entirely bound to it due to their immense size I've mentioned before.

- The Universes follow the Inflationary pockets of IM and the Hubble Volumes of QM and IEM, but with different... Terminology.

The Inflationary Pockets and the Hubble Volumes are combined into one term known in the fields of the Raonverse's Physical Realm's Cosmology as the Raonverse's Solar Systems.

How's that possible?

Easy to explain. Remember that I've mentioned in the Universal scale that each one of the Raonverse's Solar Systems contain infinite stars and planets.

This statement despite its overall size implications doesn't make it a contradictory statement due to the fact that the spatial confines of each Universe in the Physical Realm - or in other words the size of each Universe - is much larger than usual.

Also if you'd like to get this theory a step further since in a later chapter known as The Cardinality of the Raonverse, I stated that Solar Systems in the Raonverse are essentially fractals that extend ad infinitum no matter how much you zoom in or out.

Now many of you will ask : But Raon? Didn't you state that only for the Mental Realm's Solar Systems?

Doesn't that refute your overall statement as a False Association Fallacy? 🤓👆🏻

Sighs That would Refute my statement if it wasn't due to the fact that I've stated in a later chapter that the Physical Realm and the Mental Realm weren't essentially the two sides of the same coin.

In case you didn't realise, that coin is essentially Plato's Allegory of the Cave where the Physical Realm is the equivalent to the Cave's Shadows whilst the Mental Plane is the equivalent of the Cave's sunlight.

In other words whatever appears in the Mental Realm in its "pure" form, a more... "Impure" version of it will appear in the Physical Realm.

In other words whatever I've stated about the structures of the Mental Realm will appear in the Physical Realm - with the exception of sentient forms due to External Reality Hypothesis, but more on that later 🤫😉 - as well.

That's all albeit as mentioned previously with lesser quality in terms of scaling since the Mental Realm is Conceptually, Mathematically, Dimensionally, Axiomatically or by any other fancy way higher than the Physical Realm in the "scaling buffet". Straight. Up.


Now for the next level :

- Type II Tegmark Multiverse : Eternal Inflatory Multiverse (or EIM) :

This is Tegmark's Type II Multiversal structure.

According to Tegmark's Multiversal Theory, about the Type II Multiversal structure, Tegmark had written the following :

"In the eternal inflation theory, which is a variant of the cosmic inflation theory, the multiverse or space as a whole is stretching and will continue doing so forever, but some regions of space stop stretching and form distinct bubbles (like gas pockets in a loaf of rising bread). Such bubbles are embryonic level I multiverses.

Different bubbles may experience different spontaneous symmetry breaking, which results in different properties, such as different physical constants."

In other words, A Tegmark Type II Multiverse is kinda similar to Greene's IM, but with the difference that due to the immense stretching via the eternal inflation, some inflationary pockets stop their stretching process and form entirely different spatial bubbles with entirely different laws of physics like either gas pockets in a loaf of bread or with another example like bubbles in a fizzy drink. These Bubbles are essentially as previously mentioned Embryonic Type I Multiverses.

The Level II/Type II Tegmark Multiverse structure is also the literal and figurative home for other Types of Multiversal Theories under the same "umbrella" of Type II.

These theories are :

- John Archibald Wheeler's Oscillatory Universe Theory and

- Lee Smolin's Fecund Universes Theory.

The former of the two can be described as follows :

"John Archibald Wheeler's Multiverse else known as Oscillatory Multiverse or Cyclic Multiverse is a theory that covers all Cosmological structures that contain infinite, indefinite or finite self-sustained cycles.

More importantly a similar theory was proposed by Albert Einstein in 1930 where he postulated that each universe in this model starts with a Big Bang and ends with a Big Crunch; in the interim of this theory, each universe starts its beginning with the Big Bang and extends massively after that.

This happens until a moment , no different from a stretched rubber band when you leave one of its sides go, it succumbs under the forces of gravitational attraction of matter and retracts itself and therefore collapse back to its original place, crushing everything apart with a Big Crunch."

Now for the latter :

"The Fecund Universes Theory, also known as Cosmological Natural Selection is a theory proposed by Lee Smolin in his book : Life of the Cosmos which postulates that the qualities of the Anthropic Principle can be used even in the grander of scales.

This theory also solves a major scientific problem which is the Universal complexity or in other words what kind of complex structures and laws would exist between different Universes.

This theory specifically states that instead of newly formed spatial bubbles, the black holes play the roles of "matter shufflers" that reshuffle the matter needed for different fundamental properties of each Universe - for example Plank Length, particle combinations, size of quarks, functionality of elementary particles etc - and after these black holes collapse, there's going to be the birth of a new Universe on the other side of their collapse.

A universe where the "superior characteristics" of the previous universe will pass on the embryonic, new one."

In case you didn't understand what the heck did it mean it's literally Gregor Johan Mendel's biological theories of natural selection and reproduction, brought forth into a greater scope. That being the creation of new universes.

In other words if you're both a biology and an astrophysics enjoyer - like yours truly 😉 - you could do the following connections :

- The Black Holes with the Zygote.

- The Fundamental Universal Properties with the genetical characteristics of both parents.

- The Black Hole Collapse with the biological progress of birth, albeit with less fluids, screams, cries and no hospital bills (or parents that don't pay child support).

In other words what do we have here?

A) A "crossover" between Black Hole Cosmology Theory, Biology, Genetics and Tegmark's Type II Multiverse and

B) A new Rizz, the cosmologist's Rizz :

"What similarities do I have with Lee Smolin?

If you fall in love me, I'm going to put a universe in you~ 😏😉"

Okay I'll stop 🤣

That's just my ENTP side taking control of the talking 💀

- Type 2 Greene Multiverse : Brane Multiverse (or BM):

Yeah... we're back in the Greene Types and this time we're here with a really good one known as the Brane Multiverse.

For those who have some knowledge of other Cosmological types, yes... it has connections with the Brane Cosmology.

This Cosmological type is described by Greene as follows :

"The brane multiverse version postulates that our entire universe exists on a membrane (brane) which floats in a higher dimension or "bulk".

In this bulk, there are other membranes with their own universes. These universes can interact with one another, and when they collide, the violence and energy produced is more than enough to give rise to a big bang.

The branes float or drift near each other in the bulk, and every few trillion years, attracted by gravity or some other force we do not understand, collide and bang into each other.

This repeated contact gives rise to multiple or "cyclic" big bangs. This particular hypothesis falls under the string theory umbrella as it requires extra spatial dimensions."

For those who don't know what these branes are imagine it as follows :

"In Physics we have two types of dimensional axis, spatial axis and temporal axis. The conjunction of anything from one temporal axis with three spatial axis is called a (mem)brane which in sertain cases is considered as a higher dimension or in layman's terms "bulk" which is a combination of more than one branes."

Now as the aforementioned Brane Multiverse theory postulates that similarly to the branches of a tree in harsh winds, the Universes drift in their "home brane" and touch one another.

This as part of a chain reaction makes their Universes collide with one another so violently to the point that multiple Big Bangs are formed within the brane like myriads of fireworks in the night sky.

A spectacle of cosmic proportions that results in the birth of more than one Universes at the same time, along with the simultaneous death of many others since although there's something beautiful in the creation of life in scales of unimaginable proportions and grandeur, before creation almost always comes destruction.

This Multiversal Type is one of the first times were we can observe the usage of the fundamentals of String Theory within the boundaries a Type II Multiverse since Brane Multiverse Cosmology has as a functioning prerequisite the existence of more than four dimensions.

- Type 2,5 Greene Multiverse : Cyclic Multiverse (or CM) :

The Cyclic Multiverse. The Cyclic Multiverse is a Multiversal structure that in layman's terms can be characterised as Brane Multiverse on Steroids.


You don't believe me?

Then see this small explaination of it and you'll find out more about what I meant :

"The cyclic multiverse has multiple branes that have collided, causing Big Bangs.

The universes bounce back and pass through time until they are pulled back together and again collide, destroying the old contents and creating them anew."

In other words it's essentially the same as what we had stated before, but instead of it happening between the Universes of one "home brane", it happens between collisions that happen both from the Universes within the branes and due to collisions between the branes of each "bulk".

In other words imagine that event that I described to you before, but an untold times more flamboyant.

Yeah... that's the Type 2,5 Greene Multiverse in a nutshell.

Now let's see the similarities between the EIM, BM and CM with the Raonverse :

A) For starters the Cosmic Natural Selection part of EIM is going to be necessary in order to explain further some other things later on the story side of my verse.

B) Secondly, these Cosmologies Multiverse is basically the equivalent of my verse's Galaxies since:

- They're composed of infinite, infinite sized solar systems

- These solar systems are the equivalent to all the Type I Multiversal Structures.

- The Galaxies are infinitely expanding and creating more of these infinite sized Solar Systems within their boundaries.

- Black Hole Cosmology Theory is a thing in my verse, although I'll explain it later since it has significant importance for later.

- These Galaxies are also fractal shaped, meaning that there's an infinite amount of them no matter how far you zoom in or out. Also they're Axiomatically different from one another, meaning that each Galaxy in the verse also qualifies as a Type II Multiverse by themselves without counting their components.


- Type III Tegmark Multiverse : Quantum Multiverse :

The Max Tegmark Quantum Multiverse, else known as the Many Worlds Interpretation Theory Multiverse or simply as Type III Multiverse or Level III Multiverse is the third and penultimate multiverse model in Tegmark's Multiversal Theory.

About the Type III Multiverse Tegmark had postulated a Multiverse Type that plays along the rules proposed by Many Worlds Interpretation Theory, M-Theory and the science of Quantum Mechanics and thus named it Quantum Multiverse.

Now since the theories that exist within this Multiversal type are too many to count, let's dissect the key theories that need to exist in order for this type of Multiverse to function properly.

A) Quantum Superposition :

"Ah yes... the type of position I psychologically identify as whenever someone asked me about it back in the Heian Era"

Enough with the JJK jokes and my self sarcasm, let's explain why this theory is necessary.

Quantum Superposition is quite literally and figuratively the cornerstone of Quantum Mechanics.

It's the trait that atoms have to appear in between two positions :
- The position where the atoms are energetically active/excited.
- The position where the atoms are energetically inactive/non excited.

Those positions change between the types of atoms and who observes them at any given point since when they aren't observed, they're in both positions at once.

The most common example of this is the notorious Schröedinger Cat Paradox.

In this Paradox, we have a cat placed within a box and we poison the cat.

As long as the box is closed, the cat is in between two conditions. Life and death.

Once we open the box only one of the two outcomes can appear, either the cat is dead or it's alive.

B) Quantum Wave Function : Quantum Wave Function is the Mathematical representation where the superposition of said quantum theory is explained.

In other, more Mathematical terms let's denote with the Greek Capital Psi |Ψ⟩ the quantum state/wave function and |0⟩ and |1⟩ the two states where the atom is energetically non excited and energetically excited respectively.

Now we have the following equation :
|Ψ⟩ = C0|0⟩ + C1|1⟩

for the Schröedinger Equation in Diraac Notation where :

|0⟩ = |C0|²
|1⟩ = |C2|² the measuring of the probabilities in each of the 0 and 1 states respectively.

Then there's the vector wave function.

The vector wave function is a Mathematical equation that "translates" the results of the quantum state into different dimensional vectors and Dimensional systems like M-Theory which we'll talk about later and the Hilbert Space.

The Hilbert Space is essentially M-Theory on Steroids since it operates in infinite dimensions.

The only harsh part of the wave function is the wave function collapse were a wave function of more than one eisengates gets reduced to a singular eisengate upon contact with the outside world.

That's what according to some Quantum Multiverse Theories results in the creation of new laws in each universe within a quantum multiverse.

C) Many Worlds Interpretation Theory : The Many Worlds Interpretation Theory is a quantum theory that's based around the theoretical models of Quantum Wave Function and Quantum Superposition.

The MWI in other words can be explained with the following example :

Imagine that you're throwing a dice and it falls on one of its six sides.

According to the MWI Theory, you have created another five timelines one for each remaining side of the dice that it didn't land onto.

In layman's terms with the MWI Theory every action someone does creates a new universe/quantum timeline were something different happens.

D) M-Theory : M-Theory is a name given to the collective amalgamation of every string theory that was created.

String Theories by themselves being Theories proposed by quantum mathematicians in order to describe the existence of higher dimensions.

These theories are :
- String Theory : Which postulates the existence of up to six higher dimensions.

- Super String Theory : Which postulates the existence of up to eleven dimensions.

- Bosonic String Theory : Which postulates the existence of up to twenty six different dimensions.

In other words a Type III Tegmark Multiverse is a Multiversal structure of anywhere from five to infinite dimensions - with the existence of a Hilbert Space - and functions according to the laws of quantum physics.

A Multiversal Type where every conscious or unconscious, direct or indirect action has as a reaction the sprouting of a lot of Multiverses like leaves and flowers on the branches of trees in spring.

A Multiverse of untold variety not only in terms of spatial coordinates and fundamental properties, but also in terms of quantum properties and coordinates as well.

- Type 3 Greene Multiverse : Landscape Multiverse :

The Landscape Multiverse is the first out of the three Quantum Multiversal Theoretical models that Brian Greene had proposed.

This theory postulates the following :

"The landscape multiverse relies on string theory's Calabi–Yau spaces.

Quantum fluctuations drop the shapes to a lower energy level, creating a pocket with a set of laws different from that of the surrounding space."

Now let's dissect it a little bit.

We can see upon a first glance that the Type 3 Greene Multiverse we can see the following :

A) It follows the Landscape Multiverse Theory (obviously)

B) It follows the Calabi-Yau Manifold Topology.

Now what do they mean?

Let's start by the Calabi-Yau Manifold first since it'll help us explain the other part as well.

"In algebraic and differential geometry, a Calabi–Yau manifold, also known as a Calabi–Yau space, is a particular type of manifold which has properties, such as Ricci flatness, yielding applications in theoretical physics.

Particularly in superstring theory, the extra dimensions of spacetime are sometimes conjectured to take the form of a 6 dimensional Calabi–Yau manifold, which led to the idea of mirror symmetry. Their name was coined by Candelas et al. (1985), after Eugenio Calabi (1954, 1957) who first conjectured that such surfaces might exist, and Shing-Tung Yau (1978) who proved the Calabi conjecture.

Calabi–Yau manifolds are complex manifolds that are generalizations of K3 surfaces in any number of complex dimensions (i.e. any even number of real dimensions).

They were originally defined as compact Kähler manifolds with a vanishing first Chern class and a Ricci-flat metric, though many other similar but inequivalent definitions are sometimes used."

In other words a Calabi-Yau Manifold is a shape that can be encountered in higher dimensions which are from six Dimensions of string theory to any higher real numbers of dimensions.

It also contains a lot of other theories that I'm not going to bother explaining since :

i) I don't want to bust your minds open from overwhelming theoretical knowledge.

ii) It's going to take a lot more time than what I wanted it to take and I still have a lot to write about in this chapter so I'm not going to bother you with the details.

iii) In case someone wants to know more though, PM me and I'll provide you with a link to an answer from a friend of mine on Quora that did a more well structured explanation on this topic than me.

The second part is the landscape Multiverse that it's described as follows :

"In string theory, the string theory landscape (or landscape of vacua) is the collection of possible false vacua, together comprising a collective "landscape" of choices of parameters governing compactifications.

The term "landscape" comes from the notion of a fitness landscape in evolutionary biology. It was first applied to cosmology by Lee Smolin in his book The Life of the Cosmos (1997), and was first used in the context of string theory by Leonard Susskind."

Doesn't it remind you of something?

It's literally what we've just talked about in the previous types of Multiversal Theories that fall under the "umbrella" of Tegmark Type II Multiverse, most importantly the Lee Smolin Fecund Universes Theory.

The Type 3 Brian Greene Multiverse is similar to the Lee Smolin Fecund Universes Theory, but :

- Existing in a form that supports the existence of String Theoretical models like the Calabi-Yau Manifolds and

- The additional difference that there are different laws and quantum properties due to the Quantum Wave Function Collapse.

- Type 3,25 Greene Multiverse : Quantum Multiverse :

The Brian Greene Type 3,25 Multiverse, else known as Quantum Multiverse can be described as follows :

"The quantum multiverse creates a new universe when a diversion in events occurs, as in the real-worlds variant of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics."

Yeah... I don't need to explain anything more that's basically the Max Tegmark Type III Multiverse in a nutshell.

- Type 3,5 Greene Multiverse : Holographic Multiverse :

The Type 3,5 Greene Multiverse, else known as the Holographic Multiverse or the Quantum Hologram is an interesting type of Multiverse.

How's it interesting?

Let's see the description first of all :

"The holographic multiverse is derived from the theory that the surface area of a space can encode the contents of the volume of the region."

It's an interesting topic for sure.

Now let's see in more detail what's a Holographic Multiverse :

"The holographic principle is a property of string theories and a supposed property of quantum gravity that states that the description of a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary to the region — such as a light-like boundary like a gravitational horizon."

From that we can see that the Holographic Multiverse falls under the properties of the Holographic Principle.

The holographic principle as the aforementioned website is telling us about, it's a property of quantum physics and most importantly String Theories so we can see that this Multiversal Type follows String Theory, but since it mentioned String Theories and not Theory, we can easily extrapolate off of it and say that it contains M-Theory as well, but that's a theory.

Up to now we can realise that the holographic multiverse is essentially - as it's name suggests - the result of a projection of a higher dimensional principle to a lower dimension.

This is quite interesting on its own since from fictional Cosmology standards this is the cosmological model that the so called " higher dimensions" in sertain verses are based upon since in sertain fictional cosmologies Universes = Dimensions.

Now let's see what does this mean for the Raonverse :

- First of all due to the fact that the verse's Galaxies are essentially fractals with no end or beginning - and have R>F Transcendence between them as seen in previous chapters - are the perfect representation of the holographic principle and therefore by extension the holographic multiverse.

- As I stated before the black hole Cosmology is a thing in my verse, meaning that the verse's Black Holes essentially have within their event horizons everything we've mentioned before and since Raonverse's Galaxies = Fractal, R>F, Type II Multiverse Transcendence, there's a transfinite amount of Black Holes, meaning a transfinite amount of Type 3 Greene Multiverses.

- These Galaxies and Black Holes have axiomatic Transcendences between them. Axioms are immutable truths of each Universe - or in this case galaxy - that govern even fundamental properties like Quantum Mechanics, meaning that they have completely different Quantum Properties, therefore fully declaring themselves as Quantum Multiverses by both Max Tegmark Type III Multiverse and Brian Greene's Type 3,25 Multiverse.


Now let's go to the final frontier of today's chapter.

- Type IV Tegmark Multiverse : Mathematical Multiverse :

For the Mathematical Multiverse Tegmark himself had written as follows :

"Abstract mathematics is so general that any Theory Of Everything (TOE) which is definable in purely formal terms (independent of vague human terminology) is also a mathematical structure.
For instance, a TOE involving a set of different types of entities (denoted by words, say) and relations between them (denoted by additional words) is nothing but what mathematicians call a set-theoretical model, and one can generally find a formal system that it is a model of."

Type IV Tegmark Multiverse else known as Mathematical Platonism on Steroids by others - and they're not wrong mind you 💀 - is the Multiversal Type that every single Mathematical Structure is included within its boundaries.

It's a Multiversal structure so abnormally large that a Type III Multiverse looks like a grain of dust in front of it.

This Multiversal structure functions on the properties of the Theory of Everything. The Theory of Everything is also known by the scientists as the Theory of Theories a theory that once completed would allow us to see the Universe Holistically.

It's also well noted that Tegmark when he created the Type IV Multiverse Theory, he was inspired by philosophical principles such as the External Reality Hypothesis of Platonism that postulates that there's an external reality completely independent of human thoughts and Mathematical Platonism.

Mathematical Platonism is a theory that postulates that numbers and Mathematical structures are not just theories, but immutable entities from a place where human consciousness, thoughts and language cannot explain  or fathom.

The Type IV Multiverse is also the Final Frontier of Tegmark's Multiversal Theory since Tegmark himself refuted the existence of any higher types of Multiversal structures so any Type V or above structures are non existent from Scientific side.

About the requirements for a Type IV Multiverse according to Tegmark and according to scaling, check my previous chapters of this book with the titles Cardinality of the Raonverse and Proving a Type IV Multiverse.

- Type 4' Greene Multiverse : Ultimate Ensemble Theory :

That's one of the theories that show what Brian Greene postulated to be an ultimate ensemble theory :

"The ultimate multiverse contains every mathematically possible universe under different laws of physics."

Yeah... that's basically a narrowed down Type IV Tegmark Multiverse, albeit with some differences since Greene proposed a multiverse type with all logically possible Universes, in another word, he proposed something more akin to a Type IV Von Neumann Universe since although the Von Neumann Universe is essentially known as The Set of Sets, it doesn't stay true to its words of containing all Mathematical Sets since it only contains Well Ordered Sets and Cardinals or in other words only Mathematical Constructs that are existing in Zermelo Fraenkiel Set Theory with Axiom of Choice which makes it smaller than Tegmark's Type IV Multiverse interpretation who goes for a more holistic, Mathematically Democratic way.

- Type 4" Greene Multiverse : Simulated Multiverse :

I'm not going to lie to you although Brian Greene had placed this Multiversal Type before Ultimate Ensemble Theory, I was tempted to name it as Type 4,5 Multiverse, but it wouldn't do it justice.

Now you may wonder as to why I've placed it that late and the reason behind it...

OH BOI isn't it one for laughter.

Now let's see what the Stimulated Universe is all about :

"The simulated multiverse exists on complex computer systems that simulate entire universes.

A related hypothesis, as put forward as a possibility by astronomer Avi Loeb, is that universes may be creatable in laboratories of advanced technological civilizations who have a theory of everything.

Other related hypotheses include brain in a vat-type scenarios where the perceived universe is either simulated in a low-resource way or not perceived directly by the virtual/simulated inhabitant species."

Not going to lie from both scaling, writing, Cosmological and Mathematical perspective this is one hell of a scrumptious topic since we can literally see three things that are exceptionally juicy to dissect :

- It follows Computational Universe Hypothesis which is the quantum synonym for External Reality Hypothesis which I've explained before.

- Theory of Everything, which is also juicy yet I've already explained it and

- Finally the Holographic Principle.

This is something more closely with Tegmark's Type IV Multiverse, albeit dealing with a tiny bit of R>F Transcendence.

Now how does the Raonverse follow it?


- Each one of the actual Universes in the Physical Realm are completing the requirements for Type IV/Ultimate Ensemble by both Tegmark and Brian Greene.

- These Type IV"Universes" are stacked in the form of an R>F Transfinite Recursion of multiple transcending Type IV "Multiverses" with so many types of Transcendence that I had to make a pataphysical branch called Transcendilogy in order to keep track of them.

- The foundation that this pataphysical branch belongs to - called Narrative Consistency Foundation or NCF - has proven the in verse Theory of Everything.

- The things that happen in the Physical Realm are just projections of events occurring in the higher realms.

- There are more than two beings that can see the underlying reality of the verse, therefore having an innate access to the encompassing Theory of Everything.

And want me to tell you a funny little surprise?

Remember what I said in every chapter that every part of the verse is fractal shaped, meaning that they're the same no matter how much you zoom in or zoom out?

For those who know, yeah... they probably know that I was holding back in scaling terms, but for those who don't...

To those who think that it's probably a small, unnecessary surprise that it won't hurt to know well... the following gif perfectly explains my reaction.

The reason why that gif basically explained to you my reaction to your oblivious nature up to now it's simple.

Every part of my verses Cosmology is in fractals. This means that as a result, every single planet and star of any higher or lower version of the Physical and Mental Realms have their own versions of every Cosmological structure I've explained in this book up to the following four chapters.

That's the end of the chapter for today and I hope I'll see you in another chapter in possibly another book.

Raon out!!!

Number of Words : 5756 Words

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