Chapter Nine: Uncharted Territory

"No absolutely not," Dean exclaimed. "England is one place that I will never send you." Dean crossed his arms and turned away.

Mark and Amy looked at each other confused before turning back toward Dean and glancing at Sam. Amy couldn't put her finger on it but it seemed like Dean did not enjoy talking about England.

"We had a run in with the British Men of Letters a few years ago," Sam explained. "And they turned our mother against us, so we had to have another round of revolutionary war."

Amy gasped not expecting to think about it that way, but she didn't care, the rangers needed them and if they had to go through England then that's what they were going to do.

"Dean I understand that you didn't have very much love for the British men of Letters but if you want the rangers back to defeat Morgana then we have to go to England." Mark responded. "If Amy's dream is correct, then we must get Excalibur it might be the only way to stop them,"

"I'm inclined to agree," Colby responded. Making Dean roll his eyes. "Dean, we need to send them,"

Dean stayed silent for a long while. It got to a point where the clock in the bunker was ticking away, filling the entire room with silence. Awkward and stuck in the middle with nothing more than the support of his brother. Dean understood that the rangers needed to be saved. But it didn't make sense as to why Morgana and Mordred sent the rangers to England in a bracelet. However, thinking about Excalibur, he had a bad feeling that there was something else going on. It worried him but at least him and his brother could deal with Morgana's monsters while they were gone.

"Fine," Dean reluctantly agreed "But I cannot stress enough about how dangerous this mission is," he continued. "Excalibur isn't like any other sword."

"What do you mean?" Amy questioned. "I thought it was the sword and legend of king Arthur?"

"This is true," Colby answered before Sammy or Dean could respond. "The sword Excalibur is one of the most powerful weapons in British history," he explained. "There are only two ways to get that sword, first, the sword could be drawn by someone with good intentions. However, if the sword is drawn by someone evil it will bring nothing but destruction."

"That's right," Sammy answered. "If someone evil were to take that sword they'd have to use the powers of someone else or a group of people, which I believe is the main reason behind Mordred and Morgana's plan, if they get their hands on that sword, there's nothing we can do. They will be powerful enough to take over the world."

"What about saving our friends? How do we get them out of the bracelet?" Mark asked.

"I looked for that too, the only way would be for you to break the bracelet with the sword," Colby responded. "It's the only option If you want to save the rest of the rangers, but beware, with this sword comes great powers, if it falls into the wrong hands, then it's all over."

Amy narrowed her eyes. Wondering what Colby had in mind, she remained silent.

"In other words, we must keep the sword away," responded Mark. "Sammy, Dean you got to send us to the sword, before Mordred and Morgana get to it."

Dean sighed, not knowing what else he could do he turned back to Colby and nodded. Giving their friend permission to send them to England. Colby agreed and typed in a code before he pressed a large blue button and sending them to England. The two rangers that were there, were surrounded by the colors and sent them to England.

"I hope they'll be okay." Colby said.

"That's all we can do," Sammy responded. "As of right now they're our only hope."

Mark and Amy arrived in the middle of a large field rolling with yellow flowers and bright green grass and trees. In the distance were the ruins of an old castle nearly destroyed by years of erosion and wars that left a skeleton of a once beautiful medieval castle. There wasn't a single soul in sight, but they hoped that maybe someone would turn up.

"Okay so let me get this straight," Amy said. "Out of all the places that they could send us, we arrive at what exactly? A ruined castle? Are we even remotely close to the sword?"

"I would assume so," Mark answered holding his hand over his forehead and shielding his eyes. "That looks like Tintagel Castle, I believe that we're in Cornwall, England," He continued. "If we keep walking, I think we'll be able to find someone that could help us."

"So, what do you suggest?" Amy asked.

"Keep walking, we'll find a village soon." Mark answered. The two began their long trek through the wilderness until they could find the village that surrounded Tintagel.

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