Chapter 24-Sleep

Virgil never knew how good it felt to breathe. Of course they'd taken breaths before, they had to in order to survive. But pulling air into his lungs and exhaling it had never felt so good. So freeing. They supposed that's just how Earth made you feel. Warm hair against their skin, cool grass tickling the back of their neck, a breeze flowing through their curly hair, all of it made Virgil feel so unbelievably free.

"What do you call that one?" Remus asked, making a sort of outline with his finger, following the stars that formed a constellation.

"Nonrath." Virgil told him. "She's the goddess of a lot of things, magic, dreams, more ethereal stuff like that. But I believe you call that one Virgo? Yeah?"

"Mhm." Janus nodded. "What about Leo, that one over there, what's that one?"

"That's Iris-Nonrath, or Iris-Non. She's Nonrath's animal form, a fuergon." Virgil explained.

"What's a fuergon?" The two Rangers asked at the same time.

"They're ancient animals, like if a bear were ten times the size and had golden teeth and claws. We call them fuergon. And gods and goddesses are said to be able to take the shape of the animal they're closest to." Virgil said.

They'd been playing this makeshift game for some time. Remus or Janus would give Virgil a name for something in the galaxy and ask what Virgil had called it. Virgil quite liked it.

"Like Power Rangers and their zords." Janus noted.

"Yeah. See there's a theory that the gods and goddesses are not gods or goddesses at all, they're simply just the mythologized retellings of ancient Power Rangers. It honestly explains a lot of mythos." Virgil said.

"Ooo, what about Scorpio? I'm a scorpio ya know. What do you call that one?" Remus asked.

"The sort of curved one?" Virgil asked.


"That one's called Anglo." Virgil said. "I love that one."

"Why?" Remus turned on his side toward Virgil and looked at them expectantly.

"Yeah tell us about it." Janus did the same as Remus.

Virgil looked at the two, expecting to feel overwhelmed, anxious even, but instead they just wanted to keep talking. Keep smiling.

"Well the story of Anglo and Pyravates is a classic. Basically they were these two gods; Anglo was a passionate adventurer who blessed those going on heroic journeys, and Pyravates was a gentle loner who blessed authors and poets in the making. They were basically complete opposites who never spoke to one another until one day. A favorite hero of the two went missing. She'd been blessed by both gods and the two were devastated to hear she had been gone. So they teamed up to search for and save the hero Galatea. Once doing so they returned to their homes but found their hearts empty. Anglo and Pyravates were both confused as to why they felt such a loss inside of them until they once again found each other at the annual queen goddess's peach festival. Once together again their hearts were no longer empty and they spent as many days with one another as possible. Until one day Pyravates went missing, kidnapped really. See the god of pain, Olphaetus, he'd kidnapped the heroine Galatea to be his bride and was bitter that Anglo and Pyravates were now happy together after taking his happiness away. So he took Pyravates and Anglo spent the rest of his life searching for his love until one day he grew so exhausted and sad that his essence melted away to stars. After learning this Pyravates also melted away to stars." Virgil finished. "It's said that the two will have their essence be reborn in forms that will find each other again."

"Wow." Remus sighed. "Your stories are sad."

"Yeah they kind of are." Virgil laughed a little. "Most of them are just tales made to scare little kids into eating all their food or not staying out late, but some of them, like this one, spark huge changes in a culture. On my home planet every year there would be a huge festival held during the time that you can see Anglo's stars and most weddings were held during the time that you can see Pyravates'. Couples would imagine themselves as the gods' true reincarnations and get artwork and jewelry done in the traditional style like the gods. It really must have been beautiful."

"Must have been?" Janus asked.

"Well I-I never saw any of it." Virgil said sheepishly.

"Why not?"

"Renette!!" Patton's voice interrupted the conversation and all three sat up to see why he'd yelled.

Across the courtyard three black cars drove up to the grass and parked. Out stepped a large group of people. The three that ran to the Rangers included a very tall woman, and two very short kids, though one was blonde, and one had glasses. Virgil knew from Patton's descriptions that they must be Renette, Emile, and Remy respectively.

"Oh my dears!!" Renette yelled her arms outstretched as she received a hug from Roman and Logan.

Patton ran right to Emile, the two collapsing to their knees in tears hugging each other close. Remus and Janus got up, followed by Virgil and the three made their way over to the reunion.

"I was so scared." Emile sobbed.

"I told you not to be Emmy, look they got 'im back." Remy replied with a smile.

"I'm here Emile and I'm not going anywhere I promise." Patton rubbed Emile's back soothingly and the two finally pulled away.

"Dad!" Emile hopped up and ran over to Thomas, burying his head in his dad's chest. "You were gone for so long I-I-"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry." Thomas hugged his son.

"Don't be sorry! I'm just so happy you're home!" Emile cried.

Virgil heard someone clear their throat in front of them and turned away from the father and son. Renette as well as two people they didn't know stood in front of Virgil, their faces a mix of being unable to know how to act and kind pity. Virgil didn't like 'kind pity'.

"I'm Renette." The first woman said. She was much taller than Patton had described, but he'd been very good at explaining just how intimidating she could be.

"Virgil." They responded, their voice rather squeaky.

"So I've heard." Renette offered a sad sort of smile. "Dear, I want you to know that you're safe."

Virgil was stunned. They'd expected hostility, anger, certainly not this.

"This is my wife Renae a licensed and practicing doctor, and my husband Roland a psychologist and therapist. I'm going to do everything that I can to make sure you're safe and happy here. It's going to be difficult, we don't exactly have many policies on handling aliens that used to try to kill us coming to Earth, but well, I'll do what I can." She almost laughed.

"Thank you." Virgil said, not sure what else they should say.

"Now, this introduction taken care of, I'm afraid I have some news for all of you." Renette moved to address the rest of the group.

Renae and Ronald moved beside Virgil offering them smiles and small greetings. The Rangers and other company gathered around Renette listening close. Virgil looked at each of them. Remus and Janus were holding hands once again, waiting impatiently to ditch the rest of the group and go off with just each other. Patton, Logan, and Roman were huddled together like they had been since getting to Earth, and finally Emile and Remy stood close to Thomas, the two smaller kids comforting each other while Thomas stood as a protector over them. If there was anyone for Virgil to be envious over it was the last group. The way they wished they had their own Thomas to protect them.

"I'm afraid your time with Patton and Virgil is limited for a while." Renette said, clearly expecting the sounds of protest she got. "I know and I'm sorry but Patton and Virgil are going to need to come with us."

"Why?" Roman asked.

"We just got Patton back please, Renette." Logan looked distraught.

"This isn't my decision but even if it was I would still make the same one." Renette said calmly. "Patton needs to be taken in for testing, and medical treatment and Virgil is going to need the same as well as interviews."

"But Patton's fine! No broken bones, no bleeding!" Remus argued. "There may be some ptsd but he has a therapist for that!"

"Remus that's-"

"She's right, you guys." Patton spoke up. "You-you can't take anti-depressants everyday for six years and then suddenly stop and expect to be healthy."

"The-the stuff they feed you up there," Virgil chimed in. "It isn't good for humans to consume everyday. Patton really should eat something nutritious if he can eat at all."

"If he can eat?" Thomas asked.

"Well, I'm only able to take in nutrients through a feeding tube now after eating that stuff for so many years. It's only been a couple weeks but I'm not really sure what the effects will be considering he's human."

"You eat out of a feeding tube?" Janus asked, Virgil recognized that sad and angry tone.

"I-I mean yeah." Virgil shrugged. They couldn't help but notice Patton look away, a little guilty. Like he had anything to be guilty for!

"Well, all that being said, I think you understand why Patton and Virgil need to come with us." Renette said calmly, looking back at Virgil with a smile.

"Right now?" Logan asked, Virgil wondered if he was begging.

"Well I suppose," Renette looked back at her spouses and received some looks before she looked down at her phone. "You've got half an hour."

The Rangers gasped and turned to Patton ready to get the full of their time with him. Virgil was surprised when Emile and Remy went over to them, practically bouncing.

"Patton said you saved him and-and the other Rangers." Emile said with a smile.

"I guess so, I mean not without their help." Virgil replied.

"I'm Emile." The kid held out his hand."

"I know." Virgil nodded. "Patton talked about you a lot."

"He did?" Emile asked, the smile on his face brightened.

"Whenever he got the chance." Virgil laughed a little. "He talked about you too, Remy right?"

"Of course he talked about me." Remy said, trying to seem cool but it really wasn't working. "I'm not exactly forgettable."

"Remy we're talking to an actual alien I think your ego can wait two minutes." Emile elbowed his friend a little. "Can I hug you?"

"Uhm," Virgil couldn't help but take a little step back.

The way Emile had said that, so full of hope and that twinge of bitter sadness at the question, it was so much like Patton and it broke Virgil's heart to hear. That first time that Virgil had stayed with Patton for a whole day. Talked with him, listened to him, even sang a song for him, that day had been a lovely one for Virgil, and at the end of it all Patton asked a simple and sweet question. When Virgil said yes Patton's arms gathered around Virgil delicately, like he didn't want to scare them off. But When Virgil's hand found their way around Patton's neck the boy burst into tears. Patton tried to pull away but Virgil wouldn't let him. He held Patton close so the Ranger could cry his eyes out. Once finally letting each other go Patton talked to Virgil about Logan, about Emile, about Thomas, about all his dearest and closest friends. How much he missed them. How badly he ached to see them. Virgil had listened to it all. He loved hearing Patton's stories, imaging it all, seeing that rush in Patton's face as he spoke about them. But they hated that deep shameful feeling of jealousy. It plagued him everytime Patton talked about his loved ones.

"Yes. Yes you can." Virgil nodded.

Emile and Remy both wrapped their arms around Virgil and the slightly taller one returned it. The hug was a nice feeling, a nicer feeling than Virgil had felt in a while, a nicer feeling than he thought they deserved.

"Oh darling what are these clothes?" Remy asked, pulling away a bit. "They feel so stiff, can you breathe?"

"Uh I-"

"Please tell me you didn't pick them yourself." Remy raised an eyebrow. "Emmy dear at least tell me they're matching colors."

"I'm afraid they're not your favorite combination Rem. White and gold." Emile said, face still on Virgil's shoulder.

"Oh gross." Remy made a face. "Virgey, babe, you and I and shortie over here-"

"I'm taller than you Remy."

"Are going shopping for a proper wardrobe." Remy put a hand on Virgil's cheek. "Yeah?"

"Uh sure." Virgil laughed.

Remy laughed too and went back in to hug Virgil, letting his hand fluff Virgil's hair.

"Oh my dear lord Dolly Parton." Remy pulled back again. "Em dearest you have got to feel this sweet alien's hair."

"Ha ha why?" Emile pulled away silently asking for Virgil's permission. Virgil gave the okay and let his head down a little for him to feel. They didn't quite know why these two were being this way, and why Patton had acted almost the same as Remy.

Virgil saw as Emile placed his hand carefully in Virgil's hair and the way his face lit up like a neutron star.

"Your hair is-it-it's," Emile stuttered out. "It's soft, but-but heavy and-oh gosh it's free stimming!!"

"Stimming?" Virgil asked.

"Aha, so stimming is-"

"Virge!" Remus shouted across the way. "Get over here why don't ya!"

"Sorry Remus but your buddy here is our's now!" Remy responded. "Their hair is like the best blanket ever."

Apparently this response meant the Ranger had to run over to the three and join in on the conversation.

"Oh it's just the softest curliest mess." Patton giggled.

"Do you mind if we?" Janus gestured to himself and Remus, asking permission to touch said hair.

"Sure I suppose." Virgil shrugged, they'd been doing that a lot lately. The two put their hands into the unruly black mess and smiled.

"Oh my god how did your hair get like this?" Remus asked.

"It's always been that way." Virgil said. They found they quite liked the way hands felt on their head.

After a little bit of praise over Virgil's hair they let up and started up a conversation of their own.

"Kids you've got about fifteen minutes left!" Renette called.

"Oh boy, only fifteen? What can we do in fifteen minutes?" Roman asked.

"I can do a lot in fifteen minutes." Remus smirked.

This sparked many different reactions, mostly just faces of disgust, but Patton rather angrily covered Emile's ears and gave Remus a look while Janus snickered.

"For real though what are we gonna do?" Remy asked.

Remus and Janus both exchanged looks with each other and then appeared to move on with some form of plan. Janu whipped out his phone and began scrolling through it, searching for something until finally a song began playing in the background. Virgil didn't recognize it, though he hadn't heard too much earth music. The beat was nice though, and the voice was clear and passionate. It wasn't Virgil's style, but they liked it. As the woman's voice sang Remus stepped forward and pulled Patton into a giggle-filled twirl before kissing him with a smile. Patton seemed surprised but smiled and pulled away laughing.

"Oh I've wanted to do that since I was a sophomore." Remus laughed. "You're a very good kisser."

"Oh thank you Remus." Patton laughed, letting himself get lifted up into the air a little.

"Move over Remus, it's not like you're the only one who's thought about kissing the boy!" Janus flicked his boyfriend.

Patton was set down and Janus passed his phone to Remus before he twirled Patton away and then brought him back in, giving him a second of two long kiss.

"Remus love, you're absolutely right." Janus said calmly.

Virgil watched with a smile if their own as Janus passed Patton along to Roman who danced with Patton for a bit to the song before dipping him down giving him a show-stopper kiss worthy of a stage. Virgil knew from Patton's stories it was something similar to Roman's personality.

"Patton Valentine you truly live up to the name." Roman said happily, pulling Patton back up.

"And you Roman are going to make your partner a very happy man." Patton patted Roman's head.

"You charm me." Roman twirled Patton in a similar way as Janus did, right next to Logan.

Virgil wanted to burst out laughing. Oh the time that Patton had spent talking about Logan, the things he'd said, the way he'd spoken so wistfully and excitedly. The way Logan sparked a sort of flame in Patton that got him chatting like a dork. Virgil was more than ready for those two to get together, but that moment was not theirs to witness.

"So Virgey dear-I'll come up with better nicknames later-how old are you exactly?" Remus asked, Janus and him now standing rather close to Virgil.

"I'm sixteen." Virgil told them.

"Wait what?" Remus stopped.

"Really?" Janus asked.

"Mhm." Virgil really didn't understand this reaction.

"I mean, sorry I know you're like short and baby-faced now but well, you were so tall before we thought you were in your twenties." Remus said.

"Well I'm sixteen." Virgil looked down a little confused.

"Hold on, so when I first started fighting you, you were twelve?" Thomas asked

"Yes." Virgil nodded.

"Oh god." Thomas looked away. "I fought a twelve year old. I got my ass handed to me by a twelve year old. I stabbed a twelve year old!"

"Thomas breathe." Janus patted his back.

"I need to go talk to Renette." Thomas sighed and stalked over to her.

"Dad!" Emile and Remy quickly following him.

"So!" Remus grabbed Virgil's attention back. "Now that we can date you without it being creepy-"


"I gotta say you have one of the most beautiful faces I have ever seen." Remus put his hand on Virgil's cheek.

"Oh okay thank you-" Virgil's voice shook just a bit.

"I mean you're just stunning."Janus had a hand on Virgil's arm now.


"What the hell are you two doing?"

Virgil's sweet sounding savior turned out to be Roman, the Red Ranger, one they felt a little too acquainted with if they were being honest.

"We're trying to have a throuple with Virgil." Remus said simply. "Yuh-duh."

"Why?" Roman asked.

"Yeah why?" Virgil squeaked.

"Why not?" Janus shrugged.

"You could be doing literally anything else right now." Roman said.

"Why would we though? Look at this face. Tell me this isn't the most beautiful face ever."

"You don't even know if they're into guys." Roman pointed out.

"Considering how much you two flirted, I think I'm safe in assuming." Remus rolled his eyes. "You are into guys though right?"

"I have literally no concept of attraction to people based on their sex or gender." Virgil said quickly.

"What?" Remus asked, thoroughly confused.

"Well, you guys have all these terms, gay, straight, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, so on, I have no concept of that whatsoever. From how I was raised people love who they love, their gender or sex was never a determining factor in that." Virgil tried to explain.

"So you have no concept of sexual or romantic orientation?" Janus asked.

"Basically yeah." Virgil nodded.

"That's amazing." Roman sighed.

"Thank you?" Virgil felt that was another thing they'd been doing that a lot lately.

"So Virge you wanna be our third?" Remus asked suddenly.


"Don't rush them Remus I know you're excited but they just got here." Janus smiled, leaning against his boyfriend. "Let them get to know us first before deciding."

"Yeah, yeah." Remus sighed.

"Have you ever even dated anyone?" Remy asked.

"Jeez when the hell did you get here?!" Virgil looked at him in shock. Apparently this kid was good at sneaking up on those who didn't like being snuck up on.

"I heard throuple and figured something interesting was happening." Remy shrugged. "Answer the question."

"No, I've never dated anyone." Virgil said, wary of the child in front of them.

"How? You're so handsome." Janus smiled. The way these two threw compliments around made Virgil hold their breath.

"Just look at that hair." Remus cooed.

"And your eyes." Janus sighed.

"Patton's the first person within two years of my age that I've ever talked to." Virgil explained after swallowing.

"Oh dear." Janus put a hand to his mouth.

"That's so sad." Remy shook his head.

"Is it?" Virgil asked.

"With a pretty face like that?" Remus put his hand under Virgil's chin and Janus ran his hand down their arm.

"It's a tragedy." Janus practically whispered.

"Okay! That's enough!" Roman split the two apart and pried Virgil from them. "You two need to seriously chill."

"Rude." Janus rolled his eyes.

"Cock-block." Remus sneered.

"Oh go screw each other in a field." Roman snapped back.

He led Virgil a little bit away, not touching them exactly, but staying just where the two were comfortable.

"Sorry about them. They're intense." Roman said kindly.

"No problem." Virgil laughed a little.

They remembered all the stories Patton had told them about Roman. His passion for theater, his love for Disney, his tendency to break into song at inappropriate times. One thing Patton had failed in describing was just how handsome Roman really was. Well, Patton had tried to give a physical description, but other than Logan, Patton wasn't too good at detailing his friends. Though, even if Patton had been able to, Virgil didn't he'd have been able to do Roman justice. A sharp, squared jaw, high but not too defined cheekbones, movie star green eyes and auburn hair that just perfectly complimented them. Virgil really liked the freckles that specked Roman's face like stars in the sky.

"Uhm, are you okay? You're really purple in the face." Roman gestured to his own face.

"What? Oh!" Virgil put their hands to their face. "Haha, yeah, purple blood, blushing is purple that sort of thing."

"Makes sense." Roman looked away, rather awkwardly.

"Roman uhm-"

"Time's up darlings! Pat, Virgil, get in the car!" Renette shouted.

Virgil scowled, they just kept getting interrupted today. Roman was courteous enough to Walk Virgil over and say a quick goodbye. Remus and Janus couldn't leave them without two hugs that lasted a little long, and Logan said a rather distracted farewell, and Emile and Remy offered their double hug that Virgil accepted with a smile. They were starting to get used to this whole hug and care thing.

When Virgil was finally strapped into the car, Patton on his right and Renette in front of the two, they felt sleepy. Really, really sleepy. So unbelievably exhausted they didn't know what to do. Patton must have noticed because he let Virgil sleep soundly in his lap. Virgil didn't ask Patton if anything had happened between him and Logan, but they figured they didn't have to. The love-struck smile on his face was enough for Virgil to fall asleep to. A sleep that was sorely needed. And sadly a sleep they wouldn't get to have for several nights after.

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