Eps7: Hanging with the shinobi pt3


Episode 7: Hanging with the shinobi pt3

(Narrator POV)

Tails: Bring it

(Tails vs the Blue Pirate)

Then Tails pull out his tech-bo and he dashed at the Blue Pirate  and try to hit him but the Blue Pirate block it with his sword then he kick Tails as he made Tails push back then Tails pressed the button on his belt and orange-yellow electricity around his hand causing the Hebijo Girls to have a shocked face.

Hebijo Girls:*shocked* WOAH!

This caused the Blue Pirate was impressed.

Blue Pirate: I'm impressed

Tails: I'm not done yet

Then Tails wrap the enerbeam around the Blue Pirate legs and spun him around and throw him to a wall.

Miyabi: Nice job Tails

Then Tails gave Miyabi a thumbs up then the Blue Pirate got off the wall.

Blue Pirate: Impressive but I have to kick it up a notch

Then he pulled out a morpher and a key.


Then he put the key inside the morpher and transformed into another suit with a number 2 with tires and the helmet that looks like a lion.

Rpm Blue(Pirate): You ready?

Tails: Yeah

Then the Blue Pirate dashed at Tails at full speed and punch Tails in the gut and kick him away causing Tails to fall down.


Before Imu go to Tails, the Blue Pirate have his arm out.

Rpm Blue (Pirate): No, let him use the master morpher

Then Tails got back up.

Tails: But, I don't how to use it

Rpm Blue (Pirate): Just say Master Morpher, shift in the turbo

Tails: Ok

Then Tails pulls out the master morpher.


Then a blue glow was surrounding Tails and he transformed into the Blue Turbo Ranger, then the Hebijo Girls, Vector, and Knuckles was shocked about this.

Knuckles:*shocked* Woah

Vector:*shocked* No way

Imu saw this and she has a red hue on her face, then Tails look at himself and he was surprised.

Rpm Blue (Pirate): Now are you ready?

Then Tails got into his fighting stance.

Tails: Ready

Then Tails and the Blue Pirate dashed at each other at full speed and attack each other at full speed causing Hebijo Girls, Knuckles, and Vector to have a shocked face.

Knuckles:*shocked* Woah

Vector: So fast

Then Tails kick the Blue Pirate but he use his tires on his arms and the tires start to spin and causing Tails to spun around and the Blue Pirate kick him away but then Tails started to move his arm then an red mechanical fist came out of ground and punch the Blue Pirate making him fall down then Tails landed on his feet and the Blue Pirate got back up.

Tails: Let's finish this

Then the Blue Pirate demorph out of his Rpm form and he pulls out his sword.

Blue Pirate: Gladly

Then Tails pick up his tech-bo and surrounded with ice and Tails has a icy blue aura then the Blue Pirate put a key inside the sword and started to glow blue.


Then Tails summon his blaster and it was at full power.


Then he unleashed a blue slash while Tails throw his tech-bo and shoot an energy ball from the blaster and their attack clashes and exploded and the Blue Pirate still have energy left for an attack while tech-bo was returned to Tails then they dashed at each other and they slashed each other causing them to stop then Tails helmet broke off and fall down and demorph.

(Tails lose)

Then Knuckles, Vector, and Hebijo Girls go to Tails and Knuckles pick him up by the shoulder, then the Blue Pirate turn to them.

Blue Pirate: You fought well but you need more training with the master morpher

Then Knuckles asked the Blue Pirate.

Knuckles: Who are you?

Then the Blue Pirate demorph and reveal to be a brown skin boy with curly hair wearing blue button up shirt, khaki, and glasses.

Noah: My name is Noah and I'm the blue ranger

Then Tails realized something.

Tails: So, that was a test?

Noah: Yes, I was testing on your skill and strength and also your intelligence, I was impressed that you made these tech

Tails: Thanks Noah

Noah: You're welcome, I'll be leaving then

Then Noah was walking away from Tails, Knuckles, Vector, and the Hebijo Girls but before he leaves Tails stopped him.

Tails: When do we see you again?

Noah: Maybe when Koragg is about to attack

Then Noah walk away and left then Imu ask Tails.

Imu: Do you think you can tell us about yourself?

Tails: Sure

Then Tails and the Hebijo Girls walked to the table where they were sitting then Knuckles was thinking about something and Vector see this.

Vector: What is it Knuckles?

Knuckles: I'm just worry about Sonic and Espio

Then Vector patted Knuckles with a smile on his face.

Vector: Don't worry about Knuckles, they can handle themselves

Knuckles: Ok

Then Vector walked to the table where Tails and Hebijo Girls sitting at then Knuckles just shrugged his shoulder and walked to the table as well.

(Meanwhile with Sonic and Espio)

At Hanzo Academy, Sonic and Espio were telling the Hanzo Girls about their adventures.

Sonic: And that's how we stop our enemy from conquering the world

This caused Hanzo Girls to have a shocked face.

Asuka: Wow, that's crazy

Yagyu: I'll say but Sm was there?

Sonic: He wasn't there, it was after the war

Then Katsuragi was wondering about Sm.

Katsuragi: So Sonic, how do meet Sm?

Then Sonic answered Katsuragi question.

Sonic: Well it goes like this, I was on my to the mystic jungle to find a facility that my arch-enemy made and when I go further in the jungle, I heard something rustling in the tree and I look up and reveal to be Sm but he was wearing an hunting outfit and he jump down

Then Asuka ask Sonic.

Asuka: Why Sm is in the jungle?

Sonic: That's what I ask him but he remain silent and then I saw his eyes was blood red and he ask "who are you?" I said that I'm Sonic the Hedgehog and I'm from Central City then Sm was shocked that I live in that place and he told me that he was born there and he told me is Cream the Rabbit and Vanilla the Rabbit is ok? I was shocked that he know Cream and her mom and he said that Cream's mom was his babysitter and I was shocked that Vanilla was a babysitter and I ask him why is he here in mystic jungle and he told me that he wanted to be stronger and protect Cream and Vanilla but he said that he guess he overdid it

Then Ikagura asked Sonic.

Ikagura: So what did you do?

Sonic: I ask him "you want to become back to Central City?" and he said "Are you sure?" I told him I'm sure they'll remember and so I take him to the resistance hq to meet everyone while everyone are meeting Sm, Shadow was looking at him making me think that he had seen a ghost so I ask Shadow what's wrong but he ignore me and I forget it then I take Sm to Vanilla home and when they saw Sm, they were shocked that they hadn't seen him for a while and Cream say thank you for finding him and Vanilla told me that Sm was training to get strong for them and Vanilla said that he should find a job and I guess he became a babysitter and Shadow offered him a job at G.U.N and few months later he became happy and that's how me and my friends met Sm

Then the Hanzo Girls have tears in their eyes.

Espio: Are you all ok?

Asuka: We're fine it just that it sad that Sm was training to protect the people that he care about

Katsuragi: Yeah, so how Sm like?

Sonic: Well, Sm is kinda like a little kid but sometimes he always kind and curious but sometimes wise and he get nervous talking to girls but it's kinda funny

Yagyu: What do you mean?

Sonic:*chuckles a bit* Sometimes, his face get redder than Knuckles fur

Then Katsuragi gave a chuckle.

Katsuragi: Wow, I guess he is a nervous wreck

Then Ikagura realize something.

Ikagura: Sonic, why Sm's eyes changed every time?

Sonic: That's because he showed his emotions

Hibari: That's kinda of unique

Then Sonic, Espio, and Hanzo Girls heard someone.

???: Hey is this a party?

Then they turn around to see a man in yellow suit wearing a cap and his helmet has a garuda logo on it.

Then Sonic and Espio stand up from their seats.

Espio: Who are you?

Yellow magician: My name doesn't matter, let me see what you two got

Sonic: Ok

Espio: Fine

Then Sonic, Espio, and the Yellow magician got into their battle stance.

(Sonic and Espio vs Yellow Magician)

Then Sonic and Espio dashed at the Yellow magician to punch him but he blocked it with his staff and pushed them away then Sonic turn into a ball revved up for a light speed dash while Espio pulled out an kunai and turn invisible then Sonic was done with light speed dash and he's covered with blue aura.

Sonic: Ready, GO!

Then Sonic dashed at the Yellow magician with filled causing the Hanzo Girls to shocked face.

Hibari: So fast

Then Ikagura realized something.

Ikagura: Wait, where's Espio?

In the battle, Sonic go around and around causing a tornado making the Yellow magician spun around and Sonic left from the tornado and the tornado disappeared causing the Yellow magician dizzy then he stop getting dizzy then he looked realizing that Espio is missing.

Yellow magician: Where's that chameleon go?

Then he felt a slashed on him then the Yellow magician look around and another slash on him again then a kick was landed on the Yellow magician then he saw Espio appeared beside Sonic this cause the Yellow magician shocked.

Yellow magician:*shocked* You turn in invisible

Espio: I'm not a ninja for nothing

Yellow magician: Well, I guess I have to step it up

Then the Yellow magician make his staff longer, a trigger, and sharp part of the staff transformed into a arrow.


Then lighting was surrounded the magic staff in its crossbow mode causing Sonic and Espio have a shocked faces.

Sonic: Talking humongous

Espio: Sonic, you have to do something

Sonic: On it

Then Sonic closes his eyes and blue electricity was surrounding him and he open his eyes revealing to be electric blue causing the Hanzo Girls to have a shocked face.

Ikagura: Woah

Yagyu: Wow

Then Sonic looked at Espio and nodded at him then Espio pulled five kunai and he threw it at the Yellow magician and Sonic combine it with lightning and the Yellow magician shot the all the kunai down then he realized that their missing.

Yellow magician: Where they go?

Then the Hanzo Girls looked up to see Sonic and Espio standing above the Yellow magician and Sonic was holding kunai including Espio then they jump down and slashed the Yellow magician then he come back up.

Yellow magician: Impressive but let's finish this

Sonic and Espio: RIGHT!

Then Sonic has two kunai with electricity on it and he gave one to Espio, then the Yellow magician was readying his crossbow.

Sonic and Espio: TAKE THIS!


Then Sonic and Espio dashed at the Yellow magician but he blasted an electric attack at them but the kunais pierced through the attack and Sonic and Espio slashed the Yellow magician making him to fly to the wall

(Sonic and Espio wins)

Then Sonic and Espio gave each other a fist bump and the Yellow magician got off the wall and walked towards Sonic and Espio.

Yellow magician: That was a good fight, I'm impressed

Sonic: Thanks but who are you?

Then demorph out of the suit and reveal to be a boy with ginger hair wearing sweater over a black and yellow vest and jeans.

Chip: The names Chip and I'm the yellow power ranger

Sonic: Power Ranger?

Then Sonic was thinking about something then he realized something.

Sonic: Hey Chip have you heard someone by the name of Koragg?

Then Chip have a shocked face.


Sonic: You know him

Chip: Yeah, my team fought him even though we have mystic power, he's strong

Sonic: Yeah no kidding

Chip: And that's why me and the other rangers will help you and your team to become power rangers

Sonic: Really, not bad not bad at all

Chip: Well then I'll be leaving

Then Chip left Hanzo Academy and the Hanzo Girls walked up to Sonic and Espio.

Ikagura: Sonic and Espio, how do you feel?

Sonic: I feel like I wanted to go to the beach

Espio: Me too

Asuka: Ok, let's go to the beach

Then Yagyu, Ikagura, and Hibari cheered while Sonic and Espio gave each other a five high.

Sonic: Hey Asuka, do think that the others go the beach?

Asuka: I don't let me call them

(Meanwhile at Crimson Academy)

At Crimson Academy, Sm and Yomi was cooking something while Shadow, Harkua, Mirai, Hikage, and Homura was watching them cooking while Sm and Yomi cooking, Homura's phone started to ring and she pick it up.

Homura: Hello?

Asuka(phone): Hey Homura, it's me Asuka and I wanted to ask that do your team, Sm and Shadow want to go to the beach?

Homura: Sure, we can go to the beach

Asuka (phone): Ok, see ya there

Then Homura hang up her phone.

Shadow: Who was it?

Homura: It was Asuka and she ask if we all go to the beach and I say yes we're going to the beach

Sm: What?

Then Shadow, Homura, Harkua, Hikage, and Mirai looked at Sm who is holding a pizza that he made.

Sm: But what about my pizza I made?

Mirai: Just take the pizza with you

Sm: With what?

Then Mirai point at the pizza box.

Sm: Oh

Then Sm realized something.


Shadow: Alright, we'll be right back

Then Sm put his apron and his chef hat and put his actual hat on.

Sm: Can you put the pizza in the box for me Yomi?

Yomi: Sure

Sm: Thanks

Then Sm gave her a thumbs up.

Sm: Come on Shadow

Shadow nodded at Sm and they both left the Crimson Academy.

(Meanwhile at Gessen Academy)

At Gessen Academy, Silver, Big, Charmy, and the Gessen Grips was at the table while Silver was juggling cups around with his psychokinesis and he uses his psychokinesis to stack the cups together and he bowed making Charmy, Big, and the Gessen Girls to clapping their hands together.

Yumi: That was amazing Silver

Silver: Thanks

Minori: When you have your powers?

Silver: When I was little

Yozakura: Your powers are amazing

Silver: Thanks

Charmy: Do more Silver

Silver: Ok

Then Silver use psychokinesis to carry the cups and Charmy and starting to juggle making Charmy laughing then Yumi's phone started to ring and she pick it up.

Yumi: Hello?

Asuka(phone): Hey Yumi

Yumi: Hey Asuka, what is it?

Asuka(phone): I was wondering that you, your team, Silver, Charmy, and Big wanted to go to the beach?

Yumi: Sure, we can go to the beach

Asuka(phone): Alright, see ya there

Yumi: Ok

Then Yumi hang up her phone.

Big: Who was it?

Yumi: It was Asuka and she was asking that if we want to go to the beach and yes

Then Silver stop juggle and realized something.

Silver: We don't have swimsuit

Then Silver phone was starting to ring and he pick it up.

Silver: Hello?

Sm(phone): Silver get Charmy and Big and meet us at a pawn shop

Silver: Ok

Then Silver hang up his phone.

Silver: Big and Charmy, we gotta go to the pawn

Then Big and Charmy nodded and they left the Gessen Academy.

(Meanwhile at Hebijo Academy)

Now at Hebijo Academy, Tails and Knuckles was telling their stories on how they met Sonic.

Knuckles and Tails: And that's how we met Sonic

Imu: Wow, so you meet him in the forest while you meet him

Knuckles: Yeah

Tails: Yes

Imu: I'm sorry that you've been through that Tails

Then Imu gave Tails a hug causing him to have a red hue on his face.

Tails: It's ok Imu

Then Imu let go of Tails and Imu realize something.

Imu: Tails, what's your real name?

Tails: Miles Prower

Then Imu was thinking about his real name and she realized it then she started to laugh causing Miyabi, Murasaki, Ryobi, and Ryona confuse on what she laughing about.

Miyabi: What's so funny?

Imu: Because his name is literally Miles Per Hour

Then the rest of the Hebijo Girls started to laugh causing Tails to have a red hue face.

Imu: Aww, don't be sad Tails

Then Imu hugged Tails close to her causing his face become more redder.

Tails:*muffled* LET GO OF ME!!

Then Tails was waving his arms around then everybody started to laughing then Miyabi's phone started to ring and she pick it up.

Miyabi: Hello

Asuka(phone): Hi Miyabi

Miyabi: What is it Asuka?

Asuka(phone): I just wanted to ask that if you, your team, Tails, Vector, and Knuckles wanted to go to the beach?

Miyabi: Sure

Asuka(phone): Ok see ya there

Then Miyabi hang up the phone and she look at her team, Knuckles, Tails, and Vector.

Miyabi: Guys

Then everyone look at Miyabi while Tails escape from Imu hug.

Miyabi: We're going to the beach

Then the Hebijo Girls cheered while Tails, Vector, and Knuckles.

Knuckles: What about swimsuit?

Then Tails phone started to ring and he pick it up.

Tails: Hello?

Sm(phone): Tails get Knuckles and Vector and meet us at the pawn shop

Tails: Ok

Then Tails hang up the phone.

Vector: Who was it?

Tails: It was Sm and he wanted us to the pawn shop for something

Knuckles: Ok

Then Tails, Vector, and Knuckles got up from their seats.

Tails: See ya there

Then Tails, Vector, and Knuckles left Hebijo Academy then Tails was thinking about something.

Tails:*thought* I wonder what Koragg have plan for us

(Meanwhile with Koragg)

Inside the cave, it revealed to be Koragg, A-squad red, Psycho Red, Dai Shi, and Blaze.

Blaze: What are we going to do? I just wanted to kill that fox brat

Koragg: Calm down Blaze, we just needed to wait

This caused Blaze to enraged.


Koragg: I mean that once my power is charged, we'll get them

Then Blaze walked pass Koragg.


Then Blaze left the cave then Koragg gave a evil laugh.

A-sqaud Red: What's so funny?

Koragg: It just that he left without us

Psycho Red: So, we go to him?

Then Koragg stood up walk away from Psycho Red, A-squad Red, and Dai Shi.

Koragg: Let's just say that he'll be getting his payback

Then Koragg left.

See ya in the next chapter


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