Chapter 2 - It's Morphin Time!

Chapter 2 rewrite of PR: HF! I own none of the pictures, only the oc. Enjoy!



Somewhere, underneath Musutafu Japan, was a dark room. All is quiet inside, until suddenly one of the consoles lights up with a yellow light, followed by green, pink, blue, and finally red.

The main room was a brightly-lit oval chamber with a large set of sliding double-doors at one end, with a small bridge that led to the center. Several computer terminals were seen spaced appropriately around the room, leaving space for colored glass columns that surrounded it.

Suddenly, digital cyan pixels emanates from thin air as they began to swirl around each other, creating a form of a figure. It appeared to be a well-endowed female human in the years of 20, with bright sliver eyes, long flowing sliver hair and a streak of red strands with it. She was also wearing a dark blue and white female dress uniform.

The 'woman' then stretched and let out a moan as if she has been awakened from her sleep. "Ahh! I can't remember the last time i slept that well!" She voiced in a chipper tone of voice. "How long has it been...?"

Soon an alarm went off inside the room, getting the pixled woman's attention. "Hmm? What's going on?" She asked herself, before waving her hand in front of her. A hologram screen appeared in front of her as she looked at it and saw a massive warship hovering above the planet. 

"'s you..." The 'woman' said as she narrowed her eyes as she gazed around the room. "The time has come. Heroes of this day and age won't be enough. It's time to assemble a new generation heroes. The most energetic and unstoppable group, that exemplifies the enduring human spirit."

"Heroes...with talent and attitude."


(Cue PR: Hero Force Opening)

[As the plays, the Hero Force Megazord is shown marching through a city as explosions occur around it.]

Hero Force!

[The scene cuts to Sora, Reina, Cyrus, Kiba, and Ayumi as the Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Power Rangers and wielding their Hero Weapons with Sora in the middle, Reina and Cyrus to his left, with Kiba and Ayumi to his right.]

Hero Force!

[Cut to the Condor Hero Zord, Bull Hero Zord, Stallion Hero Zord, Lion Hero Zord and Swan Hero Zord all combining into the Hero Force Megazord and then cut to the Rangers taking position as the Megazord cockpit formed around them: The Red Ranger in the middle, the Blue Ranger to the left, the Black Ranger to the right, the Yellow Ranger in the back left, and the Pink Ranger in the back right.]

Hero Force!

[Cut to the Rangers as the last verse-chorus lyric, cutting to each of them posing, starting with Sora, Reina, Cyrus, Kiba, and Ayumi]

Pow-er, Ran-gers!

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Sora and his Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Sora on the left side facing the camera, smiling with his arms folded. The Red Ranger on the right, posing with the Condor Hero Zord screeching in the background.]

Yuri Lowenthal as Sora Ukashi/Hero Force Red

Growing stronger,

[Cut to the Condor Hero Zord flying through the air with a huge explosion following behind. Cut to the Red Ranger as he rides his Valiant Cycle.]

Faster every day;

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Reina and her Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Reina on the left in a workout outfit as he looks up, flicking her hair back and smiles to the side. The Black Ranger on the right side, posing with the Bull Hero Zord mooing in the background.]

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Cyrus and his Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Cyrus on the left as he looks up from his work bench, lifts his googles up to reveal his eyes, and smiles to the side. The Blue Ranger on the right side, posing with the Stallion Hero Zord neighing in the background on it's back hooves.]

Jamie Chung as Reina Fukukado/Hero Force Black

Dan Green as Cyrus Hado/Hero Force Blue

Standing up to evil forces,

[Cut to the Stallion Hero Zord attacking a Zero-Pointer as the Bull Hero Zord bashes it's powerful horns into the enemy's chest. Cut to the Blue Ranger fighting Batzlers, using his Sea Lance to bash at them. Then cut to where the Black Ranger then uses her Terra Axe to slam down on six Batzlers, causing a big explosion behind the duo]

Coming our way;

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Kiba and his Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Kiba is sitting on some stairs, grinning at the camera. The Yellow Ranger on the right, posing with the Lion Hero Zord roaring in the background.]

Zeno Robinson Kiba Mason/Hero Force Yellow

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Ayumi and her Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Ayumi on the right side facing the camera, smiling as she faces the camera in a cheerleader uniform. The Pink Ranger on the right, posing with the Swan Hero Zord whistling in the background.]

Hayden Panettiere as Ayumi Sunzuni/Hero Force Pink

Call on mighty hero power,

[Cut to the Swan Hero Zord firing lasers from above as the Lion Hero Zord pouncing onto a Zero-pointer as the. Cut to the Yellow Ranger fighting Batzlers, doing a backflip as he grabs one of them and tosses it to the ground, then cut to where Ayumi then uses her Sky Bowgun to shoot through Batlzers, causing two of them to explode.]

for evil and machine;

[Cut to Alsatia's warship on a computer with Alsatian, Ernesh and Scrozzle all standing in front of of throne.]

Earth's defenders protecting us,

[Cut to the team morphing into their Ranger forms in a split screen of five: Kiba in the top left, Sora in the middle, Reina in the top right, Ayumi in the bottom left, and Cyrus on the bottom right.]

From all the unseen;

[Cut to the Red Ranger using his Pyro Saber to slash away at several Batlzers, blocking two more, before knocking them back with a firewave. Cut to the Blue Ranger using his Sea Lance to strike at a Batlzers, before spinning around and slashing all at remaning footsolidiers]


Power Rangers,

He-ro Force!

[Cut to the Yellow Ranger slashing at the cockpit of a robotic tank with his Savanna Axe, knocking it down, before leaping into the air to drop kick another Batlzer.]


Power Rangers,

He-ro Force!

[Cut to the Black and the Pink Ranger as they backflipped away from a Batzler about to explode, both Rangers wielding their Terra Axe and Sky Bowgun as they did.]

Power up,

To win the battle;

[Cut to the Rangers combining their Hero Weapons into the Justice Striker and firing it, facing towards the cannon.]

Protecting us,

[Cut to the Rangers all holding their Morphers up into the sky.]

Never surrender;

They keep us safe,

[Cut to the Rangers piloting the Hero Zords as they moved through the city, a side view of all five Zords as they ran towards the left.]

From all that we face;

[Cut to the Hero Force Megazord battling and defeating Mega Batzlers.]

Protecting the world,

[Cut to the Hero Force Megazord completed transformation, the Megazord poses with the Hero Force Insignia in the background.]

The future of the human race;

[Cut to the Rangers, riding through the city on their Hero Cycles.]


[Cut to the Hero Megazord leaping high into the air to avoid explosions.]

Power Rangers,

He-ro Force!


[Cut to the Hero Force Megazord performing its Paladin Strike, facing the camera.]

Power Rangers,

[Cut to the Hero Force Megazord taking stance, lowering its arms.]

He-ro Force!


[Cut to the Ranger's arm coming into view, Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, and Pink as they all formed a team fist bump.]

Power Rangers,

He-ro Force!


[Cut to all five Rangers taking stance as a big explosion occurs behind them.]

Power Rangers,

[Then cut to the title card with "Hero Force" forming underneath "Power Rangers" in cool silver color digital formations before flashing and transforming into metallic lettering with heroic panel design.]

He-ro Force!


Okani Junior High - Afternoon

It wasn't long before the school day came to an end, and everyone started to pack up and either headed home or went to hang out with friends. Sora and his friends were now gathering their supplies and books from their lockers, preparing to go home.

"So, on a complete scale of one to hundred about how asinine today was, I think we all agree it broke the scale, right?" Reina spoke, throwing her black backpack on and facing her friends.

"Understatement of the century..." Cyrus muttered as he closed his locker, a blue bag in hand.

"I mean...could've been worse," Ayumi shrugged, slipping her pink bag over her shoulder. "At least we did help that nice woman earlier. Plus, we didn't get detention for being late this time."

"Yeah, because that was the teacher's way of showing mercy on 'Quirkless'," Kiba mocked, slinging his yellow-bronze bag over his shoulder.

"Pfft, wouldn't be the first time..." Sora muttered as he slipped on his red bag, before he heard a bing on his phone. Pulling it out, he looked at the contents before showing a deadpan expression. "Seriously?"

The others looked at him and noticed his expression. "What's up, pal?" Cyrus asked, walking over to his friend.

The dual-haired merely turned his phone to his friends and they all saw it was the info on a fight that happened that morning. "Everyone's going gaga over another fight today."

Reina snorted at this. "What else is new? The moment Pros throw down, people would rather forget all about their jobs or duties just to be in the presence of their 'idols', especially if it involves a woman in spandex."

"You mean Mount Lady. Well, she is easy on the eyes..." Kiba said with an impressed look, before nudging Cyrus. "Right, bud?"

"D-Don't drag me into this..." The bluenette muttered, pushing up his glasses with a small blush.

"Knock it off, perv!" Reina said as she hit him on the head.

"Ow! Hey! Can't I dream?" Kiba asked.

"Not with what you dream up, you can't!" She countered.

"Honestly, I don't see the appeal," Ayumi said, face full of disappointment. "I mean, she literally jumped in, just to get in on the spotlight. Kind of shallow, if you ask me."

Sora sighed as he put away his phone. "I know I said humans would last longer if we all worked together, but if these are the types of heroes who are supposed to protect us...then society really has gone downhill."

"Well, well, hello there, Sweet-Cheeks 1 and Sweet-Cheeks 2." A male voice said, causing the group to turn their heads to see a boy with smooth black hair walk up to them, mostly Reina and Ayumi.

"Ah, great. Another one." Cyrus uttered with a sigh,

"I guess they really can't take a hint." Sora shrugged.

"On the bright side, we get to watch how it plays out." Kiba snickered.

 The boy reached the girls and leaned against a locker. "So girls, about that date. A friend is having a house party later today and I wanted to see if you two would like to go out with me. Cause, uh, you know, I'm am a top jock of the football team ." He spoke to them in a smooth voice, looking up and down their figures.

Ayumi and Reina looked at each other, already knowing what he was planning, before looking back at him. "Yeah, and I guess being a jock does compensate for something." The latter curtly replied, as the boy look like he got kicked in the face from this.

"Besides, you're not my type." The former simply told with a small smile. "Too egoistic."

"Ouch!" Cyrus flinched.

 "Totally shot down." Kiba stifled their laughter. Sora even snorted a bit, proud of Ayumi's answer.

"F-Fine then." The boy moaned, trying to recover from this, "I'll just find some better girls who would love to party." He then proceeded to walk off with whatever pride he had left.

The group then proceeded to make their way through the now bustling hallway, the monotone buzz of several-hundred voices hummed like an orchestra of deadbeat droids. There was that couple that was always flirting with each other on the left side of the hall, and about ten feet farther down, were the cliquey girls. Opposite of them, were the cliquey jocks, and between them, the parade of band geeks with their huge instrument cases. There was also the aerospace tech kidss who never did anything but make paper airplances and the fashion kids that wheeled mannequins and clothing racks down the halls.

As they finally exited the school, Sora let out sigh and stretched his arms. "Man, it feels good to be out of there!" He said outloud before facing his friends. "What do you guys say we hit up the Juice Bar for a while?

"Heck yeah!" Reina exclaimed happily. "I could go for some epic strawberry juices Maddie always makes."

"Oh me too!" Ayumi cheered, raising a fist.

"Same here!" Cyrus agreed as well.

"Meh, I could go for strawberry as well," Kiba grinned cheekily.

Sora grinned as well and rasied a fist. "Then, it's a done deal! Banzai on three! One... two.."

"BAN-!" The group was then cut as they all vanished into swirls of colored energy: Sora in red, Cyrus in blue, Reina in black, Kiba in yellow, and Ayumi in pink.


??? - Unknown Location


The air was knocked out of Sora as he landed on the floor of a room. Sitting up, he noticed that Reina, Cyrus, Kiba and Ayumi were all in the same room. "Everyone okay?" The dual-haired boy asked as the five slowly stood up.

They all muttered that they were alright. "Are you okay, Sora?" Cyrus asked.

"No, this is my spirit." Sora responded while they all looked around.

"What just happened?" Kiba asked, but none of them were sure.

"More importantly...where are we?" Reina questioned.

"But it is scientifically impossible... And awesome!" Cyrus said, they all look around, although it is hard to see anything in the dark.

"This isn't exactly the Juice Bar, is it?" Ayumi asked outloud.

Suddenly the sides of the walls are lit up, highlighting a few coloums, followed by the ceiling lights coming on. "Whoa!" The group said in unison as they now noticed that they stood in the center of the room.

" this place?" Sora asked, taking in the sights.

"The place is amazing!" Cyrus said, his eyes sparking with awe and glee.

"I don't get it, how'd we end up here?" Kiba asked as he sat his bag down

"I just wanna know where 'here' is..." Reina scoffed. "It looks like one of those tech rooms in the movies."

Cyrus walked over to a panel "Well, maybe the answer's here in these controls." He suggested as he was about to press a button when...

"Welcome! And you there, please don't touch that." A female voice spoke up and startled the group.

"Ahh!" Kiba cried, falling backwards on his butt with wide eyes. "The hell was that!?"

Suddenly, digital cyan pixels emanates floated in front of the teens as they began to swirl around each other, creating a form of a figure. It appeared to be a well-endowed female human in the years of 20, with bright sliver eyes, long flowing sliver hair and a streak of red strands with it. She was also wearing a dark blue and white female dress uniform.

"Okay...uh, a magic, sexy babe just appeared out of thin air...not the craziest thing I've seen." Kiba said after a few moments.

"Who...are you?" Sora asked, stepping in front of the group.

"More like, what are you?" Reina question, moving up next to him.

"My name is Katrina, and your lives are about to change forever. I'm an A.I that my mentors placed here to be the Guardian of this planet. I'm also connected to the Morphing Grid and embodied it's great and mystical powers. This a precarious time for mankind and the Earth needs you."

"Wait, wait." Reina spoke, waving her arms up. "Morphin Grid, mystical powers...what are you talking about?"

"And what exactly do you mean by Earth needs us?" Ayumi questioned.

"It's quite simple," Katrina replied as she floated in front of them. "The world is under attack and I have brought you here to my command center to help defend it."

"Wait, what?" Kiba joined, before gesturing to the whole group. "You want us to help defend Earth?"

"This can't be real." Reina replied, still not entirely sure if this all was real.

"Besides, we can we do? We're Quirkless." Cyrus pointed out.

"Your skepticism is healthy, but this is all too real." Katrina told them, she waved hand out in front of them. A hologram screen in front of the teens, taking them all back. "Observe."

The group looked up at the screen and saw a massive warship hovering above the planet. "Whoa! Is...Is that a spaceship!?" Cyrus exclaimed in shock, his glasses dropping onto his nose.

"No way..." Sora said in shock as well. The next image was shown of a beautiful woman of curvaceous and slender frame with long white hair, light blue skin, and purple eyes. The left side of her hair was longer than the other and hangs in front of her chest. She had a golden infinity sign shaped hair accessory that covers the back and both sides of her head. She wore shiny, golden earrings. She wore a red and black skin tight body suit that had a v shaped hole around her stomach, and had slits on the bottom half, exposing the bottom of her breasts. She wore a white open leg cape that is jagged at the bottom, and red and black high heels. Lastly, she carried a brown spear which had two sharp golden points on each end.

"Whoa, who's the hottie?" Kiba said with a blank expression, getting a smack on the head by Reina.

"That is none other than Alsatia," Katrina said with a hint of anger in her voice, though no one really caught it. "An intergalactic sorceress who is bent on controlling the universe. With her henchmen and enforcers, she plans to conquer Earth."

Ayumi then looked up at the pixeled woman. "So, what does all of this...have to do with us?" She asked.

"You five have been chosen to form an elite team to battle Alsatia and her forces. Defending Earth has always been in the long tradition of the Power Rangers." Katrina repsonded.

"Power Rangers?" Sora and the others thought in confusion. They never heard of Power Rangers before in their lives. "I'm sorry, but I don't follow what you're saying? What are 'Power Rangers'?" The redhead asked in confusion.

"I know it sounds strange, but just let me explain. Have any of you ever heard of the multiverse theory? The idea that multiple universes exist together? Well, it's very real. The Morphin Grid that I mentioned earlier is a multiversal energy field for all Power Rangers. The main ones are from another universe, yours and so many others are connected to each other."

No one didn't know how to respond to that, they weren't even sure whether they actually believed about the theory or not. Regardless, they all decided to stay quiet and hear the message, hoping there are more answers.

 "I think it's better to show than tell," Katrina answerd, floating backwards, slightly. "I will share with you my knowledge that I've received from my mentors, the Morphin Masters. Everything I'm about to say is the truth and please hold off on any questions you may have until I'm finish."

The group all looked at each for a moment, before looking back at the A.I. "Sure." Sora agreed with a nod.

"In the year 1993, on the universe that I mentioned, five teenagers were summoned by an intergalatic wizard known as Zordon. Zordon gave them Power Coins and Morphers each to turn them into Earth's first defenders called the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers." Katrina explained as footage of five teenagers morphing into spandex wearing superheroes for the first time was shown.

The teens couldn't help but be amazed by the transformation of the teens. "So these are the Power Rangers?" Sora thought.

'So cool!' Cyrus, Kiba and Ayumi thought in awe.

'Why are they wearing spandex?'  Reina thought with a raised eyebrow.

"Tommy Oliver, the greatest Ranger in history, became the Green Ranger when a evil sorceress named Rita Repulsa, one of the Power Rangers main villains, gave Tommy the Dragon Power Coin and brainwashed him to fight the Rangers which, of course, utterly failed. Tommy then became the sixth Ranger for the team until he temporarily left the group when his Power Coin was destroyed. Zordon later gave Tommy the Tiger Coin, allowing to become not only the White Ranger, but the new leader of the team." Katrina explained as the footage continued.

The group was stunned about what happened to Tommy. He started off evil, due to a villain brainwashing him until he managed to break free from her control and join the Rangers later on.

"When the Mighty Morphin Rangers disbanded after saving the world, new generations of Power Rangers were born such as Alien, Zeo, Turbo, Space, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed Rescue, Time Force, Wild Force, Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, S.P.D., Mystic Force, Operation Overdrive, Jungle Fury, RPM, Samurai, Megaforce, Pirate Legacy, Dino Charge, Ninja Steel, Beast Morphers, Dino Fury, Cosmic Fury, and many more Rangers that have yet to shine." Katrina said with the footage showing difference Ranger teams fighting.

"So many different Power Rangers." The teens thought.

Their jaws all slightly dropped when they saw different Power Rangers incarnations in the footage. No one could believe what they were seeing. The Rangers were fighting various hideous monsters, dinosaurs, sorcerers, aliens, demons, mutants, world destroyers, and many more. Cyrus even had to remove his glasses and clean them, just to make sure he wasn't seeing things. But Katrina reassured them that everything they saw in the footage are indeed real and not fictitious.

"Now about their powers, the first Rangers received their powers when they became Power Rangers while some Rangers in new generations possess an ability or quirks in your term. When they became Rangers, they possessed enhanced strength, durability, ability, and combat prowess. Some of them possess superhuman or psychic abilities such as super-speed, element manipulation, extra-sensory perception or invisibility. In addition, each individual Ranger has a unique weapon, as well as common weaponry used for ground fighting. They are not called the Power Rangers for nothing." Katrina said.

What shocked the group even more was that some of the Rangers were actually quirkless before becoming a Power Rangers. How was it possible to have Quirks through those odd items? They listened to Katrina continued with her explanation.

"The Zords, named after Zordon, are giant mechanical vehicles that Power Rangers piloted when fighting against gigantic foes. When they are overwhelmed by the strength of their enemies, they can combine their Zords into a Megazord which increased the strength and power of the Zords as well as gain new abilities. The original Tommy has multiple Zords such as the Dragonzord which is currently at the bottom of the ocean, Tigerzord, Falconzord, Red Battlezord, and many among others. Also, when they are fighting giant monsters, they completely avoid collateral damage which surprisingly works unless they have no choice." The footage showed.

Everyone's eyes nearly bursted out of their eyes upon seeing giant mechs operated by the Power Rangers. There were different kinds of Zords like dinosaurs, vehicles, a space station, animals, shogun, the entire headquarters, mystical creatures, and many more. Sora, Cyrus, and Kiba were even more amazed when they combined together to become a more powerful giant robot. It was like something out of a video game or a TV show. They were already impressed with the Power Rangers and now after seeing their Megazord battles, they were now completely blown away. Ayumi and Reina were more amazed at how the girls of the Power Rangers fought and looked good doing it.

They all wondered how Mt. Lady would fair against these things since some of the Zords were even taller than her.

"As you can see, these are Rangers who came before you. Now you shall form a new team of Power Rangers, "Hero Force". Each of you will be given access to extraordinary powers that will help you protect the Earth. These are your Hero Morphers." Katrina continued to explain as black wrist-watch looking devices appeared out of particles, with each one having a four button layout: Red Button-Ranger Morph, Green Button-Vehicle Summon, Blue Button-Communication, and Yellow Button: Weapon Summon.

The Morphers then floated in front of the teens, who each took one. "With them, you will morph into Hero Force Rangers, the next generation of Power Rangers. You will have access to special weapons, abilities, and you shall command mighty machines called Megazords."

Sora's eyes widened from shock from hearing this from the A.I. hologram. She wanted them to become a Power Rangers!

"You want us to be Power Rangers?" He said in disbelief, processing everything that was happening. Everyone else looked at each other in shock.

"No way..." Cyrus uttered out in shock.

"This...this a lot to take in," Ayumi said, twirling a strang of her hair.

Reina nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this."

"This is crazy," Kiba added in, turning his gaze back to the A.I. "I mean don't get me wrong, this is probably the most shocking and awesome thing that's ever happened to me. But if the world really is in danger...How come you didn't gather the Pro Heroes? There are many different around that could be better candidates than us, right?"

The group all perked up at this question with realization, turning towards Katrina with the same question in mind...only to be taken back by the angered expression on her face.

"Pro Heroes?" She scoffed. "You mean those idiots who were rather bath in glory and fame instead fighting for what's right and helping others for the sake of it? Not even if they were the last line of defense. Most of them aren't worthy of the cape and feel more like zeros than heroes, who don't even come CLOSE to the heroes that the Power Rangers were." Katrina told them before calming down. "Besides, there is more to being a Ranger than just having an ability or a name. It is to have a heart full of compassion and drive to save others. That's why I was tasked by the Morphin Masters to search out those who meet these current qualities and give them the ability to do so in this world." The A.I. said to him before looking at Ayumi.

"Ayumi, you are not only pure of heart and cherish your loved ones, but you go to great lengths for them. You shall soar high with the power of Wind as the Pink Ranger." Katrina tells the blonde, as her body glowed pink for a few seconds.

A yellow color engulfed around Kiba. "There is nobody with the boundless enthusiasm to match you, Kiba. You're able to brighten up any room you walk into I'm making you the Yellow Ranger. You will fight with the brightness of Lightning." Katrina told the boy, who seemed pleased and rubbed his nose.

"Cyrus, your thirst for knowledge is unequaled." Katrina continues as Cyurs's body glowed blue a few seconds too, "Our future depends on the works of great scientific minds likes yours. As the Blue Ranger, your attacks will be swift and destructive like waves of Water."

Reina's body took on a black-violet color, "Reina, you're courageous and sturdy as a mountain. You will be the Black Ranger and stand firm with your teammates and those in need with the power of Earth." Katrina explained.

Finally, a red glow overtook Sora's body, though Katrina was taken back as she noticed something very shocking about the black/red-haired boy.

'How interesting...' She thought to herself, before speaking. "Finally, Sora. Your purity of spirit and strength are the result of incredible discipline. You value the bonds of friendship, and are highly concerned about those you call friends, you go to great limitations in order to help others with the fercoity of Fire. You shall be the Red Ranger and serve as the team leader." Katrina said.

Cyrus was overwhelmed with the info. "Morphers, weapons, Megazords? All this tech, how do we use it?"

"All will be revealed in time," Katrina answered, before looking at the group as a whole. "So, what will do you, Rangers? I know that this is a lot to take in and I won't force you. Whatever you decide is your choice."

The gang all looked down at their new Morphers with various thoughts going through their heads as they thought about what Katrina said for a moment. Being a Power Ranger sounds like a dream come true especially for Quirkless people like them. It's not that they don't want the power, it's just that they too, had no respect for today's modern heroes.

Unlike all the kids their age who wanted to be heroes, None of them ever saw themselves as the heroic type, even if they did have Quirks. What Katrina said did hit home. Mostly what all of the Pros cared about was fame & money. They were nothing like the heroes from the video games and movies. Those heroes were willing to save others and not ask for anything in return, fighting for what they believe was right, and never giving up even if the odds were staked against them. Those were the type of heroes society was missing.

Now learning about the Power Rangers and everything they've done, they earned the group's respect and thought of them as true heroes.

Sora clenched his Morpher in his hand as he looked down at it. "This is all still new to me." He finally spoke up, getting everyone's attention. "When I said I hoped something would happen today, I honestly wasn't expecting this. But, knowing that I can now make a difference in the world is just...overwhelming." He then looked up with a determined gaze at Katrina and took a step forward. "If the world is under attack, and you think that we are the ones who can help defend it...count me in."

The others all looked at Sora in surprise at his choice before looking at each other. As if coming to an agreement to together, they all stepped forward beside the brunette. "Cap's right, if the world is really in danger and we're the only ones who who can be its protectors, then sign me up!" Kiba declared with a grin.

"Exactly, this world is our home and we're prepared to fight for it." Cyrus nodded, holding up his Morpher.

"We're in this together." Ayumi smiled with conviction.

Reina smirked with a hand on her hip. "Hell yeah, let's make these aliens and bad guys pay for coming to our truf!"

The A.I. just gave the teens a smile. "If that's the case, then place the Morphers on your left wrist." She instructed them.

The group then put the Morphers on their left arms just as Katrina asked and then strap bands wrapped around their wrists, holding the Morphers in place. The Morpher glowed red, black, blue, yellow, and pink to register Sora, Reina Cyrus, Kiba, and Ayumi respectively as the new Hero Force Power Rangers.

"Huh, interesting." Cyrus said looking at his Morpher.

"Yeah," Sora breathed out. Then, the minds of the 5 teenagers was filled with all the previous Rangers (of their respective color) fights across 24 generations. All of their combat experiences and the knowledge of all the villains they faced were now second nature to them.


In the City - Afternoon

All throughout the city, people were either driving cars around, walking along near or a building, or sorting out some crates when flashes of purple light shining from the sky, a large platoon of black-skinned grunts with orange heads, armed with claw-like weapons, bearing an odd crest on their chests showed up in the center of town.

Everyone looked purely shocked at this. "W-What are those?" One bystander stuttered in slight fear.

"T-They came out that light in the sky...!" Another said, pointing up the clouds.

"Are those...A-Aliens!?" A third said with wide eyes.

As if that wasn't enough to shock them, a large blue centuar creature wearing golden pieces of armor, trotted in front of the grunts. "Attention people of planet Earth, hear me and rejoice. I am the great Igeron and you have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Goddess. You may think this is suffering. No... It is salvation brought by her eternal benevolence! Batzlers!"

Suddenly, a grunt, now known as a Batlzer Soldier, lifted it's claw as it began to glow with orange power...before thrusting its claw forward, sending out a orange arc of energy and blasted a car into pieces. Seeing this, people began to panic and run off in different directions, one tripping over each other, causing another to fall over.

"Yes, cower! For, you are welcomed into the loving arms of Alsatia, Queen of the Imperial Army!" Igeron cackled loudly, before the entire platoon of Batlzer Soldiers began to attack.

At that moment, civilians began running away in fear as they were trying to get away from the sudden attackers.

"Run away!"

"What are those things!"

"I don't know, but we have to get out of here!"

"They're monsters!"

"SOMEONE, CALL THE HEROES!" A woman screamed in utter fear.


Command Chamber

Just then the alarms went off, getting everyone's attention. "What's going on!?" Sora questioned.

"What's that sound?" Reina wondered, looking around.

"It's the Intergalactic Alarm System. It let's us know when there is an attack on Earth!" Katrina explained, pulling up her hologram screen. "Take a look!"

The new Rangers all gathered around look up at the screen to see to the city being attacked by  Igeron and his army of Batlzer Soldiers.

"They're attacking the city!" Ayumi covered her mouth in horror.

"What the heck are those things?" Kiba questioned with a freaked-out expression

"And is that...a Centaur?" Cyrus uttered out, not beliveing what he was seeing. 

"Igeron and the Batlzer Soldiers. One of Alsatia's generals and foot soldiers," Katrina replied, looking at the team. "Rangers, you must go and stop them from destroying the city." She instructed. "Bring forth your power by saying: 'Call of the Hero!' and press the Morph red button."

"Right. Thanks, Katrina," Sora agreed, before looking at his team. "You guys ready for this?"

"You know it bro." Kiba confirmed, punching his palm.

"Let's go kick some ass!" Reina exclaimed, throwing a fist into the air.

"And protect people!" Cyrus added in.

"Yeah, let's do this!" Ayumi cried in agreement.

"Alright!" Sora said while raising his left wrist by his head, and his Hero Morpher began to change to glow red. "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, the others all raising their wrists by their heads.

The team all pressed the red Morph button on their morphers, causing them to start glowing red, black, blue, yellow, and pink. They then thrusted their left arms out together. "Call of the Hero!" The team shouted in unison as they pulled their left arms back and used their right hands to spin the Morphers' top half at the same time. 

(Like this. Couldn't find a gif with all five members, though -_-)

~Morphing Sequnce: Hero Force~

The background changes to a terrain of mountains as Reina held out her Morpher, which glowed black, as the spirit of a Black Bull runs in front of her. Reina rushes towards the Bull Spirit, before it forms around her body and creating her Black Ranger outfit from her neck to feet. As her hero lands on the ground, Reina's helmet formed on her head with a black visor while multiple earthquakes erupt in the background, as she poses.

The background changes to a terrain of daytime skies as Ayumi held out her Morpher, which glowed pink, as the spirit of a Pink Swan flies in front of her. Ayumi rushes towards the Swan Spirit, before it forms around her body and creating her Pink Ranger outfit from her neck to feet. As her hero lands on a cloud, Ayumi's helmet formed on her head with a black visor while gust of wind blow in the background, as she poses.

The background changes to a terrain of water as Cyrus held out his Morpher, which glowed blue, as the spirit of a Blue Stallion gallops in front of him. Cyrus rushes towards the Stallion Spirit, before it forms around his body and creating his Blue Ranger outfit around his neck to feet. As his hero lands on the sea, Cyrus's helmet formed on his head with a black visor while waves of water splash in the background, as he poses.

The background changes to a terrain of a savanna as Kiba held out his Morpher, which glowed pink, as the spirit of a Yellow Lion flies in front of her. Cyrus rushes towards the Lion Spirit, before it forms around his body and creating his Yellow Ranger outfit from his neck to feet. As he hero lands on the grass, Kiba's helmet formed on his head with a black visor while bright, yellow lightning flashed in background, as he was posing.

The background changes to a terrain of flames as Sora held out his Morpher, which glowed pink, as the spirit of a Red Condor soars in front of him. Sora rushes towards the Condor Spirit, before it forms around his body and creating his Red Ranger outfit from his neck to feet. As his hero lands on the grass, Sora's helmet formed on his head with a black visor while red, hot flames roar in the background as he poses.

~Morphing Sequnce End~ 


All five teens stood in their suits, then looked over themselves in awe. 

"Wow!" Ayumi said, twirling around and giving herself a look over. "This so cool!"

"This is so awesome!" Kiba remarked touching all over his helmet. "It feels awesome!"

"I've never felt such power!" Sora said, as he clutched his fist.

"Amazing...!" Cyrus muttered, looking at his Morpher in awe.

"I could get used to this!" Reina commented, looking at her gloves.

"Now, it's time." Katrina said, getting the new team's attention. "Hero Force, your mission starts now." Katrina said just before the teens were teleported out of the Command Center. "May the Power protect you."


Musutafu, Japan - City: Afternoon

In one of the downtown streets of Musutafu, people were panicking and running in fear as an the platoon of Batzlers were tearing the city apart, attacking and destroying everything in their path.

"Run as fast as you can humans! Because no one will save you!" Igeron said maniacally, watching as more explosions that cause more damage to the city with people running for their lives.

The police arrived on the scene not too long after to deal with the situation. Serena, Sora's mom, now in a police unifrom, took charge and turned to the others.

"Alright, people! Defensive position 1, let's go!" Serena ordered.

Batlzer Soldiers kept firing blasts all over the city, destroying more buildings, just as the Police Force soldiers made it postion.

"What the heck are those things?" One officer asked in shock. "They don't look human at all!"

"We can worry about that later! Let's go, people!" Serena bellowed. "Move! Move! Move!"

The Police troopers all aimed their guns at the soldiers, who fired another blast at a building, destroying part of it. "Fire!" Serena ordered.

The men all fired their guns at the grunts, hitting a few, but didn't do anything else.

The citizens kept running away, as more police officers showed up. Another grunt fired a blast at another building, destroying part of it.

"Hmph, my turn." Igeron snorted, before suddenly raising his front hooves high into the air and slamming them on the ground. There was a flash and it exploded outward and the screaming reached an almost deafening pitch.

"Look out!" Serena shouted, jumping out of the way, right as the shockwave from the explosion reached them, passing over and slamming into the police officers with enough force to knock everyone off their feet and send most of their vehicles soaring into the air...before crashing into the ground, erupting into massive explosion.

 "AHH!" An officer screamed, lying on the ground and clutching at his arm, mostly broken from being hit by the explosion.

"Man down!" Another officer bellowed, running over to check on his fellow policeman.

"Damn it!" The Lt. swore loudly.  His Police vest was also shredded, the back ripped open as if by some unseen force. "Where are the heroes!?"

"On their way, sir!" An officer shouted, as the troopers retreated. "They should be here in a few minutes!"

The Lt. growled at this. "Go hard, people!" He ordered. "We have to hold it down until reinforcements arrive!"

At the moment, several Batzlers spotted a woman and little boy trying to escape, then began chasing them down, as they were running away from the group of monsters until the little boy tripped on the ground from some broken debris.

"Ow!" The little boy cried out in pain, as he scraped his left knee.

"Kale!" The mother cried out as she immediately ran back to her fallen son and kneel down towards him. "Everything's okay! Mommy's here!" She said picking her little boy up in her arms.

They were soon approached by Batzler, which freaked the family of two out. "Please just let us go!" The mother pleaded for their lives, as she embraced her son tightly with the little boy scared out of his mind from being this close to the alien intruders.

Hearing the mother's pleas, Serena looked over at them in horror. "No!" She called out making a beeline for them. But before she could reach the family, a Batlzer Soldier blasted the ground in front of her, knocking her over on her side.

"SERENA!" The Lt. exclaimed in fright, holding out his hand to her.

The mother and son both cried out in fear while looking away from the incoming creatures appearing them. Then out of nowhere, a sudden yell got everyone's attention.


Out of nowhere, a red blur launched across a police car and drop kicked the Batlzer Soldier away from the family of two, sending it flying across the ground. "Why don't you pick on someone who can actually fight back!" The figure declared, revealing to be the Red Hero Force Ranger.

At that moment, four more figures jumped out of nowhere and landed on each side of Sora. (Reina and Cyrus on his left, with Kiba and Ayumi on his right. Sora stood in the middle.)

"What!?" Igeron demanded in a angry, yet confused tone.

The crowd were taken back as the cameras focused on the unknown group who intervened at a time where the heroes couldn't. They just came out of nowhere, which was something that even baffled the crowd and the police.

"Is everyone okay?" Ayumi asked as she looked back at the police.

The officers just blinked multiple times as they got over there shock.

"Y-Yes, we're fine but who are you?" Serena asked the Rangers.

"We're the Power Rangers: Hero Force." Kiba answered, sending them a thumbs up.

"Power Rangers? Hero Force?" The Police Force thought in confusion as they never heard those terms before.

"Power Rangers? I never heard of a pro heroes with that name." The Sgt. said.

"Well, that's because we're not Pros."  Cyrus sheepishly said, surprising the police.

"T-Then your vigilantes?! What your doing is completely against the law? You n-need to leave..." The Lt. tried to say but the Batzler soldiers then made several of noise, getting the group's attention again.

"I still can't believe it...actual aliens!" Cyrus muttered in awe. "If they weren't evil, I would ask them so many questions!"

Ayumi shivered in disgust. "Ugh, they're even creepy up close! Especially that horseman guy."

"You freaks picked the wrong planet to mess with!" Reina said, pointing at the grunts. "Leave now before you get hurt!"

"Stop! It's dangerous to approach those things!" The Sgt. said, but was ignored.

Igeron snorted at this. "And who's going to make me? A bunch of measly insects playing hero? I think I'll let my Batzlers deal with you."

The Batlzer Soldiers all turned their attention the teens before pointing their claws at them with pure malice. "Well, I guess that's their answer," Kiba joked.

"Challenge accepted." Sora simply said, dropping into a fight stance. "Ready, guys?"

"Ready!" The others quickly followed his actions.

The crowd gasped, and the police were shocked.

"S-Stop! Don't do this!" Serena tried to protest but was ignored.

"Please don't!" The Lt. said as well.

But it was in vein as their voice fell to death eyes with the new Rangers turning his attention back at Igeron

"Just who in the hell are you suppose to be?!" Igeron yelled at the Power Rangers.

Sora clenched his fist and spun around before stopping, "Champion of the Skies! Hero Force Red!" He shouted while doing a pose, surrounded by red hot blaze of fire. He now wore a red Ranger suit with white gloves and boots, with golden accents on it, with a white/yellow 'V' on the chest, while his helmet belt buckle had the 'Hero Force' logo on it. A blaster was attached on the right side of the belt. his visor was an upside down arrow and resembled a Condor.

Reina clenched her fist and spun around before stopping, "Champion of the Earth! Hero Force Black!" She shouted while doing a pose, surrounded by several rock formations. She now wore a blak suit similar to Sora's, only the helmet had a narrow, black visor with a silver mouthpiece and had a design that resembled a Bull.

Cyrus clenched his fist and spun around before stopping, "Champion of the Seas, Blue Hero Ranger!" He shouted while doing a pose, surrounded by waves of water. His suit matched the others, only it was blue and his visor was an oval with points at the end, as his helmet had the design of a Stallion.

Kiba clenched his fist and spun around before stopping, "Champion of the Savanna, Yellow Hero Ranger!" He shouted while doing a pose, surrounded by thunderstorms. He now wore a yellow which was the same as the boys, only the helmet had a rectangle black visor with a grey mouth piece and resembled a Lion.

Ayumi clenched her fist and spun around before stopping, "Champion of the Forests, Pink Hero Ranger!" She shouted while doing a pose, surrounded by currents of air. Her suit matched Reina's, only it was pink with a skirt, her visor being a heart shape, and her helmet was designed with the resemblance of a Swan.

"Til the Age of Heroes end, Rangers Defend!" The five of them shouted together in sync for everyone to hear while getting into new poses with their team symbol shining above them. "Power Rangers Hero Force!" The Hero Force Rangers shouted before a giant explosion occurs behind them, further increasing their awesomeness.

Kinda like this.

To Be Continued...

That's another rewrite done and finished. Much longer than it was previously. I also changed the Morphing sequence too. Hope you guys like it

Remember to leave a review or PM me your thoughts and opinions.

See ya!!!

Voice Cast

Cherami Leigh as Katrina

Stephanie Young as Alsatia

Michael Dorn as Ernesh

Jim Cummings as Igeron

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