Chapter 11 - Result Time

(Hero Force Opening Theme)

[As the plays, the Paladin Hero Megazord is shown marching through a city as explosions occur around it.]

Hero Force!

[The scene cuts to Sora, Reina, Cyrus, Kiba, and Ayumi as the Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Power Rangers and wielding their Hero Weapons with Sora in the middle, Reina and Cyrus to his left, with Kiba and Ayumi to his right.]

Hero Force!

[Cut to the Condor Hero Zord, Bull Hero Zord, Stallion Hero Zord, Lion Hero Zord and Swan Hero Zord all combining into the Paladin Hero Megazord and then cut to the Rangers taking position as the Megazord cockpit formed around them: The Red Ranger in the middle, the Blue Ranger to the left, the Black Ranger to the right, the Yellow Ranger in the back left, and the Pink Ranger in the back right.]

Hero Force!

[Cut to the Rangers as the last verse-chorus lyric, cutting to each of them posing, starting with Sora, Reina, Cyrus, Kiba, and Ayumi]

Pow-er, Ran-gers!

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Sora and his Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Sora on the left side facing the camera, smiling with his arms folded. The Red Ranger on the right, posing with the Condor Hero Zord screeching in the background.]

Yuri Lowenthal as Sora Ukashi/Hero Force Red

Growing stronger,

[Cut to the Condor Hero Zord flying through the air with a huge explosion following behind. Cut to the Red Ranger as he rides his Valiant Cycle.]

Faster every day;

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Reina and her Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Reina on the left in a workout outfit as she looks up, flicking her hair back and smiles to the side. The Black Ranger on the right side, posing with the Bull Hero Zord mooing in the background.]

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Cyrus and his Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Cyrus on the left as he looks up from his work bench, lifts his googles up to reveal his eyes, and smiles to the side. The Blue Ranger on the right side, posing with the Stallion Hero Zord neighing in the background on it's back hooves.]

Jamie Chung as Reina Fukukado/Hero Force Black

Dan Green as Cyrus Hado/Hero Force Blue

Standing up to evil forces,

[Cut to the Stallion Hero Zord attacking a Zero-Pointer as the Bull Hero Zord bashes it's powerful horns into the enemy's chest. Cut to the Blue Ranger fighting Batzlers, using his Sea Lance to bash at them. Then cut to where the Black Ranger then uses her Terra Axe to slam down on six Batzlers, causing a big explosion behind the duo]

Coming our way;

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Kiba and his Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Kiba is sitting on some stairs, grinning at the camera. The Yellow Ranger on the right, posing with the Lion Hero Zord roaring in the background.]

Zeno Robinson Kiba Mason/Hero Force Yellow

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Ayumi and her Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Ayumi on the right side facing the camera, smiling as she faces the camera in a cheerleader uniform. The Pink Ranger on the right, posing with the Swan Hero Zord whistling in the background.]

Hayden Panettiere as Ayumi Sunzuni/Hero Force Pink

Call on mighty hero power,

[Cut to the Swan Hero Zord firing lasers from above as the Lion Hero Zord pouncing onto a Zero-pointer as the. Cut to the Yellow Ranger fighting Batzlers, doing a backflip as he grabs one of them and tosses it to the ground, then cut to where Ayumi then uses her Sky Bowgun to shoot through Batlzers, causing two of them to explode.]

for evil and machine;

[Cut to Alsatia's warship on a computer with Alsatian, Ernesh and Scrozzle all standing in front of of throne.]

Earth's defenders protecting us,

[Cut to the team morphing into their Ranger forms in a split screen of five: Kiba in the top left, Sora in the middle, Reina in the top right, Ayumi in the bottom left, and Cyrus on the bottom right.]

From all the unseen;

[Cut to the Red Ranger using his Pyro Saber to slash away at several Batlzers, blocking two more, before knocking them back with a firewave. Cut to the Blue Ranger using his Sea Lance to strike at a Batlzers, before spinning around and slashing all at remaning footsolidiers]


Power Rangers,

He-ro Force!

[Cut to the Yellow Ranger slashing at the cockpit of a robotic tank with his Savanna Claws, knocking it down, before leaping into the air to drop kick another Batlzer.]


Power Rangers,

He-ro Force!

[Cut to the Black and the Pink Ranger as they backflipped away from a Batzler about to explode, both Rangers wielding their Terra Axe and Sky Bowgun as they did.]

Power up,

To win the battle;

[Cut to the Rangers combining their Hero Weapons into the Justice Striker and firing it, facing towards the cannon.]

Protecting us,

[Cut to the Rangers all holding their Morphers up into the sky.]

Never surrender;

They keep us safe,

[Cut to the Rangers piloting the Hero Zords as they moved through the city, a side view of all five Zords as they ran towards the left.]

From all that we face;

[Cut to the Paladin Hero Megazord battling and defeating Mega Batzlers.]

Protecting the world,

[Cut to the Paladin Hero Megazord completed transformation, the Megazord poses with the Hero Force Insignia in the background.]

The future of the human race;

[Cut to the Rangers, riding through the city on their Vailant Cycles.]


[Cut to the Paladin Hero Megazord soaring high into the air to avoid explosions.]

Power Rangers,

He-ro Force!


[Cut to the Paladin Hero Megazord performing its Paladin Strike, facing the camera.]

Power Rangers,

[Cut to the Paladin Hero Megazord taking stance, lowering its arms.]

He-ro Force!


[Cut to the Ranger's arm coming into view, Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, and Pink as they all formed a team fist bump.]

Power Rangers,

He-ro Force!


[Cut to all five Rangers taking stance as a big explosion occurs behind them.]

Power Rangers,

[Then cut to the title card with "Hero Force" forming underneath "Power Rangers" in cool silver color digital formations before flashing and transforming into metallic lettering with heroic panel design.]

He-ro Force!


U.A. High School Ground Beta City C - Morning

Back at the battle center, the Rangers left their Paladin Zords' cockpits looking back at the gigantic robotic creature.

"Thanks, you guys! We'll call you again if we need you!" Sora shouted, throwing them a mock salute.

"Yeah, you guys were the MVPs of today!" Reina agreed, resting an elbow on the brunette's shoulder.

The Zords let out roars, grunts and screeches, accepting the thanks before fading in a golden light, returning back to the Zord Hangar, which surprised everyone.

Meanwhile, Cyrus, Kiba, and Ayumi stood next to their friends and watched everything unfold.

"Looks like we're done." Kiba said with a grin.

"Thank goodness." Cyrus sighs in relief.

"Today was pretty eventful," Ayumi said in agreement, placing her arms behind her back.

"I'm only going to say this once." Sora then turned to face his friends. "THAT WAS AWESOME!" He said out loud with a grin.

"Damn right, it was." Kiba said, as both boys high-fived.

"Whooo!" Ayumi cheered, pulling Reina in a side hug.

I know we already had our first Zord battle against Bulldozertron 2.0, but today's Zord battle was amazing." Cyrus happily said. "Now, I understand why the Rangers loved their Zords so much!"

"You don't mess with the Hero Force, baby!" Reina whopped in excitement.

As the Rangers were talking to each other, the students were giving them a weird stare, like they were looking at some kind of freaks of nature. Soon, the applicants murmured about the five Power Rangers.

"Man, I can't believe they are those Rangers guys from before." A boy said.

"Yeah. Were they allowed to wear those costumes?" Someone asked.

"Don't know, but it was awesome." A guy said.

"And those animal robot thingies were insane." A girl said.

Mina was slightly listening to the others and looking at the Rangers in awe.

"Holy crap! That was crazy, but it was so awesome!" She thought, looking at Kiba. "I really hope he and his friends get accepted into U.A."

"Power Down." All the Rangers said de-morph out of their outfits, surprising everyone again.

"Wow, I'm not as tired as I was when I first de-morph." Sora said to himself, only feeling slightly tired.

"Hey, same here!" Cyrus said, looking at his hands.

"All that power, and it vanished in an instant." Reina said, gripping her fists.

"I guess all that training Katrina put us through is paying off." Kiba said to them.

"Good thing, too." Ayumi nodded. "I'm not sure if we could've pulled that off without it."

"Good work-very nice. You're heroes in my eyes-every one of you!" The students turn their heads to see an old woman wandering through the crowd, her cane clicking on the ground with each step.

Her name is Chiyo Shuzenji, also known as Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl.

She is a short, elderly woman with gray hair styled into a netted bun, a large syringe poking diagonally out of it to the left. She has a notably small nose and eyes, which are usually drawn as two little dashes, and a long mouth with defined nasolabial folds. She wears a doctor's lab coat and a dress with yellow and red vest-like designs on either side, two yellow buttons, and a belt with a pink "R"-shaped buckle. She wears pink boots and has a helmet around the sides of her head, a purple-tinted visor joining it over her eyes. In addition, she walks with a cane designed like a syringe.

She dug in her pocket, placing gummies in a boy's hand. "Here, reward yourselves. Have some gummies!" The old lady said.

"Who's she?" Sora asked, looking at the old woman.

"Oh, wait! I heard of her!" Cyrus chimed in with awe. "That's Recovery Girl. She's a venture Pro Hero whose Quirk, apparently, allows her to amplify and speed up the human body's natural healing process by planting a kiss on the injured person!"

"Seriously....kisses?" Reina raised an eyebrow at this.

"Like the ones Grandmothers give?" Ayumi wonders with a head tilt.

"Huh. That's neat." Kiba shrugged.

Sora thought that was an impressive power to have. To heal any injuries anytime you want could help out a lot of people. 

"Wow, you really know your stuff."

Blinking at the new voice, the Rangers turned around to see a petite, fair-skinned girl with a slender build standing behind them. She had triangular, lazy-looking onyx eyes with notably long lower eyelashes and rather small eyebrows. Her hair was short, only around chin length, and is dark purple in color with an asymmetrical fringe, and two reflections shaped like heartbeat monitor waves on either side of her head. Her most prominent features are the flexible, plug-like earphone jacks hanging from each of her earlobes at the end of two thin cords. She was dressed in punk rock street clothes.

This was Kyoka Jiro.

"So, you're the guys who basically demolished all of those bots." She assumed.

"That'd be us!" Sora joked lightly. "It's nice to meet you, umm...?"

"Kyoka Jiro." The rock girl replied with a smile. 

"Sora Ukashi." The Red Ranger introduced before gesturing to the others. "These are my friends."

"Name's Reina Fukukado." The green-haired girl said with a nod.

"Hey, my name's Cyrus Hado." the bluenette greeted her with a smile.

"Kiba Mason." The orange-haired nodded to her.

"I'm Ayumi Suzuni. Nice to meet you." Ayumi introduced herself with a smile.

"Hey there." Jiro awkwardly greeted in return. She then turned her head to Sora. "Hey, can I ask you a question?" Jiro asked, getting a nod from the boy. "Those Rangers guys from a while back that saved those people....Are you really them?"

"Surprise!" Kiba remarked jokingly while doing jazz hands.

Recovery Girl walked up to the Rangers said. "Hello, dearies. Looks like all of you are in tip-top shape. "

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Sora said, scratching his cheek. "Anyway, we'll be getting out of your hair now. Come on, guys. Let's get out of here." He said to his teammates, and they began to leave.

"Hey, wait!" Mina yelled out, stopping the Rangers as they turned to her.

"Oh, hey." Kiba greeted the familiar pink-skinned girl. "What's up?"

"So, I wanted to say that you guys were amazing out there! Like Wow!" Mina praised their performance. "Especially those giant robots!"

"It was nothing, really." Cyrus smiled while rubbing his head.

"Yeah, you should see us on our best day." Reina snorted with a smirk.

"So, who are you guys?" Pony asked them as the other students listened as well.

"We're the Power Rangers Hero Force." Sora said to her.

"Power Rangers Hero Force?" Everyone thought, remembering them calling themselves that during their morph.

"Are you some type of heroes or something?" Jiro asked.

"Sorry, but we can't tell you anymore than we have to." Cyrus said, not wanting to push the conversation forward.

"Yeah, so sorry." Ayumi said to them.

"We'll be heading out now." Sora said to them. "See ya guys later!"

With that said, the Hero Force Rangers left the battle center, leaving the others with more questions than answers.

Meanwhile, Jirou just looked on at the Rangers as they walked away to the exit. She was hoping to talk to them more and get to know them.

She didn't know why, but the Rangers interested her in more ways than one.

'Power Rangers Hero Force? That sounds like a hero team name.' Recovery girl thought, looking at the Rangers leave. 'Who are they?' She wondered.


In Space - Alsatia's Ship

"Well now, this is a new development." Said Alsatia after she and Ernesh had just witnessed the Rangers' Paladin Chariot destory the corrupted 0-pointer.

"So these 'Rangers' seemed to have found more ways to fight back, then." Ernesh commented with narrowed eyes.

"Indeed." Alsatia said, as she sat on her throne, leg crossed over the other. "It seems we have some worthy opponents."

"And I see it as an opportunity for us, your Highness."

Hearing the voice, both Alsatia and Ernesh turned their heads to see Igeron standing with his arms crossed and his face carrying a small smirk.

"Igeron." Enresh snorted at the centaur alien.

Alsatia gained a look of mild curiosity. "What did you mean when you said that this was 'an opportunity'?"

"Yes, that giant robot did fail to destroy the Rangers, but it did allow us to see what those colorful humans are capable of." Igeron told them as he trotted into the room. "Plus, if we can get our hands on the remains of the robot, then that rusted can of bolts could build us something useful."

Alsatia leaned back in her chair calmly, humming as she spoke, "Hmm... You make a couple of interesting points, Igeron. Tell me, how close is Scrozzle to finishing his 'Reanimizer'?"

"Hopefully, very soon, My Queen." Igeron replied back. 'Along with my new equipment.'

"When you return to check on his progress, have him inform me about the device's completion. I have a plan for him and for his Reanimizer." Alsatia said, as her chair rotated around to face the Earth outside of the window.

Igeron gave her a small bow. "Consider it done." He spoke as he turned around to exit the room, the doors closing behind him.


Ukashi Resident- Afternoon

1 week later

It's been over a week since the exam. Sora was at home practicing martial arts in the backyard. The black/red-haired teen didn't know if he and his teammates had passed or failed. He knew they'd done pretty well on the written exam and took out a lot of faux villains, but waiting to know the results was killing him.

Spinning around to kick the air, Sora sighed out loud as he wiped the sweat from his brow.

"It's been over a week now. I wonder when they're going to send out the exam results?" Sora said to himself. "Gah, waiting sucks!"

It was at that moment that Serena stuck her head outside of the house door. "Sora, can you come inside for a second!" She called out.

Sora stopped his training and headed into the house to see what his mom wanted.

"You need something, Mom?" He asked.

" A letter from U.A. arrived for you." Serena said, handing him a letter. "What's that about?"

"Oh, right...." the Red Ranger said in surprise, realizing an important detail that he forgot to inform his adoptive mother. "I applied to enroll into U.A."

The woman looked at the boy in shock. "I'm sorry, what?"

Sora let out a sigh as he decided to come clean. "Me and others decided that we're all going to attend U.A and become the first ever Quirkless heroes."

"Yeah, and when were you going to tell me that you were applying to U.A?" said Serena, who folded her arms as Sora had a nervous expression on his face.

"Oh! Umm... Surprise!"

"Sor, when were you going to tell me about this? I thought we were a team."

"We are, we are! I was going to tell you, when I came back home from school. But you were busy with work and that attack downtown happened. Then I ended up getting caught up in training and whatnot--- how's this going..."

"Terrible, but A for effort." Serena replied as she put a hand on her son's cheek, rubbing it. " Next time just tell me what's going on with you okay?"

"Yeah, I know."

"But in all honesty, why are you applying to a school that trains heroes?" Serena asked, with worry laced in her tone.

The red Ranger clenched the envelope in his hand. "I just want to show people that a Quirkless person like me can be a hero." He replied with conviction.

"Then, why couldn't you just apply to be a police officer, like me? Or a firefighter?"

Sora shook his head. "You have your own way of helping. And I just want to help people in my own way. So please, trust me on this?"

Serena looked at her foster son's eyes and saw nothing but determination and conviction in them, something she'd only seen in a handful of people. After a few seconds of thinking about it, Serena sighed in reluctant acceptance and spoke up. "Ok, I trust you. But what about Ayumi and the others? Do they know what you're trying to do?"

"Oh, they know." Sora simply told her before heading to his room, closing the door in the process. He sat at his desk. "Here goes nothing." He ripped it in half before a thin disc fell out. It clattered on the desk, emanating a blue light as it activated.

"A projection?" He both said before the screen displays a dark purple-haired woman wearing a red mask and a hero costume that looked similar to one of a traditional dominatrix, winking at the camera with a sultry pose and a flogger-style whip in her right hand.

"Hello, cutie~" Midnight said in a flirting tone.

Sora just blinked multiple times with widened eyes.

"Who the heck is she?" He asked confusingly.

"I am the R-rated heroine: Midnight, one of the teachers at U.A., and I'm here to show you your results of the U.A. entrance exam!" She said.

Sora prepared himself for this as he watched Midnight swing her whip towards the TV screen to her right.

"For the written portion, you passed with flying colors without getting a single answer wrong. with particular distinction in the General knowledge segment. Never before has that happened in U.A.'s history, so very nice job handsome." Midnight pauses her lips with narrow eyes and a grin. "This is where things get exciting~"

"Exciting?" Sora questions the R-rated heroine, even though it's a projection.

"Okay, as you already knew, this portion of the exam has you defeating faux villains in order to earn points. You destroyed more robots than any other examinee there, and you were impressive and youthful~. After running the calculations, this would make your total score tallied up to 141 Villain Points! Which is more than enough to pass!" She excitedly said.

Sora's eyes slightly widened in shock. He knew he lost track of his score after he morphed and trashed the robots.

"Now then, you may be wondering, why did I call them Villain points specifically?" Midnight asks before tugging at the strings of her whip while wiggling her hips in excitement. "Because, handsome, that's not your final score~"

"Eh?" The red Ranger was caught by surprise.

"Yes, in order to score points on the exam, you do need to take care of those robots. However, it's not graded solely on Villain Points." Midnight swings her whip to the other side before her irises contract in exhilaration. "There are also points for people who do the right thing and risk their lives for others. We call them Rescue points!"

"Rescue points?" Sora said in confusion.

"Those points, in particular, are given by a panel of judges. Heroism like helping others when they get into an accident is the basic ability we at U.A. look at. The more heroic the rescue is, the more Rescue points the judges give and examine." She explained.

Sora nodded in agreement with what she said. Heroes do more than fight villains, they help the innocent and protect the community.

"Right, let's take a look at your good deeds, shall we~?" Midnight says before cracking her whip at the screen next to her again, revealing footage of Sora helping the other examinees before morphing. "Here you are saving a few examinees from faux villain attacks. The judges decided to give you a few Rescue points for that deed. Next and lastly..." Midnight began before her breathing started to get hot with a little bit of drool trickling from her bottom lip. "My most favorite highlight yet... This incredible display where you and your teammates summoned giant robots to destroy the 0-pointer in a spectacular display of power~!" A video was shown of Sora and the other Rangers' actions during the exam.

Unable to contain it any longer, Midnight hugs herself while squealing in delight and twisting her head and body side-to-side.

"Yes! YES~! It was such a youthful display~! The way you cut and slashed apart those robots like they were paper, All while making heroic battle cries~! Absolutely lovely and adorable~! It turned me on so much~!" Midnight yelled with a large flush across her face.

"....D-Did she just say it turns her on!?" Sora thought with a sweat drop as he was watching Midnight getting worked up.

But then, Sora noticed a hand of what appeared to him to be a runner of the recording giving a stop motion to the R-rated heroine as if to tell her to tone it down, making her snap her head towards him with white eyes and shark teeth.

"What?! Will you keep your mind out of the gutter?! I can't help but find the display to be so epic! So what if it's a tad bit biased of me to root for the boy?!" She comedically told off-screen.

The red Ranger couldn't help but sweat drop from what he saw.

Midnight then coughs into her fist and looks back at the camera. "Anyway, after performing such a... Wonderful display, The judges loved it so much, that they've all agreed to issue you an additional 35 Rescue points~! And if you add them all together with you stopping the 0-pointer, you get a grand total of 80 Rescue points!"

Sora was a bit surprised by how many Rescue points he's gotten. Stopping that 0-pointer with the Paladin Chariot Mode helped him out in the end.

"Now then, for your final score!" Midnight announces before swinging her whip upwards. "If we take the 141 Villain Points you've earned destroying faux villains, and add them together with the 80 Rescue Points you've earned from your giant robot battle, your score is a grand total of..." Midnight was silent for a moment before swinging her whip forward so it was pointing at the camera. "221 points! Which puts you in first place on the entrance exam!" Then the scores of the entrance exam were shown.

Entrance Exam Rankings

1st: Sora Ukashi - Villain Points: 141 + Rescue Points: 80 = 221 Points

2nd: Reina Fukukado - Villain Points: 130 + Rescue Points: 90 = 220 Points

3rd: Cyrus Hado- Villain Points: 130 + Rescue Points: 85 = 215 Points

4th: Kiba Mason- Villain Points: 130 + Rescue Points: 85 = 215 Points

5th: Ayumi Suzuni- Villain Points: 130 + Rescue Points: 85 = 215 Points

6th: Katsuki Bakugo- Villain Points: 77 + Rescue Points: 0 = 77 Points

7th: Eijiro Kirishima- Villain Points: 39 + Rescue Points: 35 = 74 Points

8th: Ochaco Uraraka- Villain Points: 28 + Rescue Points: 45 = 73 Points

9th: Ibara Shiozaki- Villain Points: 36 + Rescue Points: 32 = 68 Points

10th: Itsuka Kendo- Villain Points: 25 + Rescue Points: 40 = 65 Points

11th: Tenya Iida- Villain Points: 52 + Rescue Points: 9 = 61 Points

12th: Izuku Midoriya-Villain Points: 0 + Rescue Points: 60 = 60 Points

Sora's eyes widened in surprise at the score he saw. He got first place. That was something the old him never would have imagined if he didn't have his Ranger powers. Not only that, but he and his friends made it to the Top 5! And...wait, how come Izuku didn't have any Villain points?

"But that's not all cutie~!" Midnight said, getting his attention.

Sora looked back at the hologram.

"Not only did you come in first place on the entrance exam by a large margin, but you also managed to beat All Might's previous 220 record by 1 point!" Midnight announced licking her lips.

"I beat the big guy's old record?" Sora muttered in surprise. He beat the Number One hero's record.

"Therefore, Sora Ukashi. You have been accepted into U.A. High School's Heroes Course, Class 1-A!" Midnight said before giving him an alluring wink and a heartwarming smile. "I look forward to seeing you, Ukashi. For this is your Hero Academia~."

Sora couldn't help but smile from the results of the exam. They got in. They all got in, and they can finally become true Power Rangers!

Filled with some much happiness, he threw his fists in the air and shouted at the top of his lungs. "YYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!"

However, he saw the video change from Midnight to a small white animal that Sora couldn't tell if it was a bear, a mouse, or something else.

"That's right. It's me, Nezu, the one who could be a dog or a mouse or a bear, but more importantly... I'm the principal!" Nezu greeted, happily.

Sora gaped with wide eyes. "The Principal!?"

"Hello, Young Ukashi." Nezu said, drawing Sora's attention. "I would like to congratulate you and the rest of the Power Rangers Hero Force members on a job well done with the exam. If possible I would like to have a meeting with you and the rest of your team before school starts. So, please come to the school tomorrow at 11:30. I will also be inviting most of the U.A. staff members and a few other people to this meeting. I look forward to seeing you all there!"

The recording then cut off after that, leaving the brunette in wonder.

"Katrina," Sora said, pulling up his Morpher. "You catch that?"

"I did. It must have something to do with what the five of you did at the entrance exam." Katrina assumed. "If they're calling a meeting with so many Pro heroes in one place, they probably want to question you all about your Ranger powers."

"So what do we do? Tell them everything about the Power Rangers?" He asked the hologram.

"...That might be the only option we have," Katrina said, not seeing any other way out of this situation. "But more importantly, you might want to contact the others and fill them in as well."

Sora nodded before pulling out his phone to text the others.

[Hero Force Chat Room]

Ryu (Sora): Guys, we have a situation.

SuperGirl (Reina): What happened?

Joker (Kiba): Wait, wait. Before that, did you guys pass?

Princess (Ayumi): Yep! ;)

SuperGirl (Reina): Same here.

Brainstorm (Cyrus): Same here. You too, Kiba?

Joker (Kiba): You know it!

Ryu (Sora): I did too, but that's not important, right now.

Super Girl: (Reina) What's going on?

Ryu (Sora): Principal Nezu just invited us to a meeting with him and some other Pro Heroes.

 Brainstorm (Cyrus) Yeah, I got that invite too. But he also invited my sister to that meeting, as well. 

 SuperGirl (Reina): Same here with my sister. Ugh. I can already imagine what she's going to say to me if she finds out that I'm a Power Ranger.

Joker (Kiba): What we did at the entrance exam wasn't exactly normal. XD

Princess (Ayumi): Yeah, we all morph in front of everyone. Not to mention the Zord battle.

Sora looked down at his Morpher and asked. "Did we make a mistake summoning our Zords?"

"Well, it might've been a little over the top, but the past Rangers probably would have done the same thing myself." Katrina answered. "But in any case, if they're asking for all of you to come, then they probably want answers."

"Which means we would have to spill the beans about the Power Rangers." Sora thought.

They made it a rule in their group to not disclose too much information on the Power Rangers if possible. But if U.A. is involved they don't have a choice.

Joker (Kiba): So what do we do, Fearless Leader?

Ryu (Sora): Katrina said that we might have to tell them everything. And I mean everything.

Super Girl (Reina): Are you sure that's a good idea?

Brainstorm (Cyrus): Didn't we agree not to say anything about the Power Rangers to anyone?

Princess (Ayumi): Yeah, but if we want to get into U.A...then we don't have a choice but to talk.

Joker (Kiba): That makes sense. They probably saw us morph in the exam too.

SuperGirl (Reina): Probably. So when do they want to meet us?

Ryu (Sora): Tomorrow at 11:30, so don't be late.

Super Girl/ Brainstorm/ Joker/ Princess: Right!

To Be Continued...

Another chapter done! Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! 

Leave a review or PM me your thoughts and opinions.

See ya!!!

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