Ep5: The Sleepover
[Episode 4: The Sleepover]
Narrator POV
After the battle against Fury, the Rainboom was getting ready to have a sleepover but Sunset was forgetting about something then she realize something and she went back to the store to get Sm's sleeping outfit and she was outside of the store.
Sunset: Alright Sm, are you ready to have fun?
Then Sm replied with a meow and have a smile on his face while he was holding Sunset Shimmer hands then out of nowhere someone bump into them causing Sunset to fall and she heard someone.
???: I'm sorry, I didn't look where I was going
Sunset Shimmer: No no no, it's my fault
???: Here let me help
Then she grab his hand then she saw a man with a short hair with a beard wearing a black jacket, a grey shirt and black pants.
Sunset Shimmer: Thanks, uhh
Tommy: The names Tommy Oliver and your welcome
Sunset Shimmer: Sunset Shimmer and this is Sm
Then she pick up Sm and he then waves at Tommy and Tommy waves at Sm back.
Tommy: It's nice to meet you too Sm, I guess I'll be leaving then
Then Tommy left and Sunset Shimmer and Sm wave goodbye. Then they look at each other.
Sunset Shimmer: Let's go Sm
Then Sm nodded and they both left getting ready for the sleepover.
(Meanwhile at Pinkie Pie house)
At Pinkie Pie house, the rest of the Rainboom was waiting on Sunset Shimmer and Sm.
Rainbow Dash:*impatient* Where are those two? It's almost that time
Applejack: Don't worry sugar cube, they'll be here
Pinkie Pie: But how looooooooong though?
Rarity: Calm down Pinkie Pie
Then they heard a knock on the door.
Pinkie Pie: I GET IT!
Then she goes to the door and opens it revealing to be Sunset Shimmer and Sm in their sleeping outfit.
Sunset Shimmer: Hey Pinkie Pie
Then Sunset Shimmer and Sm went inside Pinkie Pie's house and went into her room.
Sunset Shimmer: Hey everyone
Then Sm let out a meow.
Applejack: Hey sugar cubes
Rarity: Hey darlings
Fluttershy: Hi Sunset and Sm
Sci Twi: Hey
Rainbow Dash: Finally, y'all are here
Sunset Shimmer: Sorry that we're a bit late
Applejack: That's alright sugar cube
Then Applejack felt a tug on her pants and she look down to see Sm in his sleeping outfit causing her to have a cute overload.
Applejack: Awww, well you're just cute as you can be
Then she picks him up and starts petting him causing him to purr then Sci Twi realize something.
Sci Twi: Oh, I forgot something
Rainbow Dash: What is it?
Sci Twi: I want Sm to meet someone
Then she went to her bookbag which causes Sm tilted his head in confusion while Applejack put him down.
Sci Twi: Sm, meet Spike
Then she open up her bookbag reveal to be a purple dog with green ears and he was sleeping then Sm walk towards to Spike then he tilted his head in confusion.
Sci Twi: Spike wake up
Then she start shaking Spike making him groan.
Spike: What is it?
Sci Twi: I want someone to meet you
Spike: Who is it Twilight?
Then Sci Twi pick up Spike out of her bookbag and puts him down then Spike heard a meow and he turned around to see Sm with a smile on his face, this causes Spike to jump back and start growling.
Sci Twi: Spike relax, he's nice
Then Spike walk towards Sm and he start to sniffing him and Sm waved at Spike with a smile on his face then Spike looked back at Sci Twi.
Sci Twi: So?
Spike: He's ok
Then Sm jump up and down with excitement and Spike's tail start wagging with a smile on his face.
Spike: Welcome to the sleepover Sm
Then he raise his paw up then Sm raise his hand and Spike give Sm a high five then Sm raises his hands up with a smile on his face then the Rainboom saw something strange about Sm and they realized that Sm was standing up.
Rainbow Dash:*shocked* Is he?
Sunset Shimmer:*shocked* Standing up? Yes
Then Sm's legs started to wobble but when he's about to fall, Fluttershy caught him in time.
Fluttershy: Don't worry Sm, I gotcha
Then Sm gave her a thumbs up and he tried to stand up and Fluttershy was holding his arms then she realized what is Sm was trying to do.
Fluttershy: Sm are you trying to walk?
Then Sm nodded at this and Fluttershy stand up while still holding on Sm's arms.
Pinkie Pie: I want to help too
Then she went beside Sm and Fluttershy.
Pinkie Pie: Ok Sm, all you have to do is get to Aj but follow my lead
Then Pinkie Pie was walking slowly for Sm to see then he follow her lead as Fluttershy was holding Sm's arms then she saw his legs stop wobbling and she let go of his arms and he started to walk forward and this causes the Rainboom to have a shocked face.
Rarity:*shocked* He's walking
Applejack:*shocked* Well I'll be
Rainbow Dash and Spike:*shocked* Woah
Sunset Shimmer:*shocked* Wow
Then Sm start walking fast and he got to Applejack and she hugged him.
Applejack: You did it sugar cube
Then Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash got up and walk towards to Sm and Applejack and they gave him a head pat.
Sunset Shimmer: Good job Sm
Rainbow Dash: You did good
Then Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spike, Rarity, and Sci Twi walked towards Sm to congratulate him.
Rarity: Good job darling
Spike: Did great Sm
Sci Twi: That was awesome
Then Pinkie Pie ask them.
Pinkie Pie: Can we start the sleepover?
Sunset Shimmer: Sure Pinkie Pie
Then everyone went to their spots. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were playing a racing game on the tv.
Applejack: I'm gonna win Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash: I don't think so Aj
Then on the screen, Rainbow Dash and Applejack characters were neck and neck close to the finish line but Rainbow Dash's character went pass Applejack's character and to the finish line.
(Announcer): The winner is Rainbow Dash
Then Rainbow Dash jumped for joy as she won the game.
Rainbow Dash: In your face Applejack
Applejack: Not bad but you want to try that again?
Rainbow Dash: You bet
And to the next spot was Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Sci Twi, Sm and Spike, they were playing with Spike and Sm who were chasing the ball and a yarn ball while the others were laughing then Sm caught the yarn ball and playing on the thread while Spike caught the ball and he asked Fluttershy.
Spike: Fluttershy, how did you find Sm?
Fluttershy: I found him while I was going to school
Spike: Wow
Then Rarity was thinking about something and Pinkie Pie see this.
Pinkie Pie: What is it Rares?
Rarity: I was just thinking about what outfit Sm can wear
Fluttershy: What do you mean?
Rarity: Well, Sm need more outfit like winter outfit or summer outfit
Spike: How about design an for him
Then Rarity was thinking about it and she thinks it's a good idea and she pick up Spike and start rubbing his ear making his tail start wagging.
Rarity: That's a good idea darling, I'll just start doing it tomorrow
Then they heard laughing revealing to be Pinkie Pie who was standing up and holding the yarn ball in the air while Sm was jumping in the air trying to get the yarn ball.
Pinkie Pie: Come on Sm, you can do it
Then Sm stop jumping and he start thinking about something but someone stop him thinking.
Garuda: Need help
But before Sm could meow, Garuda say.
Garuda: Don't worry I got ya
Then two pairs of yellow wings pop out of Sm's mane and started to float and he grabbed the yarn ball and float down to the ground.
Pinkie Pie: Hey, no fair
Then Garuda popped out of Sm's mane.
Garuda: What? He looks like he have some trouble and beside he's short
While Sm heard what Garuda say, he then have a pout look on his face causing Pinkie Pie to laugh while bends down to Sm height and gave him a head pat.
Pinkie Pie: I'm just kidding you silly goose
Then Spike walked towards Pinkie Pie and Sm to see Garuda on Sm's mane.
Spike: Who are you?
Garuda: The names Mystic Garuda but you call me Garuda
Then Phoenix, Minotaur, Mermaid, and Sprite pop out of Sm's mane.
Garuda: And these are my friends: Mystic Phoenix, Mystic Minotaur, Mystic Mermaid, and Mystic Sprite
Phoenix: Sup
Minotaur: Hello mate
Mermaid: Hi
Sprite: Hey
Spike: It's nice to meet you all
Then they heard a doorbell ring.
Garuda: What was that?
Then Pinkie Pie realizes something.
Pinkie Pie: Oh yeah, the pizza is here
Then Garuda jumped out of Sm's mane and start flying.
Garuda: You said nothing but a word
But before Garuda could fly off, Phoenix grabbed his leg and dragged him back to Sm's mane.
Phoenix: We can't just go out there and go willy nilly now, the pizza delivery guy will probably get scared and call the police and bring us to the science lab experiment us and Sm
Minotaur: He's right Garuda, we can't go out in the open. People will get scared and also I don't like needles touching me
Then Sunset Shimmer walked towards Sm who felt worry and gave a head pat with smile on her face to make him feel better.
Sunset Shimmer: Don't worry guys, we'll keep your secret anyway the school only knows about Sm. I'm sure they'll keep the secret
Then Phoenix just sigh while cross his arms.
Phoenix: Alright, I trust you on this
Then Pinkie Pie went by the door of her room.
Pinkie Pie: Come on guys, let's go
Then Pinkie Pie open the door of her room and left the room.
Sunset Shimmer: Come Sm, let get something to eat
Then she pick up Sm and left the room while the others left room as well.
(In the kitchen)
In the kitchen. Applejack, Fluttershy, Sci Twi, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Sm, and the Mystic Titans are waiting on Pinkie Pie to get the pizza.
Rainbow Dash:*groan* How long does it going to take?
Sci Twi: Be patient Rainbow Dash
Rarity: She's right darling, you need to be patient
Then they heard Pinkie Pie's voice.
They then turn around to see Pinkie Pie who was holding four pizza boxes and she lay the pizza boxes on the counter.
Pinkie Pie: Let's eat
Then the Rainboom got some slices of pizza while Sm looked at the pizza with a confused look on his face and Sunset Shimmer saw this.
Sunset Shimmer: It's pizza Sm
Then she pick up a slice of pizza and she gave it to Sm.
Sunset Shimmer: Try it
Then Sm ate the pizza from Sunset Shimmer's hand and he has stars in his eyes while Sunset Shimmer chuckled at this.
Sunset Shimmer: I guess you like
Then Sm nodded and Sunset Shimmer gave him a head pat causing him to have a red hue on his face and with smile on his face and Pinkie Pie saw this.
Pinkie Pie: Look how happy he is
Then Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Sci Twi, and Rarity saw this and causing them to have an cute overload.
Rainboom: AWWWW!
This causes Spike and Mystic Titans to rolled their eyes.
In Pinkie Pie's room, everyone went to sleep except for Sunset Shimmer who was wondering how do the Armada knows about equestrian magic and she look at Sm who sleeping beside Spike.
Then she start thinking where did he come from before Fluttershy meet him and she has idea ask someone that she knows about him. She then got up and left the room to the kitchen but before she did that, she look at Sm and wonder.
Sunset Shimmer: I wonder what's the little guy dreaming about
She then pick up her book bag and left the room. Then Sm's tail start wiggle a bit.
(In the dream world)
Inside of Sm's mind, he then woke up in a strange place and he look around to see a giant tree with six items inside the tree. He then stood up and he walked towards it while he has a shock face, as he walked up to the tree and before he touch it heard a voice.
???: Welcome young lion
Sm then turn around to see an mobian lion with brown fur and white mane, wearing an red, blue, and orange sweater with a white vest and pants, an pink, purple, violet, blue, and orange boots, and have the star logo on his mane.
???: Hello
This causes Sm to have a confused look on his face and the mysterious lion chuckled at this.
???: Confused aren't you?
Sm then nodded as yes to the mysterious lion question.
Hikaru: Where are my manners, my name is Hikaru the Lion and you must be Sm?
Sm was shocked that Hikaru knows his name.
Hikaru: You might wonder how do I know your name, right?
Sm then nodded as a yes.
Hikaru: Well, it's might be confusing to you but I am you when you are older
This shock Sm but he was confused on why Hikaru's mane is white instead of black and he point at Hikaru's mane and he look at the young lion who was pointing at his mane.
Hikaru: You wondering why my mane is white?
Sm then nodded as a yes to Hikaru's question.
Hikaru: You see that tree over there
Then Sm look at tree with six strange gems on it and he titled his head in confusion.
Hikaru: That is known as the Tree of Harmony, it bears the elements of harmony. Kindness, Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Laughter, and Magic. These six elements were giving to those who are helpful to everyone in Equestria and themselves too, also they gave me this form
Then Sm was amazed that he saw himself when he was older but powerful.
Hikaru: But now, I need tell you something
Sm then tilted his head in confusion of Hikaru is talking about.
Hikaru: Sm, you need to get your memories back and stop the Armada from founding out about the Tree of Harmony
Then Sm was still confused and he pointed himself.
Hikaru: Yes, you have turn into kid and forget your memories but there's a way to get them back. Only you have to do is try to remember the people who was in your life or your new friends will probably trigger a memory. Did you understand that?
Sm then nodded as a yes and out of nowhere, his body start fading.
Hikaru: Looks like you're waking up*held his fist out* see ya when you get your memories back
Then Sm gave Hikaru a fist bump and wave goodbye to him and a bright light.
(In the real world)
Then Sm woke and he looked around to see Sunset Shimmer not here in the room, he then stood walk towards the door and opening it and leave to see where is Sunset Shimmer. Then he heard noises from the kitchen and he went to kitchen to see Sunset Shimmer who is writing in a book and he let out a meow causing her to turn around to see him.
Sunset Shimmer: Oh, you're awake Sm. Come here
Then Sm walked up to Sunset Shimmer who pick him and sat him on her lap and start petting him then he look at the book and Sunset Shimmer saw this.
Sunset Shimmer: Oh, this book was given to me by Twilight Sparkle from my world
This causes Sm to tilted his head in confusion.
Sunset Shimmer: It may sound confusing but I'm not from this world. I'm from a place called Equestria and I'm a unicorn
This causes Sm to have a shock face while he was amazed and he heard a yawn from Sunset Shimmer.
Sunset Shimmer: I'm sorry, it just that I've just a bit tired from writing a letter for Twilight. Let's go to bed
Then she pick Sm and walked back to Pinkie Pie's room and she lay him down beside Spike went to sleep while Sunset Shimmer smile at this and kiss him on the forehead.
Sunset Shimmer: Good night Sm
Then she went to sleep.
In the Armada ship. Vekar, Damaras, Argus, and Levira are in the main deck of the ship.
Vekar:*groans* What's the plan this time Levira?
Levira: Your highness, I have a plan that make those girls and brat won't see coming or should I say can't keep up
This causes Vekar to have interesting look on his face.
Vekar: What is it?
Levira: We'll summon Dragonflay with his speed, they can't catch him
Damaras: You forgot something Levira that brat has a speedster of his own like Fury told
Levira: That means he has a challenge
Levira: Don't worry your highness, he won't fail you
Vekar: Good
Then Vekar let out an evil laugh that echoes out of the Armada ship.
See ya in the next chapter
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