1st Meeting
A mixture of long and short ones here! Happy reading!👋☺️
His goal was to get into that vault. Absorb every ounce of knowledge the humans hide away from his kind for so long. To create a kingdom under his protection and rule. To be king of all apes.
To reach his goal, however, he needs to get help by a human themselves; You.
"You remain calm. Quite as an echo." He claims, smiling with teeth for show, the human nods once (E/C) dulled eyes look to the opposite way of his throne.
This, by what the others proclaimed, to be a sign of weakness. A disability of one's sight. His henchmen were guiding this one into his thrown room with no sign of roughness. Just careful guidance to the seat next to Proximous. Not once take a bite of food but rather, with skeptical hands, sip water slowly from a cup. That was all this human did..
Proximous smile fades "Your facing the wrong way."
Immediately, your head turns around to 'face' him. He had a male human here who would rather communicate and reply. He even laughs at his jokes. Not a word leaves this humans mouth. Just occasional sips of their water cup.
Patience lowers to an unlikely safe level. He was expecting a conversation! Not correct, and enjoy each other's silence. Much more needs to be done today-!
"May I see your hand?"
The king blinks, more three times in fact, just to lean further back in his chair with a laugh "My hand? You humans are odd."
"It helps me identify you, my king. My sight may be gone, but my other senses are heightened in replace of my eyes." A signal guazed hand, fingers exposed, reach out blindly for this apes hand, waiting for it to come in contact "It will be easier for both of us if we do it now than later. Less confusion is needed."
A long felt waite till Proximous begrudgingly set his hand in your fragile weaker hands. He sat there as your fingers took every detail and traced it. Memorying it. From open palms, back of the hand, the fingers, and the nails. Everything was traced. Nothing of his hand was untouched..
"I would like my hand back now."
Nodding, you let him go. Hands back on your lap. Starring soulessly into the void.
"What is the purpose of me being here today, my king?"
Manners. Matured and used the correct title. Quite impressive.
"To get into that vault. Months spent on hard labor, yet no dent, was inflicted nor made." He rants, so many failed attempts, just to sit up from his thrown, observing the petite form that sits clueless in their seat, a slim frown plastered on his face "In your state, how will your help be contributed to our caus? A tool that isn't high in value."
"Do as you wish with me. My home is far from here, and I barely know my way back.." That was true. Taken and sent miles away, all you had was yourself and what you knew. That's it.
The hands of Proximous were set on your shoulders, grip tight but not bone shattering, and forcibly pick the smaller blind human back onto their feet. Not long laughter escapes his chest. Deep and grovy.
"Your home is here now."
New hands take yours. Little time did you realize who it was.Sylva. It was Sylva hands. Encasing yours to guide you away from here.
"Get enough rest. I have big plans to be answered tomorrow. Farwell, (Y/N)."
You're taken away by Sylva as he spoke your name last. Proximous indeed had ideas to be organized tomorrow, many to be solved, so with this, he grabs an apple. Munching on it till he figures out what to do with you.
Not many like the apes as of right now. For you, a medic trainee who once was an elementary school teacher assistant, secretly hiked out to visit the ape who caused a war so long ago.
He didn't like a human helping him. No, he just hates every single human alive..
Though he doesn't talk much, he allows the one who saved him to come near. Heal him and refill his food supplies left there for him. Today was simply re-filling the box. Nothing more.
Once near the abandoned house, not yours, your jaw dropped once your eyes landed on Koba. Sitting on the roof dangling and kicking his feet. Completely out of bed to your displeasure.
He even knew you were there.
He ignored you completely.
Grumbling to yourself, finding it impossible to snap at him to go to bed today, decide to instead plop the box of monthly supplies on the porch. Not once dare go in this time around.
Just before you could get down the stairs, ready to head home and survive again, Koba, come down to hang there before you. Starring daggers your way.
"You're supplies for the month is right there. See ya, Koba!" It was a quick goodbye only to be pointed at and the box, then towards the door of the house.
He wanted you to go inside anyway.
But you weren't.
Not that easily.
So, being bold, walk around him. Heading home wards with a wave of a hand. Another far well.
Koba did nothing but stare. For a long time. At some point, retreats into the house with the box. Healing the wound, he reopened by his own free will once again.
Mai was an odd person yet taught you what a basic human must know. So by that, and countless lessons, find yourself in a tight situation with escaping this gorilla. Mai said to separate once we each dived into the overgrown wheat fields. Adrenaline pumping in your very vains. All you could hear were loud beats of your heart and faint voices of those apes...
That wasn't our real name. Yet, with little to do, look up to find it was not Raka shouting. It was Noa. He came back for both of you...
Mai stood up and spoke "NOA!" to which all eyes were on her.
Immediately, you're scrambling the opposite way of where Mai revealed her location. Heading north east as apes charge after her running form.
Once she was saved by Noa, she looked for (Y/N). Not once finding the other human here.
You would have said something, but because of Noa and his rescue crisis, kick off the gorilla too close to your liking. Immediate eye contact before scrambling onto your legs to run for the hills.
No way can you escape a gorilla that close. He basically caught you in six steps. He felt so accomplished as you're not happy to be caught so soon.
"Stop kicking, or else I'll do more than break your legs." Immediately you stopped, not because he is scary, but the seriousness in his voice.
He couldn't help but chuckle, smirking at the human in his hold "Good girl.~"
Noa nor Mai could save you. Or so you thought. Raka came in on horseback and bonked the shit out of this gorilla's head. Once free, Raka picks you up and runs away with his horse. Niether stop running till all is safe and sound.
Maurice was the one who convinced Ceaser to take you in. He, while taking care of his people as well as being a father, took cautious steps around the new member of his ape colony.
An actual human being.
'Beleive they fit in soon?' Cornelia signs, finding how cute and lost the human was here, to her husband snuggled beside her ill form.
He didn't know. So he shrugs off the question. Finding warmth in his wife presents...
'Koba may not be happy. Humans hurt him more than anyone else here.' Lake, Blue Eye's crush, signs upon arrival to the two, hooting a little 'May not survive once Koba finds out!'
Both king and queen laugh. A possible truth yet not fully false.
Cornelia claps her hands together, an idea in mind 'She could help you Ceaser! Allow her on the hunts, and if human is near, be less harm and communicate shared.'
That wasn't a bad idea. Risky ish but may work..
He agrees, for he loves his wife so much, just to say fair well to Lake as she ventured down to help the human out more. Both queen and king retreat home. Eager to spend time snuggled together and sleep.
(The song I was listening to was My Love, Mine All Mine...choose your song tho!)
After Mai betrayal and bring back his clan, after all he has gone through, wanders deep into the forest to find an unusual site.
Another female human.
Only, thought he knew little of humans, gracefully danced on water. This river was deep. He knew because he fished there many times with his father. This human sang songs he found enchantingly beautiful. Not once did this human fall feet into the water.
They danced as if it were on fragile ice. Graceful and light.
That is till Sun, his father's halk, comes down with a screeching sound. Noa immediately tried to hide away till the human noticed him observing her from afar. Green eyes starring into the depths of (E/C) eyes.
And, without a second to waste, ran for the hills. Noa would have followed but was too stunned by multiple things. The first was your singing, second was your ability to not just walk on water but dance as well, and those eyes...
You could say he stood there for eternity. Maybe more. But Sun made sure to snap him out of it, squacking loudly as possible, to which was feed fish. Smoked fish. That was Sun's favorite food.
Starring at the river once again, maybe for a minute or two, he began his hike back. Not a single thing in his daily life, never once wash out those sweet melodies. He slept in hopes of seeing you again.
And he will. He just needs to give it some time...
His first day under Proximous Ceaser's law. He was by far scared of what has been done to him. Beaten, bruised, you name it. The same Anaya in Hawk clan is no more here, here in this young ape was one broken and scared shitless.
Afraid every single bloody day..
That is till he was set to move away from his remaining clan and into the shipwreck. No clue but sure, it is not good.
Sylva, who called him to depart earlier, opens and close the door saying a quick "Behave runt." Before locking it all together..
"They hurt you real bad.."
He was spooked out of his mind "What?!Who is here??!" to which cease his panicking once his eyes land on a (H/C) (Hair length) human, a cup of tea in hand.
"I'm sorry if I spook you. What's your name?"
A sweet, gentler voice. He seemed to calm down a little. This environment was something completely out of the ordinary to him. Yet, he found it quite comfortable..
He points at himself "Anaya. M-My name is Anaya." Only to point curiously at the chair with big wheels, something he never saw before "Uhm....what is that you're sitting on?"
"My wheel chair! Helps me get from one place to another since my lower half is paralyzed." You chirp as you spin around to show it off, Anaya baffled on two things; this wheel chair and disability of walking.
He frowns, eyes to the floor "I...I am sorry. Life must be so hard for you."
"It can be...I just, well, enjoy what I can live with." Your smile never left, for it was bright as the sun, to which point at yourself joyfully "Anyway, my name is (Y/N)! It's nice to meet you, Anaya!"
For once, he felt safe here. And, though it's an echo, corrected to be called human, felt more free to let go of needed stress. It was homey here. Calm as ever..
"I made some pancakes if you want any. The kitchen is over there!"
He blinks. What is a pancake? He doesn't know what it is, and seeing this human so excited by saying it, couldn't help but follow them like a lost puppy to grab breakfast.
Immediately, he became a pancake lover.
Your time was always spent at your job. You loved it. Well, not your coworkers though. Especially Dodge Landon. Dip shit teenager who is also animal abuser.
"Buck? That dude hates everyone!"
"I know right?! Bitch almost bite my arm off last week!"
These two bicker like it's some special holiday. All these apes were more calm, care free, and sweet hearts when it's you taking care of them. The only one you haven't took care of is this Buck guy.
And speaking of Buck, you spy a new member in this work site. Only, unlike Maurice who chills around, find a pitch black gorilla in the jail cell. He looks so grumpy..
"(Y/N)!The person we need!"
Oh god, no, why him?
Dodge came over, arms slouched around your shoulder trapping your body in place, and tried so hard not to puke or gag at the reeking smell of alcohol and cigarettes. Choking you by the smell alone.
"Dodge!Please refrain from touching me. I know I said that too many times to you, young man!" Shoving him off was easy, getting him to scram was harder.
Yellow teeth shine within his smile "Oh, come ooon!~ What's wrong with a little hug?~"
"Many things! Plus, you need to go lie down. Your high as shit dude."
He took that as a compliment "Hm? Why? Do I turn you ooon?~"
Grimacing at his attempts to seduce you, which he failed many times, only to remember about the gorilla. The new grumpy looking one.
"Hey Dodge? Is that a gorilla over there?"
"A dumb piece of shit. So glad it's locked behind bars, fucking satanic monkey.~"
Okay. That is enough!
"I'm going over to greet him. See ya Dodge!" You scurry away as he began to rant badly about the poor gorilla, just to walk into the empty enclosure towards his locked cage cell.
His broad muscle back face your way.
Sitting down, some snacks and toys to play with, gently knock on the cold metal. It turns it's head slightly your way.
"I'm guessing your name is Buck right? I'm (Y/N). I spend more time here to take care of everyone." Not long show him the snacks, hopefully it will work "I made these from home! Banana, orange, and strawberry bread snacks!"
Buck turned fully around now. Meaning he wants some. So you gave him each type. As he munched on that, you pulled out your Jenga blocks and Uno cards. Buck ate each snack but never came closer. He wasn't comfortable around you yet.
Smiling was all you can do "I see...Here!I'll leave this batch for you okay? I'll make sure to check on you within the next three hours Buck!" All your batches were left for him to have, games put away, soon leave him be.
Buck doesn't trust others much. Yet, just maybe, he can trust this one human....maybe...
His son, Ash, always mentioned this human friend he made in the woods today. He wants to believe it's a joke but, wow, it was in fact not.
Ash, an ape, and the human, florist, splash each other with river water. Cold water. Each laughing and giggling at each other's childness. Right after the human pulls out a towel to dry off. Ash came around just to pull out sandwiches from the humans bag. A bundle of it too.
Rocket sat amazed.
His son made a human friend.
As he observed from afar, well, above would be better. The human worn cloths that seemed to baggy on their human frame, glasses matching the color of their (E/C) eyes, skin that looks to be soft as rabbits fur, and shiny healthy (H/C) hair held back in a tight loose bun...
It seems Rocket is drawn into this human. And he doesn't even know them fully yet.
Nothing less, being a parent, decides to depart and leave his child be. Hopefully one day, met face to face with Ash's new human friend.
Blue Eye's
He met you, fishing for breakfast, by trying to be sneaky above. He failed and fallen into the river. Not sure what to do after that.
The human did though, towel in hand for him to take. After drying himself he sat on a rock. Your fishing resumed.
"Are you hungry? I have sandwiches on me."
He perks up at that, not sure what a sandwich is, but food dose sound good right now. Seeing this the two ate in silence. Simply fishing and enjoying nature at its full beauty..
Your the one who saved his life before Koba could toss him over.
None of the apes knew who you are, not even Ash, but by god were you not going to witness an ape killing one of its own before your very eyes!
Blue Eye's quickly grab hold of Ash, who hoots madly at a human fighting hand to hand with Koba of all apes, immediately ran away with his friend to god knows where.
And you? By god, how did you escape AND survive such blows?! Fucking running for your life as apes everywhere began to shoot and kill whatever they please.
Literally killing humanity before the virus can take then all out single handily.
"Hope in!"
Bless this man! Bless him!
Hoping in, ignoring the two young apes inside already, close the door immediately "DRIVE!"
He drove like no tomorrow.
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