I wonder
your POV
so this is London. I thought, looking at the busy, dirty, loud city before me. I must admit, I pictured something a lot different to this. why would someone like the Queen of England live somewhere so -ummm how do I say- unexceptional as this? I shall never know..
its not much but, I suppose, it is a place to stay and at least its something. even with these empty trash bins, littered floor, the smell of smoke and fumes polluting the air, loud people on their phones, puddles of dirty water --- yyyyaa.... its really not much..
well, I better find somewhere to be staying then. so I wandered around the litter covered streets, passing cars blowing my hair into my face. practically everyone I saw gave me that scowling look, y'know the one that says 'go away, your not wanted here' and I replied with a smirk as if saying , 'welp, I'm here. better start getting used to it.' I swear these people. I pulled out mu phone to have a look around the area:
there was a park and forest nearby. though I don't particularly want to spend another few months in a tree again. they were really close though; only about half a mile away. ill use it as a plan b.
I found a small subway. it would have shelter and plenty of people to rob for food. but it could be cold at night and I might run into a bit of competition. that can be the current plan a.
I don't have the cash to spend a night, nevermind a few months, at a hotel. I wont feel comfortable living in an inn. I would be instantaneously refused if I tried to stay in someones house.
looks like the only option is to try and find someplace decent in that small block of rundown, abandoned apartments. the sun had set as I was looking at the map. "jeez, was I really that long? ah well. ill just camp out over here." I sighed, moving the pack on my shoulder and shaking my arms out a little. I crouched across on the other side of the road, underneath a row of green bushes. I was just adjusting my bag into a makeshift pillow when I heard a frightened mewling. I pulled out a flashlight from in the toolbox and searched around me for the source of the sound. eventually, the light settled upon a red and, black and white fox. the torchlight was making his burgundy eyes glow. "hey there. I guess I'm intruding on your home then. sorry 'bout that." I apologised to him. I can see his ribs, poor thing. I had 1 extra slice of tiger bread left in my bag! I pulled it out and tore it in half, holding out one piece to the hungry fox. at first, he seemed unsure on whether to trust me or not. eventually though, the little guy did take the bread and sniffed curiously in wonder at it before nibbling the crust hungrily.
"heh, you like that? if you stay with me, you could have more everyday. come tomorrow; we will have shelter and ill fetch some more food, I have £3.09 that ive been saving so I could buy us something special. so, wanna stay with me?" as if in response, he snuggled under my arm and fell asleep. hell need a name, Wonder, I think, would be a suiting name for this curious little friend.
I wished him goodnight before drifting into the abyss of dreamland. only, I didn't. I was just held there, in the darkness...
Hello, my darling girl.
W-who are you?
*chuckles* my name is Angela, Angela Blanc. and how are you, (y/n)?
Angela.... how do you know my name? where are you?
oh. oh yes, how could I forget? you cant see me, dear. but I have been watching you for the past few years. such a poor girl you are -being blamed for something so grotesque as MURDER! I simply don't know just how the world could be so foolish and cruel to accuse a child of being responsible for the deaths of their beloved parents. so childish. *chuckles* but yet, I DO suppose they deserved what happened. really, they should of seem it coming.
d-don't you talk about my parents like that! they were good, honourable people!
but were they, my dear? *sigh* you still have much to learn. but we did not contact you to speak of your pitiful parents.
then get on with it! and whose WE?
why, myself and Ash of course.
Angela, you seem to be getting distracted. allow me to inform the child of what needs to be said.
oh, come now, Ash! we were simply having a friendly conversation! weren't we, (y/n)?
sure... friendly.. *cough* b*tch *cough*
*laughter* oh my! so I am!
Angela! look what you've done now, you've gone and upset the poor girl! I doubt she will listen now!
ill listen to YOU. Ash, I assume? you seem to be the more sane of you two.
quite right, my dear. quite right. well, you have a certain purity to your soul. one that has not been tinted in the slightest despite the trouble and crimes you have caused. it is even unnatural for a... HUMAN... to possess a soul of such quality in the first place. it has come to our attention that with your soul, comes a spectacular power! this power has unlocked a gate of sorts -or portal if youd like- that leads to our world. all you need to do is be there to open the door! simple, correct?
good, you understand! we await your arrival!
just hold on a minute---
Angela, come. we must go now.
Yes, Ash. the time has come for us to leave this delightful little mind. farewell, (y/n) (l/n). we wish you well.
****DREAM END****
I saw a bright flash of white before I woke, under the bush. I sat bolt upright -the branches scratched at my face and drops of dew from the night before trickled down my neck, making me shout.
after I had gathered myself, I scooped my hair back, into a bun and peeked out to see the orange glow of the sun making the dirty puddles shine beautifully. I climbed out of the bush and stretched, hearing the cartilage crack in my spine before wondering out into the vast filth of London.
London... I smiled.
the sun read 8:36 AM - time for breakfast! my (e/c) eyes scanned the surrounding area until I spotted a store labelled 'Sainsburys' a grocery store. perfect!
It was not yet open and so a little breaking an entry was necessary. "that's just great. I adore fast food." I smirked. bad pun? cus I have to get the food fast before the coppers catch me? no? jeez, that really must be a bad pun if I had to explain it to myself....
enough thinking! time for feasting! seriously (y/n), stop with the puns!
I snook round the back and pulled a hairpin and an actual pin out of my pocket to pick the silver lock. after a few minutes, I heard a satisfying click! and the grey door opened slightly. I noted the not to very well hidden security cameras in each corner of the store before coming up with a good enough plan:
I stayed pressed to the side of the centre aisle as to not be seen by the public and stayed low so that the cameras' range couldn't spot me from the positions that they were in.
'find the blind spot and stick to it.' was what my father told me, I have his eyes, his style, his intelligence, and his sass. the best combination if I do say so. and I do. no jokes either! watching you with jokes is like watching that hot demon from that show you love try and joke. jeez. I don't even know why you try. I should also stop talking to myself that way. I know I deserve better! ill just start complimenting myself instead!
I carefully selected some chocolate cookies and one of those huge bottles of milk, along with some water and a loaf of poppy seed bread and chicken slices. all of this should last me a total of... hmm, lets see.... 2 weeks! later on, I will have to buy a bag of dog biscuits for Wonder as a treat. I cant really sneak into and quickly run out of a store carrying something that heavy! who do you think I am? Supergirl?
that's what I thought. (XD)
so now, time to grab the fox and start walking to these apartments.
howdy! sorry I had to republish this a few times cus it keeps deleting over half of itself. also, I wont be updating this story or my Sebastian x Reader story (Black Cat) as often either cus She-Wolf is ma main. (its a mystery Black Butler x Reader where you are the last Demon Wolf) really sorry bout that. but thanks to all of you who have been patient with my story and have read my other stories.
Love ya! xxx
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