Chapter 3| Damien
Pip locking me out of his room is a mistake he will soon regret. He doesn't realise that being possessed is a gift. It means you've been chosen by a demon. It means you're special to that demon.
Phillip Pirrup is special to me. I just, find him so interesting. From his taste in literature, to the way he presents himself and speaks and the way he looks.
And yes, to a demon anyway, looks do matter.
Although I like him so, I have to punish him for the way he treats me. I'm aware that seeking revenge on the person you care for isn't actually a good way to get the care back, but it's my way.
When tomorrow graces us with its presence, when I'm able to possess Pip once more, I will do what I please. I will not fear the consequences for Pip. Even if the consequences do involve the police.
Maybe it would teach him not to be so rude.
I sigh to myself. Floating, I make my way to Pip's fathers study. That's where all the books are kept, and it's always fun to lose yourself in a world of fiction. Selecting a random title from the top shelf, I found its where his father keeps all of his horror novels, so they're out of Pip's reach, I sit down beside the unlit fire place.
With a simple snap of my fingers, the burnt coal of the fire lights, flames burning high. With the warmth of the heat hitting my usually cool skin, I sit cross my legs. As the book balances on my lap, I begin to read until tomorrow comes.
As soon as the birds start tweeting, I place the book back on its self. Stephan King is truly a horror master. I was so close to finishing IT, just a few pages away from the ending. However, Pip has tried to sneak out of the house without me once, and I'm positive he would definitely try again. So I don't take any chances now.
I make my way towards his bedroom, swiftly floating up the stairs and standing by his door. I knock, because I don't wish to walk in on him changing. I chose Pip because I found him very appealing in every way possible, but he seems like the type to embarrass easily.
Yet I would love to see his embarrassed face. His cheeks would most likely flare up, and he'd cover himself with whatever item he'd be holding. With his hair a mess, his eyes wide, he'd shove me out of his room.
That thought only causes my hand to cling to the door handle, and my mind screams at me to open the door. Just so I can witness what I imagined, although it's very unlikely that exact scenario would play out.
I control myself, removing my hand and waiting until Pip calls my name to open it. If he doesn't call me, I'll walk in regardless. If he so happens to be shirtless, it's just a nice treat for my eyes.
"You can enter Damien." Pip calls, silencing my thoughts as I twist the handle and enter his room.
He's not fully dressed, yet he's barely undressed. He's wearing a white dress shirt and short shorts, and that's about it. His shoes are set beside his door, his coat hanging above them on a hanger.
"You're going to attend school, like that?" I ask, motioning to his unfinished attire. "You're practically wearing nothing."
Pip clicks his tongue, and I have to hold back a smirk. It's what he does whenever he's frustrated. It's both adorable and hilarious.
"No you idiot." Pip states, ducking down to rummage through a drawer I presume holds socks. "I'm not ready yet."
"Clearly." I boredly glance around his room. I haven't been in here that often, as most of the conversations I have with the blonde Brit end with him locking himself in his room. While I'm stuck on the other side of the door.
Pip's room is painted white, and he has a wooden floor. The room isn't that large, with his bed shoved in the corner, farthest from the door. There's a wardrobe, random boxes placed on top of it. His walls are mostly bare, the only decoration being a picture of Pip being held bridal style by a random girl.
The girl is blonde, her hair curled and falling past her shoulders prettily. She has an unamused look on her face, yet amusement and perhaps love in her eyes. Pip on the other hand, looks extremely uncomfortable but is still smiling brightly.
The last thing in Pip's room is a book shelf. It's spilling with books, ranging from all genres and time periods. I'm tempted to look through the shelf, pick up the few books that have fallen to the floor, but I don't. I stay stood beside Pip's door, watching him as he pulls on some over the knee length socks.
He glances at me, but I keep watching as the smooth looking, pale skin of his leg disappears behind the deep purple fabric of his socks.
"Please, don't do that again." Pip mumbles. He turns away from me, but before he does I catch the deep red splashed upon his cheeks. "It's really humiliating."
"Apologies." I say, smirking at the back of his head. He shivers, as if he felt the smirk and pulls a brush through his hair while staring outside his window.
Floating toward him, I decide to stand beside the blonde. "What are you looking at?"
"The birds." Pip says, still brushing his hair. He keeps staring, his cheeks still dark as a smile grazes his lips.
"The uninteresting things?" I motion to the animals, my black nails catching the early sunlight and glistening. Pip nods.
"I envy them. They have no one controlling them. They're free." He says, most likely hoping the words would effect me.
"Aw Phillip," I say, catching his chin between my forefinger and thumb. I force him to look up at me, to look deep into my crimson eyes as I do with his electrifying blue. He gulps, then his hair brush clatters to the floor.
"D-Damien." He replies, a stutter finding itself into his words. His blue eyes catch the line stunningly, causing them to shine.
"If I had a heart," I whisper, stroking his chin with my thumb. "Id shed a tear or two."
The tongue click occurs again, and I laugh as I let go of Pip. His moves back, picking up his brush as he points to his door.
"Get out." He orders, his voice cracking at the end of the sentence.
Still laughing, I leave his room, and wait outside.
"Could you also hurry up Pip? I'm getting rather bored waiting for you."
"Then you can carry on being 'rather bored'. I'm taking my time." He snaps, I sigh and lean against his door.
"So harsh." I claim, shaking my head. "I haven't even done anything wrong."
When the tongue click is heard through the door, I smile, satisfied. Today will definitely be an eventful one.
As Pip is being especially harsh to me, I will be especially harsh to everyone else. If he's going to treat me like dirt, then he can treat everyone else like it.
When Pip finally opens the door, I fall back into his chest. I can feel his quickening heart beat as my back connects with his chest, and he somehow stays standing.
"Well," I begin, "this is quite a comfortable position."
Pip squeaks, gripping my shoulder then pushing me from him. I stumble down the hall, not really effected by Pip's shove. Pip can be strong, he just never acts it. Maybe if I pretend he could be strong enough to over power me, he would stop acting like such a weakling.
"Please stop speaking like that." Pip requests as he descends the stairs, fully dressed and ready for the school day. I smirk, following him down stairs.
"Why? Is it annoying?" I ask, standing beside him as he slips on a coat, zipping it up.
"It's more embarrassing." Pip states, looking up at me. He sighs, tearing his blue eyes from my red as he looks down to his cupped hands. "Is it time?"
"Oh yes," I begin, walking toward Pip and standing in front of him, so close that his hands brush against my stomach.
Pip gulps, eyes shut tightly. His arms fall to his sides, his fists clenched. Then, I walk into him.
I try to take away all of the pain as our hearts become one. As our minds join, making it possible for you to communicate through said minds. As I gain control of Pip's speech and his limbs, only a small yelp passes through his lips.
That's mostly all the noise he can make while being possessed. Unless I let him have control of his own body while I'm still inside, he has to fight for speech and movement. When he does fight, he's not even close to surpassing me. He can let a yelp or a squeak escape his lips, and he has yet to get even slight control of his body and/or mind.
When he does this, it is very awkward. He always does it at the worst moments too, as if he knows it could ruin the mood of the situation. I could be intimating or being intimate with someone, and he could let a yelp or squeak out. The amount of times I've had to apologise for random, unneeded noises is annoying, and outright embarrassing at its worst.
I sigh, and leave the house. As I make my way to the bus stop, I unzip Pip's coat, welcoming the cold air. I love the cold. I've always experienced heat, and heat only.
It's rare I get summoned to cold places, so as snow as thick as cotton wool falls from the sky lightly it makes me want to scream and dance in happiness.
Sometimes I'll walk to school, loving the cold wind blowing through my, well Pip's, hair as I travel toward the over populated high school. But today, is one of the days were I feel like getting the bus. I want to get to school fast, so I can start the day early.
I'm going to have fun today, going to do whatever I wish.
Usually, waiting at a bus stop can be considered boring. To be completely honest, waiting for anything should be considered boring. The only exception is probably waiting for death, but I don't have to wait for that. In some ways, I'm already dead.
However, there's another person waiting at the stop today.
A tall male, with deep, dark blue eyes framed by thick lashes. A small part of me is jealous of his lash length, while a bigger part of me doesn't care. He's very attractive, yet I still find Pip better looking, with a radiant look about him. His hair is swept neatly back from his face, being a light blonde colour.
I continue to let my eyes travel down the attractive blonde's attire, and immediately take a step back upon discovering something glittering menacingly at his neck; a silver cross on a chain.
The boy notices my distance, and looks at me confused.
"Pip?" He asks, head tilted to the side. His voice is not only thick with a British accent, but with fondness too. He cares for Pip, which is highly amusing.
Straight away, I try to dig for a name through Pip's mind. Yet, his mind is still blocked out for me. Though our minds can join as one, it only allows us to communicate telepathically. I am not advanced enough in the art of possessions to unlock and access Pip's mind.
That means, its the only thing Pip has that is private.
Gregory. Gregory Yardale.
Pip's voice echoes in my head, a soft breeze of a whisper.
He's also one of the only people I can even class as a friend. So Damien, I beg of you, please don't touch him.
Aw Phillip. I can't even get close to your friend, let alone touch him. You should be grateful he bears a cross around his neck.
Pip is then silent, his voice suddenly disappearing from my mind.
"Gregory, hello." I greet, smiling at the blonde as Pip would. I would be rude, or even better intimate, but if I act out of character per se, Gregory will definitely approach me.
If the cross even grazes my skin, it'll burn. It'll cause me to scream, and in the worst case scenario, it could throw me out of Pip's body, exposing me to Gregory and anyone walking by.
Now that, would be extremely awkward.
Gregory smiles down at me. He's practically flooding with charm. His smile and bright and infectious, making his face light up and me want to smile back. He's so charming, it's annoying.
"What did you wish to ask me?" I question, inching away slightly as the cross gleams in the sun, almost taunting me.
"Ask you?" Gregory quotes, tapping his cheek with his index finger in thought. He then laughs, a light and pretty sound which almost lingers in the air. "You moved away, I was wondering. Are you alright?"
"Oh!" I exclaim, as Pip most likely would. Excuse after excuse runs through my mind, until I finally close around one which is worth using. "I feel I have a cold coming on. I would hate for you to catch it."
Gregory smiles again, mouth open to say something but the bus pulls up. He's cut off by the bus driver.
"Get on, sit down and shut up!" The old, yellow teethed women screeches at Gregory and I. Gregory quickly shuffles onto the bus, taking a sheet beside a brunette.
Relief flood through me at the fact that the cross wearing Brit doesn't want to sit beside me.
"Hurry up, shut up and get on!" She screeches once more, and I scoff, stepping into the vehicle.
"How about you shut up? Your voice is as bad, or in fact worse, as nails on a chalkboard." I comment, causing various teens on the board to gasp.
"What did you say?!" She screams, standing up. She's also taller than Pip, causing her to look down at me.
Pip height is cute, yet extremely inconvenient. It's rather insulting to have someone look down on you. It's so much better to have someone look up at you.
"I do hate having to repeat myself." I state, staring into her eyes, allowing my own to flash red. She shivers. "I said, you shut up. You're voice is worse than nails on a chalkboard."
The older women does shut up. She sits down, speechless, staring into her lap. The doors of the bus close, and she looks back onto the road as I take my seat and continues to drive.
The rest of the ride in uneventful. I had a pointless conversation with Pip in my mind. He begged me to apologise to the driver. Begged me to apologise to Tweek because of yesterday's acts. I told him an apology would not be worth it, as the consequences of my actions won't effect me. I had hastily added on that I wouldn't let the consequences effect Pip, but I got no reply.
So you see, when I try to be nice I get ignored. So being nice isn't worth it. You get so much more attention by being nasty.
Arriving in school was entertaining.
The first person I came into contact with was Tweek Tweak. He was with Craig, a brunette and another dark haired boy. I decided to mess with him, because I do find this boy amusing, regardless of his annoying stutters.
I had gone up to him, kissed his cheek. Began the sentence I was about to speak with 'ah, Tweek my dear friend' and ended it with asking about his head.
He hadn't tried to hit me, but then I turned to Craig. I assumed it was his boyfriend. I asked him if Tweek's head was still satisfactory. That made him lash out.
Oh it was so amusing.
Throughout the whole day, I messed with everyone. From teachers, to students to janitors. It was so much fun, and I plan to go out after school, to have some more fun.
Yet, I can't help but feel, that someone has been watching me throughout the entirety of the day.
I'll try not to be confusing.
Pip speaks in italics
Damien in bold.
Anyway, I loved writing this part, though it almost made me cry because wattpad reset it.
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