Chapter 1: Raven's Anomaly
Raven's POV
I woke feeling pretty normal. I got out of bed, brushed my hair, and grabbed my cloak along with a book to read. I just got this book from a new bookstore and I'm pretty exited to read it. I already started reading a little.
It's about the supernatural and how a girl's weaknesses slowly get drawn out by her tormenter according to the blurb. I left my room and walked into the ops room.
The only person up now was Robin and he was probably training, so I'm the only one in here. I made my tea and sat on the couch. I took a sip of tea and opened my book, The Weakness Awakens, and started to read.
As the wind vigorously whisked the foliage around her she called out the chant he told her to say whenever she needed him. "Mortex Vorum!"
"Ahh..." Ouch... I just got a splitting headache. I put the book down and placed my hands on my head. "Ugh...what was that?"
I picked up the book and stared at it. I reread what I just read, and once again, the headache came, only worse. I guess I'm not reading this morning.
"Morning Raven." Robin said as he walked in.
"Hey." I answered.
Based on the look on Robin's face he's probably seen my strained expression.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine. Just a headache." I assured him.
"Oh okay." Robin walked over to he kitchen to make breakfast and Starfire flew in being all happy and giddy as she usually is.
"Good morning, Friends! Raven, are you not feeling the good?" She asked seeing my expression too.
"It's just a headache Star." I assured her as I did Robin.
"Oh no! Robin! Raven needs medical attention!" She grabbed me and squeezed me like she's stuck in a hurricane, which made my headache even worse.
"Easy Star. A headache means her head hurts. It's nothing too bad."
"But squeezing me doesn't help Star." I say aggrevated.
"Oops! Sorry." Starfire let me go and my face felt completely flushed.
"Ugh...I think I'm going to go lay down." I groaned.
"Maybe you should eat breakfast first. That might help Raven." I really dont feel like eating anymore. But Robin's right. Food will help.
"Fine. I just want to finish before Cyborg wakes up. I don't feel like having him screaming in my ear." I really don't.
"Mornin' y'all! What's for breakfast?" Speak of the devil.
"Bacon and eggs." Robin said.
"Aww yeah!! I love me some bacon!" I cringed.
He is being a lot louder than normal. Why does it have to be on the day I have a headache?
"Can you be any louder?" I said in an irritated voice.
"What's wrong Raven?"
"She has the head of the ache Cyborg." Star said.
"Oh. Whoops. I didn't know. Sorry Rave."
"It's fine Cyborg. You didn't know, but now you do." Beast Boy walked in yawning.
"Hey guys. What's for breakfast?" He asked knowing very well that it was bacon and eggs.
"Tofu's in the fridge B. Make it yourself." Cyborg said blankly.
Beast Boy shrugged and made his tofu eggs and bacon. We all are eating at the table, but I'm going to leave.
"Hey guys I'm going in my room."
"What's wrong Raven?" Beast Boy asked.
"I have a headache and it's killing me." I explained.
"Yeah what was with that? I heard you drop your book and then I came in and saw you holding your head and groaning." Robin asked.
"I read some words and it just hit me like a ton of bricks." I explained. "Anyways, I'll see you later." I grabbed my food and went into my room.
Beast Boy POV
I hope Raven is OK. She seemed pretty rattled. Maybe I should do some snooping in that book.
After all that is my job.
I walked over to the couch. Raven usually either sits there or on the floor to read and her book wasn't on the floor. I looked at the book and the book was wide open.
"Hey look at this." I said waving the others over.
"This page was open, and these words were glowing." The words Mortex Vorum, which seemed to be the words that made Raven's head ache, were glowing a faint red.
"You think we should give her the book back?" Cy asked.
"No. Let's just leave it here. And we'll keep an eye on Raven." Robin said.
"Why?" Cyborg asked. "It's just a headache."
"But those words obviously had something to do with it because they're glowing and this page was open, meaning Raven must have been reading it." He explained. We all agreed.
I've decided to go and check up on Raven. I knocked on the door.
"Raven?" No answer. I pressed my ear against the door and heard some rustling. She must be taking a nap. I think I'll leave her alone for now.
Raven's POV
I awoke to the crime alarm blaring. Ahhh! Why?! I quickly clutched my head, being that my stupid headache hasn't not gone away yet, I ran out of my room with her hands still on her head. Now I'm just plain irritated.
"Nnn..." I groaned again. "Who is it now?" I asked.
"It's Red X. He's robbing a chemistry lab for some sort of chemical." Robin said.
"Ugh. Not him." Beast Boy complained.
"Are you going to be the okay Raven?" Star asked.
"More or less." I said rubbing my head.
"Titans GO!" Robin yelled. Which, once again, I cringed in pain at.
3rd Person
"Get back here you!" An officer yelled at Red X as he ran away with a beaker of a transparent yellow liquid.
"Sorry. I think I've overstayed my welcome." He said as he disappeared, and left the guard chasing him confused.
"Heheh. Too easy."
"Don't get too cocky X. Because the difficulty just went up." Robin said.
"Robin, my favorite person to see. This is going to be fun." Red X said.
Raven POV
"Raven! Go!" I flew above Red X and started my mantra. In the middle of it X deployed a mouth covering trap just like he did to me before.
But I made it explode, which also made my head hurt.
Using my magic takes physical and mental work. I should have known.
"What the-?!" Red X said.
"We've upgraded since last time X." Robin explained.
"And now we have our own tricks." I said cunningly.
Red X reached for his belt but it wasn't where it was supposed to be.
"Looking for this?" Robin said holding X's belt in his hand.
Then he pointed to Star who had just whipped around him at light speed to get the beaker.
She held it up and giggled, then pointed behind him. When X turned around he got bashed by Beast Boy who transformed into a hippo. Cyborg picked him up by his collar and they were face to face.
"Why don't we finally see who's under there?" He said. As Cyborg reached for X's mask, he back flipped onto and vaulted off of Cyborg's shoulders, and grabbed his belt from Robin's hand, then strapped it back on as he landed.
"Nice job Kid. Looks like I'll have to get that later." He said. Red X jumped off of a platform and disappeared.
"What is this stuff?" Beast boy said tapping the beaker.
"Don't do that Beast Boy!" Robin ordered.
"Sorry dude."
"Raven? Can you tell what it is?" Cyborg asked me. This was going to do a number on my head.
"Not from looking at it. But give me a second." I said rubbing my temples to try to alleviate the pain a little. "Ok. Give it to me."
Starfire flew it over to me and gab me the beaker. I landed and placed it on a table. I popped it open and poured it into a little dish that was just sitting on the counter. I placed my hand over it, then my eyes went wide and I quickly put the beaker and the dish in a dark energy bubble. This isn't good at all.
"What is it?" Robin asked. I looked up from the chemical.
"Arsenic." I claimed.
"Wait, isn't arsenic that really deadly chemical?" Beast Boy asked.
"Yeah, but only if it's introduced into your body somehow." Robin explained.
"That means don't drink it BB." Cyborg joked.
"But why would Red X need arsenic?" Beast boy asked ignoring Cyborg.
"Nah!" I stumbled back. Something in this arsenic has magic traces in it. It's hard to contain.
"What is wrong Raven?" Star asked.
Before I could answer the bubble popped and dropped the arsenic all over the floor. When it exploded a voice whispered, "Mortex Vortum!"
This time the headache was bad enough that I dropped to my knees. The arsenic faded away and I'm on the floor.
Robin and Cyborg helped me up and sat me down on a chair.
"We should get you home Raven." Robin said.
"Yes Raven, you do not look the good at all." Star said. My face was flushed once again.
"Wait...there something else..." I slowly stood up and pulled my hood over her head. "This way." I pointed down a dark tunnel. The others looked at each other and quickly followed me a I had already started walking.
As we walked down the corridor I kept stumbling like an idiot. But I kept on leading the others. I sense something at the end of the corridor.
Something to do with the arsenic.
We finally got to the end of the hall. There's a giant metal door was in the way. I easily got it open with my powers and they walked through.
This room is dark.
Star lit her starbolt to give us some light, and Cyborg turned on his flashlight.
Cyborg investigated with the boys and Star went with me.
Robin found a bunch of empty beakers.
Beast Boy found some broken glass on the floor.
Cyborg found a broken breaker box, which he fiddled with to no avail.
Starfire and I searched a wall and found a panel of buttons.
Star pushed one and the lights flickered a little and turned on, revealing a shiny metallic room with high tech gadgets sprinkled all over the place.
Other than the broken glass Beast Boy found the lab was pretty clean. Is that a bookcase in the back of the lab?
My stupid curiosity... I walked over and pulled out a book and flipped through the pages. Aaannnnd.... here are the words again.
Ugh! Now it feels like I just got punched in the head a bunch of times. But it isn't as bad as the last one, so I'm able to stay standing and give as little reaction as possible to make sure that the others don't notice. I don't want them getting distracted.
Oh my god.
"Guys, this is a spell book." I informed.
"Why would there be a spell book in a chem-est-ry lab?" Star asked.
"Why, for casting a spell of course." Said a familiar voice. Oh no...
"Slade." Robin said.
"Correct Robin. Nice to see you all again." We got ready to fight, but my performance will start to lack as my headache gets worse.
"Relax Robin. You're not who I'm after." He shifted his gaze to me. Not again... I can see Beast boy gritting his teeth remembering last time Slade was after me. He turned into a lion but Slade acted as if nobody else was there.
"Hello Raven. Miss me?" He said. I didn't even answer. I just grabbed a bunch of spell books, ran over to the others and teleported them out of here.
"Why'd you take the books?" Beast Boy asked.
"I can use them." I answered. I made them teleport back to the Tower.
"We should get back. Like now!" Cyborg said.
"Too little too late Tin Man." Slade said as he came up from behind him. I pushed him away with my magic. This is not good. Whenever Slade comes after me it's never a good thing. I doubt he's working for somebody though. Considering how that went last time.
"Run!" Robin ordered. Star and I flew. I only decided to fly because it's faster.
"Raven! Send us home!" Cyborg asked me.
"I can't!" I yelled. My head hurts too much for me to do any teleportation.
"Mortex Vorum!" Slade yelled. I literally fell out of the sky and crashed onto the ground, clutching my head.
"Raven!" Beast Boy yelled. He and the others tried running back to me, but Slade got a hold of me first.
He grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the Beast Boy and the others. He kept yanking my arm hard. I hope he doesn't dislocate it... Then he takes my arm again and pulled me up so I was face to face with him.
"Goodnight Raven." He said. Then suddenly I began to get very sleepy. My eyes grew heavy and wanted to close. I tried to force them open. I don't know why. I don't want to look at Slade, but I don't know what is going to happen to me if close them... They finally closed and then–
"Raven, wake up!" I woke up in my bed with Beast Boy and Starfire standing over me.
I frantically looked around. I'm in my room. Wait, was that all a dream? Agh! Another shot of pain hit me and I winced.
"We're at the tower." I said in disbelief.
"Yes friend Raven. We're still home. We have not left." Starfire explained.
"You just went into your room about 30 minutes ago. I came to check up on you and then when I uh, came into the room you were saying stuff like 'Slade' and 'spellbook'." Beast Boy explained.
"Really? was a dream..." I said.
"What dream?" Starfire asked.
"Ummm, nothing..." this is not something I want to talk about.
"Okay. Do you want us to do the leaving you be now?" Star asked.
"Uhh, no. I think I'll eat with you guys."I answered. I don't want to be alone right now.
"Oh how joyous! Come! Let us all converse and eat!" Starfire latched onto my arm and yanked me out of my room.
It didn't actually happen. It was just in my head.
We walked into the ops room and we sat down at the table. Beast Boy is staring at me. His face is covered with signs of worry. Me mumbling "Slade" must have made him very nervous. May I'll talk to him later about it. No...that would make him more worried.
Everyone is talking and I'm just listening and muttering things to myself. But I'm more so thinking about the dream.
It felt so real...there had to be something to it. There had to be... My mind wouldn't just do that. Slade is out to get me...and...I can't sense it.
Even if my assumptions are true, I still can't tell why he is after me, but my headaches are blocking my empathy. I can't concentrate enough without my head breaking out in immense pain. I'm completely in the dark right now.
Beast boy sees the look on my face now, worried and constrained.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked.
"A little better." I answered vaguely.
"I meant about your dream." I wish he hadn't asked that.
"Oh, that... it's nothing." I lied through my teeth.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" He asked.
My head boomed along with it. Was that an explosion?! It sounded like it came from the lobby!
Word Count: 2628
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