Creepy Crawley.

Disclaimer: I don't own Poppy Playtime (Video Game). I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.

(qwertuno and SilentReadersMatter)

(My take on what could happen if Mommy Long Legs meets the Player/Poppy. Don't consider this canon. Purely written from my imagination.)

(Hope you enjoy.)

The Huggy Wuggy toy is soft in her hand. Much smaller than the spider like being, but unconscious and sleeping peacefully within the vessel to recover from his horrible fall curtesy of the intruder and Poppy forcing him to lure them to her hideout to be reunited. Not knowing the name of the little flesh thing that entered her part of the factory, Mommy ended up chording the name little intruder as she heard it's meaning in the human world.

Someone not meant to be somewhere.

Observing her little dolls trying to fend off the intruder and failing to stop them and Poppy, her hands twitched seeing the little within the flesh thing's arms, placing her on their back and patting her head as if she were a mere a child. Poppy was so much more compared to this mere mortal.

The experiments helped us become a danger to society. Poppy thinks otherwise.

Why did her little doll choose to side with the intruder? Attacking her own kind and being absolutely fine with the damage caused in the process? Tightening her grasp on Huggy, she brought the littlest version of him to her eyes, meeting his own which shone with pain and despair.

Mommy wanted for take it away. She could only do so much...bringing them back from the dead despite their protests of wanting to be free. A selfish part of the spider toy refusing to let them be free if she can't escape from this God forsaken factory.

Why can't I be free?

Poppy was allowed to move wherever she wanted if a human willingly carried the doll to the location she desired. Meanwhile, Mommy's told she had to stay to take care of the younger toys so they don't cause trouble. Resentment built up over the years, but she had no desire to hurt the little doll! Poppy was still a child and wouldn't be treated as such. Taken care of and to be cared for despite their differences.

Remaining the mother figure role she had been forced to take on. A vessel forgetting its spirit's name as she had stopped communicating decades prior to Mommy gaining this much sentience. It felt so great to have control over her own body...

The men in white wouldn't like me moving around this much. Always wanted taking kids in and forcin' me to be maternal.

Mommy had grown to love her new kids. Siblings. Children. Hers to care for. They included Poppy in the last of toys that belonged to Mommy to care of. But the little doll had ran away years ago due to not being happy with the way things ran.

She hadn't been found since.

"You opened my case."

Mommy's eyes widened a tad, a smile creeping up her mouth as her tongue flickered out of control for a moment before settling at the unsaid mention of prey and a new possible resident of her area of this hellish facility. Poppy sounded as if she were waking from a dream.

Perhaps she would greet the little intruder.


The intruder carried Poppy on their back as they ventured into her territory. Poppy explained vaguely what happened in the factory. Clearly the memories were too haunting for her to want to her into.

Mommy oddly related to her sentiment. Following the two is child's play. Compared to her children, Mommy was silent and observing of prey before striking if she determined they were a danger to her and the others residing within the facility she reigned supreme. As Huggy owned the upper levels, she watched over the lower parts and the toys living here.

"Terrible things have happened here."

Anything that happened fell on Mommy to be fixed. Broken toys, batteries, dead ones even.

Save the child from the monsters.
Capture and Detain.

The programming kicked in as her thoughts were on the intruder wandering around her neck of the woods, carrying Poppy in their arms as she placed a tired expression on her usual emotionless features. Trying to recall parts of memories after coming out of isolation became hard when you could hardly remember why were placed there.

Even Mommy didn't know why the people in white decided Poppy's home to be that glass case. Stupid human weren't aware the toys were sentient. She's glad someone killed them when they had the chance.

"Where do I even begin?"

Most of toys in the factory disliked Mommy. Believing her ways of living and actually caring instead of not forming attachments formed a rift between them from being potential allies against enemies. Whatever, she handled everything alone. She had always been alone. Needing no one else to take care of her. Only her taking care of everyone else. Maybe that's the reason her psyche is so fractured. No one cared or loved Mommy the way she automatically was programmed to take care of everything living in this forsaken place.

Find and Detain.

The two are travelling in the halls, the intruder's silent footsteps faintly echoing through the walls toward Mommy's location. She'd already hot on their heels just above their head without so much as a bang from her rather Long Legs.

Mommy wished she could stand like a normal person. Even Huggy retained his basic motor function. Unlike Mommy who was deemed a failure and placed to rot in the depths of the factory. Toys did have emotions...they just didn't express them well.

"You are perfect."

Stalking the intruder in the shadows, Mommy observed them filtering a hand that seemed to conduct electricity, powering an air duct they entered. She watched in fascination, clambering down the walls to observe through the vent, briefly loosing interest in Poppy and her desire to kill the little one wandering around the premises.

Perhaps the others would be entertained.

With some convincing, maybe her little intruder would stick around and stay as one of her own. Already feeling her instincts bristle excitingly at idea, Mommy found herself fascinated by the hand grab...grabpack? Hand bag? She didn't know, it'd been so long since she had seen any technological device from the surface. Humanity confused the spider so much.

Mommy hated guests, but she wouldn't mind family. Guests either fooled around, only to get caught and eaten by the other toys (thanks for showing that, Candy), Mommy shivered as her memories showed a time of seeing the other toys outright killed people without any provocation.

At least Mommy gave them a chance to escape. She was a tame toy by comparison. Her children, however...

"Too perfect to lose."

They were a different story entirely.


Injured and Exhausted.

Mommy really wished the people in hadn't given her the ability to sense the state of minorities. The little intruder's eyes contained bags and their body slumped as they bravely traveled further into her domain. The spider had given them plenty of chances to leave, even opening the vents herself and making it easier than having them locked.

Now they were paying the price by facing her children. Little Huggies and Kissies wanting to probe themselves worthy of being brought to life thought the intruder off thinking they were to hurt them.


Mommy tried establishing a connection through their bond. Her children were so tired, exhausted, transfixed by this intruder that they disobeyed their creator, their mother to continue harassing them into submitting to their wants of ripping their organs out and feasting as they saw the other toys. Easily influenced by their sway and interactions with their other version.

Capture and obtain.

Mommy made a reminder to ensure Huggy wouldn't be around for a while. If his mini version were this violent, he'd need a proper lesson in manners.

"You are in danger."

Batting her children away by using their grabpack, the intruder grabbed ahold of Poppy rather rough as they backed away slowly, focusing their hands to directly hit the little Huggies and managing successful hit after another, but they made a mistake.

They had gotten cocky. Poppy must have noticed as she tried speaking, only to be knocked over as one of the other Huggies snuck out the whole and knocked her little intruder down to the floor, hands raised and mouth watering to taste their organs.

Mommy gasped, then growled as her sharp teeth perturbed as a predator's instinct to claim their prey settled over the usual caring emotion implanted.

Extending her arms, they reached down to the floor, grabbing each and every individual Huggy or Kissy mini doll attacking the intruder and Poppy, Poppy of all toys. Attacking Poppy is essentially a death wish within the factory. She had more allies and would be made an enemy if you weren't strong enough to hand the others coming after you in your territory.


The little Huggies and Kissies shrieked in protest in Mommy's hands and legs, wiggling to escape thinking their would deter from the harm falling to their death. She grew closer, feeling bad for the tough lived she was about to display. Their eyes grew afraid and begged not to make them do anything against their will like the people in white forced them before ended up in Mommy's care.

Their shrieks and screams could be mistaken for Mommy killing them. Instead placing them in the webs as a punishment until she decided they'd learned their lesson. After all, they weren't human. Sentient, not human. Her children couldn't speak, so Mommy learned to understand their language.

She wondered how they learned a curse word. Swearing was forbidden within Mommy's domain. Mainly because of the people in white she associated with them.

Mommy also made a mistake. Facing her little intruder, she didn't register Poppy staring at her features, a flash of fear and recognition spreading in those eyes that usually didn't contain any emotion.

"She's watching your every move."

A warning to Mommy to leave them alone. Poppy believed her to desire their flesh and blood. Well, the intruder's flesh and blood. Close, but only if they were to make her mad like the lady intruders that dared entered her domain even as they gave them every reason to run away.

Mommy let her limbs bang on the walls. Letting the little intruder know she wasn't to be messed with. Passing the play area, Mommy caught a glimpse of the caterpillar suffering from lack of that the people in white foolishly programmed them to want and need in order to survive.

Finally leaving, Mommy reminded herself to check in them in a little while.


The caterpillar's roars awakened Mommy from her mini nap. She honestly had no care in following around the intruder as they were entertaining her children and would dealt with if absolutely necessary.

Locate and assess.

Rushing through the ceiling, Mommy's limbs banged carelessly and probably allowing Poppy to sense her location, but she cared less and less as she approached the play area, extending herself from the shadows and landing safely in the floor. She made eye contact with caterpillar, a whole in its long tub sized body and moaning in pain like a horse laying in the floor limp as a corpse in its death bed.

Looking into its eyes, Mommy silently asked for persmisson to move it to a more suitable position. The caterpillar nodded once before its eyes closed and it collapsed from the attack by the intruder.

She'd make him all better.

Dragging the catapillar's torso over her shoulder, Mommy extended up legs to attach to the upper ceiling before launching herself to a place the caterpillar's size fit as she made its lower half retreated back into its original size of just under the side of her neck, only extending as it traveled around the domain he resided within. One of her few allies Mommy would actually treat.

She patted the creature's cheek as she set it down, a message to rest and let her fix him. Starting the usual medical procedure to repair its systems, Mommy's thoughts once again travelled to the intruder and the doll they carried around somehow stopping and hurting all her children.

All had different motives.

A spark of anger coursed through Mommy's systems, clouding her usual code and malicious intent sneaking through the crack and corrupting her code as her second programming kicked in.

Obtain and decease.

The caterpillar jerked its head to the lower tunnels. Fainting moments later, she made sure to spread a web with the cables and glue made by her to stick them together before starting her pursuit.

Mommy had a fly to catch in her web.


Tracking down her prey isn't so hard when she had her children and allies informing her of the destruction and decay the intruder left within her visit. Pointing in the direction of the criminal and Poppy as she was in the hunt for either death or surrendering for their crimes.

She debated whether to kill them now or let her children have their way before disposing them when their use ran out. When their luck of having Poppy also drained, Mommy planned on having the little doll suffer before returning her to the case. Her programming forbade physically injuring Poppy as she was an important toy to the brand. But having her watch made it so much more satisfying.

Her children begged Mommy to let them have the intruder. It had been ages since they were properly entertained and even she admitted that the intruder could provide some fun if they were unarmed and the battle not far. Perhaps making Poppy watch if no one knew her location.

Finding the pair in child's play. Hiding in the shadows, Mommy's limbs grow and extend until she felt comfortable in the side chose to pounce on her prey. Not killing the little intruder, not injured them, just enough to stun 'em. She could carry them back to her hideout and allow her children to do whatever they please if it appeased them and finally, finally allowed her to have a rest.

"So you better be careful."

Flexing her hands, Mommy made sure to be mute as she approached the pair, smiling as Poppy closed her eyes in acceptance. She was the most tortured soul of them all. Ready to accept her fate of death or torture. Surely nothing was worse than the men in white who forced them into these bodies. Mommy cried when the first woke up as a predator spider not in control of her urges it or knowing her programming of caring for the other toys in this department.

And this intruder wanted to ruin what she built and fixed. No, no, no, NO. It had taken so long to help these broken souls and put them back together. Anyone foolish enough to hurt any of these souls would pay the price.

"Mommy doesn't like guests."

And just like that one of her children sounded an alarm to make her entrance all the more dramatic and epic. Allowing her hand to steady against the wall, Mommy placed all her limbs carefully as she observed the intruder up close.

Indeed they were perfect.

Perfect looks, intelligence, everything in the books of a new object to keep her children entertained, especially the injured and restless. Maybe she'd allow Huggy to have his revenge if she ever found the upper levelled guardian.

"A new playmate!"

Mommy found herself fond of this new little intruder. A soft spot from observing how they operated and emotional intelligence within demanded Mommy give them a chance to prove themselves worthy of escape. Perhaps the vessel wasn't easily.

She could provide the demand. Leaning in close, Mommy leaned into the intruder's ear and whispered her final words before their little game would begin.

"It's been so long."

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