Tanjiro stirred restlessly he puffed his chest out an annoyed look on his face heaving out a heavy sigh, carefully pulling himself up on to his feet surveying the room through a pair of curious eyes, it was a simple room with white painted walls walls a picture or three hanging crookedly on the walls paint chipping one picture caught his eye it was a painting of a beautiful geisha laying in a bed of flower petals, the corners of his lips curled into a small smile as he noted the resemblance the painted lady shared with his beautiful fiancé,
She had long silky (h/c) coloured locks pulled into an elegant traditional Japanese hairstyle, her vibrantly (e/c) coloured eyes seemed to follow him around the room he tilted his head as he stood up walking towards the painting studying it with a glassed over look in his eyes, he frowned as the familiar face in the painting made him yearn for the warm embrace of his fiancé's arms, he glanced at the door,
Carefully tiptoeing over time the sliding door flinching as the floorboard beneath his feet made a loud creek, he paused momentarily holding his breath waiting to hear a familiar pair of footsteps he could hear his sisters' sharp claw-like nails scratching the inside of her box and the comforting sound of the howling wind that blew wildly outside his window making the glass rattle,
He breathed out a sigh of relief placing a hand on his chest he could feel the furious pounding of his heart beating against his chest through the palm of his hand, he carefully placed a hand on the door sliding it open slowly he placed a hand over his mouth muffling a surprised yelp, Koji had pulled up a stool positioning himself in front of the burgundy haired boys room Tanjiro felt the corners of his lips twitch upwards,
He carefully removed his Haori from his shoulders blanketing it over the sleeping raven-haired boy, Koji was slumped over in his seat a peaceful expression on his slumbering face he clutched a long piece of bamboo cane in his tight grip, his broad shoulders were tense he had his arms crossed over his chest each arm was layered with scars that travelled from the palm of his hands to the top of his toned biceps, Tanjiro grimaced as he watched a string of saliva drip down his chin he gave a look of disgust carefully tiptoeing around the slumbering giant,
He froze when his companion began to stir in his sleep grumbling under his breath "T-tan- g- off her- horny teenage-" he whispered under his breath, his brows furrowed together tightly as his face scrunched up a look of dismay on his pale features, Tanjiro swallowed the nervous lump in his throat carefully creeping around the boy who was guarding the hallway,
The corners of his lips curled into a gleeful smile as he successfully tiptoed his way over to (y/n) room he wiped his clammy hands against the fabric of his pants, "(y/n)" he whispered as he slid the door open poking his head in cautiously his burgundy eyes examining her room it was almost identical to his guest room, (y/n) slept peacefully a look of bliss on her slumbering face,
He studied her (s/t) features that were illuminated by the moonlight that crept through the crack of her open window giving her face an ethereal like glow, Tanjiro carefully slithered into the room closing the sliding door behind him carefully (y/n) stirred in her sleep nuzzling into the warmth of her blanket a look of contentment on her peaceful face Tanjiro smiled cautiously crawling into the warmth of her bed,
He felt his tense body relax into the warmth of the covers washing over him like the comfortable heat of a fire, Her facial features softened as he ran his slender fingers through her hair brushing her (h/c) locks out of her face, he admired the (freckles/moles/blemishes) on her face tracing a finger along her (round/square/pointed) jawline her eyes fluttered slightly as she felt his soft lips brush against hers ever so slightly,
He moved his lips to her forehead gently kissing the top of her head tenderly cupping her face on the palm of his hands brushing his thumb along her cheek, "I hope you never leave me (y/n)," he said in a hushed tone barely above a whisper pulling her into his strong chest hugging her body against his kissing the top of her head a warm smile on his face as he breathed in her soft scent a mix between a floral and fruity smell,
Her soft scent had a soothing effect on him like breathing in the scent of a flower
bouquet he felt the stress melt off his body, he felt his eyes start to drift close as sleep slowly began to overtake him his eyes became heavier,
ꕥ ꕥ ꕥ
"Tanjiro!" A familiar voice exclaimed in a harsh tone through gritted teeth the two young adults shot up in their bed as the raven-haired boy barged into their sleeping quarters, "You scoundrel!" He screeched pointing an accusing finger at the trembling male who apologised repeatedly bowing his head "I just wanted to sleep in the same bed with her!" He explained clapping his hands together with an embarrassed expression on his usually bubbly face,
Koji puffed his chest out hitting him over the head with a sheathed sword making the young man fall off the side of the bed "you do not defile a young maiden in her sleep!" He said repeatedly hitting the boy who laid in the fetal position, "I didn't!" Tanjiro said trying to explain (y/n) grabbed the edge of his covered blade Koji pointed a finger in her direction "I'll have a talk with you next young lady!" He said in an almost motherly time, "go to hell," she replied in an annoyed tone her brow twitching as she let out a frustrated sigh,
Koji placed a hand over his heart feigning a hurt expression "and leave you here all alone," he responded sarcastically she looked at him through half-lidded eyes a half-awake expression on her dull face, "I hate you," she said half-heartedly letting out a loud yawn "why? I'm lovely," Koji retorted in a matter of fact tone, Tanjiro groaned rubbing the back of his head as he sat up wincing in pain, "alright I think you learned your lesson, breakfast is on me," Koji said in a toneless voice picking the boy up on to his feet carefully ruffling his hair,
He kneeled down slightly to be eye level with the young man their eyes locked Tanjiro shuddered as the raven-haired boy looked at him coldly, "if you ever want to have children you'll learn from these last two experiences," he told the young boy in a warming tone, a dark shadow cast over his face he smiled wolfishly patting his cheek gently,
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"Why are you glaring at me?" Koji asked crossing his strong arms over his broad chest cocking a questioning eyebrow, "I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust," (y/n) replied in a disgruntled tone her lips puckered into a small pout "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Koji retorted his lips curling into a half-grin he playfully nudged her with his bony elbow,
The burgundy haired boy listened to the exchange with a tired expression brushing his fingers through his red locks a small smile on his face, "let's stop for udon," he spoke up walking up behind his fiancé wrapping his strong arms around her waist resting his tired head in the crook of her neck a blush dusted her cheeks, "that sounds like a great idea," she responded in an airy voice her lips curled upwards into a warm smile as she felt her fiancé smile against the skin of her neck Koji made a gagging face,
(Y/n) shot a dirty look in the raven-haired male direction he grinned sheepishly scratching the back of his head lifting his shoulders in a half shrug, "somebody help it took my baby!" A woman screamed collapsing to her knees in the middle of the busy market hair sticking to her tear-stained face, the crowd rushed to the aid of the startled woman who sobbed in the arms of a stranger the trio exchanged curious glances approaching the crowd with sceptic expressions on their faces the woman muttered incoherently,
"I was pushing her pram through the forest for a quiet evening when it took my baby!" She exclaimed rocking herself back and forward as the stranger cradled the hysterical woman in their arms, "I tried to get my baby back," she explained it was then that (y/n) noticed the cuts on her arms blood covered her clothes staining the fabric in blotches colouring it in a deep shade of red,
"Breaks Over," Koji muttered with a deadpan expression Tanjiro nodded his head in agreement a look of determination on his face the two glanced down at their young female companion, (y/n) let out a defeated sigh leaning her head back her (e/c) orbs staring at the blue sky the sun would be setting soon her lips pressed into a tight frown, "not everyone would run into danger whenever someone is in trouble," she said pausing momentarily the corners of her lips curling into a daring grin as she folded her arms over her chest,
"Lucky for those in danger we aren't everyone," she finished Koji grimaced his brows furrowing "that was so cheesy I could taste it," Tanjiro let out a hearty chuckle, "I thought it was a great speech," the burgundy haired boy said patting her head affectionately kissing the top of her head moving his lips down to her nose pecking it lightly,
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The young mother sat on her porch idly in front of her quaint home blowing her nose into a tissue her tear-stained face was red and blotchy, Koji awkwardly cleared his throat coughing into his hand he rocked back and forth on his feet an uncomfortable expression on his face, the young woman looked at him through glassy eyes a dull expression on her face she wiped her nose with the back of her hand patting her cheeks,
"Can I help you, children?" She asked in a raspy voice letting out a shaky voice she was young with long brown hair, dark eyes and fair skin, she had dark bags under her eyes from lack of sleep "we're here about your missing child," she began to tear up again choking back sobs she buried her face into her shaky hands muffling her crying, "I already spoke to the authorities,
Tanjiro stuck a hand down his Haori pocket rummaging around his face lit up as he pulled out a worn down handkerchief, "we're not the authorities but we're here to help," he said to her kneeling down as he held he piece of cloth out her a warm smile she looked at him through glassy eyes hesitantly reaching a handout, she smiled gratefully as she took it from the young boys grasp wiping her puffy red eyes,
She studied the trio through a foggy gaze her dull dark eyes widened as realisation dawned on her face "so its true, demon slayers truly exist," she said barely above a whisper, (y/n) crossed her arms over her chest her lips curled upwards into a reassuring smile "and we're here to help you need to take us to where you last saw your baby," the woman perked up blowing her nose into the cloth pulling herself up on to her shaking legs leaning against the pillar that supported the roof over her porch,
"I'll take you right away," she said hastily making her way to the exit of the garden
ꕥ ꕥ ꕥ
"It was right here," she explained (y/n) began to survey the area the child had last been seen her (e/c) orbs carefully examined the area, "there are only two scents," Tanjiro said in a hushed tone he wrinkled his nose in disgust a rancid smell caught his attention he felt his stomach churn in disgust, he studied the area through narrowed eyes, he kneeled down crouching on all fours pressing his nose against the ground, Koji and (Y/n) exchanged uncertain glances arching a brow,
"Are you sure this was the spot?" Koji asked inquisitively glancing over his shoulder his jaw went slack hanging down his face as he realised the woman had disappeared, he turned around quickly his dark raven eyes narrowed "she's gone," he explained in disbelief Tanjiro stood up his brows narrowed as he pointed to the lining of trees, "so is the trail leading back to town,"
(Y/n) swallowed the lump in her throat her palms began to sweat as she ran her fingers through her hair,
"Poor thing," A woman said in an empathetic voice her hazel eyes held a deeply concerned look "she must be new I haven't seen her around town," she whispered to her spouse clinging to her arm,
"We better not get involved people have been disappearing all over the city," he replied nonchalantly holding his wife close to him in a protective manner, "the last place they were seen was on the outskirts of THAT forest being led by a mysterious woman," he explained a nervous look on his face, (y/n) watched him usher his wife away from the crowd and grieving mother,
A concerned look on her face watching the crowd through hazel eyes over her shoulder as her husband dragged her away from the commotion,
"I found where those two scents are coming from," Tanjiro said his back turned to his two companions a look of horror etched over his boyish face, Koji and (Y/n) came closer following his gaze the raven-haired hunched over broad shoulders slumped forward he placed a hand over his mouth gagging in disgust, (y/n) turned away in disgust swallowing a lump in her throat fighting the urge to vomit,
"They were the ones consoling the grieving mother..." Tanjiro muttered his voice distancing off, a cold chill washed over him tickling his spine, "they must be fresh," Koji said in a muffled voice covering his nose and mouth with the palm of his hand the trio studied the bodies closely, two inspectors were perched up against the stump of the tree slouched forward their eyes wide pupils missing, "whatever did this ate their insides," (y/n) muttered studying their decaying remains,
"We need to find a way out of this forest or we'll be next," Koji said in a toneless voice a vacant expression on his face he studied the forest through glassy eyes, Tanjiro stood up nodding his head curtly in agreement brows furrowed as he took a deep breath inhaling the scents of the forest "I smell more blood," he said in a hushed tone, "(y/n) can you sense any demons?" Tanjiro asked cocking an eyebrow,
She paused momentarily inhaling a deep breath closing her eyes heightening her senses, "no," she responded eyes fluttering over she felt her muscles tense up stiff as a pole "where am I?" She asked doing a twirl mouth agape she found herself alone in a dark forest, "Tanjiro!" She called cupping her hands in front of mouth amplifying her frail voice she slouched tucking her arms under her pits shrinking into herself, "Koji!" She cried out desperately cautiously stepping through the forest swallowing the nervous lump in her throat,
"They can't hear you," an ominous voice whispered into her ear their breath tickling her neck she spun around on her heel reaching for her sword only to find nothing, "looking for this?" The mysterious figure taunted holding her samurai sword up in his hand admiring the blade he held tightly in his grasp, "beautiful craftsmanship," he complimented as he studied her weapon a devilish smirk on his face,
"Who are you?" She asked in a quiet voice taking a step back the man appeared to be tall, she found him to be handsome with vibrant ruby red eyes that shimmered in the moonlight, he had long dark locks that fell down his broad shoulders, "I am Haku but you may call me anything you like," He teased almost flirtatiously taking a step forward extending a hand to her,
(Y/n) stared at his hand with a deadpan expression "don't be afraid darling, I won't bite unless that's what you're into," he said a Cheshire Cat-like grin spreading across his youthful face, "I'm 15...and engaged," she replied hesitantly grabbing his hand shaking it slowly she yelped in surprise as he pulled her into his chest wrapping his arms around her waist holding her body against his,
"I'm just teasing...engaged? You don't mean that burgundy haired boy do you?" He replied cocking a perfectly trimmed eyebrow staring down at her through ruby eyes, "Don't get me wrong the boy is adorable but, wouldn't you prefer a man," he asked almost mockingly (y/n) pushed the mysterious man off her raising her sword in a defensive manner haku looked at her with a shocked expression "I managed to swipe it while you had me up against you," she sneered getting into a fighting stance,
"What do you want from me?" She asked tightening her grip on the hilt of her sword digging her feet into the dirt as she ground herself, "he let out a disgruntled sigh, well darling since you asked so nicely I'm here to recruit you or take you by force," he responded nonchalantly placing a hand on his hip as he pivoted it to the side, "he sent me, your demon blood makes you an asset that he doesn't want to see fall into the hands of his enemies," he explained leaning against a nearby tree,
She nervously shuffled on her feet eyes darting around the forest looking for an escape "you can't escape, trust me you're not leaving unless I want you to," be explained circling his prey like a hungry wolf, (y/n) took a fighting stance standing her ground against the demon sword raised "if you want me then come and get me," Haku paused a shark-like grin spreading across his face, he paused sweeping a hand up and down his pointed chin slowly eyeing her up "want you in which way darling?" He asked in a teasing tone licking his lips as he circled her,
"Don't get me wrong, both involve ropes but it's an important distinction to make before we proceed," he replied in a purr (y/n) felt her face flush with embarrassment she watched him through wide eyes unable to respond, she had to find a way to escape fast or hope that her companions would come to her rescue,
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Next update:
Australian date:
USA date:
UK date:
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter let me know what you think of our new side antagonist, I don't want to follow the anime script too much so it seemed right to create an OC antagonist for added drama, other OCs will be introduced too
I'm considering doing 5000-word count
Chapters but each chapter would take 3-4 days to write what is your thought? I want to thank everyone for their patience and support I greatly appreciate it, now I understand that (y/n) is young but remember this is the 1800s life expectancy was low and women were married off really young if you don't know the anime is set in the 18th century,
Writing schedule should go back to normal now and frequent updates will be available,
Shout outs go to!!
Fanfic shout outs go to two of my awesome readers!!
I have read and thoroughly enjoyed them so far, I love supporting my readers because they are awesome enough to support me so if you'd like me to read your fanfics let me know and I'll happily give it a shout out just keep it KNY/demon slayer related,
Finale word count: 3382 words
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