Question and Answer Response
@ilovelarry1023 asks
How badly do you want to see Louis in panties?
A - I would pay millions to see that. He has such a sweet ass; it would look all pretty in lace. Even more beautiful red.
@Hey_There_Satan asks
When are you going to fuck Louis?
A - Oh. Well, we have only been on one date.... in time. In time my friend.
@MiaNikolti asks
If you hurt Louis, be prepared to cash me outside how bah dah bish?
A - *Raises eyebrows* Okay! Okay! I promise not to hurt him.
@officiallyugly asks
Bless your beautiful soul.
A - Bless up. Bless up.
@MichaelsLittleOne asks
Daddy kink, yes or no?
A - I haven't thought about it.... But, I can imagine Louis calling me Daddy... sounds too enjoyable.
@LarryInPanties asks
Be Louis' sugar daddy?
A - I don't think Louis would want that - but I certainly have no objection. Either way, I would spoil him rotten.
@LarryInPanties asks
Have sex with Louis in a bathtub full of cash, please?
A - Oh um-
*Enters author* I am going to add that into Blue Eyes, not Poor Boy ;)
@peachfranta asks
Are you an alien?
A - Ummm no, I'm pretty sure i'm human *touches face*. Yes, I am human
@DaddyToplinson asks
Mary Louis and have butt-sex with him, please?
A - Umm, maybe let's take things slowly. *Charming smile*
@DaddyToplinson asks
Is Sign of the Times about Matt Irwin?
A - Yall shall never know.
@TroyeSivan_lover_101 asks
Do you love Louis more than I do?
A - I am 105% sure that I love Louis more than you. I love him more than everyone in this world combined.
@yaoigirllover asks
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you love Louis' butt?
A - Umm 1234567890.... oops, that is more than the scale. Sorry, his ass just means so much to me. It should be praised.
@lousbumm asks
Harry, why are you the way you are?
A- umm, baby I was born this way *breaks into Lady Gaga*
@Bri_Hernandez asks
What made you fall for Louis?
A - I think his personality, even though he is poor, he still is so giving, caring and positive. I really adore those qualities.
@yslroses asks
Will you tease Louis more, I like that?
A - Certainly, I love to tease, make him squirm under my touch.
@bellab2 asks
Do you love Louis?
A - I don't know if I love him yet, but it will be easy to fall in love with him.
@thediabolikqueen asks
Would you like to eat Louis' ass while he screams 'Daddy'?
A - *Mouth opens, salivates* Fuck me up, i'm hard at the thought.
@mikeyhisash asks
Let me be your child? Adopt me?
A - Sorry love, we aren't looking to adopt at the moment. I'm sure someone will adopt you one day.
@WardaNed asks
Who is Darcy's mother?
A - A girl named Taylor Swift. She was a good fuck, but that's it.... then suddenly she was pregnant with Darcy.
@DaddyToplinson asks
Fuck me, please?
A - Ummm. I'm sorry love - I cannot do that because Louis is my boyfriend. And boyfriends are exclusive, meaning that would be cheating and i'm not a cheater... But I a rambling.
@Hey_There_Satan asks
When will you and Louis fuck?
A - He is too innocent - He is only 16 give the boy a chance to get mentally prepared for my big ass dick. ;)
@ilovelarry1023 asks
How bad do you want to see Lou in panties?
A - Ugh so bad, ever since I bought him all those thongs really badly.
@Cassymeee asks
If you hurt Louis, I will cut your dick off and shove it down your throat?
A - Well that is one way to go.
@kayleeprivett asks
Lou should call you daddy, and you should spank him. That's all I'm saying.
A - I think I know what your kinks are ;) *whispers; dw same*
@stylinson_larry100 asks
Ever crushed on Zen?
A - *Vomits.* Did that answer your question?
@S-Fruitz asks
Describe Lou's ass?
@zen-osyne asks
Choke me with your big ass hands?
A - Ummm..... sorry, kinkiness reserved for my boyfriend only.
@WardaNed asks
What happened to your parents (I forgot)?
A - Mum is never home, she is drunken alcoholic and abusive... Dad left when I was tiny, ever since then mum had fallen into a pit of depression
@LostInBooks23 asks
What is your favourite thing about Harry?
A - I love his jokes... I don't know why. I just do.
@Lovely_251 asks
Remember that sexy dream you had? Do that in real life?
A - Oh my I would love to *blushes* Harry's cock... looks big.
@Lovely_251 asks
How many panties do you own?
A - Umm, let me think. I only have the ones Harry purchased for me, so maybe 16?
@Lovely_251 asks
Will you put on a show for Harry?
A - Oh... maybe when... when I get more confident with sexy sex sex kink thingys things.
@mikeyhisash asks
Fuck Harry and get Larry babies
A - *Eyes widen* Oh... sorry, no I-I don't think I could ever top.... i'm more of a bottom. The idea of me topping scares me.
@thediabolikqueen asks
Would you like to be pounded hard from behind by Harry?
A - *Smiles dreamily* Mmm, yes I would; the idea makes me hard. The man is just so.... so masculine... so handsome... so, I don't know the word.
@idontreallylikethat asks
Do you want to have kids with Harry?
A - Wow. He only just asked me to be his boyfriend. Let's not get carried away too quickly.
@CurlyhairedTommo asks
Why do you have the best jawline in the entire world?
A - Oh... thanks, but I think Harry has a better jawline.
@yslroses asks
Harry has a pain kink.
A - *eyes widen* How do you know? Why do you think that?
@yslroses asks
I love your Larry relationship more than I love myself.
A - to be honest, same, and i'm in the relationship *giggles*
@IshCrow asks
How much do you love Harry and Darcy?
A - I don't know if I love them... but, well, it is going to be easy to call them family one day... I can just tell
@Hatcher_0402 asks
Do you plan to spend the rest of your life with Harry and Darcy? If Harry wanted to have more kids, would you be okay with that?
A - Still early days, but... well, I love the idea of eventually getting married to Harry... sadly I have to wait till I turn 18... But Darcy is a doll; I love her. And yes, I would adopt kids with Harry, I have always wanted kids.
@TroyeSivan_lover_101 asks
Do you love Darcy more than Harry?
A - Well... I like Harry; I don't love him yet. Love is a strong emotion. But, I love Darcy in a friendly way, so yes? *giggles* I guess.
@DaddyToplinson asks
Can you get pregnant?
A - No silly, I can't get pregnant I'm a guy.
@billniall asks
Are you the sun?
A - *giggles* I'm the sun, sure whatever floats your boat. *smiles*
@LarryInPanties asks
Can I pinch your cheeks (insert peach emoji)
A - *Blushes* Sorry those cheeks are reserved for Hazza, you can have my other cheeks, *points at face*
@MichaelsLittleOne asks
When are you gonna ride that(Harry's) dick?
A - *giggles* Who elses dick would I ride.... but I think I will wait a bit longer.
@kayleeprivett asks
You have such a good heart.
A - Have you seen my doctor X-rays? *eyes suspiciously*
@stylinson_larry100 asks
Would you ever think of Darcy as your own?
A - *smiles happily* Easily...
@S-Fruitz asks
Do you plan on moving in with Harry, When y'all relationship gets more serious?
A - I need to look after my family... I am only 16.
@zen-osyne asks
Please sit on my face?
A - umm.... I scared.
@rry-child asks
Do you like your huge ass?
A - *giggles* I'm a sucker for a big butt....
@LunaQueen156 asks
Louis, all I will say is,..............Did you buy the thongs yet?
A - *blushes* Harry purchased them for me... I haven't shown him yet....
@Blue_Evergreene asks
When your family has enough money are u returning to school?
@bottomlouisstyles asks
You're a bottom, right? Like, you enjoy dick being in your ass right?
A - I think i'm a bottom... I-I am a virgin...
@Larry4infinity asks
Best Harry imitation?
A - "I used to work in a bakery."
@WardaNed asks
How old are you?
A - *holds up tree fingers* I am turning 4!
@WardaNed asks
Fav food?
A - Hmmm... Daddy makes really good pasta!
@DarkMegs asks
Do you like Louis?
A - I love Lou-Lou! He is the bestest.
@Lovely_251 asks
Do you like bagels?
A - Bagels look like your poop hole *giggles*
@hey_larryisreal asks
Why are you cutiepie?
A - Because I am made with Daddy's DNA *giggles*
Can I get your dad's phone number? Ask him, and I'll add him..... It's uh,... for Louis?
@mikeyhisash asks
You're cuuute.
A - *Giggles* I know :)
@mikeyhisash asks
Do you want a sibling?
A - NOOOO I want all of Daddy's attent
@thediabolikqueen asks
Can you be my sister?
A - *thinking face* mmm Maybe... if you buy me lots of candy... and don't steal Daddy.
@IshCrow asks
Would you like Louis as your mummy?
A - Yes! Never had a mummy.. Louis seems like a good choice.
Can I help you lead the ship to victory?
A - *confused face* What ship?
@DaddyToplinson asks
Can I kidnap you?
A- So much stranger danger in one comment section...
@phychozayn asks
Are you usually so cute and accepting to the people your daddy likes/dates?
A - Daddy never really dates anybody... only Louis.
@S-Fruitz asks
Do you have the stuffed unicorn like on Despicable Me?
A - *Gasps* I want I want!
@zialluminati asks
Your Daddy is hot
A - *frowns* Daddy does get sweaty when he goes jogging.
@chickenstuffedlarry asks
Don't be scared of the dark.
A - Too late. Sowwy.
@WardaNed asks
What is your sexuality?
A - I'm bisexual. However, I like women a little tiny itsy bitsy more.
@Lovely_251 asks
What do you miss about school?
A - I actually miss bantering with teachers.
@mikeyhisash asks
*goes down on one knee* Liam James Payne, (am I creepy? I know ur real name..... ur not a tommo ur adopted lmao MUAHAHAHA) will you marry me?
@thediabolikqueen asks
Will you get with Zayn?
A - Zayn? Louis' friend? Uuuh. Cutie... but never thought about it. My dick would split him in half.
@idontreallylikethat asks
How do you feel about Larry?
A - I'm really happy for Louis. If he is happy, i'm happy. I love seeing Louis happy; he rarely is... unless he is with family or Harry.
@GiSa017 asks
How did you initially think about Harry?
A - TBH, I thought he could be a rich, uninvolved dick - but he isn't, luckily.
@IshCrow asks
Opinion on Darcy?
A - Love her. Such a cutie. I want a kid like her.
@DaddyToplinson asks
Leeeeyumm when are you releasing your first single, the boys already did that now it's your turn.
A - *JUMPS OUT OF FANFIC AND INTO REAL WORLD* sorry bitch. I got a bitch pregnant. She my GF. I have a kid now. Too busy. bi
@LarryInPanties asks
You got a Payne Train!
A - EYYYY she knows!
@MichaelsLittleOne asks
What will you do if Harry hurts Louis?
A - FIRST. Painful sounding. SECOND. castration . THIRD. Nipple removal. FOURTH. Beheading. *smiles innocently*
@S-Fruitz asks
Do you have a daddy kink?
A - *grimaces* .... Nah
@niallsnip asks
Niall where are the sex tapes? I know you've been hiding and recording.
A - You know my secret! Oh my no! I must go into hiding now, just like I hid the tapes *wicked smile*
@Blue_Evergreene asks
Hey Niall, let's go on a date to Nandos.
A - I heard Nandos. The answer is hell yes motherfucker.
@LunaQueen156 asks
Niall get your ass over here. Your time in Ireland is up biatch.
A - But But... I like my land of Irish peopleeeee... *pouts*
@_Summi_ asks
Where are you my piece of Irish bread?
A - everywhere. I am God.
@phychozayn asks
Be my hubby? K thanks.
A - Meh. You rich? If so sure *wink wonk*
@LarryInPanties asks
You like food. I like food. Let's eat together.
A - *thinks of eating someone's ass* I'M NOT GAY I PROMISE!
@TroyeSivan_lover_101 asks
Will you be my best friend 4ever?
A - Sure, you just have to pass the friendship test. Maccas or Pizza Hut? Bitch it was a trick question, the right answer is NANDOS AND ALWAYS IS NANDOS. IF YOU SAID NANDOS... WELL, THEN WE Are BESTIES. We need a secret handshake.
@mikeyhisash asks
What is a fucking chonce?
Please search up on YouTube "what-what in the butt". You won't regret it.
A - I don't know what I just watched. But I LOVED IT!
@rachel_lyal asks
A - Hobama? Waaat?
*enters @TroyeSivan_lover_101* Yasssss
@Lovely_251 asks
How was your day?
A - shitty. School sucks, yet... poor Lou doesn't have access to it... So I shouldn't say that.
@mikeyhisash asks
If Liam doesn't marry you, marry him for me?
A - Liam? Like Louis' brother.... *raises eyebrows* I will try to hook ya up ;)
@thediabolikqueen asks
Hug me, please?
A - Because you asked so nicely *huggies*
@Hazzabooboobear asks
Can I make out with your face? Thanks.
A - Damn. Sure. Just, no sex. Saving that for someone special.
@yslroses asks
Thanks for accidently telling Harry about Louis.
A - Meh. Had to come out sooner or later. Otherwise, Louis would die having never told H.
@lousbumm asks
I think you should suck Liam's dick.
A - Well. *gulps* Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
@TroyeSivan_lover_101 asks
What did you first think of Louis?
A - Well... one word came to mind.... TWINK!
@DaddyToplinson asks
A - *puts on resting bitch face*
@stylinson_larry100 asks
Would you be Harry's best man?
A - Mmm. Maybe not, we aren't that close... I am only 16.
@_Summi_ asks
Did you know Louis has a brother? Did you know he has a 12-inch dick? Did you know you can ride that dick into the sunset??
@LunaQueen156 asks
Do ya like being rich?
A - *smirks* Yea. So much easier with money.
@giraffeloverX asks
What is your Dad's name? What does he do?
A - Dad is named Fred. He is Harry's boss :)
@chickenstuffedlarry asks
Where you at? Can we meet up?
A - Yeah baby, let's Netflix and chill. W/out the chill. <3 :D
@LarryInChurch asks
Hi, I love this book so much.
A - Babe, I love you for reading this <3
@WardaNed asks
What is your inspiration?
A - I don't even have inspiration. I am at the point in Larry Addiction Disease when I am watching television and just imagine every scenario being LouisxHarry etc... <3
@LostInBooks23 asks
Have you always wanted to write?
A - Well, somewhat yes. I have always loved writing and considered journalism. However, I don't think I would like journalism/writing as a career as behind the scenes it is all lies.
@mikeyhisash asks
I get carried away sometimes.
@mikeyhisash asks
I love all your books. They are so fluffy. <3
A - Haha. Really? I never actually set out to achieve/write fluffiness, I guess it just kind of happened ;)
@thediabolikqueen asks
This book is lit AF, how did you get this idea?
A - Well... tbh I always see your typical babysitter fic. A lot of novice writers write it. Sometimes they aren't the best... I wanted to try and write one I know I would read and enjoy :)
@idontreallylikethat asks
I love all your books and YouTube channel.
A - awww babe <3 thank you for your support. Sorry for lack of YouTube uploads. I haven't had any alone time to film.
@Hatcher_0402 asks
A - Yas bish I love Huggies *hug* :)
@lousbumm and @ TroyeSivan_lover_101 and @DaddyToplinson asks
Harry is green 💚
Louis is blue💙
I'm a larrie❤️
And you're a larrie too❤️
And I'm shit at poems 📝
Will you marry me, please? 💍
A - *breaks out into Marry Me the song*
@Cassymeee asks
Stop being so perfect. Oh and never stop writing.
A - I will always write... I might get sick of it occasionally, but I do love it :)
@phychozayn asks
What made you come up with the plot?
A - Actually, I am one of those authors that has an idea, like 'oh I want to write a babysitter Louis X Daddy Harry fic' then publishes the story without even thinking about the plot. LMAO. To this day I wing each chapter. I never have a plan :)
@haroldcumonlou asks
How many chapters is this story?
A - Uuuh IDK this isn't planned. But, maybe 30-40? Not sure yet. Just remember I told everyone Panties and Prison would be 50 chapters and it was 96... so yeah lmao. You never know with me.
@larry-child asks
You're my idol <3
A - Babe.... find another idol <3 haha i'm a bad influence :)
@SnehaNagraj asks
Ziall or nah?
A - honestly it is 1 am. I cannot remember atm.
Damn boi. I got thew it....
Hope u enjoyed some of it at least...
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