Chapter Twenty-Seven
Hope you are ready...
"Hey, Lou... are you okay? I just mean like... you have been really down lately."
Louis looked up slowly, in front of him on the other side of the table was Brock. He sighed, they were eating lunch at school - he liked Brock, he was sweet. But he much preferred Niall as a friend.
Niall was someone he could share his secrets with whereas Brock was still clueless to the heartbreak he was going through.
"Yeah, just a bit tired." He tried to smile the best he could – he didn't fool the tall boy, instead only looked more broken.
Brock returned a sad smile, using his own foot to nudge the brunette underneath the table, "don't forget I'm always here for you yeah? You're my shorty, and I'm your tallie friend."
Louis knew that was meant to cheer him up, but it only reminded him of Harry... Harry and his fucking giraffe legs.
And he never thought he would say this, but when the bell rang, he could only think the cheesy line in every high school movie ever.... Saved by the bell!
Harry smiled as he picked Darcy up from day-care and strapped her into her baby seat in the back of the car. Lately, Darcy was the only thing that could bring Joy to his world; she had just lost a tooth so seeing her little smile was warming.
Sadly, just like Harry Darcy missed Louis too, and brought up his name often, completely oblivious to the effect it had on her dad.
"Daddy remember when Louis me and you watched a movie together, and you tipped the popcorn on his head?" The little girl reminded him when Harry stopped at a red light.
The curly haired man smiled, how could he forget. He would always remember those moments... always. He listened as Darcy continued to list off memories of her and Louis, aware of Harry in the front seat, gripping the steering wheel as if it would give him closure.
Harry knew he would never have those moments with Louis again, not after what he had done; especially because of how he had acted after the incident. Harry smiled sadly, wallowing in self-pity because it was truly over.
And as cheesy as it is his heart would choose to date Louis over and over, and suffer heartbreak over and over just to be with him one more time.
But his brain would never dare lay a hand on the young boy again, not until he was older.
"Cheer up Lou, here do my maths homework. Now that that will make you feel better."
Louis giggled at Niall's light-hearted joke. Oh, how he wishes the blonde attended the same school.
"No thanks, Nialler." Louis kicked off his shoes, flopping onto Niall's double bed. He sighed, it was so comfortable. Seeing as it was Friday, he and Niall were having a sleep over... of course, he would never call it that. Instead, it was labelled 'lads night'.
"You're going to be okay, eventually right?" Niall asked sitting next to Louis, a serious tone taking over from his usual cheerful voice. Louis who had confessed everyone to Niall throughout his heartbreak pulled Niall in for a hug.
"I hope so... I just wish I had, like..." Louis bit his lip trying to think of the word.
Niall spoke up, "closure?"
"Yeah.... Exactly."
And it was true. Nothing ended officially, it was all left with loose ends, and he hated it.
Niall sighed sadly, pushing Louis off the bed. When he heard a loud thud, he laughed.
"Da Fuq blondie?" Louis groaned rubbing his sides.
"Come on, no more sad talk. Ima beat you in COD."
Louis smirked, "you're on."
It was good to finally feel free from the aura of sadness that had consumed him... even if it was only for a few minutes.
It was the following morning when Louis awoke to Niall's smelly feet in his face that Louis had a feeling something wasn't right.
At first, he thought it was the stench of the pale boy's feet... but that was soon crossed off the list when he made his way to home, and the feeling of uneasiness never ceased.
Checking his phone... he soon realised why his instincts were causing a restlessness.
He had a text.
From Harry.
'Dear Louis,
I know I have not treated you well these past few weeks. I would like to apologise for my actions sincerely. I know you deserve an explanation in person, but truthfully, I do not think I could face you knowing what I have done, and what I am about to do.
When I first met you, Louis, I suddenly believed in love at first sight, getting to know you only confirmed this. You are beautiful, both inside and out... particularly inside, and I failed you.
For weeks before we made love I had an uneasy feeling that I should have voiced but instead kept to myself. A voice, maybe my conscious, continued to tell me that you were too young and deserved better.
I don't think this is my lacking self-confidence like you would argue, but the truth. Louis, I hope you find someone your own age, someone beautiful in the inside and outside just like you. Someone without a child. Someone who can love you without fear and reluctance.
I cannot give you everything you deserve in a relationship. This is me saying goodbye; I hope you know I did truly love you. I probably still do. Darcy misses you. Thank you for bringing joy to my life, even if it was only for a few short months. I'm sorry.
PS: I have left a gift in your mailbox, it is a goodbye gift. Please accept it with open arms.
- All the love,
Louis took a deep breath, skimming over what he had just read with shaking hands and teary eyes. He didn't look back twice when he dropped his little Blackberry phone on the ground and rushed to the letter box...
Inside was a thick envelope, a huge envelope. Inside held cash, a lot of money and a simple letter.
'I hope your family can afford everything they deserve. You all deserve the world. I wish Liam and the girls luck in the future... and of course you.'
Liam came rushing out when he noticed Louis kneeling, in the middle of the garden path crying, hugging the last trace of Harry to his chest.
"Louis! What happened."
The only response he got was, "...closure."
Well shit.... It finally happened the climax.
Thanks for reading, new chapter soon!
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