
Author's Note: I now have evidence from the books that this quartet of dangerously hot guys care for Amy. Perhaps not romantically, but oh-my-lord, I'm so happy. However, this "textual evidence" is from the third series, and this fanfic is after the second series, but before the third, so timeline-wise, it wouldn't work. But I'm so satisfied. Sorry for this rant. Enjoy!

(Roshon Fegan as Jonah Wizard)


Narrator's POV

The meeting was torturous for Amy; she couldn't focus on a thing Fiske said, which was normally not like her at all. She was antsy throughout the entire thing and her restlessness earned her a handful of warning looks from Fiske. She felt out of her element - like a teacher's pet in detention for the first time - and she hated it.

Amy gave a sigh of relief when Fiske concluded the meeting, springing up from the couch with a renewed motivation to get out of the house that seemed to get stuffier by the minute.

Hamilton, who'd been sitting beside her for the last hour or so had gotten up the second the meeting ended for the bathroom. Jonah had to meet his father, so he left silently. Sinead was trying to escape Dan, who was currently immensely interested in her new invention - a re-arrangement of some random household appliance she'd gotten her hands on. Nellie disappeared into the kitchen, probably there to try out her new recipes while Fiske hibernated back into his office made man-cave. Ian was in the Cahill Center; he'd taken a liking to spy on people by watching the nearby security cameras that Hamilton had tapped into for Dan amidst their pranking antics.

Amy seemed to be the only one unoccupied, so she darted out of the mansion as calmly as she possibly could and took a deep breath of fresh air. It was going to rain any minute; she could feel the moistness of the air, and the looming gray clouds above her signaled a heavy downpour. She shuddered as a gust of wind blew through her thin clothes.

Not wanting to go back in quite yet, and suffer the awkwardness, she walked towards the gates, hoping a walk would help clear her mind. The guys' brisk shift in attitude towards her was disconcerting; they had an improved relationship after the hunt ended, sure, but the tense contrast between them kept them rigid.

They weren't ever completely comfortable around each other, but now that she took on a "better" appearance, for lack of better term, they're suddenly interested in courting her?

How coincidental.

Amy definitely wasn't used to the kind of attention she was getting and knowing it was mainly due to her newly acquired look irked her. She wasn't a complete amateur when it came to boys; after all, she did date Evan. She quickly tried to shift her train of thought away from Evan. She felt a pan of pain and guilt when she dwelled too much on him. (A/N: In case you haven't read the books, Evan is her ex-boyfriend. "Ex" for reasons I can't explain 'cuz that'd be a spoiler. But hint-hint, their break-up wasn't your typical "I don't like you no more.")

Amy was walking down the street that led from the mansion down to the neighborhood, where the shops and stores were bustling in the late afternoon. She hadn't intended on walking this far, but it seemed thinking through these things was helping her sort out the irrelevance, so she continued down the path, quietly brewing in her thoughts.

The attention she was getting from the guys flattered her, but at the same time, made her feel uncomfortable in her own skin. Sure, she wasn't any newbie when it came to attention, but she was just getting used to seeing her and Dan's face plastered on every newspaper, branded as thieves, not the kind when guys saw her as a romantic interest. Nope. She couldn't do it. No way. She was getting out of this blasted outfit as soon as possible.

All the revelation she was doing had coiled a tight spring in her stomach, and it felt like it was clenching her guts, and it was making her light-headed.

Just as she was about to turn around and start her short journey back home, she heard a shrill shriek. It wasn't one of fear, but one of indefinite joy. And it wasn't a single, lone shriek but a chorus of them. Amy couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she was getting a bad feeling. That's what a couple years of running from and to your predators does to you; a permanent sensor and radar for risky situations.

She followed the sound of the squeals and shrieks, which were getting louder and higher-pitched by the second. Anxiety stirred in her and she jogged faster down the path that led to the hordes of girls where the squeals were originating from. They seemed to be surrounding something, and the mass of teenage girls spilled over from the streets to the edge of the road, where passing cars honked and the drivers peered out their windows in annoyance and fascination.

Amy furrowed her brows. What in the world was causing such a commotion?

Her answer came in the form of a chant that grew in volume and intensity. The girls were chanting continuously, "Jo-nah, Jo-nah, Jo-nah."

Amy's eyes widened and she sighed in exasperation. Wasn't he on hiatus or something?

Amy knew that there was nothing he loved more than attention other than his music, but if he'd wanted attention, he wouldn't have asked for a break from the public. She wanted to leave and avoid the problem altogether, but she knew if Jonah became crippled from the attack of fangirls, she'd be overcome with guilt.

Amy steeped closer to the barrier of girls and took a deep breath, braving herself for the arsenal of human weapons in front of her. She charged into the mass of bodies, wriggling her way to the center, where Jonah would no doubt be wondering how the hell he was going to get out. If he had a guard with him, he wouldn't even be in this mess.

She was shoved back and glared at, but she pushed forward. Amy wondered incredulously at how impossibly hard it was to break through the bonds of these fanatics.

Finally, Amy could see the light ahead of her instead of the seemingly never-ending mass of bodies, and she broke through the last of the girls. Jonah stood there, waving and flashing his dazzling smile every now and then, and Amy noticed that the smile was definitely strained. He seemed to have spotted Amy and his features relaxed from his previous tense expression into one of immense relief.

Amy rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand in hers to guarantee that he wouldn't slip back into the hoard of screaming girls. Gasps were rendered from the girls around them, sounding scandalized at the sight of their Jonah in the hands of some witch that suddenly appeared. Silence followed.

Amy glanced at Jonah.

She said loudly enough for hopefully all the girls to hear. "Oh? I thought you were with Justin Bieber?

A louder shriek reverberated through the streets, which were now collecting a decent audience - it was a queer sight, Amy had to admit.

Amy was taking a risk. There had been no guarantee that these girls would like Justin Bieber, but that was a risk she's already taken, and it apparently worked pretty well. A chorus of a discord of voices resounded; Where? He's here? Ohmygod!

Amy acted upon the distraction; "There he is!" She pointed to some random direction, and like synchronized lightning, their heads whipped around to hopefully get a glimpse of the idol. The mass of fangirls began to shuffle forward, pushing in the general direction, each hoping to get to Bieber first.

Amy jumped at the opportunity to escape from the clutches of the fans and grasped Jonah's hand desperately and tightly. And ran. Ran like the wind. She rammed through the speculators that were dispersing now, dragging the rap star behind her. As they ran, the yells of the girls became distant; they were a good block or two away from them now, and Amy obviously had no intention of stopping any time soon.

Jonah, not in the mood to run for another hour, came at an abrupt stop, nearly yanking Amy's arm out of her socket.

"As much as I love holding hands with you, I really don't have enough stamina to run for another mile."

Amy hastily pulled her hand away from Jonah, who smiled at her flushed face.

"Besides, they're not catching up anytime soon."

Amy glanced behind Jonah's head to check the validity of Jonah's statement. It wasn't valid. The hoard of girls were gaining on them, and fast.

"Nope." Amy's response was brisk and immediate as she yet again, pulls Jonah down the street. Jonah wasn't dense, he got the hint, and they ran until they reached the stop light.

It might've seemed ridiculous that they were running from Jonah's own fans and that they were doing so as if their very lives depended on their escape, but they were and they weren't going to stop until they were back in the secluded safety of the mansion.

Jonah, on the other hand, didn't share Amy's inhibitions and just wanted to go back and give his fans a couple of autographs and pictures together and get it over with. But that meant giving up holding hands with Amy, and he was not up for that. So, he went for the next best thing; he tugged Amy before she became Sonic Hedgehog.

She turned to look at him. He fought a smile. She looked so adorably frantic. He knew his fans, they were intimidating, but what fans weren't? She was completely convinced they'd devour her.

"What?" Amy asked breathlessly.

Jonah chuckled. "We can just hide here." He gestured to the alley to the left of them. They were at the very edge of the neighborhood now, and there was a dead end sign just two blocks down so running any further would end in vain.

Amy wasn't keen on running any further either, so she dove into the alley with Jonah in tow. The space was narrow, but just managed to host enough room for Jonah to be able to stand facing Amy without sandwiching them together. If they went farther back into the alley, the minimal light would disappear.

Ever so faintly, the stampede of fans could be heard, growing gradually louder. Their yells morphed into murmurs of confusion.

"Oh my Lord, they're here." Amy muttered under her breath.

Jonah chuckled. He decided to spare her anymore fear and soothe her growing anxiety.

He leaned in towards her and as audibly and quietly as he could, said by her ear, "Chill, they can't hurt us."

Shocked by the sudden close proximity, Amy reeled back in an instinctive reaction. Too bad for her that a solid brick wall happened to be directly behind her head. Resulting in a loud thump as her head forcefully made contact with the wall. Wincing, Amy glared simultaneously Jonah, who was desperately trying to keep his laughter under control.

The sound of Amy's skull hitting the wall rang throughout the empty alley. Not so much an echo but a hollow resonation, and it was louder than it seemed. The distant noise from the fans stopped abruptly, nearly so that it was comedic, but Amy was too overcome with nerves to dwell on the hilarity of the situation.

A single voice rang out from the crowd of girls, the very group that seemed to be getting closer and closer.

"Did you guys hear that? Was it just me? No, I'm not delusional, I heard it." The voice deduced. She added in a whisper that was much too loud to resemble a whisper, "They're hiding."

Amy was mildly hyperventilating now, the adrenaline washing over her in waves, leaving her tense and convulsing as goosebumps ran down her back at the aspect of getting caught. If they found them, there really was no way out, they were trapped in this dark, stale, narrow alley.

In Jonah's perspective, this really was an absurd situation he's gotten himself into. He could've dealt with the fans himself just fine. Eventually. So, he didn't know when he'd find a decent excuse and escape, but he wouldn't have died at the hands of his fans. It was just a plus that Amy happened to come along and hold his hand and let him stand so close to her that he could smell the sweet scent of her shampoo. Honestly, that's all he remembers about the last half hour and that's probably all he'll come to comprehend.

Amy was clutching onto his shirt now, and desperately searching for an escape with her eyes. Problem was, there wasn't one. As a makeshift solution, Jonah shuffled closer to her, pressing himself closer until there was no space between them, and she was backed to the wall. They were in the shadows of the alley, and Jonah's hope was that that would be enough to cover them.

Amy's heart was hammering in her chest, and she was sure that with his close proximity, Jonah could feel the pounding. Strangely enough, Amy knew that her flustering about was not from fear that she'd be caught; well, not anymore. She could almost smell the self-satisfaction radiating off Jonah - or maybe that was his cologne. She really didn't know what was what anymore.

She glanced up at Jonah, who was nearly resting his chin on her head, and caught a glimpse of a smirk on those stupid, damned lips.

In turn, Amy darted her tongue out to wet her lips that seemed as dry as her throat. He seemed to sense the movement, and that godforsaken crooked smile spread.

"What - you wanna kiss?"

Amy near choked on nothing. Sputtering, Amy shoved Jonah back, though it didn't really do much to distance them like she intended. She glanced at the streets and deemed it safe enough to dash out - anything was safer than being with Jonah for such extended periods of time.

Letting out a breath of relief, Amy began her long journey of speed-walking back home, with Jonah not far behind, making long strides, hands stuffed in his pockets, leisurely and smug.


A/N: If y'all liked it, vote? Thank you~

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