Every now and then, the smoke seems to take shape, like something clawing its way out.
Of what? I don't know, I just know that I have to defeat it . . . expected to.
Morning came as it usually did. The temperature was just hot enough not to wear a jacket but it was safe to assume to bring one. It was, after all, just around the corner from Wintacrahdas.
Kirin rolled over in her bed, facing the ceiling of her room. Her eyes blinked open ever so slowly. Her vision was a blur and like every morning ritual, she rubbed her eyes as she exhaled deeply. She could clearly see the gray that cast out over her bedroom. Her arms flopped to her sides on the fluffy blanket and bounced a couple of times before settling. She looked at her phone that sat upright on its dock-stand and it read twelve o' one.
Finally sitting up from her bed, she combed her hair to the side when it fell on her face. She twisted herself to the edge of the bed where she sat for just a couple more seconds.
Her phone vibrated.
Kirin watched as it displayed the caller ID. Her eyes rolled as she waited for it to stop which it eventually did, but it was followed by a text. To her surprise, people still tried to call her even though she rejects all of them. She picked her phone up and read it.
Jaeger: Pick up your phone dammit!
It rang again and this time, she picked it up. "I told you that I don't like phone calls. Texting me is better."
"You think I care?" A grumbly, low voice said. "Listen, we got a mission. They want you specifically for this one."
Her heart skipped a beat. Her toes curled and uncurled and she felt her tiredness go away as the adrenaline seeped in. Did they find out?
"Don't tell me I have to seduce some old perv." She said jokingly. Her leg began to bounce. This is the end for me.
"How'd you know?"
"No, you dumbass! Just get your ass in gear. Come quick, the Father ain't happy." A click followed, leaving her no time to ask any more questions.
Kirin sighed as she threw her phone on her pillow. Jaeger was always hard on her but she knew that he did so to help her. Kirin knew he had her back and, hopefully he knew, she had his. She got up from her bed and opened her closet. Sifting through the various, but limited, outfits she had, she struggled to pick one for the job.
"Epsilon!" She said, picking up a blue, buttoned-up short sleeve. "What's today's weather gonna be like?"
"Cloudy with a chance of meatballs," a noticeably robotic female voice said with delight. Kirin chuckled as she put on the brown pants she wore yesterday. "Just kidding," it said, "it will be quite sunny until nightfall. It's nearing Wintacrahdas after all. So taking a jacket or two will be a necessary precaution."
"I might be gone for a bit," she said, grunting as she put her shoes on and tightened them, "will you be able to hold down the fort?"
"If the apartment room is what you mean by 'fort' then absolutely, Ms. Fei!"
Kirin burst out of her room and grabbed her bag, with her jacket still hung through the loop, from the couch. Instead of leaving through the window, she decided to take the door this time. She grabbed the knob and stood there as she held it firmly. She sighed and opened the door. Kirin looked both ways before leaving her room.
The coast was clear. No one walked the green halls of the apartment building.
None of her neighbors were out and about to bother her this time. She left her doorway and closed the door behind her. Quickly, she walked down the hallway and hoped that Epsilon locked the door for her. She grabbed both of her backpack straps and galloped down the brown wooden steps. Her pace began to pick up as she heard a door click. Gotta get out quick, her stride began to turn into a run, before he catches me.
The exit was in sight. Just a few more strides and she's there.
"Your payment is due, Ms. Fei." An old voice spoke from behind a newspaper. She forced a smile. "You're lucky you're part of the faction that protects this area," he flipped a page but in between, he shot a glance at her, "but I can speak with them. They're known for their integrity as well."
Her eyes winced as she said, "well, you know . . . times have been rough. Like, really rough!"
Of course he's here already.
"Don't tell me that's all you have to say, Ms. Fei." He lowered his paper, revealing his gray hair and aging leather skin. The frames of his glasses were large and his nose began to point downwards. "You've put off your payments twice, this being the third."
"Listen," Kirin said quickly. "I have a big job . . . mission . . . thing and it's going to pay huge. I'll pay back what I owe, tenfold!" She said, extending her arms out along with her fingers to represent the number ten.
His left hand met his face and a long, tired breath drew out from his lungs.
"You said that last time and you barely made half of what you were supposed to pay. And now it's 'tenfold'?" His head now tilted, his face frowned.
"Just one more chance!" She pleaded. The palms of her hands clapped and stuck together as she made a slight bow. Her eyes closed shut, praying to whatever god can help her out now.
"This job won't take more than five days. If you don't get me a payment by then, you'll be evicted. No ifs, ors, or buts. That's it, period."
"You're a lifesaver!" She yelled running out the door.
Kirin remembered the times she had to beg on the streets, steal from the men who tried to have their way with her. She fought to survive almost every day of her life. Until Merlin reached out his hand to her.
When she burst through the door, a black car was waiting outside with its window rolled down on the passenger side. A man with long, black hair that looked like an organized mess, she thought. He didn't look very happy to see her. Rather, his eyes had killing intent.
"You're going too slow for someone who's going to be late!" His voice was as firm as ever.
"You know I'm not a morning person," Kirin said as she gripped the door handle.
"It's not me who you should be saying that to," said Jaeger.
She opened the door and sat down and asked, "Has it started?" As she closed the door.
Before giving his reply, he sped down the street, ignoring any traffic rules. Other vehicles honked and swerved off the road just to avoid him. A silver monolith, glowing blue in some parts, towered near them with a highway of cars rushing past across the gravity lane. Jaeger began his ascent and once he got into the gravity lane, he pushed a button on the dash and relaxed into his chair.
The gravity lanes acted as advanced highways in the air, for any sized vehicle willing to go in them. They usually consist of materials gathered from the Fissure. Though it was a breakthrough technological advancement, they still have no understanding of what the material is. That's how a lot of the technology is in the Latteria Empire.
"Let's just say that we might get by with just a punishment."
She turned to him with concerned eyes. "Punishment? You mean, like..." scenarios flooded her mind. "Not like death or anything."
"We'll just have to see once we get there," he said with a sigh. "Why did I have to be partnered up with you?"
Kirin's eyes narrowed and her posture changed in her seat. "That should be my question."
Jaeger turned his head to her fast, his hair whipping the air. "If it wasn't for me you would've been dead by now!" He snapped.
"Well, I think-"
"That's your problem," he said, interrupting her. "You think too much. It's gonna get you killed."
"Thinking is what kept me alive!"
"Well, it didn't do you so good last time, now did it?"
Kirin tried to fight back but the train of words crashed in her throat and she never spoke. She positioned herself to face the side window, to face the city and eventually beyond it where the Silver City, the capital, lay. Its shiny silver buildings that pierce the sky at the center of the empire, each building had a similar design to the other, giving it its name. Even though the silence was peaceful, she didn't like it but couldn't do anything about it. Jaeger took out a cigarette and lit it with his black flip-lighter.
"I had to do it," she said quietly to herself.
"I know, kiddo." Jaeger said, stealing a glance at her and puffed out smoke.
As the conversation died, he turned the vehicle out of the gravity lane and back onto the ground. He then followed a dirt road that was neatly etched into the earth. The trees and brush were so thick you couldn't see around them yet alone through them. After clearing the bend, a mansion sat before them. To them, there was no knowledge of exactly how large it was. The marble pillars stood tall at the front, seemingly holding the start of the roof. The windows were just as tall but curtains were draped on the other side, preventing any person from seeing what lies beyond them. The doors were wooden and carved with fine details of a story perhaps. Pieces of metal, all varying in size, accented the etched wood.
Jaeger entrusted the keys to his car to a valet. Without saying a word, Kirin walked towards the front doors where two guards stood watch. Jaeger puffed the last of what his cigarette had to offer and put it out on the ground. He looked at one of the servants nearby and pointed towards it. With no words to be exchanged, the servants knew what was being asked of them. Jaeger then walked a few paces behind her with his hands in his pockets. She got to the door and the man stopped her. She lowered her head and one of the guards put a hand around the back of her neck and the other opened the door. Kirin looked behind her as they did the same to Jaeger.
The entrance of the mansion had the impression of a more elaborate interior. But no one was there to even guard the manor. Its dark wood interior only had servants running around. A door opened from the left side of the entrance hall and another servant told them to come into the room. A loud, yet soothing voice echoed within. Raising eerie goosebumps on Kirin's skin. Jaeger placed his hand on her back and gave a gentle push to walk with him. As they entered the room, the voice stopped. The room was no bigger than her whole apartment if her apartment didn't have doors or closets. Circular tables were draped with white tablecloths rimmed with gold edges and embroidery. Each one arranged in an orderly fashion. Everyone's attention was drawn to them.
Even the Father's.
A middle-aged man sat in a luxurious chair with his legs crossed and a cigarette in hand, a dueling cane with intricate design rested beside him. He wore a casual, fine suit. His jawline was visible from all the way in the back and his cheekbones were pronounced. His eyes were a piercing gray and he was cleanly shaven. His hair was almost white and short. Shaved all around except the top where his hair flowed save the undercut he had for a hairstyle. His head tilted back as his jaw rolled and his tongue brushed against his teeth. He looked at Jaeger and said, "Do you smoke? Of course, you do." The Father looked at the servant beside him and he bowed his head as he extended his arms to hand him a cigarette carton. "Come," said The Father. "Don't be shy. You too, young lady."
His voice was like an emotional pull, drawing her to him along with Jaeger.
"It's best not to deny his offer," Jaeger said as he made his way up to The Father.
Kirin took his word and followed him up to the front.
"May I?" Jaeger asked.
The Father didn't speak but shook the carton, its contents rattling inside quickly. Jaeger reached out and gently grabbed them from The Father's hand. He then reached into his pocket for his black flip lighter but he suddenly stopped by The Father's command.
"What kind of man would I be if I offered but didn't light it for you?" He said. The Father brought out a box of matches and quickly lit one. He held it in front of Jaeger. "Now hurry, before the fire burns out."
Jaeger put the tip of the cigarette into the flame and watched as it lit. He blew the smoke downwards and thanked him.
"And you?" He asked her.
Kirin never smoked. She couldn't bring herself to start now. "I'm sorry but I don't smoke."
Jaeger quickly looked at her with his eyebrows narrowed.
There was silence.
"You don't smoke?" The Father asked calmly. Kirin nodded her head but never made eye contact. He uncrossed his legs and leaned forward with a pause. "Are you afraid of me?" Kirin didn't know how to reply. Her next words could very well be her last. The Father lifted her chin up with his hands and made their eyes meet. "There's no need to be afraid. Not yet." He suddenly dropped her chin and signaled for them to take their seats. Without hesitation, they went.
"You've got some balls on you, kiddo," said Jaeger as he pulled up a seat near the middle.
"Whatever size they were, they just shrunk back."
The Father leaned further back into his chair and continued his speech. "We all have our parts in this story. You do, you do, you do," he said, pointing at random individuals, "and I do. How you become part of the story is up to you. Your task is to do your part or else someone, who is far better at it, will do it in your place.
"We keep the city streets clean from filth, from lowly criminals. We do business with the utmost professionalism. We. Make. Sure that the order of this city is maintained!" The Father got up from his chair and began walking slowly from table to table with his dueling cane in sync with his right leg.
"But how can you keep a city safe," he said, waving his index finger in the air and narrowing his eyes at everyone, "when said business isn't safe from the inside?" He paused and looked at Jaeger. His finger locked on to his head and eventually made contact. Jaeger closed his eyes but he didn't frown or show any emotion, just a slow exhale. Kirin sat frozen, her knuckles burning from clenching the chair too hard. He quickly pointed his finger at another man's head and in a split second a handgun appeared in his hand and it discharged a bullet into the man's skull. The sudden thud of his lifeless head dropping onto the table after the gunshot brought everyone to a sweat.
"Don't let this become you."
He began to wipe himself clean from the blood that splattered onto his face. He waved his hand, dismissing everyone. Jaeger and Kirin took the queue to leave but the Father stopped them in their tracks.
"Yes, Father?" Replied Jaeger.
"You two will be part of an important operation tomorrow. This will be the deciding
factor whether or not our family stays . . . or not."
"Is there going to be bloodshed in this operation?" Kirin asked foolishly.
The Father pressed the back of his hand softly along her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear. "This family was built on bloodshed, sweetie." He stared deep into her eyes, deep enough to pierce her mind before he turned away. He always found a way to get under her skin. "The briefing will be on the Amber Canal cabin tomorrow morning," he said very suddenly as he walked away, startling Kirin. "Don't be late this time."
Kirin watched as he exited the room until Jaeger yanked on her arm. He pulled her out of the room. Servants confronted them upon their exit and showed them to a room, in which they will stay, deep within the mansion. As they walked the halls, Kirin realized there weren't any paintings on the dark oak walls or statues, but it seemed right that there weren't. The floors were wooden, an odd pick for a mansion floor but again, it seemed like it belonged there.
The servants stopped at their room and the two entered. When the door closed behind them, Jaeger let out a very deep sigh and he threw his weight on the wall.
"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" Kirin asked as she stared at the room's interior.
"What do you mean?" He replied, followed by a shorter sigh.
"You were so . . ." she stopped talking, waving her hands around as though she's sifting through pages of a dictionary to find a word. She stopped suddenly, "accepting."
A chuckle escaped Jaeger's mouth, "I knew what I was getting into when I joined."
"That man could've been you!"
"And I'm not that man," He pushed himself off the wall and walked towards the table that sat in the middle of the room. "Anyways, we gotta rest. Tomorrow's gonna be a big day, kiddo."
Kirin began moving towards one of the beds at the end of the room, "What about you?"
"I know you're not a morning person and I need you to be sharp."
Kirin closed the curtains and cast a shadow in the room. She crawled into the bed and pulled the blanket over herself and looked at Jaeger. He sat at the table facing away from her with his arm supporting his head.
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