chapter 1:introduction

I'm writing the first chapter like a play for some parts

Narrator: today we see ash and friend's on there way to laveran city,While Sumner a pokemon ranger who know ash and his friends is on a ranger mission in Rensie. Little did they know that today will be an exciting day.

Serena:"Ash are we lost!?"

Ash:"No we're almost there"

Bonny:"but we past that tree 5 times"

Ash:"this tree is Skinner than the last one"

Clement:"maybe this will help us find our way"Clemont said pulling his invention out but when he pulled it out they stared to see two light's in the sky and heard screams from those two directions.

Ash:"Bonny,Clement u go left and me and Serena will go right"

Everyone: okay!

-This is what happens on the left side

"A perfect 10 by 10 landing"the female hero and summer oak said

The heroine older brother Matio:"everyone okay?"

The heroine friend Oichi and the heroines younger brother Justin:" yeah come on let's get out of this Forrest"

Matio: Justin u got the town map

Justin: "yeah,the way out is just over-"Justin said falling and losing the town map in the wind

heroine,summer and oichi :"u bidoof!"

they here grass and prepaid to attack

Bonny:"are u okay"

Summer:"Bonny were okay. Clement,where is ash and Serena?"

Clement:"we saw two light's and we split up to see what the light was."

Summer:"let me introduce u guy's to my friends. This is Oichi,Jessica,her older brother Matio,and her younger brother Justin"


Summer:"Come on let's go find ash,and Serena"

All: okay

(Now this is what happened on the right side)

Lucy:"where are we"

Nastu and Gray:"I don't know"

Lucy:"my key's there gone. Do we have our powers

Nastu:"let me try" "fire dragon roar"nastu said putting his hands to his mouth trying to breath fire but he couldn't

Nastu:"we don't have our power's"

"Geat"Gray said rolling his eyes.

Lucy:"Gray your clothes"

Gray: huh not again

Nastu:"Come on let's just find our way back"


They hear foot steps and turn

Ash:"Are u guy's okay"

Lucy:"yeah who are u"

Ash:"I'm Ash Ketchum from pallet town in the kanto region and this is pikachu"Ash said pointing to pikachu

Pikachu: pika(hi)

Serena:"I'm Serena"

Lucy: I'm Lucy"

Lucy:"this is Nastu,Gray,and happy"

Those 3:hi

Happy:I'm hungry

Serena:"this cat can talk

Lucy: of course he is a exceed

ash: Are u all pokemon trainer's

Lucy:"huh? we're wizard's"

Serena: Cool can we see your power's

Lucy:"we can't use them for some reason"

Serena: what a bummer

They hear rushing and turn around

Bonny: there u are!

Lucy: who is she

Ash: "this is Bonny"

Bonny: Hi this is my brother Clement

Clement: we found out that the light brought a few people with it

Summer: Ash it's you

Ash: it's summer

Pichu: pichu(hi)

Jessica: who are these people

Justin: these your friends summer

summer : yeah,guys meet Jessica,Oichi,Justin,and Matio

Serena : we need to find our way out of this forest

Lucy: hey wait a minute aren't we missing erza

Nastu,Gray: yeah we are

oichi: who is erza?

they hear a grass and turn around

"Erza"Nastu,Happy,Lucy,and Gray said

"who are these people"erza said

"I'm Summer oak,this is Ash,Bonny,Clement,Jessica,Oichi,Matio,and Serena"Summer said

"Well nice to meet you erza said

"which way is the way out of the forest"ash said while the warlords and summer look at Justin

"what"Justin said

"some one lost the town map so we are lost"Jessica said

"I know it was me"Justin said

"don't forget we are still lost"erza said

"don't worry"Jessica said

"What do u mean"lucy said and Oichi and the other warlords looked at each

Then Jessica stepted forward "now warlord transformation!.....angle flight armor"she said transforming into her flying

"Now warlord transformation"matio and oichi said

"Physic princess"oichi said transforming into her armor.

"strength armor"Matio said transforming into his armor. Matio just transformed his weapons from a sword to a large hammer and transformed into his stronger armor

"What just happened"everyone but the warlords and summer said

"warlords can use transformation" "there transformation fall under the aura knight"summer said looking at them

"just like Erza"Lucy said looking at Erza

"yeah impressive"Erza said looking at them

then Jessica got in front of the tree and matio started to get behind her and Jessica started to back flip until she got to matio who has his weapon down so she can back flip on it. Jessica backfliped on his weapon and he lifted her up in the air and Jessica landed on the highest branch of the tree.

"Jess, do u see it"oichi said

"Yeah but it's far"Jessica said transforming back to her original armor

"hold up in coming up"summer said

"ready pichu"summer said moving a few feet away from the tree

pichu nods an summer grab pichu and put him in her back pack on her waist and runs towards the tree she get close towards the tree and jumps up from tree to branch to branch

"how does she do that with out falling"Gray Lucy Nastu and Erza say with a shock voice

"she's a pokemon ranger pokemon rangers are fit and stay in shape because the have to go on intense jobs,if they are flexible like summer it makes it extra easy for them to do intense jobs"ash say and all of them watch summer jump and flip from tree from tree

"look at that human apiom"Justin said making fun of summer

"well the way u were last time u were a snorlax"summer said on the top of the tree looking down

"does that scare u any bit" Erza said

"no I been higher up"summer said looking at erza then look at the end out the forest

"that's far"summer said looking at the exit

"I told u"Jessica said

"it looks like we're going to have to fly or ride there"summer said

"but how"everyone said

"none of us have a flying pokemon or any that can carry us" Clement said

then summer gave Jessica a capture styler

summer pov

"Everyone take a few steps back!"Jessica and I said watching them walk all the way back

"now ranger sign rakiou,entie,scuine,latios,latias"we both said starting to calling legendary pokemon to our side and all the pokemon appeared in front

"pokeball go"I said and salamance came out

"wow there all so huge"all of the people that haven't seen pokemon before said"

"how are going to split this up"Clement said

"easy 2 per pokemon and I get salamance"I said walking towards all the pokemon

"Okay u might have some people that don't know how to ride u so be careful"I said looking at all the pokemon and they noded

I got on salamance and everyone got on a pokemon then Salmance Latios and latias flew up in the air and salamance and I were in front

"entice,rakiou,scuine can u keep up"I said looking at them and they nod

"okay let's go"I said and all of the pokemon took off

-sorry it came out late-

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