Chapter one
Has we go back to luminous city we're we find Ash's reporter friend Alexa has her phone started rigging she grab it
Alexa:Hello who is this
???:Hey Alexa it's me Ash
Ash:Yeah yeah I know I gone shadow and nobody seen me send two years ago
Alexa:No kidding so what's up
Ash:Do you know if your sister is in the gym
Alexa:Already gonna start your journey
Ash:Yeah you could say that I'm ready so
Alexa:Your lucky she actually is in the gym
Ash:Okay then I'll go there
Alexa:I'm coming too I want to see her reaction when she battles you
Ash:Just don't be late or you'll miss the party
Alexa:Alright see ya there
Has he finished the call
Alexa:I wonder how his looking it's been two years he has to be now eighteen well I'll find out when I see him
Back with Ash who was getting on his charizard
Ash:Alright buddy let's go the journey begins.......Now!
Has he flies high and goes to where his first opponent is Viola Alexa sister and a bug type expert after flying for minutes they finally reached the city has they land the first thing he does his look around
Ash:So where's the gym
???:Oh are you looking for the gym
Ash:Yeah do you know where it is
Has she points at the direction of it
Ash:Thank you
???:Your welcome
Has he got to the place
???:Ash your here
Ash:Oh hey Alexa
Alexa:It's been awhile hasn't
Ash:You could say that so where's your sister
???:Right behind you
Has he turns and see the person that help him find the gym
Ash:Wait your the one that guided me here
???:I sure I'm and the gym leader of this great city call me Viola
Ash:Ash Ash Ketchum
Viola:Alexa has told me a lot about you well let's how good your are in battle
Ash:Yeah let's
Has they go inside Ash looks around and amazed of the pictures she's taken of bug type
Ash:You did all this
Viola:Well Alexa help me in some of them but yeah
Ash:They look amazing
Viola:Why thank you but let's get into the real action
Has they head to the battlefield
Ref:Alright the battle between Viola the gym leader and Ash the challenger will now begin this will be a two on two battle and substitution is allowed now trainers send in your Pokémon
Viola:Masquerain give it your all
Ash:Talonflame I choose you
Viola:A fire type but don't think that if you have the advantage you'll win
Ash:I never do
Ref:Battle begin
Viola:Let's start things up Masquerain use string shot
Ash:Move around to dodge and charge with Steel wing when you get and opening
Has Talonflame dodges all the strings and then has he see that Masquerain was stoping he strike with steel wing landing the hit
Viola:Masquerain are you okay
Masquerain:Mas(Yes I can keep going)
Viola:Alright then let's keep going now use ice beam
Ash:alright body charge throughout with Flamecharge
Has he was just burning through the attack getting closer to Masquerain
Viola:Now dodge and use String shot
Has he flew up and dodge the attack she was able to stick Talonflame to the ground
Viola:Now for the finishing touch use Signal beam
Ash:We are not out yet get out with Flamecharge
Has the signal beam was fired Talonflame was able to get out on time
Ash:Now go
Has he lands Flamecharge on Masquerain has she fainted
Ref:Masquerain is unable to battle the winner is Talonflame gym leaders Viola send in your last Pokémon
Viola:Retutn Masquerain you did good
Has Talonflame lands on his trainers shoulder
Ash:Well done Talonflame return and take a good rest you deserve it
Has both Trainers return there Pokémon
Ash:Well Viola who's you're next Pokémon
Viola:My strongest one Vivillon it's time for a battle
Ash:Interesting my turn Braixen I choose you
Ref:Alright battle begin
Ash:Braizen use Fire Blast
Viola:Vivillon dodges and gold her with psychic
Has has he dodges the Fire blast her glow blue has she uses psychic holding still Braixen in straight position
Viola:Now use Solar beam
Ash mind:She trying to end it quick but
Has then Braixen eyes glow
Ash:Use your psychic and break Vivillon's control on you
Has Braixen frees herself of Vivillon psychic and then holds her has the first thing she does is put the butterfly in a string sticking her in
Ash:Ash now use Flamethrower
Has the attack lands has the dust settled vivillon has fainted
Ref:Vivillon is unable to battle the winner is Ash the challenger
Ash:We did it Braixen
Has the fox give his master a big hug after that Ash was given the batch
Viola:WOW Ash U actually didn't expect you to be this good
Ash:I had enough training but I will say the was interesting and you could have landed more hits if you saw the right moment
Viola:Well for now good luck I hope we get to meet again
Ash:Yeah we'll see ya
Alexa:Where are you plaining to go
Ash:Don't know but I'll figure something out I always do
Has he gets on charizard with Braixen in front
Ash:Alright let's get out here charizard
Has they fly away after that they landed in a forest Ash takes out his Nanodex to see the map of Kalos
Ash:Wait there cyllage City that's where we are going but for now we are gonna walking okay Charizard don't want to tired you out
Has he gives his trainer a small roar after that Ash brought out his other Pokémon
Ash:Okay everyone settle in Aurorus are you sure you won't stay out
Aurorus:Auroo(Yea don't worry about me Ash I'll be fine)
Ash:Okay Good I don't want you to die on me
Snivy:Sni(Ash where will be are next gym battle)
Ash:Cyllage city that's where we are heading
Ash:Yeah infernape
Infernape:Infer(What ever happened to team rocket)
Ash:I don't know I'm just glad there not after me again
(Hello author here if your asking where they are too well there in my he middle of the ocean nowhere near the Kalos region)
Has Ash and his Pokémon then sleep has the next morning came by and Ash woke up
Ash:Good morning everyone
???:Good morning
Has Ash then noticed another voice that is not from his Pokémon has he look to his left and see a a female figure with green hair
Ash/???:Aa who are you who I'm I who are you why are you copying me stop copying me
Has with that the other Pokémon woke up has the saw the person Ash was taking too they all got up quick and got into battle position
Ash:Stand down all of you she's not a traitor so calm down
Has they followed his orders and stand down
Ash:Okay let's start over hello my name is Ash Ketchum and you are
???:Sara Lee but why are you here
Ash:Why was I here I should ask why your here I was here first wait were you sleep waling or haft asleep when you got here
Sara:Now that you say that yeah I was very tired I was going to cyllage city
Ash:Well now that that's done so Shulin why are you going to Cyllage city
Sara:Just to see a friend that's all and you
Ash:Well I'm just a trainer challenging gym-mind:Why do I feel very hot when I'm around her
Sara mind:He does look kinda hot Wait what I just meet him
Ash:Well if you want you can come with me you know travel there
Sara:Well I have been feeling alone and the only company I got are my Pokémon so sure will go there together
Has Shulin then noticed that Ash had 12 Pokémon except of six and also noticed that the boy had scars in his neck and left arm
Has she got close to him and look at the scars
Ash:Oh does well those were when I was training my Pokémon I may have joined the training and got a little scared
Sara:A little arceus sake Ash you could have died with the scar in your neck
Ash:I know but I can't give up on what I'm aiming for
Sara:And that would be
Ash:I don't want to talk about my past I'm sorry I can't say
Sara:Well you know we are gonna stay together until we get to cyllage so you'll have to tell me that I'm traveling with a perv
Ash:I'm not a pervert but to answer your question take a site I'll go make us some breakfast Braixen can you help me
Few minutes pass and Ash,Sara,Ash's Pokemon and Sara Pokemon that are Glaceon and Leafeon has they eat
Sara:First you are a great cook
Ash:Thank you
Sara :But now your story
Ash:Well I'm going gonna say this ones so don't expect me to repeat myself
Sara:Don't worry I won't
Ash:Well it goes like this
Has he tells her his story from the betrayal to he is now
Sara:That's sad
Ash:Yeah well that's my story so now that you know I'm from Kanto are you from Kalos
Sara:You got me there yeah I'm from Kalos but unlike your story I'm just here because I want to get to my dream
Ash:Which is
Sara:To become Kalos Queen
Sara:Wait you don't know what Kalos Queen is
Ash:I have been here for only two years and that word is new to me
Sara:Well you see there things here called performers which is a competition to show your Pokémon at there cuties
Ash:Oh kinda like coordinators
Sara:You could say that but performers don't battle
Ash:I presume only girls can participate
Sara:Yeah pretty much why you thought you could go in
Ash:Oh heck no I already did coordinator and I'm only won ones and lost my second try but I think if I see one Braixen and Sylveon might like it
Sara:But aren't they for battle your Pokémon
Ash:Well yeah but they do have there personalities Braixen she always wants to look perfect and Sylveon has the spirit to battle but is still shy around people and has my other Kalos Pokémon they are ready for anything specially my six loyal and by that also Charizard and Sceptile
Sara:Are they your strongest Pokémon
Ash:Well then and greninja are in the top three but if I were in the league at the finals the other three Pokémon would be Goodra,Infernape and Aurorus seen they are the strongest six
Sara:Well I think we had enough let's pack and head on out to cyllage city
After they finish eating and they pack there stuff Ash returned everyone and Sara returned her Pokémon has they were waking together heading to Cyllage city but to get to Cyllage city Ash and Sara has to go through luminous city has after the trip they arrive
Sara Lee:WOW Luminous City looks amazing
Ash:Wait you never been to Luminous city
Sara:Yeah sadly I never got to go here Wait Ash you said you were going for the gyms right why not go to the one here
Ash:Well you see the problem is
Has the boy gets hug from behind has he turned around he saw
Ash:Hey Bonnie
Bonnie:Is so good to see you
Ash:Yeah you too where's Clemont
Bonnie:Geez big brother you got to do more exercise
Ash:Hey there Clemont
Clemont:Hey Ash Good to see you
Has they give each other a bro hug but then the siblings got there attention on Sara
Bonnie:Hey Ash who's this your girlfriend
And with those words Ash and Sara faces turned red like tomatoes
Ash Blush:Bonnie!?
Sara blush:No no no no you miss understood we are not a thing we are just friends
Ash blush:Yeah just that
Bonnie:Are you sure
Ash/Sara blush:Yes!
Bonnie:Okay so Ash what brings you here you already got four badges
Sara:What does she mean
Ash:Well you see when I was training I help Clemont take back his gym seen it got stolen by his robot and he said to challenge the gym you must have four badges at least so I accepted what he said
Sara:Well that makes sense
Clemont;Where are you off too
Ash:We are going to Cyllage city I already defeated Viola
Bonnie:Well will your here why not say hi to the Professor
Ash:Sure why not wanna come Sara
Sara:Yeah I'll come
Has they arrive at the lab they go in
P.Sycamore:Oh Ash welcome back
Ash:Hello there Professor
???:Oh Ash
Sara:Wait your Diantha the champion
Diantha:I sure I'm so Ash how have you been
Ash:Great actually but sadly I'm not here for rematch you just wait for me in your throne
Diantha:Oh I'm still waiting for are battle and how are you in controlling that bond phenomena
Ash:Me and Greninja have finally mastered it
P.Sycamore:That sounds great Ash can I see it
Ash:Sure let's go to the garden
Sara:Just hold on!
Has everyone looks at Sara
Ash:What's wrong
Sara:Can you just tell me what's going on
Ash:oh well you see I meet Diantha in my training we had a battle and in that battle I was able to unlock something that me and Greninja can do now follow me
Has they go to Sycamore garden Ash gets out greninja and closes his eyes and then a whirpool of water is show it self surrounding Greninja has the giant water then became a Shuriken that got on greninja back revealing
Sara:What is that
Bonnie:That's Ash-Greninja
Ash:What you think
P.Sycamore:Marvelous Ash it looks amazing
Sara:Well I know why it's called Ash-Greninja it does resemble Ash
Bonnie:That's why I call it Ash-Greninja
Ash:Has incredible has this is it has it's done flaws
Sara:Which are
Ash:I can feel,see and other stuff that other those that includes pain of one of us gets hurt the pain will go to the other so we are connected
Sara:Oh that sound hard
P.Sycamore:I'll show you something too come with me
Has greninja goes back to normal they all go inside has Sycamore shows him a machine with a mega stone oh and garchomp was there
Ash:Os that
P.Sycamore:Yes this a Garchomp mega stone question Ash did you ever find any mega stones in your training
Ash:Nope-mind:I can't tell him
Sara noticed child look has after that Ash and Sara left Luminous City continued there journey too Cyllage city
Sara:You lies didn't you
Ash:Well you see O rather keep my things I'll tell him another time
Sara:Hey Ash can I ask you something
Ash:Yeah sure what's up
Sara:Do you like someone but not like has a friend or family is like like
Ash:What brought this up
Sara:Just trying to change the subject
Ash:Well to be absolutely true to you yeah I do like someone but I don't know if I should tell her
Sara:Can you tell me who it is
Ash:I think I'm gonna tell you another time I'll keep you guessing
Sara:Your no fun
Has he laugh it out
Sara:Hey Ash why don't we go on your Charizard
Ash:That was the original plan but I have been using him for awhile for transport so I'll letting him rest
Sara:You really are a nice trainer to your Pokémon
Has they continued on there journey they talk,eat and even sometimes even sleep together has after a long journey they finally arrive to Cyllage city
Ash:Do you know if your friend is here
Sara:Yeah she should be here
Has both look to the left and see the girl figure running to them has she arrive
Sara:Hey Concette
Concette:Good your finally here and who's this
Sara:Oh Concette this Ash Ash this my best friend Concette
Ash:Nice to meet you Concette
Concette:Likewise Ash but why are you with Sara
Sara:Well you I kinda fell asleep right beside him and we were going to cyllage so I decided to go with him and his here to challenge the gym leader
Concette:Oh Grant
Ash:Wait you said Grant
Sara:You know the gym leader
Ash:You could say that well I'm off to his gym what will you do
Sara:Well we were only gonna talk about are performance but if you want we can give you support
Ash:That would be nice thanks
Has they go to the gym Ash was headed has the girls stayed back has Sara told Concette all the things
Concette:So you slept with him
Sara:Not like lovely but we were close
Concette:So you like him
Sara:Yeah and he likes someone too but don't know who it is
Concette:There's one way to find out tell him
Sara:Not now he needs to concentrate for his battle against Grant
Has they arrive at the entrance they head in has they look up and see a man claiming
Ash:Hey there big guy
???:That voice
Has he look back
???:Oh Ash welcome to the gym
Ash:You could have told me your were a gym leader you know Grant
Grant:What can't surprise a friend
Ash:So want me to claim
Grant:If you want there's and elevator but it's your choice
Ash:Hey don't worry I'm not gonna go easy and you know this ain't nothing after what we claimed
Grant:Then come on up
Ash:You two go to the elevator don't worry I'll be fine
(the same thing happens like in the show and Grant ask him that but now let us begin the battle)
Ref:The battle between Grant the gym leader and Ash the challenger will now begin this a two against all battle so trainers send in your Pokémon
Grant:Let's go Onix
Ash:Buizel I choose you
Grant:This will be interesting
Ash:You have no idea
Ref:Battle begin
Grant:Onix:Start is of with Rock thumb
Ash:Use Aqua jet to dodge and then Water pulse aim for the head
Has with speeds of Aqua jet he got out of the trap of Rock thumb and flew up in the air he fire his water pulse landing the hit has he lands on his feet
Grant mind:It's fast getting him in Rock thumb won't be easy but maybe I can slow it down-Onix use Rock thumb and put them around the battlefield
Ash:Buizel:Aqua jet to dodge
Has the same happens but then Ash relapsed it was his plan has Spikes of rocks are all over the area Buizel decided to charge at Onix
Grant:Now Onix use Iron tail
Ash:Chamge your attack use Ice punch
Has he got out of the water and into the punch both Pokémon clashed there attacks punching each other back
Ash:Smart move Grant now he can't go fast
Grant:Well welcome to my wall of Will you conquer it
Ash:I don't know but I will do it U always do now
Grant:Let's test that shall we Onix use Flash Cannon
Ash:Buizel use Sonic boom
Has both fired there attacks but the sonic boom was overpowered and the Flash cannon landed its hit
Ash:Buizel you okay
Buizel:Bui(Yeah I can still battle)
Grant:Use Flash Cannon again
Ash:Shit Dodge it
Has he dodges the attack
Grant:Onix follow him and use flash cannon
Ash mind:That's it-Buizel charge at him with Aqua jet and then use Water pulse aim for its mouth
Has everyone shock of what he said Buizel did has he was told and charge with the water has he got in front of Onix who was ready to fire he collided his water pulse with it has it exploded in front both of them has the dust settled Buizel was in his knees but Onix has Fainted
Ref:Onix is unable to battle gym leaders Grant send in your last Pokémon
Ash:Great work Buizel but for now rest okay
Has he returns his Pokémon and returns to his corner
Ash:Things are getting interesting aren't they
Grant:Yeah this fun but let us continue because now it's your turn Tyrunt
Ash:My turn Snivy I choose you
Ref:Alright battle begin
Grant:Tyrunt use Rock throw
Ash;Snivy dodge and use Leafstorm
Has she successfully dodges all the rocks she fires her attack which does damage has there battles continued Ash with Snivy was able to defeat Tyrunt and Grant has he was given the badge
Grant:So Ash where do you go from here
Ash:Don't know
Grant:Well then you should go to Shalour City I heard the gym leader there is strong
Ash:Then that's we're I'll go
Has he says good bye too Grant he is in the front of the site hop on Charizard
Ash:Well Sara I think we'll see each other another time
Sara:Before you go can you come here
Has he gets off Charizard and walks to Sara
Ash:So whats up
Sara:Can you close your eyes
Has he closes his eyes he then feels that something is touching his lips has he opened his eyes he see Sara kissing him passionately has he embraced her and they kiss for 3 minutes
Ash:I'll call you
Sara:You Better and time make sure no one gets you
Has she gives him a Hickey Ash hops on his charizard and flies away heading to Shalour city
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