Chapter 8: The clash against evil
Inside the sith star ship we see Green, Yellow, and Leah Pathfinder trying to find a way to get the ship back online so they can escape the sith troopers that are banging in the metal door. Soon they stop banging and start cutting the door as they hear this and Yellow ask them.
Yellow: Is there anything we can do to get this ship going?
Pathfinder: The engines are offline and not responding. At that rate this ship ain't going no where.
Green: That's just great.
Yellow: Still we need to get out of here! Dose this star ship have any weapons we can use?
Pathfinder: I think there is some blasters. Just need to find them and we can-
He then pushed a button and a door slide open behind them. They turn around and they see a few blasters which they each take and get themselves ready. Yellow and Green grabbed some blaster pistols while Pathfinder pulls out a huge blasters cannon and they make their way to the door and once there they see they are about to break in.
Yellow: So any idea how these things work?
Pathfinder: It's like a gun but instead of shooting bullets it shoots bolts. They are very hot but just take aim and fire.
Yellow: Um right.
Green: There they come.
Soon the twin doors burst open and sith troopers breached in onky to get shot by the trio following by Leah using thunder bolt on them, they fell and soon they were clear.
Yellow: Ow those things are hot!
Pathfinder: Oh try not to overheat it. I might melt your hand.
Yellow gets a bit scared and drops the blaster pistol while they climb out of the star fighter and look around to see Y/n and Darth Krahl not here.
Green: They must have battled somewhere else.
Pathfinder: Still it looks like the star fighter ain't going anyway. We need to find another way to get out of here.
Yellow: Maybe we can hack into their system and see there is another way out of here?
Pathfinder: That could work.
They look up at the control room and once there Pathfinder plugged himself into the system while Green, Yellow and Leah stay high alart while Pathfinder searches for another way out of here.
Green: Anything?
Pathfinder: Not yet.....wait......I got it! There is a water fall that we can use to escape.
Yellow: Isn't that a bit dangerous?
Pathfinder: It's either go back the same way we come from even though they might be waiting for us or jump into the waterfall to make our escape.
Green: Seems like we have no choice. Say can you find Y/n by any chance?
Pathfinder: On it.
He searches through hhe security footages and after a while of searching he finds him and tells the two girls.
Pathfinder: It looks like he's at the location where the waterfall is at.
Green: Perfect. Let's just hope he's alright once we get there.
We can hear the sound of the waterfall pouring outside as we also see metal walkways for sith troopers to walk over. At first the place seemed to be empty but suddenly the door slide open and Y/n was force pushed back, sending him flying and land hard onto the walkway.
He groan while he sees the water pouring outside as he slowly gets up while he turns on his twin light sabers while Darth Krahl stepped onto the walkway across from Y/n and the two stare at each other as the sound of the waterfall is heard.
Darth Krahl: You were a fool to come here. Alone and outnumbered, what were the jedi thinking sending someone like you to stop us.
Y/n: I told you I'm not jedi. Not anymore.
Darth Krahl: Ah so you abandon the order? It sounded like your doubting the light side and thinking of embracing the darkness.
Y/n: I may no longer apart of the jedi order, I'll never join the sith.
Darth Krahl: So be it then.
He charge towards Y/n and the two clash blades as they strike each other with their light sabers while they also dodges they strikes and blows. Darth Krahl swings his saber at him, trying to stab him or cut him into pieces but Y/n was fast and dodges his strikes and blocks them with his own and then he blocks Krahl saber strike with his first saber and then forced pushed Darth Krahl back.
He slide back but he immediately throws his light saber at Y/n but he leaps up, dodging the incoming saber throw and disappeared into the second walkway above.
Darth Krahl calls apon the force to return his light saber to him and then leaps onto the second walkway above and looks around for Y/n. He was gone as he slowly walk through the walkway while he called out to him.
Darth Krahl: You have no right to interfere our plans. Soon the galaxy will be ours once again.
Y/n: Even so I will still fight for those that are needed.
Darth Krahl: Disbite saying your no longer a jedi, you still fight for the good of others? What kind of force user are you?
Y/n: A type that follows its guts then listening to what the council or anyone else says. I'm not just loyal to the Republic....but I'm loyal to the people that wanted peace!
Suddenly Y/n leaps down and was about to strike at him but Darth Krahl turns around and blocks his saber strike. Then he swap his second light saber to his storm saber and then zapped Darth Krahl with it, making him fly back and land hard onto the ground.
Then Y/n pulls out a reality saber on his other hand and actives it. He swings the wipe towards Darth Krahl which he quickly leaps back to dodge the incoming attack and then Y/n dose a 360 and swings the wipe towards Darth Krahl which hits him on the left side of his mask.
He groan in pain while he stumbled back while he cover the cut on his mask. There was a slash mark on the left side of his helmet which made Darth Krahl made and then calls apaon the force and tear the walkway that they were on apart.
The two shake for a bit and then the walkway collapse and the two fell. Y/n managed to land onto the walkway below him while the destroyed walkway splashes into the water and moves towards the waterfall and falls outside.
Y/n sighs in relief but he immediately senses an attack so he turn and quickly zapped the charged Darth Krahl with force judgment, sending him flying back and crashing hard onto the floor.
Golden sparks appear around Darth Krahl as Y/n let's out a sigh while he stood up straight and then turns around to see Pathfinder, Yellow, Leah and Green arrive as Y/n called out to them.
Y/n: You all okay?
Green: (smile) Always. However our ship is destroyed.
Y/n: Any ways to get out of here?
Pathfinder: Yeah and you're looking at it.
Y/n sees what Pathfinder ment, since there is no choice they jump onto the water and soon they fall out of the cave and splashed at the river stream. We then cut to Darth Krahl as he is slowly waking up and slowly gets up while golden sparks appear around some parts of his body as he look over to see Y/n is gone.
He looked over the waterfall and see they must have escape which angers him so much he slammed his fist onto the ground, making a small crack on tne floor.
We see Darth Krahl and the scientists he talked to before within a room where a hologram of Darth Krahl's master appears as a hologram and it doesn't seem he isn't happy.
???: (hologram) Report?
Darth Krahl: My lord the intruders have escape but nothing important was damaged as we speak.
???: (hologram) You are a fool Krahl! You could have killed them but you have to play with them do you?!
Darth Krahl: No I.......I didn't-
???: (hologram) Enough! I don't want to hear your excuses from you. Dr Andras I've heard your research is going well?
Dr Andras: That's correct my lord! Soon we will have an army of pokemon on our side with no problems. However I need to get the test runs done and fix some errors but soon they will be complete!
???: (hologram) Good, you see Krahl at least someone knows what he is doing and how to please me.
Dr Andras smiled proudly while Darth Krahl just glare at him, wishing to slide that stupid smile off of him.
???: (hologram) Still even if that "jedi" is no longer one of hid kind, he could still be a threat for our plans. If he warns the jedi order about this then everything will be for nothing.
Darth Krahl: I will sent spy droids to locate them in the river. They couldn't have gone far.
???: (hologram) They might already be gone by then. We must draw him out by any means necessary, set up a trap.
Darth Krahl: I will make sure that would happen.
???: (hologram) You have failed me once.
Darth Krahl: But I will not fail you again. Please, give me one more chance to capture him and his friends.
His master stare at him for a bit and then tells him.
???: (hologram) Very well then but fail me again Krahl and you will be an example to those to not fail me again. Dismissed.
He fated away and the two leave the room together and walk down the halls while sith troopers walk by them as Dr Andras tells Krahl.
Dr Andras: It seems your rivalry with this force user is strong.
Darth Krahl: He defeated me twice but the next time, I'll be the one to beat him.
Dr Andras: Ah yes revenge, it take years for someone to finally gets his or her revenge. However they will fail either way.
Darth Krahl:........That will not happen.
He then turn and make his way a different way while Dr Andras smirks to himself and then mutters to himself.
Dr Andras: (mutter) And so you thought sith.
Climbing out of the river we see Y/n and the others survived the waterfall but now they are all wet now. Leah even shakes off the water off of her while Y/n looks back and making sure they were not followed by lucky they are in the clear.
Green: Looks like we're in the clear.
Pathfinder: Still we must be alart. They might sent a search party to track us down.
Y/n: Then we should move before they found us. Let's go everyone.
With that they move into the forest and try to get as far away from the area as they can. After a while of walking they set up camp so they can get some rest and the sun is about to set down for them. Soon night came and we see them in their new clothes and sat around as Yellow wraps Leah around her as she tells Y/n, Green and Pathfinder.
Yellow: (smile) Thank you for saving us. We didn't know what to do if you hadn't come and save us.
Green: (smile) It's no problem girl, glad we can help.
Y/n: So I can sense your a new trainer is that right?
Yellow: Yeah we were searching for some pokemon to catch when we were taking and you know the rest.
Pathfinder: Still there's no doubt they are going to use the pokemon on thid planet to take over this world and the galaxy.
Y/n: Knowing how powerful some pokemon are, this will cost some chaos within the galaxy.
Green: So what should we do?
Y/n: We need to slow down their progress so they will not make theie move.
Pathfinder: I hate to break it to you but there is only four...Well less of us and more of them. We're outnumbered.
Y/n: Guess so. Still we can't have this planet go inro chaos if we call in the Republic. The planet will be in ruins.
Green: So it's just us against them?
Y/n: Well gain some allies and they will help us in the fight.
Yellow: That would be hard.
Y/n: How so?
Yellow: Well you see this planet doesn't have much military force then what the Republic has.
Y/n: What do you mean?
Green: We actually had a war a long time ago. The war was chaotic, so much so most of the humans race and pokemon nearly gone extinct but luckily we survived. Still the military isn't as strong as before and only the government and police forces can only maintain order here.
Y/n: Dose that explain why there have been a lot of Tea, Rocket activities?
Green: Yeah. They made a lot of bases across the world. Still of those sith empire dudes try to make their attack right now, then we might be doomed.
Y/n: That will not happen on my watch. We will save thid planet and the life forms within. For now we should get some rest, say Yellow?
Yellow: Yeah?
Y/n: Since your might be a target for the sith empire, do you wish to be apart of us?
Yellow: (smile) Sure thing!
Leah: Pikachu!
Pathfinder: (smile) Glad to haveyou both aboard.
Yellow and Leah smiled and soon they all get some rest. Hours later Green came out of her tent and looks over to see Y/n standing in the moonlight and looking up at the sky as Green walks up to him and ask him.
Green: What are you thinking?
Y/n: Just worried about my old friends and if they are alright or not.
Green: (smile) Whoever they are I'm sure they are okay.
Y/n: I hope so Green.
Green turn to Y/n and smile at him and then hugged him which surprised Y/n as Green said to him.
Green: (smile) Glad that we met. Your one brave and kind trainer I've ever met.
Y/n: (little surprised) Thanks, your the same as well.
Green just giggled and then touch his cheek and turns his head to him and lend over and kissed him in the lips. Y/n blushed in surprise and after a second she stop kissing him as she giggled a bit and tells him.
Green: (smirk) Your my handsome trainer you got that?
He node while Green smirked once more and them let's go of him and climb back to her tent while Y/n is still surprised by the kiss. However it felt good and made his heart warm and it also made him smile a bit. He then climbed into his tent and soon he falls asleep within his tent.
To be continued...............................................
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