Chapter 5: A shipment smuggle

It has been a while since Y/n and Pathfinder have came to the planet and have gotten their pokemon team along with having Green come with them as they explore around the world, discovering many things as they travelled together. Green took on several gyms during that time and have gotten gym badges after completing eveyr gym.

They continue going around Kanto and exploring amazing things as well having fun. But one thing Y/n is concerned about is a possible Sith army here on this planet since if there is a sith Lord here along with droids stolen by the Separatist Alliance then that means there have to be a base somewhere on a planet that might attack this planet they are on along with the whole galaxy if they have ships.

Still besides all that they arrived at a city and at the pokemon centre as we see them sitting at the table and eating their foods as Y/n was looking out of the window when Green called to him.

Green: Hey Y/n!

Y/n: Yes?

Green: Do you's maybe possible that i can hold one of your light sabers just for a bit?

Y/n: Sorry but no.

Green: Aww why not! It looks extremely cool and I wanna try it.

Y/n: I'm sorry but it's not a toy to be used in a reckless way. It's a weapon that will immediately cut through anything within seconds.

Green: Still I wonder what are these sabers powered by?

Pathfinder: Kyber crystals. They're crystals but unlike the crystals that are in stores, these crystals hold extreme power within them. They are used to power light sabers and be used by a jedi and sith. Unfortunately Kyber crystals isn't easy to find in stores and only the jedis can gain access to them.

Green: So only the jedis and siths can use them?

Y/n: Well only the jedis. The siths were all killed near the end of the old Republic days and after their deaths all the Kyber crystals were now belong to the jedi.

Green: But I guess there is one still alive. How can that happen?

Pathfinder: Maybe he must have been a survivors near the end of the sith and jedi wars. Some did escape from the unknown regions and since this planet is near to the unknown region then maybe that's the reason why they are here.

Y/n: That's one possibility but I'm not too sure.

???: Attention everyone! May I have your attention please!

Then Officer Jenny and few other officers enter the pokemon Centre while everyone to her ad Nurse Joy walks up to Jenny.

Joy: Is something wrong Officer Jenny?

Jenny: We have gotten word of Team Rocket activity happening in this city. We have reports of trainers Pokemons being stolen and it's a possibility they are still around. I want everyone to not be alone and stay as a group. Is that clear!

Other trainers were worried about this and that's when Y/n stood up and walk up to Jenny and Joy and ask them.

Y/n: Please Officer Jenny, allow me and my team find them and stop them before they will do anything else.

Jenny: I'm sorry sir but this is a police business and you shouldn't-

Joy: Hold on a minute there! Can I get your name? You look pretty familiar.

Y/n: The names Y/n L/n. I think I've meet your sister a while back.

Joy: Oh yes I remember now! Your the one that took on Team Rocket and protected a village.

Jenny: So you faced off with Team Rocket?

Y/n: Not just me ma'am. Green, Leo and Pathfinder took them on together. Allow us to help you.

Jenny: Very well then. Follow me.

(A while later)

We see them at the police station as they are seen gathered with Jenny and the other officers as Jenny shows Y/n and the rest the map with circles that shows reports of Team Rocket activity.

Jenny: These are the reports of Team Rocket activities in these areas. We have been trying to catch them but they somehow escape before we even come.

Green: That's weird. It's like they know you guys were coming.

Pathfinder: Perhaps they hacked into the streets security cameras and told their troops to retreat when they see the police forces on your way.

Jenny: Yeah but here's the thing. We have no street cameras within these areas. It be impossible for them to know they are coming.

Y/n: Hhmmmmm.

Green: (smirk) What are you think detective Y/n?

Y/n: Well....I believe you may have a team Rocket spy within your ranks.

Jenny: (surprised) What?! That's impossible! I've worked with these men for years! Why would they be working for Team Rocket?

Y/n: Think about this, why all of a sudden they pull away just before you and your officers came and isn't that weird they somehow know how to avoid the officers so easily even know you and your men have been here for years?

Jenny: Yeah you have a point.

Male officer 1: Now hang on a minute there Officer Jenny! Are we even sure he knows where he is doing?

Male officer 2: Yeah I mean, he's just a trainer. How dose he know about police business and all that?

Y/n: (smirk) Well....what a odd thing to say to both police officers....or should I say....

Then he force pushed the two back which they crashed into the wall. The others were shocked by this and were about to stop Y/n when suddenly he pulled out two ID cards which float over to Jenny and she takes them and call out.

Jenny: (shocked) I don't believe it! You two are spies od Team Rocket!?

Y/n: Indeed. They have been contacting Team Rocket about your arrivals and since they know the city more, they give them ways to avoid the police.

Green: (smile) Nice one!

Pathfinder: Fantastic work sir!

Jenny: You two are going away for a long time. Arrest them!

The office take away the two Team Rocket spies as they took them away while Jenny tells Y/n.

Jenny: (smile) Must say you did a good job. With them out of the line Team Rocket are done for.

Y/n: I don't believe that is it for them. They may have plans in case these two would have been discovered. Let me see the map.

Jenny allow him as he look at the map and see all the areas have been circled apart of the docks which he points at and said.

Y/n: That's where they are. I believe they must be planning to escape by a board with the stolen pokemon.

Jenny: I'll sent my officers to heaf there right away!

Y/n: Bad idea. If they find out that the police were at the docks then they will escape. We need to do this without them knowing. Allow me, Green and Pathfinder to go to the docks and investigate it. If there is Team Rocket then we will contact you.

Jenny: Understood. We be on standby.

Y/n: Thank you.

The trio head off to the docks as Jenny watched them leave and thinks to herself.

Jenny: (thought) He's not so bad. He's also kinda hot.

(Sometime later)

It's night at the docks as we see Green, Pathfinder, Y/n and Leo on top of the warehouse with Y/n and Leo looking around while Green and Pathfinder pay some chess on the floor. Green was on her stomach, slowly kicking her legs up as she move a chess piece and then Pathfinder dose the same.

Pathfinder: And check mate.

Green: Whoa your such a good chess game player.

Pathfinder: Thank you. I was build to calculate situations and scenarios that might play out.

Green: Cool. Say Y/n, how is things?

Y/n: Nothing happening yet. Leo see you can sense anything?

He nodes as he use his Aura to sense anything but he finds nothing.

Y/n: Keep trying. They might come soon.

Green: Should we call up Jenny and tell her?

Y/n: Not yet. It's important we wait for the right moment.

Green: Okay then.

Then Leo spotted something and pointed at the gates as the rest turn and see five unknown trucks coning through the gates and driving up to one large ship that seems like a cargo ship.

They duck down as the trucks parked and Team Rocket henchmen came out and open up the back of the trucks and pull out caged in Pokemons as they started to load them up into the cargo boats.

Green: (whisper) Looks like you're right.

Pathfinder: (whisper) And it looks like they are smuggling the capture Pokemons back to base.

Y/n: We must not allow them to happen. Pathfinder messages Jenny and tell her to engage. Green your with me and Leo. It's show time.

She node as they climb their way down while Pathfinder gives in the singal. Soon the trio hide between two cargos and see a large ramp that is connected from land to ship as the Team Rocket henchmen were about to climb on the Y/n used the force and remove the ramp which splashed onto the water.

Team Rocket henchmen: What was that?

Y/n: Sorry but I afraid your boat ride has been cancelled.

They turn to see Y/n, Leo and Green as Y/n actived has Storm saber. The Team Rocket were about to throw their pokeballs to summon their pokemons whne Y/n catches them in the force and pushed them back at them, hitting their own Pokeballs at the face. Soon managed to summon a Zubats or Hitmonlees.

Y/n: Leo use Quick attack on that Zubat!

Green: Henry come on out and use sleep powder!

Henry was summoned and used Sleep powder on Hitmonlees and the Team Rocket henchmen while Leo charge at Zubat and quick attack it but then more start to charge at him.

Y/n: Leo use Vacuum wave!

He dose so and takes out the Zubats out of the sky as other Team Rocket henchmen were shocked by this and decided to escape as they leap into their trucks and try to drive off but for some reason the trucks aren't moving.

We see theie tyres were off by Pathfinder as he took them off so they will not escape. Soon Officer Jenny and the other officers came as they surrendered them as Jenny came out and tell the Team Rocket henchmen.

Jenny: You all are under arrest!

They raised their hands as Y/n, Leo, Henry and Green sees this as Green pulls up a fist pump for Y/n which he smiled and fist pumped her for a successful bust.

(Nsxt day)

A crowd of people was formed in front of the police station as they cheered and clapped for Y/n and his teams for stopping Team Rocket and returning every pokemon back to their pokemon trainers as Jenny gose on to say.

Jenny: (smile) We're very much thankful for all of your help. If weren't for you all, those pokemon would have been taking away and never see theie trainers again. You all have my thanks.

Everyone cheered even more while Y/n looks surprised since when he was a Jedi no one in the whole galaxy never cheered for him or any jedi for their heroic actions but having a lot of people cheering and clapping for them, seeing them as heroes made him smile as he turn to the rest.

Pathfinder: (smile) It seems this is the first time a crowd ever clapped and cheered for us.

Green: I may not know why but those people either stupid or blind to not see the heroic things you did.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah but we did this together and that's more important.

Jenny: (smile) So where are you going now?

Y/n: Possibly heading to the next gym so my friend there can get her next gym badge.

Jenny: (smile) I see. There is a road in East that you can take. That will take you to the next gym.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you.

Jenny: (smile) No problem and maybe you can come back someday and we might have a drink together.

Y/n: (smile) Sure I very much like that. Take care.

She nodes as the trio head off as they leave the city as they head off to their next gym.

Green: (smile) Looks like another day saved.

Pathfinder: Indeed. Now Team Rocket will no longer terrorist that city anymore.

Y/n: Still this is not the end of them. They will plot another way to capture more pokemons but we won't allow them.

Green: (smile) Yep!

Pathfinder: Indeed sir!

Y/n nodes as they were about to leave the area when suddenly a voice call out to him.

???: Hey you three.

They turn around and see a trainer walk up to them and looking at them like he wants something.

Y/n: Yes? Is there anything we can help you sir?

???: I can't help but heard that you took own Team Rocket and managed to defeat them with your Pokemons.

Green: Um yeah and what about it?

???: Well judging by what I've heard your Pokemons sounded weak.

Green: What's that suppose to me!

???: I mean a Riolu that is still in his first evolve state? That's pretty much pathetic in my opinion.

Pathfinder: You are incorrect. Master Y/n have been training him along with many of his pokemon. I even recorded if you wish to-

???: And what are you suppose to be a robot? I don't need some robot telling me what to do.

Green: Hey! He's a friend! What's your problem!?

???: My problem is that your team of pokemon are nothing more but weak. I would have taking on Team Rocket all by myself with my strong Pokemons.

Green: Why you-

Y/n: Then why weren't you there at the docks then?

???: What?

Y/n: If your team of pokemon were tough then why didn't you head to the docks or even find them by yourself?

???: (anger) What's your point?

Y/n: My point being that you said your pokemon are strong but yet we don't really know if they are strong or not.

???: How's about I'll show you by having a pokemon battle! Let's see who has the strongest pokemon.

Green: Man this guy is a jerk. Let's just leave and-

Y/n: Very well then. I accept.

Green: (shocked) Huh?!

Y/n: Tell me. What is your name?

Cross: The names Cross and I'm going to show you what my Team of Pokemons can do! Come on out!

He throws his pokeball and he summon Lycanroc with red fur, red eyes and a white pointy like hair with some black at the middle hair. Pathfinder scans the pokemon and then tells Y/n.

Pathfinder: Y/n that's a Lycanroc in his midnight form. This one is very tough. Any ideas of defeating him?

Y/n: I do. Khai come on out!

Then Khai is summon out of his pokeball and land on the ground as he let out a chuckle at Lycanroc which made it even more mad.

Cross: So you caught a ghost type Pokemon. But no matter, I'll show you what my team can do against your pathetic team.

Y/n: (smirk) All you see is power. But all I see is believing and hope.

Cross: Just pathetic words.

Y/n: (smirk) We'll see that.

Green sat down while Pathfinder is the referee as he stand in the middle as he said.

Pathfinder: Two pokemon trainers are now ready to battle. They are allow three pokemons each and who ever lost all three pokemon then one of them either lost or win.

Both Cross and Y/n stare at each other with Y/n being calm while Green wonders if Y/n may have plans of defeating Cross his his Lycanroc midnight form as Pathfinder looks at the two and then calls out.

Pathfinder: Let this match......begin!

To be continued...............................

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