Chapter 4: The sith are here?!

The sun rises on Saffron city as we can hear the Dodrio calling out one at the time while we cut to the Pokemon centre where we see Y/n laying in bed sleeping but soon he lend our a yawn and then slowly opens his eyes to see it is morning.

He sat up from bed and looks over to see Pathfinder on sleep mode and then he looks over to see Green sleeping on her bed as she's snoring lightly while she slept. Y/n smiles to  see this and then climb out of bed and decided to have a walk around the Pokemon centre.

Once he left the room he start his walk around the Pokemon centre and only stop after times to look at the paintings that were mounted on the walls as he finds them pretty interesting but he keeps on moving and soon he come across what looks like a battle ground so Pokemon trainers can either train their Pokemons or battle other trainers.

Y/n: (thought) Hmm well can't hurt to train my pokemon for a bit.

He pulls out his pokeballs and throws them into the sky and summons his pokemon team as Leo, Electro, Finley and Khai as they stood in front of Y/n as he tells them.

Y/n: (smile) Morning everyone. I know it maybe early but I believe we can train while we wait Green and Pathfinder to walk up.

They all agree whike they even show excitement which Y/n is glad. They then start their training as they battle each other in hopes to learn new abilities while Y/n helps them. They are shown to be really good at theie training as they get faster with theie attacks.

Y/n: (smile) Very good everyone! Keep up the good work!

They agree and they keep going. Y/n was just standing there and watching it happening when he suddenly felt something in the force like someone is watching him. He looks around and then spotted something in the bushes in the woods.

He can't see anything but for some reason he felt like eyes staring at him and there was a strong presence of the force as Y/n continues to look into the woods a bit as everything around him fall silent a bit when suddenly he got jumped from behind by Green while she called out.

Green: (smile) Morning Y/n~!

Y/n: (surprised) Green! You scared me a bit.

Green: (smile) Sorry about that but I can see your training your pokemon team without me. You wanna have a pokemon battle so I be ready to face the gym leader?

He nodes back he felt this strong feeling of being watched to be gone as he turn back to the woods and he doesn't feel like eyes were staring at him anymore.

Green: Is everything okay?

Y/n: No I....I thought I saw a pokemon. But sure, let's start our battle.

Green: (smile) Awesome.

They start their battle while Y/n try to shake off this feeling and battle Green while we cut back to the woods and we do see someone wearing all cloak and staring at Y/n and soon the cloak figure turns and leaves the woods.

(Sometime later)

We see them at the cafe within the pokemon centre as they have their breakfast while Pathfinder pulls out form information about the Saffron cities gym leader.

Pathfinder: Her name is Sabrina. She use psychic pokemons and her pokemon team are Alakazam, Exeggutor, Furret and Wigglytuff.

Green: (smirk) That's all? Peace a cake, I have no problem taking her pokemon team out with no worries.

Y/n: (smirk) I rather not say that Green. You may have a ghost type Pokemon but you never know how strong she really is.

Green: Yeah that's a good point.

Pathfinder: Oh I forgot to mention, she was actually feared by other pokemon trainers when suddenly she changed her ways.

Green: What happened?

Pathfinder: Apparently a trainer brought a ghost type Pokemon that....Well let's just say pulled a prank that cost her to not act like her usual self. Since then she has changed  after that.

Green: Weird.

Y/n: I wonder it was that boy who visited Lavender Town?

Green: Maybe but who cares.

Y/n: Yeah. So any plans to take on Sabrina's pokemon?

Green: (smirk) Yep! I have it in my head and I'm ready to face her! I'm all fired up!

Pathfinder: Fantastic!

Y/n: (smile) So ready to face Sabrina?

Green: (smile) You know it. Let's go!

After they pay for their breakfast they make theie way to the gym. Once at the gym they enter and it was kinda dark once that stepped inside and they look around. Soon Y/n sense a dark presence within the force but theh move forward and look around to see if they can find anyone walking around but no sign.

Green: Well this is.....creepy?

Pathfinder: Do you think we might be early?

Green: I don't think so.

Y/n find something odd so he stopped them and step forward. He then pulls out a lightsaber hilt and shuts his eyes while Green asked Pathfinder.

Green: What is he doing?

Pathfinder: That saber is called a Time saber. It allows him to foresee events before it happens.

After a while he activated his saber and suddenly red bolts fly towards the which he block with his time saber while Pathfinder get Green to cover as suddenly two circular black droids fly towards Y/n while opening firing at him but he reflected them back and blow up one and then he sliced one on half and once that Green and Pathfinder walk over and look at the two droids.

Green: What was that?!

Y/n: DRK-1 Dark eye probe droids.

Pathfinder: But those are for siths. Why are they here?

Y/n: I think the real question is "Who is this person who sent them?"

Then they heard something coming towards them so Y/n activated his saber and see a small army of red droids coming towards them and soon they open fire at them.

Y/n deflected the shots and took some out but they still march towards them while they still open firing at them.

Y/n: Pathfinder! Attack mode!

Pathfinder nodes and opens up his twin blaster cannon on his arm and open fire wt the droids. He immediately gunned them down while Y/n rushes towards them an sliced them up and the use force pushed them away which they slammed against the wall.

Once the hallway is clear Y/n bend down yo one of the droids while Pathfinder lowee his blaster cannon while Green ask him in shock.

Green: (shocked) I didn't know you can do that.

Pathfinder: I was build for many surprises.

Y/n: Pathfinder come here for a bit.

Pathfinder walks over and then he plugged his arm into the droids systems and gose through the data and after a while he tells them.

Pathfinder: This is interesting. It seems these are Sith B1 battle droids.

Y/n: Sith B1 battle droids? You mean they were made by a sith?

Pathfinder: I believe they were reprogrammed to obey by a sith and they were given now paint job to match the sith army.

Green: So what dose this mean?

Y/n: It means the site is here. But there's no way, how can they be here.

Pathfinder: Well we are in the unknown planet so it is possible this is where many siths go to hide from the Republic and the jedi.

Y/n: Guess so.

Green: So how bad are the sith?

Y/n: Let's just say they will do anything in their power to take over the galaxy. Still if there is a sith here then we have to stop him before this sith will do something horrible.

Pathfinder: Agree. Who knows how much a threat this sith might be.

Green: I'll help you guys. After all we are a team so if you go, then I'll go.

Y/n: Okay then. We should move before-

Suddenly he felt something while at the same time they here rushing footsteps so he turn while he pointed his saber and suddenly Sabrina stopped while she raised her hands.

Sabrina: Wait! I'm not your enemy

Green: (surprised) Wait? Sabrina?! What happened?

Sabrina: I was attacked by this dark cloak figure who shown to be extremely powerful psychic then mine. I tried to stop him but he was just too powerful. Now I'm heading off to find Officer Jenny so she can help me.

Y/n: No this sith is too dangerous for anyone to face. Allow me to face this sith for you.

Sabrina: Okay. He is at the battle ground, follow me.

They agree as they follow Sabrina and soon they arrive at the battle ground and once there they step inside and the place was dark when suddenly the lights immediately turned on around them, blinding them a bit and then they see the sith sitting at Sabrina chair and looking at them as he spoke in a dark tone.

???: Finally. You came.

Green: (scared) Man he's scary.

Y/n: Who are you sith?

Darth Krahl: The names Darth Krahl and I have been waiting for so long to face a jedi like you.

Y/n: I'm no jedi. Not anymore but I will not allow you to harm this gym or this planet.

Darth Krahl: How honorable of you. Gray jedi, Jedi in the end they are all the same. Doing what believes is right, dying and protect lives. But I really don't care what type of jedi you might be, I onky care on only one thing and that is battling you to he death.

He activated his crimson red saber which Y/n knows he must battle him so he pulls out his twin light sabers and get into a battle stand. Sabrina is surprised by this while her, Green and Pathfinder move back as both Y/n amd Krahl stare at each other.

Then the two charge at each other and they lend their light saber blows at each other as they start their battle.

Green: (surprised) I know this might be a bad time to say this but this is pretty cool.

Sabrina: (surprised) Agree. I never know your friend is also Psychic as well.

Pathfinder: It's actually call the force. That's how they do things a bit better then Psychic.

Sabrina: (surprised) The force huh.

Sabrina turns back to the battle to watch them battle as she finds Y/n brave and also hot as well. Still Krahl force pushed Y/n back which he slammed onto the wall and then he leaps up when Krahl throws his saber towards him but his saber stabbed at the wall while Y/n leaps out of the wall and flies towards him but Krahl pulls his saber towards him and once he catch up he blocks his strike.

Then Krahl kicks Y/n away but he managed to lands onto his feet and looks over and immediately dodges the incoming saber throws and then Y/n try to throw one of his saber at him but he use force lighting to shot it back at him but he catches it by the hilt while he was mid air and then slammed his hand onto the ground creating a force blast that sent Krahl flying back.

He slammed onto the wall but he immediately gets up and charge towards him and once close the two clash saber blades at each other and after what seems like a while of them dodging and clashing blades at each other, Y/n dodges his saber strike and then use force judgment to sent Krahl flying back and he slammed onto the wall while he dropped his saber to the ground while Y/n point his saber at Krahl's throat as the two stare at each other.

Y/n: Why are you here sith?

Darth Krahl: (chuckle) You have no idea why we are here do you? We're about to bring back the galaxy and return to the way the sith was. The new sith empire will return!

Y/n: That will not happen. I will not allow you to bring back the sith empire.

Darth Krahl: It won't matter. Our army is almost complete anyways. Once our army is complete, you can't stop us.

He then reach out of the force to break apart the ceiling above Green and Sabrina as it collapse and was about to crush them but Y/n reach out from the force to hold the ruble while Krahl make his escape as he grabs his saber and burst open a hole as he leap out and gets away.

Y/n moves the ruble away from them and turn to the hole and rush out to see where Krahl have gone but he disappeared which frustrated Y/n a bit. He climbback inside the gym as the rest rush over to him and Green ask him.

Green: Did you get him?

Y/n: No. He got away. Damn it.

(Short while later)

After they helped Sabrina repair her gym and once they were done we see them at the gym battle ground as Sabrina bows to them and tells them.

Sabrina: Thank you for saving my gym. I'm very grateful for your help.

Green: (smile) No problem. Glad we can help.

Pathfinder: Still I can't believe a sith is here. Also what did he ment by a new sith empire?

Y/n: I wanna know as well but I have a bad feeling about it. Who knows how big their army might be.

Sabrina: I'll inform this to Officer Jenny but I think you for your help. Especially you Y/n, thank you.

Y/n: (smile) No problem Sabrina. Glad we can help.

His smile made her blush a bit but then Green ask Sabrina.

Green: Say since your gym is fixed, can we have a pokemon battle so I can get my gym badge?

Sabrina: (smile) Of course. Let us begin.

Green: (smile) Awesome!

The two girls have their pokemon battle while Pathfinder and Y/n stand aside and watch the battle but the  Pathfinder tells Y/n.

Pathfinder: Sir there is something i want to tell you about.

Y/n: And that is?

Pathfinder: While I was downloading this droids programming, I've noticed that it came from a location that seems like it was a crash sight.

Y/n: Really?

Pathfinder: Indeed. Maybe this new sith must have bring Separatist ships to this planet and then blow them up out of the sky. Once that they bring any battle droids they can find and program them and have them upgraded as well.

Y/n: If that so then either they are using the droids to add that to their ranks or building a sith droids empire like army. We need to locate this crash sight and investigate it.

Pathfinder: My apologies but it seems the data I have gathered is not yet completed. But if there is an outpost we can search, maybe we can find it's location.

Y/n: Maybe. We can find one of them while on our journey but right now, let us relax and watch the battle.

Pathfinder: Yes sir.

They watched the Pokemon battle while we cut outside of Saffron city as we see Krahl climbing up at the mountain and once at top he turn back to the town and then pulls out coms device and calls out.

Darth Krahl: My lord....we have a situation.


At a unknown location in a unknown base, we see a hologram image of Krahl beside a throne with a unknown sith armor person as Krahl tells him the situation. Once he was finished his master lend out a growl like sigh and tells him.

???: Return to base as soon as you can. I would like to see you in person.

He nodes and once that ends the sith Lord leave his throne chair and walk towards the nearest window as he opens the window and looks down at something while we can see what he looks like as he look through his window and tells himself.

???: I will not allow this Gray jedi to ruin our return. Soon the galaxy will see our return and once the galaxy sees that we have returned.....we will take back our lost sith planets....and rule the galaxy....Once and for all.

He leaves the window as we look through the window and we can see a massive army on the ground. Both sith troopers and sith droids along with shuttles flying around while they are constructing something that they will show the galaxy that the sith empire has return and more powerful then ever.

To be continued.................................

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