Chapter 30: The PIA strange activity

The group are seen at the PIA building as Flint and Brock heads over to the front desk to demand to speak to someone about their gym while Y/n, Green and Zay stand near the door and looking around.

Zay: Pretty large place.

Green: Yeah. The PIA is one of the most important organisations ever made in order for gyms to be fair and safe.

Zay: Apart of the fact that both Brock and Flint gyms are close?

Green: Might be a mistake. Sometimes PIA have somes mistakes. I'm sure they will sort things out.


They look over to see the two talking to a man so Y/n walks over and step in.

Y/n: Calm down Brock. Let me handle this.

???: And you must be?

Y/n: Y/n L/n, I'm friends with brock. You are?

Michael: Michael, I'm the manager of this building.

Y/n: Listen there must be a mistake with Pewter city gym.

Michael: There is no mistake sir. I have my men suspect the gym and it shows many violations.

Brock: (angry) Like what?!

Michael: I don't have to tell you.

Y/n: Why?

Michael: Cause there is no point. Once the gym is shut down, there is no way the gym will never be open.

Brock: Check again and you can see the gym is completely fine!

Michael: Just get out of this building sir, otherwise I'll call security.

Brock: (angry) Now you listen here-

Y/n: Brock! Enough. Let's go.

They then left the building and once they were gone Michael turn and walks away. We cut to the group outside with Brock upset by this as he then ask.

Brock: What should we do?

Flint: Nothing son. With the gym close......there is nothing we can do.

Brock: No. There has to be a way.

Y/n turns back to the building which Green notice and ask him.

Green: What are you thinking?

Y/n: I sense something off about him. I have a feeling something is up with him.

Green: So what should we do then?

Y/n: We need to break into the PIA and find out why.

Zay: Gonna be risky.

Flint: And illegal. We might be arrested if we do this.

Brock: I would agree but if there is something going on then we must find out.

Y/n: Brock, Flint you two head back to Pewter City and be with your family. If we do get caught then it will hurt your family.

Brock: Understood. Good luck.

Y/n: Same.

Both Brock and Flint walk off and once gone Y/n turn to Green and Zay.

Zay: You know I'm not a expert when it comes to breaking info things......quietly.

Green: But we can't just walk away.

Y/n: Right, so tonight we'll break in and uncover something that Michael refuse to tell us.

(Sometime later)

Night came and the trio are seen sneaking to the side of the building. There is a fire exit door along with a camera mounted on top of it.

Y/n use a bit of force judgment to shut off the camera and once done the two came up to them fire exit door and Y/n use the force to unlock it at the other side.

The fire exit door opens and they sneak inside. They stumble into the hallway and make their way to the front desk. Once there Zay turns on the computer and looks through the computer.

Zay: This computer may tell us where Michael's office is at.

Y/n: Hurry.

Green: (whisper) Guys, I hear footsteps.

They then hide underneath the desk at  the front desk then a few moments later a security guard walks up to the front desk and looks around.

He shine his flash light around as he stood there for a bit then he walk away. Once gone the trip poke theie heads up and once gone Zay searches until he finds it.

Zay: Found it. His office is on the fourth floor.

Green: Can we take the lifts. Not gonna walk staircases especially since I'm tired.

Zay: Probably should've took a nap before we go.

Green: Well sorry, I just spotted a rare pokemon.

Zay: We should keep moving.

Y/n: Agree.

The two the elevator and once Y/n select a flood the elevator begins to ascent. Soon they arrive at the fourth floor and once the elevator doors open the trio look around then make their way to Michael's office.

After a bit of searching they find it however when they try to open it, they realise that the door is locked.

Zay: Damn, lock.

Y/n: Don't worry. I have a key.

Then he activated his light saber and stabs it through the door handle which the door opens and they walked in.

Green: (smirk) Some key you have there.

Y/n: (smirk) Yep.

They look around Michael's offices and seeing many fancy and viable items he has in his office.

Zay: Something isn't right here. Look at all of these items. I don't know the cost on this planet but these items looks expensive.

Green: Your not wrong. What is going on here?

Y/n walks over to Michael's desk then sees some paperwork. He picks up some and looks at them then tells the trio.

Y/n: These are contracts signed for new gyms. It seems he has been signing them.

Green: But what for?

Y/n looks at the contract and realise all of them have the same name of someone he is familiar with.

Y/n: Giovanni.

Zay: I'm suggesting he's bad news.

Green: He's the leader of Team Rocket. So does this mean Michael is working with them?

Zay: I don't think so. Judging by the contracts and the expensive items has has laying around his office, I think he's been making deals with them.

Gteen: So you think he is bribing Michael to shut down gyms so Team Rocket have his strong or top lieutenant to take their place so they can steal more pokemon?

Y/n: Sounds about it.

Y/n kept searching then he pulls over a drawer from the desk amd find some files, he picks it up and opens it to reveal secrets that Michael has been keeping.

Y/n: We must drop this to the police station at once.

Zay: You think that will be enough?

Y/n: I believe so.


We see Michael at home having his drink while watching some TV. He sat comfortably when he heard banging at the door.

Annoyed he walks over to the door and then open the door and call out.

Michael: What do you want-

Then he is greeted by Officer Jenny along with a few officers as Jenny tells him.

Jenny: Michael, you are under arrest.

She then places hand cuffs on him which he begins to panic  as Jenny drag him to the police car. She throws him in and closes the door.

Michael: No! What did I do?! I didn't do nothing?!

Jenny: Someone deliver us interesting information about your dealings with Team Rocket by making false information and shutting down gyms. You're gonna be locked up for a long time.

Michael is stunned by this as more officers arrive to search around his home as well his office and finds more proof of his corruption along with dealings with other criminal groups.

(Next day)

The trio arrive back at Pewter City and at Brock's home as they all were at the living room while Flint is on the phone with the PIA. After the call Flint inform them the good news.

Flint: They just apologise to me and will allow us to reopen the gym.

They all cheer and to celebrate Brock make some delicious foods for everyone as they all celebrate. Y/n stood next to Zay as Zay tells Y/n.

Zay: So I guess this is what we do? Uncover crime and corruption?

Y/n: Yeah.

Zay: Huh. Well this will be less fun.


Zay: But at least I won't get blown up or be shot for a while.

Y/n: (smile) Same here.

Brock: Y/n, Zay!

Then Brock came over to the two then tells them.

Brock: I can't thank you enough for what you did.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. Glad to have your gym back?

Brock: You know it. Say, how's about we have a pokemon battle tomorrow. Green told me you were stuck on an island and only train with your pokemon.

Y/n: It's true and sure. I do accept your challenge.

Brock: (smile) Nice.

Zay: (smile) I bet this adventure made you to forget about Professor Ivy?

Then Brock sulks in the cornor which Zay realise his mistake of reminding him about it.

Y/n: Can you at least tell us what happen between you and Professor Ivy? Surely you can just tell us.

Brock: Okay. I'll tell you.

Then Brock told them what happen then after that both Y/n and Zay eyes widen with surprise. They look at each other then back to Brock.

Y/n: So tge reason why your depress about Professor Ivy is because of....."that"?

Brock: Yeah.

Zay: Huh. That would explain a lot.

Green: Explain a lot about what?

Green came over and see what they are talking about. The guys look at each other and so Brock told her what happen to him and Professor Ivy and after that she has the same reaction.

Green: (surprised) Wow.......that.....somehow make total sense now.

Zay: I know right? Do you know about that?

Y/n: Don't look at me, I haven't met Professor Ivy.

Green: Still hang in there Brock.

Brock: Thanks.

The trio still couldn't believe it as they share glances qt each other and decided to not talk about it and enjoy their moment.


At Pallet Town we see Yellow and Leah helping out Mister Mime with the garden. Things were peaceful as Yellow is seen at the front when a dark figure shadows over her.

Yellow: Delia? Is that you?

She turn and her expression turn to horror while the person tells her.

???: No. Now where is Y/n?

To be continued ......................................................

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